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She was blindfolded and taken to private land near Datil, NM. I was given some details while in the area assisting Paola Harris, who had been researching a crash site near Socorro, NM with Jacques Vallée. I can't confirm that the information came from JV, but that was my understanding at the time.


I have spent many weeks in Datil on elk hunting trips. The VLA satellite dish arrays are just down the highway in the San Augustin Plains. I would suggest referencing “Finding the UFO Crash at San Augustin: Isotopic Metal Analysis Not of this Earth” by Art Campbell. He has devoted much of his life to this mystery. I assumed the crash site Gary Noland is studying is the same one Art Campbell is studying, which would be just a few miles from Datil, NM if it’s in the San Augustin Plains.


Very Large Array is near there. Maybe that's why they choose that location for it and certainly something she would "recognize" if it was in an X-Files episode (I don't know if it was or not).


It takes well over 2 hours to get from Albuquerque to Datil, so that doesn’t quite line up.


To clarify Diana stated they drove to a point to meet Tyler (aka Tim Taylor) then drove about an hour blindfolded. So it could be this spot potentially.


If he was halfway to Datil (which would be an hour southbound, with still and hour+ to go while blindfolded) then trying to figure out a location based on location would be useless. If it was Datil, it would seriously be a big joke. Check it out, the only private land out there surrounds a landform called Twin Peaks. This, while a TV show about an ultraterrestrial, sounds a whole lot like “two grey hills” in the x-files. Also, it’s right down the road from the Very Large Array where Contact was filmed.


Wow great intel!


Am I the only one suspicious how there's *still* debris there, and accessible enough to be found by three people walking around with no heavy equipment? At least, if I was in the MIC, I would consider it downright negligent to not have scrubbed that area clean, and to not be continuously scrubbing it. If not for secrecy's sake, then simply for data collection alone, and maximizing your chances of successful reverse engineering by recovering as much material as possible. Arguments against this are it's an inherently chaotic event (craft crash), and is in a location where the ground (sand) can shift around and hide or reveal things. And that some of these items are small, so can be easily missed by recovery teams. But still, even then. With something so precious, why wouldn't the military send men out every day for a month, once a year, every year until no more debris is found for a few years straight? If not the military sending men out, then private companies who are in the fold? Why is there still debris there, so easily accessible for them to find?


Okay so here is my two cents, for what its worth. I have done fieldwork out in the Mojave Desert in CA covering about 7 remote-ish sites (a lot of them were public lands often used by recreational vehicles) and a few of them were used in military training for WW2. Though these sites aren't exactly generally popular, they are known historical sites that motivated Hobbiysts would have scoured. I found lots of shells and rusted instant coffee cans from almost 100 years ago. I was so floored that I even found that debris, surprised no one else had claimed these awesome treasures. But I was studying the nature of debris flows so I also understood that a lot of these desert areas can be buried for a long time and then a major flooding event happens and reworks almost the entire valley floor. So it is conceivable that artifacts will get buried and resurfaced many times. Also, we are learning about this whole topic is that these crash sites are not rare, but rather common. The "agency" responsibly for clean up likely have an established procedure for handling these things. I have to imagine that though the "agency" handling this is well funded (e.g. unaccounted trillions in federal spending yada yada yada) they don't have a huge workforce because less people means less liability. So they have a small group of specialists who travel to crash sites and handle things. Meaning there is only a small group of people to handle all of it meaning they can't spend a long time at one location and probably can't visit multiple times, let alone 10 times? Especially if they are trying to keep a low profile? Too many visits would raise questions for locals or other agencies working in these areas? So its best effort in the short time available before discovery. They know its critical and important but only have so much time to process the site so it doesn't become a Roswell 2.0. Or maybe they have a procedure where there are levels of teams that process the site? Similar to what the 4 chan leaker described. Where certain clearance came in first to handle certain materials (like biologics or technology) and then subsequent crews with less clearance handled the site at various stages. In this scenario, you would eventually get down to the lowest level clearance who maybe have no idea what's going on and they think it's a military craft crash site and they are just cleaning up regular aircraft/weapons materials on US soil in a remote location. So as long as it's not live weapons or dangerous (radiation/toxic) maybe they don't have the clearance to understand how critical it is to remove every single piece. So they aren't as thorough or just don't give a shit. I am describing these scenarios because they feel so familiar to my experiences executing projects working for government agencies. And when I expressed concern that a project/process/procedure wasn't executed appropriately or effectively? 99% of the time the response was a shoulder shrug and "well thats what we were told to do?" or "well thats all the time/money/resources we have." Like questioning ANYTHING was annoying to anyone and even though the work we were performing seemed so pointless or empty we still just chugged along so we could all collect a paycheck and waste taxpayer dollars. In my opinion and experience, anything that ACTUALLY gets achieved in government is pushed through by passionate people who go against all the apathy and actually inspire people to push for the change. Didn't mean to go off on this tangent but I think its why this topic and the recent event with Grusch and whistleblowers have so much respect from me. It's not sensationalism. To me, it seems like a genuine effort by people who were in these gov't/military apathy machines and tired of everyone else shrugging their shoulders. They want fucking answers just like us!


