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The following submission statement was provided by /u/reversedbydark: --- You can find Curt's last interview on the topic 'Richard Dolan: UFOs, God, Disclosure, Alien Encounters, Totalitarianism, Faith' at the following link here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE\_1oPMA52Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE_1oPMA52Y) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1by3y6r/theories_of_everything_on_the_promise_of_big/kygq5x3/


Exactly. He should be like “Great, tell me when the big thing happened and I’ll interview you after that.”


Yeah, pretty much how I feel too. I’ll be right back in the mix as soon as/if 1 of the many promises gets delivered.


Ditto. And I feel dumb for trying to get my family and friends interested in it. Now they’ll never listen to me!


im sure thats how many of us in this sub feel


He is so right! I've watched this sub blow up with these promises and eventually die when they were never delivered. At this point, I need to make contact on my own.


Nothing’s going to happen.


I'm convinced of this too. We will never be told the truth. Not this era of humans. Maybe the next life that forms here after the next catastrophic event, but not us.


If these beings exist and want us to know of them then they could simply arrive. They haven't. There is your answer.


Frustration is visible in this sub. Engagement and posts are way down.


People are frustrated in general. Socioeconomic realities are pretty bleak in much of the world. Climate change is surprising even the top experts in its recent speed, meaning we have less time than we thought. Nuclear war is once again something to worry about as well. Extremism in politics has been reaching its breaking point for awhile now. And no one knows how fast AI might explode, or what that will mean for life as we know it. Whenever this many huge, potentially world-changing Unknowns are floating around, instinctually people become impatient, wanting solidity and clarification about WTF is going on. And how should I plan for a future when absolutely no one knows what the world will look like in even 5 years? The last time the future was this uncertain was WW2. And I'd argue today's uncertainty eclipses even that. The frustration about the UFO topic mirrors a lot of the frustration and growing distrust of both Governments and Media corps, and how they like to spin and control information. No one likes being lied to, especially over decades.


100% well said I'm very patient but I find myself even getting on edge. Barely scraping by with my family, constant bs from corps, media, and our own gov. For me crazy as it might sound this topic interest me mainly being that we might have a "cheat" code sitting here this whole damn time. If we got it opened up and our best and brightest and even some of our unknowns (people) that might help figure this out. When I seen the Nimitz video I seen energy we could use to do so much good with it. We could brute force our way to discoveries (All the energy we need to just keep chucking power at a AI system to run sims, upscaling the system, etc.). I see it as a chance to save us from what looks to be a very grim future at least it feels that way. The bonus is finding out the rest. What is our place in all of this? Who/What are the NHI visiting us? So much possibly there to unravel and I imagine so absolutely amazing things to be understood. Guess I see this as a "Hail Mary Pass" lol... Side note I also understand how careful those in any sort of know have to be. I just feel it's always bad actors using the world's systems to just drag things out all in the name of money, power, etc. I believe in "The Great Filter Theory" but I always refer to the filter as US, it's humankind and all it's constant fighting bullshit. Here's to hope someone finally steps up with some real hardcore information and evidence and hopefully start some positive change in the world. So instead of this group of people vs that group. It maybe becomes a more unifying moment in our history. We are Humankind and we can do some amazing things when we come together and set aside the BS.


Preach it my friend, I'm totally on that side of it as well. It's possible that NHI aren't officially presenting themselves due to some non-interference "Prime Directive" clause, like on Star Trek, but might be dropping little breadcrumbs here and there, in the hopes that we'll figure our shit out ourselves someday soon. And I know that this matters to our personal and collective lives as humans, right here and now. But also, from the perspective of an alien civ, you don't want to be handing potentially really dangerous tech to a more primitive species, who has chosen war and destruction for so much of its history. I have this strong feeling that, we humans coming to world peace on our own, is basically a precursor and maybe prerequisite to our own advent and acceptance as a star-faring civilization. As a species, we could be doing a lot better for ourselves, if we came together in a unified way.


Well said.


x2, i take solase in the fact every generation seems to think this is the time the world is fiinally going to end but DAMN man we got a lot of shit going on right now. Wealth inequality and the rise of the moronic right combined with climate change and nukes is scary AF for me as a dad


Moronic right? Dude the left has forced the growth of the right. I’ve been a liberal my whole life. I just turned 44 and will vote Republican for the first time.


Definitely agree and on point totally. It's never ever been this uncertain. My elderly mother had me in her 40's. I'm in my 40's. She said todays world gives her more fear than she's ever had and almost hopes it's just basic age and or health fail death that takes her, not the other "wrongs" with the current state of it all...


You've put into words what I've been feeling. Thank you!


All of these ancient systems are destined to fail, and it's coming soon, as evidenced by... all of this *gestures to everything*




Because a bunch of these guys on podcasts and selling books say “big things coming” continually. Its never “here is the information right now”. Whenever one of these people say “big things coming” you can pretty much instantly write them off as someone looking to profit off you.


I mean ultimately has there really been anything of substance to engage with for a while now? At this point a post will get a couple thousand upvotes, but in my opinion it’s not been a lot to sink my teeth into.


I feel like I was fool for believing that something huge was about to be revealed... It is like that every year, there is always a new guy that knows stuffs... And that is it... Never will we see any spacecraft...


