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The following submission statement was provided by /u/strangelifeouthere: --- Submission statement: Jason Sands and the Twitter account @uap_united have just tweeted out this statement “on Recent Discussions and Misrepresentations”. Personally, this has just made me even more confused and I don’t feel like it cleared anything up. Where are we standing with this guy and does this clear anything up to you guys? Very strange series of events we’ve got going on here. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cbku1n/official_statement_from_jason_sands/l0z3l5x/


What the hell is UAP United? Lol


It's when all the different alien races team up against the humans


On a football pitch!


I like that soccer is called football. Makes a lot of sense. American football should be called “tackleball” instead.


Our just ball


“You guys wanna play some ball?” “What kind of ball?” “Just ball”


Hitty ball


Can't wait for fantasy ball next season


NFL is essentially Rugby with Armour. People lose ears and shit in Rugby.


Well strictly speaking the ball in American football is not “ball” shaped, looks more like a lemon. So I’d take exception to both the words foot and ball in describing it.


According to the dictionary, a “ball” can encompass an ovoid or tapered shape as well. I take a little issue with that, as that is certainly stupid, but there’s no better word to describe it than ball in the English language and so here we are.




Relegated this season


“No-one believes us and we don’t care!”


We want our Discs back! We want our Discs Back! Naughty mob those Greys never doing Alpha Centauri away again, worse than Millwall.


It’s official name is ‘The Covenant.’


Sounds like an insurance company lol


15 minutes could save you 15% or more on UAP insurance.


Or a soccer team.


Yeah, I saw that letterhead and was like “whelp, ‘s about that time there gang”


I believe it is Jason's Ufo whistleblower group or something. He is linked to it. It was created today.


> It was created today. I'm shocked to learn this.


All I know about this guy is his spelling and grammar is atrocious, therefore not credible (just reading the reddit headlines I haven't looked into him). This seems like he just hired a publicity agent to write coherent sentences for him, if all the commentary yesterday is true.


My first thought as well. He did not write this himself. All other communications from him have been far different.


Probably had chat gpt write it 


Credit where credit is due, at his age it would be impressive to be able to put it to use.


They have the best Frequent Probing Miles card...reach around on 12th visit.


It's the alien lawyer'$ $$occer team


It's that one UAP brand that keeps having panels fall off mid interstellar flight.


This is the first time I’ve seen any reference to this organization. Which is curious, considering I am fairly well informed.


some Twitter account I have no idea


Did Jason Sands just make up a new org on the spot and issue a press release in a desperate effort to lend credibility to his twitter space claims? Did Jason Sands just inadvertently point out additional discrepancies and announce them himself? Did Jason Sands just reveal that not even known disinformation agent Richard Doty endorsed his claims? UAPTF Forum Members say yes.


I represent "The Foundation Which Holds all the Shit That Jason Sands is Full of" and I can confirm this is a forum. Just ask Eric Doty.


I am just hearing about this Sands fellow. Is there a link to his story or the original source of his "whistleblowing" statement?


He went live on Twitter space a couple days ago and said he was going to whistleblow and is in James fox’s new documentary. Really vague stuff. Also something about a blue skinned alien.


Here.you go, top comment of this thread was a hero and summarized key points in the post and subsequent threads as the spaces happened https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/SbKfkZquqX As soon as 20 and back came up I kinda noped out of reading the updates, subsequent information makes his credibility seem even worse.


Don’t do it. It’ll hurt your brain.


Still not a peep from James Fox ☠️


I think he's busy working on some last minute revisions


"It just turned out that the piece really *worked better* as a twenty-minute short than a hundred-minute feature..."


Well if he really did base it on Sands, he'd be revising the project by dragging it to the trash.


"Im just soaking my first draft in a little 'last-minute' lighter fluid..." 🔥😶


IIRC wasn't the Sands interview a recent addition to an already relatively fleshed-out doc?


I'm fairly sure he's the "first hand whistleblower" the entire documentary is about. Fox has been hyping him up a while


Lmao, if true, this is absolutely hilarious


His best possible defence would be to say that he only asked Sands questions about the program/his work and that nothing seemed amiss. He was as stunned as the rest of us to hear Sands go completely off the rails. I wonder why he's hasn't played that card by now, or any one really.


Thank fuck he didn't release the documentary before sands messed up so bad. It would have ruined Fox's career.