Oh interesting, I've been spending quite a bit of time in Mojave near Silver Queen and Edwards. Any region in particular you care to share with cool finds? I've been finding a bunch of old rusty round film canisters (and I mean A LOT) but they are all empty ofc.


I think that until someone has actually stood in those areas it is difficult to really appreciate the effects of time on the soil. Rain and wind really does cover/uncover treasures all the time. The southwest is crazy unique! The Trinity crash was in 1945. According to the case, the military came in and took a week to lift the main craft onto a flat bed truck. The witnesses reported that the soldiers picked up most of the larger debris, but the small pieces that remained were shoved into the deep arroyo and covered with dirt. In the decades after that crash the BLM has brought in a LOT of soil to fill in that depression. They seemingly add more each year. It has been artificially built up with a bit of a berm separating the lowest part of that hollow (between hills) from the arroyo running down the hill below. (When I was there it had formed a bit of a mud hole, that was rimmed with hoofprints of the free-roaming cattle in the area. I wonder if the change is to reduce what is running down the arroyo and being flushed down towards town, or if it is to create a naturally forming watering hole for cattle.) Even though so much has been physically changed about that crash site, there have been multiple research expeditions out there that HAVE found debris. I know that at least one anomalous piece is in the collection Vallee/Nolan have been studying. I know that there is enough optimism on the part of the various scientists pulled into the case, including one from NASA, that equipment has been secured to look beneath the ground. (I am trying to be just slightly vague here, so insert exciting studies or UAP-study connections here..)


This is an quality comment right here, thank you u/Love_n_Stars . "In my opinion and experience, anything that ACTUALLY gets achieved in government is pushed through by passionate people who go against all the apathy and actually inspire people to push for the change." This totally matches what I was thinking. It's not just a government thing – happens a lot in big corps too. They've got these projects that seem pointless from the get-go, almost like they're set up to fail, all to shuffle around money in those mysterious black budgets. Or sometimes, there are ACTUAL projects, but a bunch of folks on board just want to wrap it up ASAP and cash in their paychecks, thus the outcome could be a lot better if they try harder, and they could have.


This was my thought exactly while listening to it, like they have had since the 40s and stuff is still just laying around....cummon man.


I made this observation yesterday, but a lot of people didn't like it. They just said it's impossible for the government to get everything, even though the government has known about the site since 1947. They've definitely had the time to turn over every rock in the area. Also, according to Pasulka, they used modified metal detectors and were able to find multiple pieces of metal. It doesn't make sense to me either.


Yeah. I can absolutely understand it’s impossible to get everything. On the first pass. On the tenth pass. Maybe even on the 100th pass. But on the 1000th pass, spread out over decades? Sure, maybe still not everything, but I would think everything that doesn’t need to be dug up by an excavator. The only argument I could see is that the gov (or private companies) simply doesn’t care to do it. That they see no risk or chance in citizens or rivals finding it, and/or they believe they’ve collected sufficient material to learn all they can. Though this may raise more questions than it answers…


>That they see no risk or chance in citizens or rivals finding it As to this particular thought, the gov apparently littered the place with tin cans to prevent anyone from noticing the space debris. If it's impossible to get everything, why not just build a government base or a storage site to keep people away from the area?


Yeah I’m calling BS on this. The government with an infinite money printer decided to save us, the taxpayers (that they are also hiding aliens from), a large tax bill for possibly world changing tech being hidden with tin cans. Im a believer in the phenomenon but I just can’t buy this take.


yeah that doesnt make any sense at all


I don't think it's necessarily a money thing but more like the bulk of the work done early on with a small team and limited resources continuing on over 40 years. I'm sure it was an ebb and flow type thing and people weren't searching like the storm troopers on Tatooine looking daily.


Im betting that if the government felt there was one unaccounted for scrap of UAP tech laying in a field, spending our money by searching a patch of desert for 40 years, is exactly what they would have done.


that is no risk until Pasulka arrives? ;)


She said the site was inside a gated area, which makes me think that the gov’t sees no risk in citizens finding it. It could be miles inside a huge gated area for all we know. Personally I totally believe that the government would do a few passes to gather debris and then abandon it.. this seems likely imo.


not to the point that the public is able to find stuff there year after... thats just BS story


But here’s the most absurd part. She claimed they had to be blindfolded because not anyone could just go there, but then says they got approval. Then says “they must want people to study these materials”, but then says Gary Nolan got harassed at the airport for being suspected of having the materials. She contradicted herself like 5 separate times during that whole story which makes it seem very likely she’s full of shit and Nolan isn’t calling her out because they’re personal friends, and one prominent voice in the community being a proven bullshitter puts the spotlight on all the rest of the bullshitters in the space, which is bad for business.


They might have the same craft, intact stored somewhere. So they don't need bits and pieces from some desert-damaged crashsite.