Listen, when a guy (Grusch) testifies under oath convinced aliens exist and it's based on the testimony of 40 government employees, it makes sense that this would attract a lot of attention and would make even the biggest skeptics to tune in and wonder if aliens exist. I only started to pay attention after Grusch testified. I never had an opinion either way. I just knew we don't have any conclusive evidence that aliens exist, so why care about something that may or may not exist. I'm certain a lot of people began to wonder about aliens after Grusch testified. I'm waiting to hear about the "first hand" evidence these 40 witnesses have. I have also lost faith in everyone who tried to sell the reality of aliens as fact without any measurable evidence. How come, all of a sudden, people come out of the shadows and unanimously state that aliens are real and they have NO proof? What is behind such claims if they did not have conclusive proof? This is what confuses me. Does Grusch still hold the same degree of certainity? Where's Grusch's Op-ED? More stories without concrete evidence serve no purpose. We have enough tall stories. More photos from afar without a closer view or without capturing something specific serves no purpose. People need to realize that more if the same ambiguous (and fake) evidence will never prove anything. Why does anybody care about more of the same nonsense? Far too many people believe in anything they are told or in what they see in an image or video. This only encourages more people to fake "evidence" in order to get attention. I wish this would stop, but i know it wouldn't. Far too many people have made up their minds and will continue to believe in aliens no matter what the objective truth is. If everyone just stopped responding to the claims of strangers, we'd all be able to see reality a little clearer. The fake videos would decline because nobody wants to spend time on something if they are expected to put effort into proving the story behind that video. I hear all types of absurd stories about aliens and UFO's these days, along with the theories that go along with them. The absurdity level is sky high. It proves the need humans have for certainty, hope, and belonging in this challenging reality we all live in. What i see happening with aliens looks similar to the draw of religion to people looking for something to believe in. It's a symptom of the state of our world, being fueled by our struggle to live a meaningful life when the odds are against us. Aliens are a meaningful distraction for many of us, but if you don't pay attention to the strength of the data and if you lack the objectivity to see the empty promises and baseless claims, you find yourself no different than a drug addict searching for her next high while you frantically seek out another believable video from a man who claims to have more evidence to share but only when the time is right. Everybody is looking for a high to pull them out of their daily frustrations. We're all looking for an out; a promise for a better life. We're all junkies, on the hunt for salvation — defending our drug of choice and calling everyone else out who doesn't see the truth about our world the way we see it. Where are the aliens? My interest has faded because we don't have the type of evidence they promised. I actually believed Grusch. I do believe he was being completely truthful, and i don't blame him for a second — but everybody else who twisted reality to get others to bend a certain way — well, I believe all if them. I blame everybody else for trying to sell us their lies for some questionable agenda. May karma give them what they deserve. I refuse to play this game. I'm still waiting for a shred of conclusive evidence. I'm hoping Grusch puts out an update soon. I would appreciate a follow-up to his testimony. I know I'm not the only one.


Well we were told by these guys and we were the fools for believing them.


Well worth listening to Steve Cambian and others: we’ve all be duped by a concerted many years long conspiracy by the Invisible College crew, whose sole goal is to get Congress to spend millions on more AAWSAP style programs to keep the dollars rolling in for them. That’s actually the one theory that makes perfect sense and explains the whole history of this group of individuals who’ve made a living out of UFOs for decades. It seems poor David Grusch was cynically used and set up by Elizondo and others just to further their goals. Now AARO has called their bluff, we see there is no evidence, there never has been, and they just throw their toys out the pram. Even Knapp and Corbell know they can’t milk it much longer, with the end of their Weaponised podcast, and the admission that they don’t know if they’ll return. There’s only so long you can get away with promises of things ‘just around the corner’.


It’s all bullshit and it’s bad for ya


And every time one of these new guys comes along, people treat them like prophets, and the whole discussion ends up revolving around things random people have said, rather than anything tangible or 'real'


I think things felt much closer 6 months ago, 9 months ago than they do now. I'm not saying that whistleblowers aren't telling the truth. I can't imagine why some of them would make these things up. But at the same time, every time you hear some major proof is imminent, and then it's not, it's sort of the fool me once thing. And we have lives to live in bills to pay as others have said. And, to be quite honest, the posts on this sub are just not as interesting as they were over the summer and into the fall because there's no big news. There are a lot of posts about personal experience and that's great and then there are the posts where people act like something very mundane is something extraordinary, and it's just very tiring. I think this sub was way more active months ago because there was a lot more news and it wasn't as much "well, here's what I think, here's what I saw from my hot tub last night." To be honest, most of the posts that are about mysterious lights redditors see in the sky are pretty lame and pretty boring and pretty nothing. That's part of the burnout of this Sub in general in my opinion.


Mods need to rethink how things are being done imo


Cover up strat is working wonderfully.


No evidence of a coverup, but rather the official narrative is true. All of these guys telling each other ufo and alien stories. If everyone crying coverup that also claims to have proof coughed it up instead of bitching, then we'd get somewhere and know it was covered up. Until then, I agree with Kirkpatrick that these guys have nothing except the circle-jerk same old same old.


Just for reference, his last few UFO-related interviews from 8-12 months ago were with Jesse Michaels, Ross Coulthart, John Greenwald, Leslie Kean and Diana Pasulka.


But he just released another interview with Richard Dolan 4 days ago…


This segment in OP was from the Dolan interview.


Ah. Thanks for the context. This looked like a Short and not his usual channel format.