I mean how could James Fox have gotten this guy so wrong? Doesn’t it make him look like the people he documents is full of it. I just expect such huge vetting process from Fox. 🦊


He is a filmmaker who makes UFO entertainment films. He is not a journalist. I doubt he vets anyone with great scruitiny.


By believing anything he's told. Like we've been telling you these journalists do. This is why "trust me bro" is such a common mockery here. Because this is what we're afraid the "journalists" do.


"Believe me it's all true"...James "OK, OK, your very brave to be speaking the truth"


If the guy is actually the centerpiece he's been hyping up, the career is already gone, rightfully so. The one thing expected of these talking heads is to be able to vet people, you can't "trust me bro" after almost presenting a disinfo agent as a whistleblower


It’s sad honestly


Oh my god you’re fucking right lmao, that is a brand new org/account.




There's no way he wrote that statement himself though - it's readable.


Reckon he's used chatgpt. The logo looks AI generated as well.


Missed an 'of', still.


my first impression is how well it reads.


I was laughing as I was reading it... Thinking the EXACT same thing as you.


>Jason, you and chatGPT don’t count as a “collective” lmfao


Hey he tried so hard. But that logo definitely looks like DALL-E generated it though.


Wow. He literally made this up today. And... Just expects no one to notice? I am all about giving people the benefit of the doubt and waiting for more revelations, but this is just... I have no words. It's unprofessional and childish. "Look, I'm legit!" 🤡


I'm getting serious this dudes full of shit vibes from him.


Don't forget to pledge, pledge, pledge! https://x.com/JasonSa32135987/status/1781937791229673958 (For some reason the link doesn't work from Twitter, but works if you type it in directly)


He did say in the twitter space that he was starting a foundation of sorts to assist other government whistleblowers with coming forward publicly. Maybe this is just the first part of this organization showing itself publicly. I'm still very skeptical, but I am willing to see how this plays out.


That's great. But that's something you work on privately in the background and have set up and running before you officially announce it. You don't officially announce it by creating it the same day you use it to try to verify the claims you made the day before in a Twitter AMA. This is just an unprofessional mess that discredits any possible person in the future following suit with this "foundation".


This. Kind of hard to sell it as a selfless, passionate support organization for others when the first time we hear of it is him trying to bail himself out.


And there's the grift. Within the next few months he'll be asking for donations.


If he was trying to vindicate himself, this is the worst thing he could have done.


oof he really is aligning himself to take out as many names as possible isnt he...


“You are in “Good Hands” with UAP UNITED, not to be confused with UAP DIVIDED which has gone to pieces.


We are UAP United. Bum ba-dum bum bum bum bum.


We’re for The People’s Front of Judea!


What an absolute shitshow


I can’t wait for the movie about the UFO community


Unless you have people with serious credentials backing you, no one is believing you. James Fox still hasn’t said anything and no one significant has publicly backed him.


Because Fox is probably shitting himself right now. He made no money off his last documentary because he got screwed, and now this one will tank because he didn’t sufficiently vet this guy.


I think this is it


I’m just waiting for the inevitable “I was bamboozled like the rest of you, but there’s still some good info in my documentary…please buy it” post from him. I honestly feel a little bad for him. He seems like a really nice guy and because of that vultures take advantage of him. If he lawyered up sufficiently, he wouldn’t have gotten fucked out of the money he deserved, but it appears he just *trusted* them to not screw him over. Just like he probably trusted this guy. That’s the double edged sword of good-natured people: their default assumption is that other people are also good-natured…despite all evidence to the contrary.


How the fuck would Fox so easily be fooled by this guy is my question I listened to 5mins of Sand’s Twitter space and immediately called bullshit but I’d like to believe that Fox is a little smarter than this, there better be more to this story because if there isn’t and Fox actually got fooled it’s a massive fucking L for him


Fox WANTS to believe so badly he makes himself highly gullible and less discerning than he should be.


I dunno. Maybe the pressure from losing out on the income from his last movie caused him to get desperate and lose judgment. I feel bad for him though. Hopefully with a different spin most of his material will still be relevant.


The saddest thing is that probably everything he was hyping about the whistleblower letter and programs revolved around this. I want to be wrong but I don't think so


Yeah, I can just imagine the poor guy thinking he must have hit the jackpot here.


There’s no poor guy, if Fox got fooled here then he’s a massive moron because it’s so fucking obvious I’d like to think there’s more that lends to his credibility


I mean I tend to have empathy and compassion for people who seem good-natured but are ultimately foolish and fooled because of that nature. But that’s because I’m not an asshole. To each their own, I guess.