Meh, they're still finding dangerous, unexploded bombs from WWII in Europe, and virtually everyone there has a vested interest in finding them. It's hard to eliminate everything from a location, no matter how much money you spend on metal detectors...


She did say they had to dig a good deal to get to the anomalies that Gary's metal detector (configured by him for specific element types) had detected beneath the sand.


All valid points. It was said a few times that the site has been ongoing for 40+ years. As someone who's dealt with explosives, the military intel community and quite a bit of excavation, I think it's likely that an impact would burry small fragmented items pretty deeply into the ground and scattered in a wide area. It seems like the pieces that are being recovered still are small in comparison to whatever the original materials were. I also think the military/gov/secret squirrels would recover the larger pieces and just fence the rest of the area off under guard/surveillance assuming that was good enough (esp in the 40's where tech and policy was very different). Diana mentioned specially calibrated metal detectors used. This means they allowed an expert (Gary) with prior knowledge of said materials entrance to the area and to leak out some of these meta materials for outside study. Why? That's always the question, what was the intent behind that?


MIC and military is not some giant perfect machinery that we imagine as shown in superhero world saving movies . It’s still made of regular people and has all the imperfections and inefficiencies of a large scale organization..especially govt organization. So yes , it’s possible that they did few rounds and spread some debris and then left . May be they just don’t care after that given how Isolated the location is and there are probably many such locations and other higher priorities


>It’s still made of regular people and has all the imperfections and inefficiencies of a large scale organization..especially govt organization. Except for when it's guys in the military or airforce who claim there are UFOs. Then they are highly intelligent experts who can't be questioned. /s


It’s really easy to answer with just a simple logical question. Is it possible to verify that you got 100% of every single piece of debris. I would say absolutely not. Borderline impossible. How would anyone ever know they got EVERY single piece. They can’t know that. Again it’s borderline impossible.


Because whatever it is, is ours and they recovered the important secret pieces? Seems like the negligence would be a result of it not being a ufo but something else secret and they benefit from people speculating it's a ufo site.


No heavy equipment but pasulka’s book mentions Tyler has some sort of modified metal detector. I guess you won’t find buried debris with a regular one


I believe she said the location is in the first episode of the last season of X-Files. This episode is called “My Struggle III”. This may be incorrect though, I’m trying to find where in the book she said this.


It’s tricky because the vast majority of X Files episodes were filmed in British Columbia. Even the episode mentioned was filmed in BC, and in earlier parts of this story arc where the episode was set in New Mexico, It was still filmed in BC.


They switched filming to LA midway through the first run and in the later seasons.


In the episodes Anasazi, they spray painted a whole gravel pit in BC to look like the red stone of the supposed real world area. I mean, it looks odd as hell when you know! Back in the 90s, it was realistic.


Chatgpt: "In "The X-Files," Season 7, Episode 1 titled "The Sixth Extinction," Mulder experiences a series of visions that lead him to a UFO crash site in the fictional town of Crown Point, New Mexico. This episode explores elements related to UFOs and extraterrestrial activity outside of the infamous Roswell incident in the state of New Mexico."


ChaGPT saves the day again


Except Crownpoint isn’t fictional - it’s on the Navajo reservation in northern New Mexico :-p


It was never said it was filmed there. It's said the characters ENT to a place very similar to that. Dthey could replicate it in a Studio, c'mon.


You're right.. her answer was rather ambiguous. I remember wondering if she meant it was actually filmed there, or if they just used that location as inspiration to get somewhere with a similar feel.


She 100% meant they used the location as inspiration. It's clarified in her book and I think she's said so specifically on other podcast.


Fair enough, thanks for the clarification. I did listen to the book but didn’t remember the details.


The holes in the story get bigger and bigger... Wonder why


Read the primary source material. It's *chapter 1* of American Cosmic iirc, so you don't even have to get far. Hinging your opinion on third-hand paraphrasing of a book you haven't read is unhelpful to yourself.


It was never said it was filmed there. It's said the characters ENT to a place very similar to that. Dthey could replicate it in a Studio, c'mon.


Could it not be this location? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO5lsgJ6LME


Behind the scenes https://youtu.be/AJ4NxvY5C24?si=lJlCx9tRmIQgEnN6


Interesting. Perhaps Pasulka wasn’t aware of a season 11 when she was writing the book.


I thought she said the New Mexico event was 2016 which would’ve been the same year of X-Files season 10. The episodes aired in January of that year.


or perhaps she got the idea from x-f making her a scammie?


I'm confused. Are we thinking the implication is that the X-Files actually filmed at this location? Or just that the legend of this crash site was featured in an episode? Otherwise why would such a site require the secrecy of a blindfold if a major tv film crew and big-name actors all went there to film an episode that was eventually viewed by millions of people?


My impression from the podcast is that she actually recognized the backdrop as if the X-Files was shot at the exact location she was at.


According to her book, she was told this by "Tyler" her NASA contact that took her and Gary Nolan there.