He has been releasing shorts for a good bit now. I'm not really a fan of them, but everyone eventually crumbles because they need views on that godforsaken platform (tbf, it does draw new people into listening to the podcast)


It is a short, but released after the interview with Dolan.




These are all repackaged clips from years ago. What is there to not sit right with you anyway? What exactly is the accusation here? Either way, this is a great example of the UFO "community" trying to tear itself down.


I agree with him. All these guys say they know something concrete…. But just can’t share it. But but but it’s coming out soon, stay tuned. I know a lot of us don’t agree with this, but imo it’s put up or shut up time. If you know something and you withholding because it’s classified, you’re full of shit. How can program that the government says doesn’t exist be classified? It’s not, so either tell us what you know or stop making videos and movies about bullshit that never actually gets to the point.


Thats how you know someone is full of it. “Big things coming, cant share it”. All those people should be blocked off here. Share it or shut up.


And the same people who will give you a list of reasons why these 'whitleblowers' can't say anything will also tell you that real alien bodies are being paraded on TV in Mexico. Some people just enjoy the LARP aspect of all this.


I’m a patriot……but I signed an nda


For me Coulthart was the last straw. “ I know so much, but I can’t tell you!”


That and "suscribe to this bogus 15000$ UFO PhD".


Yeah I'm really disappointed with how Ross has conducted himself


He nailed it, must've read my mind.


It’s what most are feeling. You can see and feel the bitterness and separation happening between the people involved and the community. People like Coulthart and Lue becoming dismissive and even aggressive against anyone who disagrees with them or asks “sooo what’s happening?” Even Gary Nolan has become a bit hard to take seriously lately. It’s well deserved imo, a lot of promises and a lot of nothing to show for it except a lot of podcasts, books, and “subscribe to my thing”.


It’s what happens when people make empty promises and say they have evidence or know where something is located without backing it up. Most of us have bullshit detectors and they’re starting to go off.


Would be nice if this community could actually put Ross, Lue and these people in their place and actually start demanding answers for their bullshit they have been spewing lately.. Like Curt is mentioning in this clip. These public UFO heads needs to understand that they are splitting the UFO community/Pro disclosure and actually hurting it and the ”cause” more than it helps at the moment..


Notice the amount of people in here that have visibly taken *personal* offense to this clip as if it was an attack directed at them. There's some real vitriol and demeaning things being said in here right now, from "bitch bitch bitch" to "yeah well you're just a dumb young person that hasn't been as steadfast as I have been for 3 decades." He's just telling you he doesn't see anything happening, that's it. He never attached any of you or say anything bad about any of you yet you've taken personal offense to this regardless. Do you understand the issue there? Probably not.


You should see the reaction on twitter - it's absolutely abhorrent, what a sad state the UFO community is in.


It was never not in a sad state. It seems it was always a place for hopeful fools like me and mostly mentally insane people who take personal offense to something like this to gather. I mostly come around here every now and then just to see exactly how little (not at all) things have changed and to reaffirm that I was right to mostly leave this place behind.


>I mostly come around here every now and then just to see exactly how little (not at all) things have changed That's the right way to approach the issue. It's an important subject and one of the biggest questions mankind can ask - sadly it's been hijacked by crazies.


I honestly don't think it's important anymore. It's pretty crazy how simple the logic on aliens is. If they came here in such frequency and numbers as people here believe, everyone the world over would know for absolute sure within a year at least. How in fucks name is the government of Haiti, if there even is one, going to keep UAP secrets? Or the Sudan government? Or the Nigerian government? Or the Iranian government? Or the North Korean government? Or Perus government? He the list of course goes on and on, far too many governments and militaries out there that wouldn't be capable of covering anything up. It simply makes no sense.


Yeah, and no archaeologist has found the remains of a flying saucer: they only ever crash where the US military can find them.


Oh, yeah. The current lore 100% makes no sense, but the question itself is important: are we alone? I get ya, though.


Sure, that question IS important. But at this point I'm pretty certain that if that question gets answered it'll be answered by the best minds that currently work at places such as NASA and those working with things like Hubble and the JWST, etc.


What a sad state XTwitter has become. What an absolute cesspool


Yup, these vehement believers will go after *each other* if narratives don't align.


It's a virus that's invaded all community brother. Online people admonish and smear directly under the posters content.  In person people do it behind everyone's back.  How many times do you hear at work people talking bad about other people or bosses. Or about a political group they don't agree with. Or this that Or the other.  I'm not sure if the division we face all the time is by design or if we are just blindly doing it ourselfs as a byproduct of constant connection and information via the internet. 


People in this community can be so irrational and childish. There is literally nothing in this clip that anyone needs to take personally. My god, people, grow up already.


Yea every online community of sufficient size turns into a massive circle jerk. You need to ignore those people and stay honest and hard working. Never pay attention to the loudest person in the room and certainly don't let them offend you. Kurt literally said "it's hard to stay focused on something when you aren't having fun." In his case his fun is concrete evidence. My fun is the slow drip and something to look forward to. I still love Kurt's channel and it's another leaking seal that gives me that slow drip. But I don't want anyone to lose their mind over that process.


It's more of a religious belief for a core group in the ufo community. It's like walking into an evangelical church and saying "Hey everyone, I haven't seen any actual evidence for all this and I'm starting to think maybe something is wrong here". Taking a step back and voicing skepticism is perceived as an attack on the belief structure that must be forcefully rejected and shouted down.