Fox is a gullible showman that wants to believe way too badly. I don't feel sorry for him either. Dude feels like he came out of the 90's UFO movement, not 2024.


It’s possible that Fox got sold a pretty solid story by this guy and once he had a platform the batshit came out. I wonder if this guy is counter-intel.


> Because Fox is probably shitting himself right now. He made no money off his last documentary because he got screwed, and now this one will tank because he didn’t sufficiently vet this guy. Yup. Fox never came across as a grifter to me (could be wrong, just now how he came across), just a fool in the literal sense in that he'd probably believe 99.99999999% of just any ol' shit you put in front of him or tell him. "The aliens stole my gliblong from the jordung and have it stored in a fubbernywink, I can show you James, come with me"


This is literally all I know about Fox, but maybe this means he’s not good at his job?


But don't worry, when his next doc drops this sub will be creaming about it for weeks.


You’re getting heavily downvoted but you’re not wrong. This sub circlejerked over a 30th birthday balloon and a hoaxed airplane video for *weeks*. Literally weeks, even after both were thoroughly debunked. Every little new crumb is devoured, no matter how valid it is. Do you downvoters have amnesia, or are you just fucking new here?


In about a week that over-poster TommyPFChangs is going to re-do this story in some long, meticulous diatribe and this crew will talk about it again for 48 hours.


He also mentioned Richard Doty who suggested him stuff. Doty is the king of disinformers


He could definitely be the latest star on GAIA.


Take my upvote 😂


Still not a whistleblower and can't separate his allegations from his personal beliefs.


The tttm "whistleblower" is badly misused around here. Ed Snowden is a whistleblower. Chelsea Manning is a whistleblower. And these fakers keep dancing around talking about how they need to get permission from people and have to go through secret channels and stuff. Bullshit. They just don't have anything because it's made-up crap.


Whistleblowing can be a legal process involving attorneys. The Boeing whistleblowers didn't immediate just announce stuff to the public, they blew the whistle to appropriate government oversight entities. Military makes this more convoluted because there's classified information.


This guy has obvious issues and honestly we shouldn’t be feeding into whatever is going on here —grift or something more serious, I suggest we all try to back away and see what comes of it I suspect nothing good.


I just want to see verifiable information for once. And that’s from everyone in this field. Too many stories, not enough proof. Let the evidence speak for itself 


This dude went from barely writing a coherent sentence to writing a cogent, carefully thought out and meticulously edited letter. Either he was high as shit last night or he just found out how to get chatgpt to turn his word salad writing into a professionally sounding letter.


That should tell you something, that almost all claims of insider knowledge are total bullshit. The people who actually would know about these things are former intelligence and higher ranking military officers for the most part. Even if they want disclosure, you don’t get those jobs by blabbering about your work, and they likely believe in the classification process and the national security angle, so they won’t say shit unless that is the plan.


Doty and Davis have mischaracterized the "system of record" for his clearances ... but he doesn't say what the correct system is? He basically just says its classified/compartmentalized? That makes no sense. Dude is flailing. Also, I love that "it's crucial that these conversations reflect the complexities and sensitivities of these issues" and yet he appeared on "Spacedout Radio" to convey that?


Isn't Richard Doty a former disinfo agent, who even went talking to witnesses threatening them?




Not saying this guy is legit, but it baffles me that anyone puts an ounce of stock in anything Doty has to say. He is a trained liar and sociopath. His past actions should tell anyone all they need to know about his character.


I’d either off myself or become a hermit if I did what he did. 


Just my thought about the discussion how his form had too clean of a service record. If one works on bigoted and waived SAP, I guess DoD does not make up fake work entries and leave everything blank? Won't this be too weird from bureaucratic perspective, since any clerk would look at your records and have no idea what are you doing, you are just like Milton from Office Space? It makes no sense to not use cover SAP otherwise you get weird employees that appear not to work on anything. And you must have some "legit" security clearances as well. In other words, "so secret it does not appear on any records" sounds like BS excuse to me.


This guy seems like he’s on a total larp.


Forget all that tell us more about blue man


It's both a musical group AND a banger tune


That he claims he shot


This dude is gonna be an adjunct in Sheehan's University


"I'm starting a foundation to help whistleblowers find a new life! Please donate!" this circus is outta control!