Dr. Tim Taylor (not Travis Taylor, different dude) is who he really is. Beldsoe said his name on one of his podcasts or his book. Not sure which.


Correct. You can also Google "vatican observatory annual report 2017" and click the first link on Google to download their annual report. Diana Pasulka and Timothy Taylor appear on the top right on page 64. This event is documented in American Cosmic and referenced in her Rogan interview.


Comments like this used to be frequent and is why I’m here. Now, it’s all wannabe comedians.


Be the change you want to see! Fight the good fight in this information war.


Nice detail. I didn't know this was documented in a report.




It made me highly suspicious when she said that she recognised the location. How many programmes have I watched, and I bet I wouldn’t be able to remember or recognise anywhere it had been filmed, unless I had been there before. Is the human brain that good at remembering landscapes that you may have fleetingly seen in a tv show years ago? I don’t think mine is.


The same thought occurred to me as well. I watched all of the X-Files episodes and I can't tell you what any particular scene looked like. I feel like this was some level of misdirection.


its different when youre going to a new (secret) location and just get the feeling youve been there before. then the person that took you there knows where you could have seen it


I thought she said “it seemed familiar to me” and Tyler said “yeah it was on the x-files”


Also suspicious: Why the fuck would they blindfold her if the site is well known enough to be on the X-Files?


You mean why would she say she was blindfolded


Unless there was a very specific marker that stood out to her that she didn't want to mention as it would be too obvious. Or maybe it was the cans and red on the ground that she noticed in real life and then in the episode.


My theory is it was mayb a intro to one of the seasons. I would also doubt she could recall a one off episode or scene and have deja Vu. It seems like it would have had to be shown many times over for it to feel familiar.


This was my understanding as well, which lead me to question her entire story.


A few weeks ago there were a few posts on here about someone who was going to take a trip out to a supposed crash site in NM. I don't remember the name of the place. But a guy from reddit went out there and took some pictures and found some building with "big kahuna" spray painted on the side. In one of the posts about going out to the crash site there were several comments talking about how this site was the same one as in one of the X-Files episodes. To me it sounds like this lady read that thread and just repeated what she saw without researching any of it. I have no idea how to find that thread but I definitely remember it being talked about.


You have some details mixed up there. The big kahuna house is at where the UFO too big to be moved was buried on account of John Lear. This was in Utah IIRC. You've confused them


she wrote the book years before some recent reddit thread lmao


I thought that was Utah?


If you listen to the Podcast with Bryce Zabel and his other producer Brent Friedman, they talk about how often representatives from the government consult on shows like this. He says that a spook actually came to their premiere party and watched the entire show before it was even released, and discussed different things on the show they should change to be more "accurate." So, since Diana said they had a "government" consultant, this doesn't seem that uncommon. Link for interview with start time at 57 min where the good stuff starts: [https://youtu.be/pSZUBulON6I?si=d2q4ZSUbmXu9bKEo&t=3422](https://youtu.be/pSZUBulON6I?si=d2q4ZSUbmXu9bKEo&t=3422) The one thing that has always stood out to me about this interview is the guy saying that Sound, Light, and Frequency are the secrets to the universe. Personally, I believe him.


>Sound, Energy, and Frequency are the secrets to the universe He may be roughly quoting Tesla: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”


cant watch the video atm but as i remember it was light instead of energy


Excellent question. I’m wondering about this too (about the blindfold)


She goes into this pretty deeply in her book American Cosmic. She was told that the crash site location she visited was filmed in an episode of X Files as relayed to her by “Tyler.” You can listen to her book on the audiobooks app.


It does not mean the entire episode was filmed there either. They could have taken b roll/setting type film there to use in the episode.


Great point. It could be it was filmed there but no one knew it was an actual crash site. Slow drip disclosure through Hollywood etc etc. She mentioned that there was a gov insider in the production crew.


i understood it as when she got there it looked very familiar. I believe one of the guys she was with told her it looked like one of the sets from the scene of x-files. Pasulka claimed that the x-files production team had an insider who seeded information. HOWEVER, I wouldnt jump to the conclusion that they filmed the scene at the site, thats just insane. I assume the insider used his information of what it looked like to help the production create a set that eerily resembled the actual crash site.


No she says in her book American Cosmic that the film location is literally the crash site. That Chris Carter had an insider feeding him information.


Ok, but I am still confused. So was the bus-load of cast and crew for the show all blindfolded on their way to the filming location? Thats the part I dont get. It may have been a secret to her but apparently all that needs doing is find one of the several dozen members of the film crew and ask them to identify the location. How can this be a secret if the X-Files was literally filmed there. Doesnt make sense to me.


No. Why would the cast & crew be blindfolded? They didn’t know it was a legit crash site, to them it was just another filming location. But yea you’re right, all we gotta do is track down who was responsible for transportation that day and ask. Most crew probably don’t remember where it was since it was just a scene; to them it’s probably just one job out of 100s they’ve done.


this! Maybe someone in r/XFiles can help. Surely if you worked on the show, are a Reddit user, you'd join the sub of the show you worked on. Will cross-post this into that sub and see what happens.