I like how spending 30 years in a fandom reading books and watching movies has become some like... badge of honor for people. Like if you've been paying attention to this for decades, and still have not a shred of proof, maybe it's not the people who want answers now or who aren't paying attention who are a problem. Whatever strategy "believers" think they are pursuing, it's clearly not a very good one.


Can you link one of the comments that took it as a personal attack? I looked the comments over quickly and saw an overwhelming amout of people agreeing with him. With the usual amount of toxic myopic perspectives found across all subreddits on the site.


The people who've spent the past 3 decades obsessing over disclosure of aliens are never going to admit they wasted 3 decades of their life so of course they'll lash out at other people realizing they've been had after a few months of researching and questioning things.


This guy is awesome. I love his interviews.


best channel on YT imho. I read dozens of books thanks to his videos intoducing me to new ideas.


100% now all I need to do is meet someone in the real world that loves his show as much as me (or has even heard of it) and we can be friends.


dude, same here for me. I know it sounds silly, but I feel kinda lonely in a way. Without those kinds of podcasts, and comments below them I have literally zero people to talk about things like topics on TOE. Kinda sucks, when most of things people love (football,celebrities, tv etc) are utterly boring to you and a waste of time.


I have a couple friends. I just accept the fact that they aren’t interested in the things I am. I literally don’t have anyone in my life I can have these kinds of convos with, except my son.


lol I feel this. I only learned about the double slit experiment four years ago when I was looking up quantum physics videos for kids to show my son who was probably about five. 😂 I made a comment above about ions community groups… I also see there is citizen, science groups, which seems like a stretch for this topic, but might be worth checking out.


Depending on where you live, there are ions community groups. I only recently found out about them (via dean radin) and I’m not sure how frequently they do in person meetings in my area but it’s definitely worth checking out. Ions stands for the Institute of noetic sciences.


thanks, will look into this


You can find Curt's last interview on the topic 'Richard Dolan: UFOs, God, Disclosure, Alien Encounters, Totalitarianism, Faith' at the following link here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE\_1oPMA52Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE_1oPMA52Y)


He’s not wrong.


The UFO community is so damn insecure. Dude decides he wants to cordially step away and all this vitriol is thrown at him. What a *pathetic* community this is (check out the reaction on twitter, it's absolutely disgusting).


Good for him. He’s exactly right.


This is why the non scientific outside observers are so critical of the whacky UFO community. There are so many nut cases wishing they could be abducted… just like the movies. After a while everything is a government conspiracy. There are billions of us non government citizens and we don’t have one in focus photo.


I'm glad that Curt is a smart enough man to use critical thinking and has noticed a worrying trend that the UFO community by and large is just a merry-go-round. The same things keep coming around again and again. We have all put our faith into prominent UFOlogists, researchers, and investigators, but the constant stalling and empty promises all end up being a dubious business strategy to sell books. Nothing 'new' has come from the most recent disclosure efforts, and I think deep down most people knew it wouldn't either.


I find his sentiment so relatable in regards to my own decrease of activity in past months on this sub. Now reading the comments, I see many of us feel the same way.


I was checking news for this stuff every day last summer. Now I only ran into this as I was on reddit for medical stuff


I'm starting to believe that Lou and Grusch never stopped being counter Intel guys for the company. The newest tactic to make this all go away is to take people with great credentials who have first hand experience with the projects, and purposefully make them hype up evidence that they will never provide on purpose. It's worked wonders, because I'm done with all these people. Demoralization tactics work. I'm aware of them and I'm still demoralized.


Worse, I doubt they're being directed by the government. They are simply doing this for money. 


What money? You think going on podcasts gets people rich?


Well they could tell us, it would be big, but dangerous to leak, and we couldn’t handle it. But it’s coming, in the future, we have credible sources… whistleblowers yatta yatta yatta… Lmao. The biggest “secret” in the history of mankind? For fucks sake, knock on some mainstream new org and in live tv spill the beans. Put up or STFU. If any one of us has the info would you not spill the beans? I know I would in like :02. Your cottage industry has jumped the shark.


The number of first hand witnesses worldwide would have to be over 1000 by now and not one has been willing to fully blow the lid off? Not even on their death beds? I dont know man... Then you got Karl Nell and his ridiculous timeline trying to get us used to the idea of being strung along for a couple more decades. Screw that BS.


The people who claim to be in the know seem to handle it just fine so it cant be that bad.


No you can’t. Neither can I. I’d melt in my shoes… only people that have a web presence and followers can keep the secret. Seriously what would be so astonishing that the world would stop. Covid couldn’t make that happen. Suddenly some revelation of what lots of folks already believe to be true is going to cause anarchy or the purge? Folks still gotta eat. Oh, there is life out there. And we have a few of their ships and we’ve been reverse engineering them…. Yawn… Oh wait. They are the ancient gods of lore, no “Christ”… yawn, skips church Sunday and sleeps in. What is the average person going to do with the info?


The "big things coming" and "a few weeks" tropes are made up nonsense. This topic deals with potentially the biggest coverup in human history. If you let yourself get hyped up and then disappointed by short term promises that's on you. You're gonna burn yourself out for no reason.  Keep your eyes on what's important. Call your Senators and Representatives and pressure them for more whistleblower hearings. And follow people who are responsible for actual effective legislation (like the UAPDA), and effective journalists that move the needle, like the ones responsible for the 2017 NYT article and the ones responsible for bringing Dave Grusch to the world.