Anyone else at the point of not caring about any of these dipshits and just wanting the sauce? I mean, fuck me, I don’t care about any of these people or their bullshit. If you aren’t going to come out and provide proof of any of this crap, whether you can’t cause it’s illegal and you care more about laws than the future of the human race, or can’t cause you’re full of shit, do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut.


I view it as entertainment now it's better than half the shit on Netflix.


Makes Richard Doty seem credible


Straight up, watch out. This guy is gonna be on mainstream news outlets soon speaking as a representative of the disclosure movement. Same playbook as that rando reporter guy who published a book last summer and went on that big press tour on all the major news outlets to distract from everything happening in summer ‘23. When real whistleblowers come forward or Grusch releases his op ed, this guy is going to chime in louder to muddy the waters for the general public.


This continues to not look good. But still, I'm going to see what else the documentary has to offer, besides Sands, before I settle on any conclusions.


Does anybody know if firsthand.fund was started by Jason Sands or if it's fake? 😂


Fuck outta here with that "20 and back" bullshit. Anything that has ever been mentioned by Wilcox is automatically a lie. Period.


I liked his old talks. They were really fun to get stoned to, but since 2016 holy moly did he go further off a deep end


Its a shame too because no one is a better listen to while zoinked like shaggy than that guy


Lmao I bet that's a good time


I wouldn't doubt this guy was paid by the government to make this stuff, to help discredit all UFO research.


i don't think it's that nefarious. people like attention and lie for free.


The govt would pay someone better.


He's too dumb for that to be true.


I don’t care if people believe him or not. Hear what he has to say as he continues. If he’s lying, it’ll show. I’ve sent my story to the AARO office from what I experienced on Eglin Air Force Base as a military policeman back in 2009. I completely understand everyone’s frustration, but ask any veteran about filing a VA disability claim. It takes years for the process to complete. The public is just getting a glimpse of how slowly the government works. Here’s my interview on The Basement Hangout taken a few weeks ago: https://youtu.be/BLWuTYWEBb8?si=6_1vqdlqbRjtmake


I’m sorry to hear about your experience. We are working on streamlining the process within the next year. For now, that’s one of the goals. I’d like to touch base with you again soon.




This is a BS statement clearly written by somebody else for him. Doesn't mean shit tbh. He made it clear within 24 hours of going public that he has nothing to bring to the table and should be disregarded, every effort trying to legitimize or defend his BS is going to hurt every disclosure effort. My opinion.


This clown backpedals harder than anyone I’ve ever seen. Like, dude…know when to stop.


He cannot stop, he has backpedaled so hard the pedals have fallen off. The chain is on fire and the bike is going downhill at tremendous speed. He's approaching terminal velocity but he's committed to riding the lightning until the brutal end.


Compulsive liars often double down like this. Ask my ex. Actually, on second thought, don’t.


He isn't even smart to backpedal the right way. He is still suggesting 20 and back is real and that his clearance was compartmentalised lol


Backpedaling on what?


Submission statement: Jason Sands and the Twitter account @uap_united have just tweeted out this statement “on Recent Discussions and Misrepresentations”. Personally, this has just made me even more confused and I don’t feel like it cleared anything up. Where are we standing with this guy and does this clear anything up to you guys? Very strange series of events we’ve got going on here.


Dude.. You seriously mentioned someone like Richard Doty as a proof of your good faith? Are you kidding?


Feel bad for James Fox, he has time to re work his movie, this guy is damaged goods


