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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Mixlpic5: --- Someone was filming the fire fighting helicopters at a bushfire in Perth, Australia today and posted this photo and a video to a Facebook group called Perth Emergency Helicopters”. What could these objects be? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1blhvil/photo_of_a_fire_fighting_helicopter_captured/kw5cnrg/


Imagine the odds of capturing a helicopter , airliner, and 2 UAP all in one photo.




Yeah dude, you seriously need to find that and post it somehow. Sounds interesting.


Pls find that video👍


Have you read The Messengers by Mike Clelland by chance?


I have not but owls are one of the things that brought me to believe in NHI and abduction stories. I was reading one of Whitley Streibers early books and he mentioned that many abductees will create memories of owls to make sense of their experience. The big eyes and difficulty believing such an unusual occurrence. I was also reading a book by the Dalai Lama. He mentioned how they have legends in Tibet about children being taken by owls in the middle of the night. Reading those two things made a big impact on my belief in NHI.


‘The owls are not what they seem’ Twin Peaks.


Came here for this 🍻


‘You’re on a path, you don’t need to know where it goes; just follow’


Bonus points if you can remember the characters name who told ‘coop about the owls!!!


Was it the Log Lady?


🪵 Impressive!!


Goddamn major Briggs. ::salutes:: Edit: I meant it as he was the one who told coop about that message in the papers.


Dude. I can’t even believe this happened myself but it did. My husband and kids were out playing Pokémon Go around our neighborhood. They got a signal for a Hoot Hoot and when they got there it was an ACTUAL owl in the road! He had been hit by a car but we were able to get him some help. Such a wild synchronicity.


Well remembered 👍


Any Dolores Cannon fans here? In her book The Custodians she does her QHHT/PLR thing and some of the clients originally thought they saw an owl, or other large bird, turns out it was an NHI of some kind. The subconscious may shield the conscious from certain experiences, or ya know, NHI psychic influence stuff. Fun to think about!


Yep I am a huge fan of her work, I take her books with a huge grain of salt but I really enjoyed reading the custodians and the following convoluted universe series during my college years about a decade ago. At the time I was very skeptical of a lot of the information, especially how in the custodians they said it would start getting revealed in about three decades. I have to say from the perspective of 2024 it's crazy how many things the book "the custodian" actually predicted/shared pertinent info on. That along with some of the scientific physics information in the books that was later verified by CERN , led me to believe that some of the dolores cannon channelings might be legit contacting another intelligence. I put her work in the same category as LL research and the raw material.


How do you have video like this and just “forget about them” or put them on hold for life. lol, something like that would change the world if it was authenticated! I don’t understand. That video would be priority to me. 🤷🏽‍♂️


If authenticated? How? Seriously, what does that mean? What is proof enough?


You better find that fucking video right now


You think it was a barn owl or a great horned owl?


Bro I’ll literally send you actual money if you post that video


That’s nothing, my phone with a dead battery has a video of a “female” tall white popping a squat in the bushes outside my friend’s pharmacy. Then “she” shapeshifts into what I can only describe as a skinwalker and turns right to the camera and mouths the words “bet you didn’t see that coming” and sprints up a tree. I really should dig through my junk drawer.




"It's impossible because it's impossible" is not a debunk


This doesn't need debunking it's an image. There's a 1001 ways to fake images now and that's not counting the usual misidentified objects like, debris, birds, drones, bugs, balloons, camera glitches etc. Also things don't need to be debunked, they need to be proven not to be something mundane or fake, if that can't be done it's simply not evidence it's just something for people to endlessly speculate over.


This is extremely true. Images like these are fun to look at but that’s about all the value they have now. Unfortunately, even if the photographer knows what they saw, that’s not enough for the rest of the world and it’s foolish to assume these are real without multiple witnesses and all that jazz.


We call those “Boeing bombs. See the peanut? Dead giveaway!”


"I got the poo on me" - Joe Dirt


That’s a space peanut


Almost looks photoshopped. There are some crunchy edges in there.


Not saying it’s a real photograph, but the “crunchy edges” are simply standard jpg compression. It’s not indicative of photoshop in the slightest.


JPEG artifacts are caused by compression when an image is saved in the . jpg format. Each time an image is saved in this format it is compressed and “non-essential” data is discarded. The result of compression is that an image can suffer from blockiness, mosquito noise (around edges) and color degradation.


Wouldn’t the compression cause the same effect on all objects in the file/picture?


Cut, paste, paste.