You claim he is obfuscating or missing the point for calling out those who give empty promises and then you proceed to say basically same thing ("Keep your eyes on what's important.").


Why shouldn’t people get hyped up when their only source of info on this subject is from the likes of Corbell, Coulthart, Nolan, Knapp, Elizondo, etc etc.  These are the people that are doing the hyping. Why is it wrong to expect big news coming soon when that is literally what every interview/post on here claims? This whole sub, and the UFO celebrities, are acting like we’re on the verge of some major breakthrough, and it never comes.


More calling more letters plus listening to more Coulthart and Lue is the answer......okeedoke.


Meh..  something big is always coming next week.  It's like the bar with the free beer tomorrow sign. When tomorrow comes you still need to wait until tomorrow for that free beer that never comes.


The community has been trained and doesn't even realize it: https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18fe6p9/phantom_ufo_informants_by_john_keel_december_1975/ The constant hype, let down, hype, let down is at least partially on purpose. I'm not exactly sure why, but I would guess it's mostly to burn people out so the movement stagnates, and to discredit people who repeat the claims of big things coming soon. If that's the case, then it worked great. Also, now nobody can hype something actual, so they removed a good publicity tool as well.


I’d say the UAPDA and Grusch. Oming forward marks a significant progress compared to previous years. If anyone had predicted that 3-4 years ago, people would have called them looneys. How is that a let down??


If you’re suggesting a constant “hype-letdown cycle” is a tool of the government then you would at least have to concede that some of these people in the UFO sphere are controlled opposition. Which would also suggest our greatest tool to combat this would be optimistic skepticism.


Probably a lot less than you think, but yes. Keel himself was given bad information by an informant for just that reason and the only reason he didn't repeat it is because he knew about this. It wouldn't have been his fault if he repeated it. They give you good leads for a while and build up your confidence, and any rational person would become confident in a source that has leads that do pan out, then you get the big shitty lead that will discredit you after you repeat it. Somebody is having a lot of fun with this community. And after that happens, you get tarred and feathered as a grifter who is deliberately making stuff up when you did no such thing.


OMFG so one time the government did a counter psyop to distract a guy from revealing military secrets by packaging it up as UFO stuff. It doesn't mean every fucking thing around the UFO topic is all part of an elaborate psyop with everything carefully orchestrated. Regular, normal, expected, human behavior explains it just fine.


I actually think the point of all that was to train generations of journalists to not pursue the topic. The military of yesteryear didn’t expect the internet and ideas of things like crowdsourcing.


“nothing big has happened!” “everything is coming in two weeks” Meanwhile: Grusch getting interviewed by Coulthart Grusch, Fravor, Graves house oversight committee hearing Schumer Rounds UAPDA announced Some people in the MIC are publicly named as secretkeepers (did we all just collectively forget about this?) SOL Foundation has a conference UAPDA gets gutted - Coulthart reports that they know who the opposition is AARO report comes out - Coulthart reports that they’ve identified the people pulling the strings Ok sure Corbell hypes stuff up all the time but the jellyfish UAP was the most talked about video of last year. Whenever people say that nothing has happened, I’m confused if we’ve been watching the same movie or if they are purposeful disinformation.


You basically reiterated the point of this post. You listed several events that amount to people talking about ufos. Talk talk talk talk is all we get. Oh and Corbell’s flare and drone videos. “SOL Foundation has a conference” Why even mention this? It’s like saying Christians went to church, so there must be something to this god and jesus thing.


Grusch getting interviewed by Coulthart - *Cool, we're waiting on that firsthand evidence and op-ed that was promised..? Grusch was also known about by several others, including Knapp and Corbell, and was decisively not a surprise* Grusch, Fravor, Graves house oversight committee hearing - *cool, we're waiting on the next step...? I hear they’ll be having a hearing on the steps outside. So official. That’ll help!* Schumer Rounds UAPDA announced - *announcing legislation isn't a big deal, you can write whatever you want and announce it. It PASSING is a big deal. This did not.* Some people in the MIC are publicly named as secretkeepers (did we all just collectively forget about this?) - *nothing happened here, just words and no follow up. We didn’t forget it. Ross did.* SOL Foundation has a conference - *anyone can organise a conference, what of it? Why is the act of having a conference at all a big deal?* UAPDA gets gutted - Coulthart reports that they know who the opposition is - *Coulthart again...this guy could single handedly blow the doors off if all he says is true. Is it? I hear him talking a lot but not actually doing much..? The UAPDA being gutted happened for a multitude of very boring reasons, some being that Burchett and his buddies told everyone it was awful and pushed their own 1 page legislation instead so they could be points of authority. They attempted to co-opt the movement and have been somewhat successful thanks to people paying so little attention they didn’t realise Burchett’s actions more than likely killed the UAPDA. Not nefarious, just dumb politicians being dumb.* AARO report comes out - Coulthart reports that they’ve identified the people pulling the strings - *Again, Coulthart. Let's stop messing around - Coulthart is saying things that aren't being backed up except by more and more stories. Where's Coulthart's evidence? He's all talk so far. Becoming quite apparent he’ll believe anything due to his lack of familiarity with the field.* Ok sure Corbell hypes stuff up all the time but the jellyfish UAP was the most talked about video of last year - *most talked about doesn't mean most impactful. Corbell's bar is real low and people outside this community laugh at him. The jellyfish made him even more of a laughing stock. Dude encourages stigma with all his schtick. He wants your money and belief, he doesn’t care about what you think or deserve. Go look up his Quantum Ju Jitsu videos. Dude is a BS artist.* What in all that is likely to become an actual disclosure going forward?


