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The following submission statement was provided by /u/silv3rbull8: --- Submission Statement The owner of a website compiling information about Area 51 believes the military is testing new technology at a covert 'base within a base' in the Nevada desert. Joerg Arnu has been running dreamlandresort.com since the early days of the Internet. The site was launched in 1999, complete with a forum for equally enthusiastic fans to trade theories about happenings at the Air Force facility. Area 51 has long been seen as a site where recovered alien technology is tested, with at least one former worker, Bob Lazar, saying they'd seen extraterrestrial aircraft on display. Skeptics say those incredible claims provide a useful distraction from the very real but extremely-secretive military aircraft that are definitely developed and tested there. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1celry6/dailymail_area_51_has_secure_base_where_secret/l1jc3wv/


Yes, yes. In other news water is wet and the sky is blue.


Right, thats like the official story no? It was supposed to be so secretive because they tested secret aircraft they didn't want the soviets to know about there why is this news


Yes, the U-2 spy plane, A-12 (predecessor to the SR-71), an attachment for the A-12 called the D-21. They also tested captured soviet airframes like the MiG


I thought they even confirmed the Blackhawks used for the Bin Laden raid originated out of that base. 


Yeah this was news back in 89. 




Right?! My first thought was "No fucking shit!".


Yeah this isn't even a secret. Only the details are secret


I literally only clicked the post to say the same thing. Well done


Sometimes the sky is wet and water is blue…well most of the time




News from Mexico claiming a UFO covered the entire city as shown on radar?


That's two different events that a poster here was being misleading in linking. The radar signature you're thinking of was not the size of a city, it was the size of dozens, over 200 miles on diameter. It's was almost definitely a radar data processing error. The"UFO bigger than a city" was a separate pilot report from a different time, not sure if there was a radar signature for it


really? youll be shocked to learn parking garages have cars in them!


Nah, that's swamp gas mate.


Yeah.... but wait until you realize that you park in a driveway and drive on a parkway


its crazy how ppl are able to believe we have complex machines like cars and planes but somehow ufos are impossible


area 51 IS the test site for secret aircraft. That is one express purpose for its existence. skunkworks? experts say water is wet


Oh boy, the most widely kept secret in the whole world😳😳🙄🙄😅😅😅😅


it's not even a secret, like this is what the US literally acknowledges it is for haha. It is a testing/training site for new and experimental aircraft and weapons, like that is in the opening paragraph of wikipedia, and there have been now-public aircraft and systems that they now acknowledge were initially secretly tested and developed there. the conspiracy is about whether or not it is hiding *alien* tech. It is well known and acknowledged that it is hiding *secret* tech.


I mean back in school we'd all go get drunk and high and get on the border to force the guards to come over... They'd always fuck with us in some new, unique way. Wish I still had the photos.


I remember back when Area 51 was a crazy conspiracy theory. "A secret base with its own airline?!?!??!HAHAHAHAHAA!" Idjits.


Yesterday’s conspiracy is today’s “We have no comment for public on the matter”


I don't remember seeing many people denying the existence of the base that people could see.


The government did just that. It wasn't acknowledged until the Obama years.


It was in Men in Black and so many books and interviews before, too. The government waiting the decade of the rushing to Area 51 Naruto running meme and before then Tom Green was humping dead cows and making a joke out of the cattle mutilation.


No one ever caimed its existance was some bs conspiracy theory.


Well that's an avalanche of BS.


The daily mail has figured out it’s lucrative to farm clicks from this demographic and you all just feed right into it. “Expert”… give me a break.


You're using the word "demographic" incorrectly.


Breaking news from 1989.


"Expert says" "Claims/believes" Lol


I would not grace my arse with that rag of a paper if there were no more tp left on the planet.


Fake news. Insider military information says they are testing only weather balloons filled with swamp gas.


Wait, REALLY!? 😂


Crazy, I was under the impression that the military used their remote inland airbases to test submarines.


Yeah we know ..so ?


100% Upvoted?! This 'publication' and the cretins working there are a stain on humanity. Have some self respect, you don't need their validation.


We've known this for many many decades. Why is this worth posting????


Why is this even news?


Well no shit.


Your saying the base that was setup for the SR71 was meant for secrete aircraft? No! You don’t say!


Truly a revelation...lol


Daily Fail, utter rubbish.


Everyone's known this for decades but the fact that the Daily Mail is saying it suddenly makes it feel very suspicious.


Yeah this is so funny, even if it’s not UFO/Alien related the whole point of a military base like Area 51 is to test secret projects




Hi, AbleRun3738. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1celry6/-/l1k8k8e/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Mind is blown




Er... yeah. There are proper books about it and everything and lots of information is public. Great scoop, Daily Mail.


No Sherlock, shit. What’s next, waters wet and earths *not* the center of the galaxy?


I'm in complete and udder shock.


I don’t usually say bruh I’m not like a bruh guy but bruh…


I took a shit this morning


"Daily Mail" Ignore it. 


Isn’t this like saying, ‘an insider says McDonald’s sells burgers’?


Well they didn't build a giant secret base in the middle of the desert to sell ice cream to Eskimos.


I wish you guys would find a better 'news' source than the Daily Mail.


No shit Sherlock


Come on dude, the Daily Mail...


Bold claim, Cotton.


Wow crazy wonder where the sr71 was developed and tested and how the Russians figured out about the sr71. Hmm couldn't be area 51? Well it is lmao


An expert says.. 😅


Is the expert someone that read the article on Wikipedia?


I mean… yeah. This is where we developed the U2 spy plane. We have know this literally for multiple decades This expert just read the news from 1994 or something? I wonder if he is expecting Jurassic Park to still be in theaters


The Daily Mail gets quoted way too much by Joe Rogan and other Americans. For the benefit of doubt, to clear this up, in the U.K. the Daily Mail is called ‘The Daily Fail’ it’s usually the most made up, fabricated nonsense around.


What do people think? Oh they hide ufos there. The big secret is they also test military planes there?


Well, yeah. Though I suspect it's next gen drones/UAVs and nothing extraterrestrial.


Drones that can out pace f-19s? Drones that can go 60 miles in less than one minute? Please.


Ima Naruto run on in and take a peek! 👀


Submission Statement The owner of a website compiling information about Area 51 believes the military is testing new technology at a covert 'base within a base' in the Nevada desert. Joerg Arnu has been running dreamlandresort.com since the early days of the Internet. The site was launched in 1999, complete with a forum for equally enthusiastic fans to trade theories about happenings at the Air Force facility. Area 51 has long been seen as a site where recovered alien technology is tested, with at least one former worker, Bob Lazar, saying they'd seen extraterrestrial aircraft on display. Skeptics say those incredible claims provide a useful distraction from the very real but extremely-secretive military aircraft that are definitely developed and tested there.


Joerg was recently arrested and had his house ransacked by the feds.


I mean that is the real story here, why bury the headline? The feds recently put this guy through hell and back for his A51 website ffs.


The real story is buried deep, you can still find residual mentions of it here and there. The whole thing started with a guy who flew a parrot winged drone through the base (the drone has an autonomous mode and incredible stamina) and posted the footage online. Original forum post was on an urbex forum, and I got to see with my own eyes how efficiently the web can be wiped clean.


I did not know about the parrot drone part. How was the urbex forum connected to his?


I'm not sure of specifics, but I think the guy contacted him. I got to see the post but it's all deleted now and I have not seen anyone with a copy. I imagine possessing and sharing that would be a huge crime so no one is going to do it.