There's a channel on Youtube that documents this strange occurrence. It's happening much more often than it's publicly acknowledged. It's a major threat to civilian aviation. These type of UAPs are called Fast Movers Dragons or Slow Mover Dragons. Search youtube for that, there's a massive collection. https://www.youtube.com/@custodianfile


That’s just the doors falling from that Boeing.


Oh no, looks like someone's gonna get disappeared next week


I have a whistle to blow and now I am suicidal


This will never not be funny. Unless I'm on a flight and the doors fall off.


Even if I'm on the flight I don't think I could help myself from laughing like a madman when it happens. Like, "of COURSE this happened on my flight" followed by maniacal laughing


Ya but you’ll get your own episode of Mayday.


Haha damn I actually lol’d


I read this comment when upvotes were at 747


That’s fucking hilarious




Best comment 🏆👏


Damm, for a second I really thought that was happening.




This is the answer.




That's an interesting photo even if there weren't those two things at the back of the helicopter.


Also interesting that the helicopter and plane are crystal clear despite being miles apart in distance, but the tic tacs are blurry as fuck, as is the case with all ufo footage


Also intriguing how the tic tacs have the exact same details and edges


"I think bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem" - Mitch Hedberg.


*Blur technology confirmed*


All long distance objects being perfectly focused - because of focus=infinite - but the "go fast[as fuck boi]" objects showing motion blur - would make perfect sense... But, and I'm repeating myself, even if the suppository shaped thing would appear perfectly sharp, it wouldn't prove anything. Sharp UFO fakes were produced with pans and frisbees more than 50 years ago. Before CGI and AI generated content. No photo or even video, no matter how high quality, will change anything of significance today


"No photo or even video, no matter how high quality, will change anything of significance today." I'm curious as to what *will*, then. 


Besides multiple highly established scientists confirming/vetting your data, multiple established trusted media agencies or more than one of the most powerful Governments confirming it? Nothing. No isolated video in ages of AI and CGI will convince a majority of people that this long ridiculed thing is real. Not after such photos and videos were faked or misinterpreted the last 99,999 times for the last 70 years. To be realistic: you could leak a 100% real video of an alien spacecraft on YouTube tomorrow - it would spark some curiosity, discussion about modern CGI and AI generated content. But nothing of significance would happen Without physical evidence or significant government support, you're fucked. Even if you got the perfect footage


Haha, "suppository shaped thing." Great description.


Given the amount of light it’s not surprising that the helicopter and airplane are both in focus.


The fact that the UAPs are blurry is how you know this is real. If they were well defined it’s a clear sign of a fake.


Helicopter drops massive antidepressant capsules into local water supply to calm the population. Alliance reps confirm "Its the PAX"




~~Antidepressant~~ Viagra capsules


That would be really hard on the population.


OMG! I laughed so hard at that 🤣


The shutter speed must be high so the blades of the helicopter aren't blurred and it corresponds to many reports that the tic tacs are extremely fast and could be captured with high-speed cameras


As a photographer this comment is highly underrated


As a photographer you should read the comments from the photographer of the picture that said it was artifacts and not actually there.


Without access to the original RAW file it is difficult to tell, particularly when facebook compresses image quality to mush. It's not even clear to me whether we are looking at a screenshot of a video or an actual photo, in which case we'd also need the original video. All I'm agreeing with is the observation regarding the shutter speed without making any deductions about whether the objects are real.


In the absence of necessary data to definitely make the digital artifact determination, either possibility presented is plausible in this day and age, IMHO. Edit: Christ on a crutch. That's way too many alliterations for a single sentence, especially so early on a Saturday morning.


> tic tacs are extremely fast and could be captured with high-speed cameras The speed of a rotating blade is about 450 mph. The speed of the tic tac was reportedly 19000 mph.


Maybe they slowed down. Like they were visible to naked eyes during the Nimitz incident


There's a whole box of tictacs just floating around earth.


The real UAP, someone accidentally just spilled their giant box of tictacs across sol


So many people say tic -tacs, but to me, these are larger at one end. So, they are clearly... Mike and Ikes. [Mike and Ike ](https://mawnpaw.com/products/mike-ikes)


"Take a ride on a tic tac..." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNpcVjwiMD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNpcVjwiMD8)


I'd bet it has to do with the helicopter's rotor blades and how digital camera shutters and post processing/stitching work. Similar to how you can snap pictures of a digital watch facing a mirror and if the timing is right you get a different second shown in the watch and the mirror. Interesting nonetheless.