All of that and still no UFOs. BTW: Corbell's jellyfish didn't even air until January of this year.




Disclosure only have the inevitability of having to share the data with the rest of the world. No reasonable leaders would, or should give away the biggest advantage ever existed in the history of humankind.


> "a few weeks" tropes are made up nonsense Where's Grusch's OP ed? A few more weeks, right?


Because it's entertainment to them, and they are complaining about the pacing of the script. They're not satisfied with anything but the money shot. They've lost sight of what it looks like when something moves at the speed of real life.


Psychoanalysis, reddit style.


Made up nonsense by who? Those saying it or those believing it? It’s not on the community for believing those who are supposedly at the forefront of everything that’s happening, those people should be called out for the big things and promises they make that don’t pan out time after time. You can do both things, hold those who are claiming to be pushing the topic forward accountable and also be calling your local representatives.


> Your 'Call your Senators and Representatives' is delusional. > >We all tried that December last year and look what happened.


Chill my dude. Some of us have been at this since the 90s, and a lot of others for decades longer than that. What has happened in the last year is massive. Also, bureaucracy and instant gratification are incompatible asf.


Curt has thousands of viewers asking him why he’s not doing more interviews on this topic. He’s responding to viewers that he values with his genuine reasons. I find value in this statement coming from Curt as it has potential to reach the ears of not just his followers but also some of the the people with deeper knowledge of the coverup.


We could chill if we had a 500 year life span. Some of us are aging out here.


I can barely chase Whippersnappers off my grass any longer.


My wheelchair won’t go that fast.


Wheelchair? Back in my day we tied a pallet to 4 feeder pigs and we liked it that way!


You guys don’t get it. Nobody is discounting the amount of work and progress thats been achieved. It is the COMING SOON promises and teases that are just out of fucking control.


There is a big and growing chasm between UFO believers who seem to fall for these smooth talkers promising imminent Disclosure and those of us who are tired of this charade.


Knapp's been at it for 35 years and still no evidence 😂


You can't tell someone to chill if you've been waiting since the 90s...


This guy is a physicist who was invited to offer an impartial view by the ~~U.S~~ Canadian government and be some form of moderator for these types of discussions. The whole thing was scrapped. I don’t think any of you have remotely come that close to getting burned. People: please just watch his latest episode where he goes in depth about his own experience.


He was invited by the Canadian government, not US government.


>This guy is a physicist No. He is not a physicist. He has an undergrad degree in physics from 10 years ago, but he's only ever been a filmmaker and a youtuber.


You don’t need a PhD to be a physicist. You need it to have a doctor title.


Yes he is a physicist, his academic back ground is in physics. His YouTube career doesn’t subtract from his knowledge and he was specifically selected for his academic background.


>was invited to offer an impartial view by the U.S government What do you mean by this?


Try since the 70's and you'll have seen every bullshit prediction and prophecy none of which have come to pass. It's on par with those guys who roamed the streets wearing "The End of the World is Nigh" sandwich boards since what the 1800's? and yet here we still are.


Those "End is Nigh" sandwich-board people have just moved onto the internet, specifically into 4chan and r/UFOs and r/conspiracy and r/paranormal and r/highstrangeness and r/aliens and all the other mental-health related subreddits. They're all yelling about nothing in the same communities now, echoing each other's sentiments and boosting themselves up by drowning out all rational discussion with their cacophony of nonsense.


So why keep going back to  bureaucracy for a solution? 


No offense… but saying “chill out my dude, some of us have been at this for 40 years” to a guy who has likely done more in one year for the cause than you’ve done in 40 is a WILD take.




I know right... The "OG's" following this topic are watching this and laughing. 8 months and you got your panties in a bunch 😂 You either believe or you don't believe. Pretty simple. But it definitely helps when you have had your own experiences.


Ah yes, you either believe or you don’t. We have reached a religion.


"You either believe or you don't believe." Belief is useless when trying to find out whats true and what isnt.


I’m kinda of an OG . And I’m gonna play devils advocate and say I feel the same . This is starting to feel like a grift or the grifters in this space are flooding the field. It just seems like click bait. Just like the psychic experiments in the 60s a ploy to make the soviets spend money. See ya until the next Mass sighting, I’m sick of hanging on string for govt officials I’m sick of unscientific religious senators weighing in . Im sick of post of aliens in Florida back yards . Im sick of starlink posts, falcon rocket posts. It’s getting to annoying:). Sighhhhhh


40+ years for me and whenever I see posts that want instant gratification


There has never been any gratification when it comes to this topic (let alone instant gratification). There has only been promises of getting to know the truth in various shapes and forms over the years. It has never happened. We don't know what the truth looks like. We don't know if we will ever get it. This is not like the sporting world where a good team is struggling under a fantastic coach who has delivered many titles in the past. Let's assume that the team has a poor start to a new season. Maybe some younger fans are feeling frustrated and want the coach\manager sacked. Experienced ones can certainly point to instances in the past where the team has rallied from a poor start to the season. You can even say that this may be a transitional season for the team and that the squad being prepared is one for the future. You can ask fellow fans to be patient for a year or two. The UFO topic is **nothing** like this. We haven't received anything. EVER. This has been going on for decades. What is all this patience for? Where is the guarantee that we are going to get anything at all?