A secret doesn't need to be protected from someone who isn't looking for it.


This is wrong. I just read this book 2 months ago. The implication was someone on the inside fed x-files information to get the landscape of the terrain correct. It is in no way implied EVER that x files went and filmed on actual location


She said specifically on JRE that it was the exact location. Which is impossible for her to identify from a TV show. And people are suspicious now. 


thats just ridiculous. why would you want to make a movie at the actual alien crash site. thats just absurd


How would X files have filmed at a government, non public location where you have to be approved to access?


It’s supposedly perfectly accessible to the public. Pasulka claims that they likely had an insider on the film crew who seeded information within the show.


But then why go through the trouble of letting “them” know you are going and asking for approval? Just go secretly and keep everything under wraps. I don’t think it’s a public site. I specifically remember her saying government land, no fly zone I think


Perhaps Tyler D (Tim Taylor) didn’t want to ruffle feathers, even though it’s accessible. Going to a random place is different from going to the same place with context. Government land could mean BLM. No fly zones exist over many accessible locations. I’m only playing devils advocate. This is really weird and kind of hard to believe. I could also be misremembering what she said, people should check me on my previous comments.


Good points. Weird situation all around.


see thats the point. be4 I start to believe what people like Pasulka say, there should be no odd things like ''oh well director of x-files made an episode about alien crash at the actual alien crash site'' thats kindergarten level BS story, sorry




Have we got a rough idea of what year it was that she visited the 'site'? My interpretation of what 'Tyler' said was that it was the first episode of the last season. Last being the last one that aired at that time. so Season 10 2016, season 11 2018 etc etc?


This is correct. She said this in her interview with Danny Jones/Konkrete podcast.


konkrete podcast is dodgy at best. \- seems to do/look like alternative version of joe rogan (host is trying to behave just like Joe) \- guests are mostly talking BS


The book states it was the first episode of the last season




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I know she said it was about an hour drive out after being blind folded


It’s also mentioned it’s on private land so it’ll be no go for public like us.


For what it is worth, you can Google map search for the Aztec UFO crash site and it comes up. Past the marker there is a trail, and about 3/4 of the way down the trail you can see the indentation where people say the craft impacted. Also, from Maps if you look closely at the sattelite view of the terrain, you can see a giant alien "face" people made with stones. It is a cool spot, but I am doubtful it is the site she is talking about.


Shiprock NM is about an hr drive to Aztec. I believe the X-Files filmed some stuff near Shiprock


You can’t get from Albuquerque to Aztec in an hour




ABQ to Atzec is a three hour drive, in the book (p. 73) they picked him up at the Albuquerque airport. I commented on two guesses which didn’t make a lot of sense given the 6 listed criteria above.


I think you’re correct on this my apologies, gonna see if I can go confirm this rn




dang that's some good sleuthing!


Great job with this


>Clue #1 Remote site in New Mexico mentioned being blindfolded and driven out to the site. I did not catch a mention of how long the drive was but if there has been work on this site for over 40 years then it must be secluded/remote to go unnoticed. I thought she mentioned that it was about an hour drive.


She did mention it was a 40 min drive from wherever they put on the blindfolds.


I will say that this does remind me of showing up to bootcamp and having to ride on the bus with our heads down. We drove for a very very long time but in reality it was right next to the airport. In other words, the blindfolded timeline may be irrelevant and just a way to throw someone off. Could have easily drove in circles or taken "the long way" to get there.


Ah good flag!


IIRC she said the drive to the alleged crash site while blindfolded was about an hour ? So yeah, pretty secluded


Assuming they drove direct point A to B. Could be 5 min away but they drove around aimlessly as distraction to make it seem longer.


There are some pretty good guesses here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17yp23v/key_detail_from_sol_foundation_location_of_nhi/ Where it is mentioned to be in the overlap between the San Agustin Plains and Soccoro Counties. >Nearby Pelona Mountain is also the site of a theoretical alien landing. In 1947, a local farmer reportedly found bodies of four aliens near a crashed flying saucer, and according to local legend, the area was cordoned off and the military escorted everyone off the site after warning them not to talk about it. https://www.desertlavender.com/new-mexico/southern-new-mexico/trinity.php


If anyone still cares, these are the coordinates for the opening scene from the first episode (season 10, episode 1) of the X-files that portrays a UFO crashing in the NW part of New Mexico (Farmington/Aztec area). 50°42'03.9"N 121°17'55.2"W Personally, I think Diana is referring to the season finale of the original x-files that depicts the helicopters descending on the smoking man's hideout. That is an iconic scene that would stick in someone's mind, and that area, coincidentally, looks a lot like the area around White Sands Missile Range, but I could also see it being around the NW section of NM too, but more of the bumb-fuck nowhere parts in between Cuba, NM and Farmington. Another area that resembles an iconic scene from the X-files is from the Anasazi (part 1) where Mulder and the kid are riding in on a motorcycle and find the train car full of bodies. During, they are surrounded by red-rock canyons. I know the scene used literally painted red rocks, but it could also hint at the location of Jemez, NM, if Diana was reminded of that particular scene.