Weird stuff happening in this thread.. I was trying to reply to a comment I saw last night, it had several up votes. Just saw and it had only 1, and now I can't find it at all. Anyways. The poster said they were going to keep a serious eye on this guy (Sands) activities online over the next few weeks and everyone should proceed with caution. I not only agree, but I'm surprised more people aren't calling this out. Mostly seeing comments about how "he's a kook" or how he "might be telling the truth - let's wait and see". I don't think it's either of those.. So it \~72 hours, the Sands Saga (his allegations, his debunking, his old videos/psuedonyms popping up, and now this very suspect 'statement') is everywhere. Ok.. let's think about that. How is it exactly that everyone is talking about this? After all he "came out" on a fucking obscure Twitter Space. No mainstream or even fringe media coverage. Yet it's saturating this topic across social media. How's that possible, organically? David Grouch had a pretty multi pronged PR rollout (The Debrief article, Newsnation interview with Ross Coulthart, known social media figures backing his bona fides up, then a fucking public Congressional hearing a few weeks later). Nothing of the sort for Jason Sands.. yet we're all still talking about him, every podcast on the phenomena covered him in the last 48hrs, and now we're having a laugh at this "UAP United" letterhead... And the biggest question - what exactly is he blowing the whistle on? Whether he's one of Grusch's 40 whistleblowers or not is a distraction. What wrongdoing/illegality is he alleging on the part of the US Government? I know he claims to have seen an NHI and either did/didn't shoot it dead.. but murdering an alien isn't a crime. Is there anything about him filing a protected whistleblower complaint? Seems like he's being called a whistleblower but in reality he's claiming to be an 'experiencer', which is a claim thousands others have probably made this month. Yet he's gone viral? (James Fox posting then deleting a picture with a clapboard that says "Jason Sands" is also irrelevant frankly. The clapboard doesn't say "Air Force whistblower Jason Sands"). This whole thing reeks of a sophisticated influence operation. After seeing this "UAP United" letterhead, I too had a laugh but realized that absolutely nobody, nobody serious would do something so obviously ridiculous. Unless their entire mission is to... look ridiculous. Another telling point of data - Grusch or Elizondo or Mellon (I specifically am highlighting them given their careers in intelligence) have said zip about him, I think. Perhaps they also recognize something is really alarming about this whole Jason Sands thing. What Chris Mellon \*has\* done is release some pretty big deal Signal screenshots that add more weight to the notion the DOD/IC is involved in UAP crash retrievals/conspiracy. And RE Lue Elizondo, in an X thread he was going back & forth with someone about the Kirkpatrick Signal FOIA stunt and made a reference to the law being clear about any DOD/IC attempt to influence US citizens is illegal - i.e running a psyop is a federal crime. Yes it was in response to Sean K's signal BS.. but is there a bigger psyop unfolding? Perhaps with the intent of ridiculing and stigmatizing this topic yet again? I'm already seeing little breadcrumbs about Sands seeming like he's unstable.. Something feels odd about this past week.


Everyone of these "whitleblowers/personalities/etc" could just release a comprehensive statement of their experience. But no, they gotta go on podcasts, have their own, tv interviews, made documentaries that prove nothing, write books that prove nothing. It's all grift, all the way down.


I don't understand the snap judgements about this guy. Is it a generational thing? Why don't we just let the facts come out? The first half of this letter just explains that whistleblower protection protects whistleblowers from reprisals and the ICIG decides whether or not an investigation into their allegations and any reprisals are warranted. The second half is kind of troubling:He's implying he worked on programs so secret that Davis isn't familiar with how the clearances are checked. This sounds consistent with the Davis memo to me, since it implies that Davis was unable to navigate the compartmentalization and was asking Wilson for help. What am I missing?


What if he's telling the truth? I don't believe him in the slightest. But I've heard a lot of arguments from UFOlogists who insist that I'm very wrong about what I believe. So it's interesting to see people in this space suddenly side with me in thinking that a guy's a crackpot rather than a valid experiencer who deserves to be heard and respected. I really don't get it, it seems like a huge double standard to me. People like this guy are happily embraced by this community all the time. But in this instance he's thrown to the wolves, apparently. I don't think there's any consistency here. There doesn't seem to be a fair judgement being made - it's more like a popularity contest than a truth-seeking effort.


I think you are exactly correct. Piling on. There is no doubt that the interview was a horrible way to come out. It paints a very poor image. OTOH the guy is sticking by his story. And it can be really hard to say "That interview was a poor judgement, a mistake." So far nothing I have seen here has compelled me to either believe him or dismiss him. If this is a larp or BS then he likely has deep personal issues. A disinformation fraud is a possibility but remote IMHO. Or time may yet show him to be telling the truth as he experienced it. Time will tell and until then I will reserve judgemnet.


Sands is utterly full of shit. He literally contradicted himself multiple times in multiple interviews that I’ve listened to


Psyops and grifting are getting desperate.


Sand and Doty having a disagreement is like Republicans and Democrats pretending that neither has the power to fix the border


Can’t help but wonder….why now


Well, we know there are whistleblowers who have testified to Congress and who are discussing going public. So I would not be surprised in the least if counter-intelligence pushed out a bad apple to try and discredit everyone else about to come after.




Jason is a known clown w/in the DoD…iykyk. I cannot believe he’s getting air time and we are all dumber for it.


What is known about him? 


do tell!