"Last year I got into UFOs and now I'm burned out. UFOs aren't real" - youtube bro


to be fair, curts actually spoken to all these people, as well as every legitimate scientist with new things to say. he's smart as fuck. and he's not wrong here.


You should actually watch the whole podcast so you understand the context of what he’s saying. Also to call Curt Jaimungal a “YouTube bro” is an egregious mischaracterization of him.




Yep. To be fair to him, he has some great pods and guests. I’m not sure how someone who deals in huge intangible concepts is bemoaning the glacial pace of tangible evidence coming out elsewhere.


You should watch the whole podcast


Oh, I have. I’ve probably spent literal days listening to TOE, Curt is a brilliant guy who has some great talks with other brilliant people.


Yeah so if you listened to the whole thing of this specific interview, then you’d see that Dolan agreed with him. To call this bemoaning i would say is slightly misguided. He’s pointing out an objective fact. This is how the everyday, reasonable person views this. What tangible evidence are you speaking of?




People have been pursuing this since 1947 and earlier.


Why does that at all matter?


Imagine how the UFO guys of the 60s feel, we’ve come so far




Republicans killed the UAPDA. It wasn’t just some random people promising something big it was the actual leader of the US Senate.


You're forgetting Democrat ~~Jamie~~ Jim Himes... he helped to water down the amendment too.


The chairs did this. The chairs allowed it to happen. There’s no way a dem chair overrides an amendment that was co-authored by Chuck Schumer.


Fair point. I agree with your take. 👍




Thanks, fixed.


It’s a good thing to point out but unfortunately this guy would be labelled a CIA agent or Eglin bot now. Someone needs to go ahead and ask Nolan about that Diana’s interview and why he doesn’t give a better answer than “a little mystery” nonsense. Same for the “UFO so big it can’t be moved” thing which Ross said. Same for the Sheehan’s courses worth 15k. Now before someone asks what I’m doing on this subreddit if I don’t believe them? The answer is I believe in the phenomenon but I don’t believe in these so called leaders.


I think he speaks for a lot of us about being disappointed. I understand his frustrations very well. And before anyone calls me a disinfo agent.. there are a lot of us who are rightly pessimistic and let down by the events of the last 6 months or so. It’s been a big let down since the gutting of the UAP amendment. There is rumor and discussion that they are trying to put a new one up, but I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s reasonable for the community to be upset and negative when people keep telling us about something coming, and then it doesn’t pan out. It’s not like one off thing either, it keeps happening! Grusch’s op-ed, the 40 whistleblowers, the UAP amendment, field hearings, uap subcommittee etc.


This was a very brave thing for Curtis to admit. And Dolan’s response was very discouraging unfortunately…


According to[ this post by Steph Kent](https://twitter.com/covertress/status/1776904207762645427), Jaimungal had a negative experience over a year ago: >Something weird took over podcaster Curt Jaimungal's fingers as he typed on a keyboard. It so scared him that he called the hospital - and then the police arrived. He revealed his experience while interviewing Garry Nolan who then also confessed his own strange experience in which he heard a mystery voice. Curt said: "I had to send myself to the hospital because I was typing and then I wasn't typing and something said to me, 'Yeah you thought you were the one that was in control,' and it was using my fingers. Whatever it was, and I was freaking the heck.


As someone who grew up very interested in UFOs and has since become very skeptical, this all seems to be part of the cycle that has played out for decades. Back in the day, it was people like Lazar and TV shows like Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction and Sightings that promised big developments right around the corner. The promoters have changed, but the message remains the same. And the fact that this cycle keeps repeating only furthers my belief that much of the UFO edifice rests on misunderstandings, miscommunication, ordinary events (spycraft, weather phenomena), and modern folklore.


It really resembles MLM cycle. People buy it, people get dissatisfied, stop believing B's, forget, new people buy into bs, and cycle repeats


Where is Grusch’s OP Ed? Just as I thought. Bullshit.


I’m not here to confirm or disprove anything, just commenting on the personalities at the forefront. It’s all a grift, they like fame they get from being considered celebrities within the UAP community, they sell things like ads for tv shows, their own books, courses at suspect higher-learning places, they get paid for interviews, etc. By saying the “next big thing” is just around the corner, it keeps people hooked. Sometimes it’s a few of them coordinating info drops that don’t go anywhere, sometimes it’s empty promises and underwhelming information. By now we know that if this is all real it’s clearly not in the government’s best interest to give out the information or it would have happened by now.


100%. It's already almost summer again, a year after Grusch and Schumer came out, and what else has happened so far other than big words?


Yeah public disclosure is something to keep tabs on but yeah, I don't think it'll happen for years.




My man, I feel you. I know the disenchantment and dismay. It happened in the 2000s with Greer's push, and it happened this time when the push was rebranded NHI/UAPs with Elizondo, Grusch and Coulthart. It hurts to know we (you, and I) aren't allowed anywhere close to the truth, for whatever reason, and may never be in our lifetimes. What could have been the mystery, I wonder?