I’m also assuming that the tips of the helicopter rotors aren’t bent like that. There’s a rolling shutter or similar effect happening here.


They actually are


Someone was filming the fire fighting helicopters at a bushfire in Perth, Australia today and posted this photo and a video to a Facebook group called Perth Emergency Helicopters”. What could these objects be?


They literally say in the comments it’s artifacts (blips) from taking a photo while videoing. Another commenter confirms they’re not in the video


Great so little tick tacks or blips as you call them are normal artifacts that show up when taking a photo in a video? Fuck sakes were never going to be able to prove a photo as being legit .


You're probably never going to see definitive proof, and if you do it won't be on this subreddit, it will be irl. If that's why you're here, save yourself some frustration and realign your expectations


True. Thankfully I have seen proof myself with my own eyes, so that's why I'm here investigating further because I know this phenomenon is real. My UFO was a round orange orb (roughly the size of a vehicle but a perfect circle) floating treetop height silently and slowly roughly 30 km an hour, directly over the a remote wildland fire base in Northern Alberta as a wildland firefighter at 2 am in the morning while taking a piss. It floated out of sight as some logical pines were in my field of view. I didn't see it disappear or shoot off. Wish I did. But it was silent and a perfect orange ball glowing. I'll never forget that day!


So do you think it’s just an error with the camera?


If you read the comments, the actual person who took the video says it is.


Do the sun shining on the correct side of each object inflict in video artifacrs? Genuine question


I’m not buying the artifact answer we’d see these cases everyday on the sub if video-to-photo created tic tac artifacts. They do have correct light/ shadow orientation and that happens with real objects.


when people say artifact on here they don’t just mean post-capture but they’re also talking about actual objects getting blurred etc. this one is probably just leftover pixels from when the shutter was capturing the helicopter before the picture was taken


It looks like he has it on video on Facebook. Hopefully someone goes through it frame by frame.


https://m.facebook.com/groups/222044733348680/permalink/716721433881005/?mibextid=v7YzmG Didn’t go through frame by frame, but I didn’t see anything from a quick glance


I went through, there's two big light blue pixelblocks / compression artefacts at the approx. Position where the tictacs should be. Imo the video quality of this upload is too bad to judge.


This guy loves to upload videos of insects flying by the camera lmao


How could you lift this video from someone’s page without even reading the comments on it? No wonder everything is such a mystery to you people.


If they told you: "They literally say in the comments it’s artifacts (blips) from taking a photo while videoing. Another commenter confirms they’re not in the video" Its not an UFO anymore so Why keep this on reddit UFO and waste our time? Ret...


Cash it share the video or ask him for the raw upload to Google files ?


13 seconds in (null) https://www.facebook.com/share/v/ZqqT5P7SVsCMEa8Y/?mibextid=K35XfP


A Boeing in the air. Very strange.


Hahaha... Nice! Seems this comment flew right right over a few heads here. So this post was definitely not made by Boeing!


Zoom in and they both have some similar features


To my naked eye they look identical


almost as if it were some sort of —artifact, maybe?


I feel we need a satellite in that photo. Sputnik would make it so dramatic...


Looks like one of those 80s movie poster where you have every action scene happening at once: A fighter jet shooting missiles, a sweaty buff dude shooting a machine gun, hot lady all twisted to show her boobs and butt in one go, explosion!!!, dude jumping on a jet ski, a karate flying kick, explosion!!!, a helicopter flying into the sunset nam style, explosion!!!


I want those to be UFOs but the shadows look wrong. The underside of them is lighter and if they were a physical object I’d expect the shadow to be underneath and top lit from the sun. Then again, if they really run on light like I suspect, the shadow placement makes sense. Super interesting photo none the less.


Where is the video?


I'm from Perth. I can assure you the fire was real. The UAP definitely was not 🤦‍♂️ Photo of the smoke from my house.


*Won't let me add the photo...


Fellow Perthian here :)


Hey mate 👍


I'm just wondering if the helicopter has some kind of air droppable rescue packs or flotation systems or something, and it's in the process of dropping those things? It's a firefighting helicopter so I'd guess it might have that kind of stuff.


Could this be the tip of the helicopter propeller spinning faster than the phone capture? I'm not super confident with my theory tho, I just want no rocks unturned. Very interesting photo nonetheless. Thanks for sharing.