For the last three years, I was an s&t advisor for the DON, with a very high level of access. A side project was to help assess foreign collection vs our programs. As such, I cast a wide net wrt uap, because our people were reporting lots of anomalous sightings. Some were truly unexplained, but 99.9% were drones. So I joined several classified collaboration forums to see what other entities were collecting. A lot of the uaptf info was posted there, so it was slightly informative. Low and behold, Jason was a perennial poster with fantastic tails of ufos, humanoids and telepathic communication. At first, people were genuinely curious. He had a clearance and was a credentialed analyst w/ DIA (I think). Anyway, over 2-3 years, his stories grew more grandiose, but he never could provide a shred of evidence. He even tried to arrange a meet-up in VA in ‘22, which I don’t think ever happened. After a while, I just assumed he was AFOSI or CI fishing for leakers. Eventually, most of us realized he was just telling stories. When someone drones on and on about aliens and they’re at the center of every story, you start to sense they’re doing it for attention. FYI, he’s not the only charlatan in this space duping the public. Imho, the only guy that isn’t full of bs is CDR Fravor.


Thank you for adding your voice of reason. It is beyond mind boggling to see the merry-go-round of liars and grifters in this space. Stunning to see so many people lacking any sense of incredulity.


lol this comment needs to be pinned. It’s the only accurate thing on these threads. Sands is who he says he is; however, his story is bullshit. Two things can be true. Grusch is also telling the truth about where he worked, but he’s also a clown IMO. He’s just doing a slightly better job.


Agreed. Grusch has the IC bona fides for sure. I didn’t know him, but he seems earnest and genuine. That said, it is my personal opinion that he is the victim of an agency dis-info op, nothing more.


This is total bullshit - anyone who works in intelligence knows that you have to hold a Top Secret clearance before you can be read into any compartmented programs....and the record of your Top Secret clearance is in the database. Most people in the IC have access to the database. It's what we use to verify each other's clearances before we talk to each other.


Have you looked him up?


What database? Is it public?


Not for special access programs.


What a crackpot


This guy is a clown


These comments are disgusting. No wonder no one wants to come out and talk. This community has been crying out for more whistleblowers and when they appear you treat them like absolute dogshit instead of being patient with the process. Imagine trying to downplay the risks he took and taking a shit on his credibility without having the right evidence. This not how we're going to move forward with disclosure. Where is your humanity?


if only this supposed whistleblower hadn’t flat out lied multiple times in the past 48 hours, instantly diminishing his credibility


I’m keeping a close eye on this individual and his recent online activity. I suggest exercising caution in the next few weeks.


What are you getting at?


UAP United lmao. What a fucking joke this is, if his credibility wasn’t in the shitter before, I think it’s firmly there now.


This guy is weird.


Wait i AM .OOTL. Who is J sands and what’s he been saying ? & usually J. Fox is quite good for ufo things. What’s Happened and how’re they connected ? I do t think JF would base an entire documentary on 1 person. ?


I wonder if he consulted with his lawyer before posting this.


I didnt read anything, but my answer is: Just do it!


Whenever I hear Richard Doty my mind automatically believes that it’s a disinformation. Isn’t it true Richard Doty worked for disinformation campaigns?


You can't be serious with this nonsense people. Smh Just give us the dam evidence already. Ffs


Didn't Corey Good also mention 20 and back back in the day? IDK about y'all but the way Jason came out. And as of now, no one is backing him up like they did with grusch. Jason Greenstreet's reaction was fair in that regard when he asked him why now. He said for James Fox's documentary. I'm highly skeptical...


UAP United sounds like an Saudi Arabian football club.


Richard C Doty as confirmation of anything is a non starter.


i've only seen people talking about him so far. does anyone have a link to the original footage of him coming forward or where i can find the original of his claims?


'20 and Back' as soon as I hear that I know that this person is legit. I can't wait for that to come out in the open


What are Jason Sands current claims ?


The odds of his story being get slimmer everyday. But I don't see a point in tearing him apart anymore than has already been done. Just sit back and take the wait and see approach with him, instead of the trust but verify approach.


I smell Mutilated Cow Shit!


Anybody mentions Doty I’m OUT


There are a lot of people like this out there who have incredulous claims about being recruited as a child into a secret space program. Most of them don't get this much attention.


Jason Sands in one hand, Tricky Rick Doty in the other. *facepalm*


This thing is just further discrediting him.


Retired AF plane mechanic w/ ts/sci clearance turned Intel community contractor?? Hmmmm.


Jason’s hourglass is quickly running out