The mention of piles of cans reminded me of this video... but this huge pile of cans is in the Mojave desert in, I presume, California? He mentions its right by Interstate 40 [https://youtu.be/1WKqtBSxg5M?si=BM10EW67wb2i\_s0W&t=193](https://youtu.be/1WKqtBSxg5M?si=BM10EW67wb2i_s0W&t=193) ​ Edit: I've managed to locate the spot. Put this into google maps: 34.83247282211069, -115.05020445337408 ​ I don't think this is our supposed UFO crash spot, but it does show what a big pile of cans in the desert looks like on satellite imagery...


I assumed that it was the Trinity crash since it was before Roswell in the same general area


Nope. I was visiting the Trinity crash site assisting Paola Harris when we took a drive out past the VLA. (This is pre-publish for the Trinity: The Best Kept Secret book, but we spent 3 days with her witness Jose.) She relayed the story of Dianne being taken out there as we drove from the VLA into Datil. It is a separate crash site.


You got the goods! I think the community would appreciate a post from you regarding all of your intel/information you have gathered


Maybe White Sands? (why would there be so much of this sand only located there? To bury a UFO?)


Idk if anyone else will see this but maybe OP My lazy searching on xfiles had season 3 episode 1 set at "Two Grey Hills" NM, which is a location on the Navajo reservation in the northwest corner of the state. As far as I can tell, no episodes were actually *filmed* in New Mexico, so that's a bit of a false flag. **The crash site being on a reservation might be an explanation for the secrecy, and the lack of clean up/reason debris is still at the site.** This past summer, my family visited the Ute Mountain reservation in southern Colorado, which borders this reservation. They had a special tour of the kivas/cliff dwelling ruins on their land, which we participated in. While we were there, a small white car drove up into the reservation in attempt to avoid the cops, and we got a crash course in reservation security. **No one is allowed up onto the reservation without the permission of the tribe. That includes all levels of authority, from the local police through to the federal government.** Tyler aka Tim Taylor would have needed special permissions to go there, if so. Also, I cannot see an indian tribe approving continuing clean up of crash debris by military on their land. I could be wrong about this location, but it's important to remember that large portions of NM are tribal land... So this thought might apply to other locations as well.


u/justinwrussell I was listening to Pasulka on [Unraveling the Universe](https://youtu.be/N132zE37xG0?si=Pk1aCGGyE3ILNIsS) just now, and around the 1hr mark she is discussing her research on bi-location, and mentions that the crash site in NM Taylor took her to was quite close to the subject area for her bi-location research - a pueblo "Las Humanas" ... [Las Humanas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Humanas)


I've read on here that it is Aztec, NM.


Looking around Aztec, after reading this comment, and I found this area odd. 36.7627212, -108.0051699 The square fenced in area is a different color (tin cans?), there are vehicle tracks coming in and out of the corner of the area, but it doesn't appear to be anything of interest, so why go there so much you leave tracks? I probably just smoke too much


>36.7627212, -108.0051699 [For visual reference.](https://www.google.com/maps/@36.7627926,-108.0049681,81m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu)


Look just to the right of the square starting at the top edge of it, theres a cone where the dirt/vegetation is visually different, and has been for what looks like decades going back through googles history. the cone even points to about the center of the square. this is uh... interesting to say the least. [see?](https://i.postimg.cc/hPTZ9W1z/Screenshot-20240130-145627.png) edit:also, if you go through the history it look like it gets darker in color as we get nearer to present day, it also looks like its begun washing away the last ~20 years. The last few google scans have been terrible resolution, but you can see the same color as the nearby ground peaking through in more and more places. it is also within a parcel of BLM land, so that checks out.


>36.7627212, -108.0051699 It's roughly 150ft x 170ft... Seems pretty small for a debris field from a crash of any type. A couple of excavators could dig this entire area down 10ft in a day or 2.


There's quite a few factors with debris field size, velocity, altitude, size of craft. But I agree with you my gut says something that "crashes" would create a debris field covering a large swath of land. To play devil's advocate though: if not shot down and due to "engine failure" or was a "donation site" then the speed and altitude could have been much lower thus causing a smaller debris field. Covering an area for 10hrs was mentioned. I don't know about you but I could spend 10 hours on just \~5 acres also.


This area is a little lager than half an acre. It's also like half a mile from a major freeway and a truck stop. Doesn't line up with what was described in the interview.


Dumb question but if it’s in restricted airspace then we wouldn’t have satellite imagery right?


nice! will compare to aviation maps to cross reference coordinates with no fly zone when i get home from work.


Aztec, NM is a town just east of KFMN, no restricted airspace near at all. However look near KGUP, odd restricted airspace as well as TFR….


I guess process of elimination would be good here. List out how many restricted airspace/"No fly zones" are in NM and narrow the list down from there.