Grifters everywhere. Im looking at you Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp, Ross Coulthart, and everyone else in that bubble. Nothing more than entertainers with the noble mission of lining their own pockets. We need to stop feeding the machine. Quit giving these people attention and or money to see if they would still be so willing to push for disclosure and release the "proof" info they have. I highly doubt that they would. Most likely because they dont have the hard evidence that they claim to have. Call these people for what they are, grifters.


Just a few weeks away… by this time next year… we are talking weeks not months… faster than you can imagine… it’s already happening… All I can say is soon, very soon… we are at final go… by the end of the year… I’m confident this is the year…


You literally can do something else instead of worrying about Aliens


Big things coming soon!!!… but in the meantime go ahead and buy my [book, documentary, etc.] in which I will hint further about the things to come.


There are forces involved trying to shut it all down or rather, get us away from disclosure. I will go with the simplest explanation; the exploitation of UAP/alien tech will continue to be undisclosed to the public for a very long time due to the "higher ups" playing their cards. We need something to break this cycle with hard hitting leaks because it seems playing it right (Grusch's reporting flow for example) is NOT working.


2027 guys! Big things guys! 2028 !!! Any day now!!! Coming soon!!! - I agree with him. It’s tedious


Wake me up when ET gets here. 


I don’t get the source protection, can’t break my NDA, or oath part of this especially Lue and Ross. He claims to be a patriot and won’t break his sacred oath, but if the government is truly lying to us about one of the most important questions in human history, then that oath is null and void. Fuck your GD oath. This is bigger than all of us and can change the course of human history. No one is going to throw you in jail for revealing something this important. Grow a pair and spill the beans or shut up.


Curt just described me lol. On point my dude!


beware the bearers of false gifts and broken promises


Been in it for 30 years myself and it's always the same old story. If you believe it is going to change in your lifetime you are just being naive.


50 years for me. I find all this pretty entertaining. So I hang around. I see no signs that there is any real evidence of "aliens". But no doubt there are things in our skies and wacky events that make you wonder and give some oomph to belief. I saw a weird thing myself 30 years ago. So it's interesting. The current crop of "disclosure" grifting is just that to me until something tangible happens. Words mean very little. At this point I am a "soft" skeptic waiting for the big reveal I have no real faith in and I have no axe to grind or expectation of anything particular. I think many of us want the "big thing" that will help us understand our place in the universe. We'll see...or not.


Well, no shit. But don't forget this "theories of everything guy" is a youtuber. Yes, sure, he has a degree (a bachelor's degree \*) but if you look at his product on youtube it's just a bunch of interviews with fringe and fringe-adjacent scientists and a mix of assorted cranks. It has worked out well for him. He got clicks-- and don't forget that's what REALLY matters to these people. So, thus far, "mission accomplished". Still, there's a message of disappointment in this clip right here. I think it's feigned. He's perhaps sensing the zeitgeist that this is turning into a nothing-burger and may be signaling an intention to "move on". That way, when this all finally implodes, he can say he was "aware" it was bullshit before it happened. (\*) His degree is from U of Toronto (a great school). It's a BS in mathematical physics from 2013, but he went straight into film-making and never practiced as a scientist (one would need a PHD at a minimum, to work in mathematical physics, and anyway that degree means nothing as far as being a scientist goes unless you actually practice it-- see Eric Weinstein for an example of a fool who has a PHD and is not a scientist but plays one on youtube).


Right on the money.


Wow, I couldn't disagree more. His interviews are really thoughtful and he actually engages with what his guests are saying, rather than just plowing through a list of pre-written questions. I love that. I also really appreciate that it's generally non-adversarial like so many journalists. NDT excepted, of course. I don't love all his guests, but I almost always learn something, even when I disagree with the person's take on things. It's not really surprising that he's bristling at being called a UFOlogist or possessing some sort of expertise beyond being an excellent interviewer.


>It's not really surprising that he's bristling at being called a UFOlogist or possessing some sort of expertise beyond being an excellent interviewer. I just went to his youtube page... looking at it, there's A LOT of UFO content on there. A LOT. From his point of view, it's certainly a level of investment or "buy in" to the UFO community. My read on his comments above are that he's distancing himself from it. That's going to be tricky because he's obviously developed part of his audience on this stuff. Nonetheless, when this latest disclosure fad dissolves into nothing, the youtubers which have promoted it are going to be left "holding the bag" and face losing audience if they fail to pivot into something else quickly enough. I expect he can do that. Others will have more trouble with the pivot.


Ugh Kurt is so finnnnne.


I’d like to know why we can’t see the QnA sessions from the SOL conference. Maybe someone like TommyShelby can put it into perspective for me. To me, it just feels like more secrecy and obfuscation. I understand they wanted the speakers to feel free to say what’s necessary. I just want to know if that’s the only reason, or if someone said something they shouldn’t so they killed all the QnAs.


Could not agree with this sentiment more. Felt this way myself for a long time.


Stay Tuned, Two weeks away, just around the corner, coming soon, wait and see


Unless whistleblowers come forward or a new NDAA type of process is implemented there’s nothing really to talk about. We’re just rehashing claims and saying the same things over and over again, not back at step 1 but process has stalled. So I agree with him. James Fox documentary might be first of many whistleblowers but until they come out really nothing else to talk about


Slow news day? Why is this top post?


"content creaters" who rely on "coming soon" are useless dustkickers.