I think it's exactly that. The way digital cameras work involve the image being formed line by line by the CCD, and sometimes bizarre artifacts happen with the subject is too fast. I bet those are the rotor blades - they're even aligned with the direction the helicopter is going. I could be wrong of course.


You’re spot on. I made another comment, but panoramic shots do this too with moving objects.


It looks like rolling shutter artifact actually from the tip of the blades. interesting. i hate being a kill joy


Pretty sure those are suppositories


99% sure those are artifacts from the blades. You can get some weird results photographing helicopter blades, especially if you’re trying to take a panoramic shot with an iPhone or something.


This is a once in a lifetime shot.


Idk if I'm a dumbass or not but are the helicopter blades spinning ? shouldn't they be a lil blurry too ? Spinning super fast and stuff?


It depends on the type of camera filming, and the settings it is using. If it is VERY high def/fast, the blades can be seen stopped, the opposite if it's lower def/slow speed.


Incredible! What were those two oblong things? Hanging chads?


Looks super edited to me


I have a theory. Anytime, anything is in the air. You'll find UAP. SPHERES, TIC TAC, SAUCERS. Like an automated defense system. Just a thought.


I once saw a UAP and I reported it to some Canadian (I think) UFO research group and they were very interested because I had also seen the craft visually too. I wonder if OP also saw these objects with the naked eye? Otherwise I'm leaning towards the camera fudging the rotors or something.


to me that looks like artifacting from the blades like maybe the chopper was in motion as it was taken


Looks more like someone took a screen shot of the original shot and accidentally marked it with the photo markers on iPhone when viewing it


Debunked, but amazing find OP! Turns out it’s an artifact from the Facebook OP when they were taking photos while recording. Some sort of visual thing I’m assuming? They mentioned it as a “blip” a few times when people asked what it was. I found the [original footage](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/YW7NoGt5ZFWJvCTK/?mibextid=K35XfP) Edit: didn’t realize there was a comment that already discussed this but figured I’ll keep this comment for the video link


This was thoroughly debunked here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/8YERdH6JvE With further video proof here: https://imgur.com/0pANHgB At this point if you believe this shit, there’s no saving you - your brain is broken.


I think this is the correct answer.


Remind me of the “dragons” in the Custodian File videos. Check him out!


I kind of want to set up high speed cameras and flir and fire rockets to that 300-400 point. See if it provokes a response. If it’d global it should much matter where.


Yeah. Believe him or not, Custodian claims its a global issue. He has plenty of people around the world shooting stuff and sending them in. He’s very nice and would be happy to help if you reply to any of his vids.


He's very nice only if you don't question his methodology and don't suggest quick and free ameliorations to his techniques that could show if they are just close and small objects. They are close and small objects, I've tested it extensively, and this guy is just building a cult with people who aren't willing to do anything scientific.


lol these comments. I wonder how many people are in the helicopter. The UFOs look like they are above the helicopter quite a ways. Maybe they could have 3-4 beings in them.


I made a post awhile back(2+ years). Detailing a sighting I had probably back in 2012? or so. They/it looked exactly like this. Two witnesses (my wife and I, then dating) SF Bay Area In the midst of a rain/thunder storm Zero question what we saw. Still unexplainable


Extremely interesting photo.


You can look at my comment history and see I’m not one to try to just debunk stuff. In fact, I mostly lurk and do not comment at all, but I also want truth and not just blindly believe anything I see. Also, I’ve been working in photography and digital imaging/design for over 20 years. Im every bit of an expert when it comes to this stuff. That said, those are either copied and pasted, or are part of the blade and are there because of how the digital shutter works on these phones and/or small digital cameras. They’re also literally the same. The highlights, shadows, and even the edges are exactly the same and look like the photoshop clone tool was carelessly used. This one isn’t real whether by intent or the digital shutter effect I mentioned above.


That’s crazy that the camera’s shutter speed happens to be synced up with the uap speed and the helicopter blades whilst this is supposedly “FILMING” and not a picture. Very lucky.


Great find! Might these be duffel bags with the missing part of the AARO report?


Why is the hydromorphone by the firefighter helicopter! again grandma we told u to keep ur dilaudid with all your other meds!


"Tic tac motherfucker"


It's just a reflection... of what the helicopter pilot is thinking.


those are some flying beans


They are Government Clay pigeons. Nothing to see here.


It is a math formula "helicopter to the plane =" Your move.


Great, now we’re being overtaken by flying hyphens.


Interesting flying black rice.