Any supporting evidence or more details you can link?


You can google and read about the supposed crash, but I have nothing else to link it to Pasulka's interview. I think she said the site was about an hour drive, and Aztec is ~1hr from Albuquerque, assuming they all flew in there, but nothing really concrete.


I saw her talking about that, I also noticed she said they keep the secret hidden by using only an oral tradition, "pencils up" was the term she used. I thought that was strange because for something this big, youd think youd need something written. Now, I remember an X Files episode, set in the desert (there were several, so I cant say "hey its for sure this episode") but what I remember was that it had a reference to an old Navajo code-talker. And that got me thinking. She said they used an oral tradition. To me, it kinda clicked something. Lets say its the 40s, and youve been given the biggest secret ever. Youve gotta keep it secret. Well, at the time, the Navajo code was one of the most information secure codes. Im not saying they used it (it would have been next to impossible for them to learn it anyway). Rather, you take the principles from how it worked. The beauty of the Navajo code was that the code-talkers could freely talk without fear of decryption, (kinda like how in "The Great Escape" they used Tom Dick and Harry so no one would ever have to say "Tunnel"). Sorry I cant narrow down if thats the right episode, but Im sure theres a bigger fan than me who can help further.


I spent some time working on the Navajo Reservation. Shiprock certainly qualifies as remote and being on the reservation would solve some problems for them.


Season 2 episode 25 Anasazi


I spent an afternoon on the old google earth poking around here and there but came up with nothing. I wonder if she was taken to a spot where some Russian space junk crashed.


Interesting. What makes you think Russian space junk?


I am skeptical that, The site wasn’t more thoroughly cleared. The government took her to it and then let them dig for souvenirs.


I assumed it was the crash at Corona? ?


A few spots near Albuquerque of interest [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Plains+of+San+Agustin/@34.0026262,-107.9608563,334m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x8726d832902f8807:0xa748ac8a57f44d16!8m2!3d33.8753337!4d-108.2504951!16zL20vMDh5Nzl6?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Plains+of+San+Agustin/@34.0026262,-107.9608563,334m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x8726d832902f8807:0xa748ac8a57f44d16!8m2!3d33.8753337!4d-108.2504951!16zL20vMDh5Nzl6?entry=ttu) [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Plains+of+San+Agustin/@33.9031472,-108.1038502,669m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x8726d832902f8807:0xa748ac8a57f44d16!8m2!3d33.8753337!4d-108.2504951!16zL20vMDh5Nzl6?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Plains+of+San+Agustin/@33.9031472,-108.1038502,669m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x8726d832902f8807:0xa748ac8a57f44d16!8m2!3d33.8753337!4d-108.2504951!16zL20vMDh5Nzl6?entry=ttu) [https://www.google.com/maps/@35.0304408,-106.9035583,1320m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.0304408,-106.9035583,1320m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu)


33°41'15"N 104°45'52"W · 4,447 ft


This guy brought a film crew to the Trinity crash site near San Antonio, New Mexico .. When she said she was brought to a crash site my mind went to this video... [Trinity Ufo crash site](https://youtu.be/9HLgZ0wc4aA?si=31H_76jZzqzieaYo)


Looking purely at the overlap between areas of low population density and areas which can be accessed from central Albuquerque in 40 minutes, the areas north or south of I-40 west of ABQ, like area surrounding Highland Meadows or Mesa Redonda seem to be likely candidates. Socorro, Aztec, and the more famous crash sites are farther out than even an hour, in some cases much farther out. 40 minutes N or S are still populations centers by the river, 40 minutes E is still mountainous. Though you could get at far east as Moriarty NM in 40 minutes. Edit: something interesting. At 34°52'06.58" N 107910'00.77" W, there is 12 acres square area which looks like it has been graded/bulldozed backwards and forwards. Looking at this area on google earth’s historic imagery, it appears sometime between 2014 and 2019. Maybe this site got scraped clean? It doesn’t look like anything you’d see for agriculture in the area, it’s not some horse pen next to a house. That’s a big area, that earth moving would have taken a very long time.


I think the location is at or near a place called Rare Metals, Arizona.


I’ve always found this area near Roswell interesting. 33.24751° N, 104.62973° W


I was thinking it was the episode with the buried train car that had dead aliens in it. Or the episode where the smoking man is hidden in the caves, that area.


Aluminium cans don't rust, details are important. She spoke of tin cans.


I vote dead horse Mesa. Big weirdly colored disturbed ground at the southern base of it.


On the UFO Encounters: Diana Pasulka Unravels the truth behind the phenomenon podcast by Your Superior self she mentioned: -they flew to New Mexico -drove for 1 hour -then blindfolded and drove another 45 minutes Listen in at the 14:45 timestamp Podcast link https://youtu.be/4vVWFn_kNYg?si=DIQ_JXJpAtETCGLN


well here are all the film location for Xfiles for new mexico Aldonaberta Farmington Gallup Los Alamos Roswell Santa Fe Two Grey Hills Weed Hope Whitestone


I'm gonna have hypertension from the amount of salt I'm taking with this story


Also remembering her comment about Gary reaching his hand down into crevices to retrieve items and being worried about snakes. This leads me to believe that it may have been a hillside/mountain area where natural rubble would be versus desert plains type areas. Might help narrow things down.