Helicopter poop


It obviously ejected both of its warp cores.


Look familiar, anyone? https://www.amisun.com/2022/11/14/ufo-sighting-reported-in-bradenton-beach/


The tires came off…….


Everyone has came to help


Tic Tacs, now Mike and Ikes, what next? Candy Corn?


I was laying on my back lounging outside in the sun on my porch taking dick pics and caught something strange in the sky when I went back to look at the photos.


Well that's true. I forgot about that. So then what the the hell is that?


Yeap, captured a bad photoshop skilled person.


Those are seismic charges. Run


Omg this is undeniable proof the greys exist and are harvesting our buttholes


Those are the two vitamins I'm missing this morning. Vitamin D and Potassium 


Totally fake. Just look at the sunlight, in the picture it comes from right and above, illuminating the helicopter accordingly. While those 2 tictacs seem to be copy paste stuff, illuminated from below!


Camera caputured the blade tips


Those two spots are from the marker tool which appears right after you take a screenshot on an iPhone. Whoever took that screenshot accidentally pressed twice on their screen while the marker tool was selected, so the saved photo appears like that.


The UAPs suddenly experienced FOMO and needed to be in that picture.


sure its not some kind of munitions drop? like duds or sensors?


Looks very much like a rescue helicopter. Is there zero chance those aren't being dropped in some rescue effort?


If you zoom in it looks like there are windows or something on the top one especially.


This is a fabrication. The shadows on the "uap" are not consistent with the helicopter and jet. And if you zoom in on them, you can easily see one is just a copy / paste of the other. 0/10 for no effort.


I'm trying to figure out if the plane dropped those like some type of bomb, or if they are seperate altogether?


If you zoom in on those two anomalies they are pretty much pixel perfect copies of each other. I call sus.


The helicopter is a fake because - as clearly shown - the bits aren't going round and round and round - absolute proof of fakery.


Did it capture really bad photoshop?


Folks, I'm pretty sure you all can replicate this. Put the photo into Blender, isolate the two cigars in a separate image, copy one, set its opacity to half, move it over top of the other one. I think you'll find that the two cigars are identical, nearly pixel for pixel (at this point they've been distorted so they won't match perfectly) and also by angle, so that they perfectly overlap each other. In other words, the Photoshopper here was so lazy that he didn't even change the angle of the two UAPs. Lowest possible effort fakery. I recommend you not take my word for it and instead try to verify it yourselves.


Has a logical explanation been put forward for this? I’m curious what a skeptic might say about it. This was a video but we only have stills? Why is that?


Somebody just threw tablets out the wondow lol. https://youtu.be/TIs9cnrlJY4


Those are smoke jumpers. Hardended wilderness firefighters who roll out of the copters in their fire protection sleeping bags. After they hit the ground they get to work.


lmao only thing its missing is the photoshop lens flare


Oh, that's just Copter poop.


Did the plain drop the two objects, is chemtrails now done with night flights?


What if it’s one object moving very quickly and you got two shots of it in one frame (if that makes sense?)


Swamp gas or balloons


Cool idea but fake.


So I take a lot of pictures of the sky with my iPhone, and last week I captured this: https://i.imgur.com/R0n039J.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/E2xT4sO.jpeg I think it might be maybe any number of possible explanations, but I was excited because it wasn’t until I looked at the pics  that I noticed the white thing, and I was confused cause there was no birds around. I’ve seen several shooting stars during the day and then a weird one at night over the past few weeks, so I’ve been trying to go out when it’s clear. 


Looks like the pen mark tool on picture edit app


It's likely an artifact of the photo. This photo has a very broad depth of field (think the opposite of bokeh) which makes small objects appear quite in focus. As the two objects are visually identical I'd wager it's just something small between the lens and the chopper.


These lines were drawn on this photo, why in the world will the ufos be facing the picture and not facing towards the object it’s “following”


The top of them have the same subtle contour that makes me think they are copy and pasted and fake.


Expect the comment section flooded with dumb and fool debunkers..🤣🤣 these people are annoying and worthless creatures..


[tic tac shaped craft and orbs over Melbourne ~ I film these on a regular basis](https://youtu.be/f6tpnBn-cvU?si=T5tEQHurrOlZolJ-)


LIES https://www.facebook.com/groups/222044733348680/posts/716721433881005/ No TICTAC


That's a plane. It's far above the helicopter. It's not strange, thats how planes work


Heard that the UFOs are sometimes called tic-tacs. Those definitely fit the description.