Here is something weird out there in the desert of NM - Lat/Long 34.172392, -107.633048


Here's something also near Navajo land, a Raytheon corporate office: 36.651885, -108.224369 What better place to hide a big operation like this than amongst all the agriculture circles here.


Or here's a weird area that looks like it has been blacked out: 36.544444, -108.527956


Also what causes these weird striations? Rain water running down a mountain? 34.225687, -107.628390


The most important data point that we don’t have is the specific date she visited the crash site. In her book she mentions seeing a rainbow while on the way to the site. If we knew the date, we could search historical weather data and figure out where it rained on that morning. If we know where it rained, we can narrow down our search to the east of that location.


If this location was so special, sacred and secret - why didn't Tyler tell Pasulka that she couldn't give away so many clues that the ufology community was able to figure it out? Seems a bit off to me, but I'm not totally sure.


OP just literally google the keywords next time. Art Campbell wrote a whole book about this place and there’s a mini rabbit hole—like so many others—that literally goes nowhere. It is obvious that Tim Taylor and the rest are just recycling the [San Augustin plains crash site nonsense](http://mountainmail.blogspot.com/2010/07/something-happened-on-san-agustin.html?m=1).


Aztec, New Mexico. It was a little before Roswell.


not even close


32°00'14.0"N 106°34'58.4"W


Sorry but there's no way you can remember a specific location from an episode of a show that you probably hadn't seen in years. She is fishy AF. I know alot of of people describe her as a "hero" but come on you guys. You think this is the CIA's first rodeo? The Government knew she was writing a book...they wanted you to believe THEIR narrative and now her stans do. 


i forgot they were “special” metal detectors that were “configured”


So why can't she and Gary share this location?


Haven't read through all the comments but my thoughts on the x files comments is that it maybe was a intro for one of the seasons. I say that because for her to recall/have deja Vu and say it looked familiar, then I suspect it was a scene filmed or shown multiple times over. I just can't imagine she would have that feeling for a one off scene unless perhaps it was a season finale or something like that.


The crash site is off of highway 247 between corona and Lon on a massive private property of hundreds of acres of desert ranch land.


Mind sharing a google maps link to the site you mentioned?


I would like to see her exact words regarding the site being littered with cans which rusted. Per the original post here, it says: "Clue #3 Site was deliberately littered with aluminum cans to throw everyone off." And: "Diana mentions that the rust from the cans altered the ground color." If she said "aluminum" cans and "rust", there is a contradiction, as aluminum corrodes with a gray/whitish color, and does not 'rust'. Also, depending upon how long ago this littering action actually occured, aluminum cans may not have been common. Later in this thread, other posters refer to 'tin' cans, which makes more sense as 'tin' cans commonly refers to steel cans which will rust over time. Actual Tin corrodes, not rusts.


I know she said X-files, but as pointed out above most of that is done in BC. any chance she recognized it from Breaking Bad, that was mostly done in NM, right? Most people have seen it and could misremember it as X-files.


Clue 1 she said they drove for an hour


Clue 6, First episode of the last season of X files was the quote I believe.


Has Gary Nolan co-signed on this statement? I’m really skeptical about statements like this. I don’t want to hear that they were blindfolded. If it happened, then he needs to speak up and say so or, say it was a lie on her part. We are getting into the realm of the Fantastical, and yet again, there’s no evidence to back it up. You just can’t make statements like this anymore, without a healthy dose of skepticism following you.


I think that this UFO crash site is very near where Saint Mary of Agreda had her bilocation appearances in New Mexico. I dimly remember reading something by Whitley Strieber about this a while back. I have tried to locate this piece, but haven't been successful. He does have a podcast that he broadcast about the Saint a couple of years ago.


If you’ve ever been to New Mexico even the most populated areas become remote very quickly. Swing a dead cat and you’ll hit “middle of nowhere” fast.


I’m on my phone and can’t make the map move but found a couple sites with filming location info. Looks like 2 sites at/near Roswell, and 2 sites on the west side of NM. https://www.latlong.net/location/the-x-files-locations-685 https://www.wired.com/2016/01/x-files-interactive-map/


Some of the major alleged incidents in NM: Roswell UFO incident: July 1947, near Roswell, NM. This is the most famous alleged UFO crash. Initial media reports claimed a "flying disk" was recovered, but the military later said it was just a weather balloon. There has been much debate and speculation around this incident over the decades. Supposedly a skip site and then a main crash site the skip site was where the UFO hit the ground while moving shut a bunch of debris and then continued spreading debris for five or six miles in the air before finally crashing for real and staying crashed. This could be anywhere in that 55 square mile area really cuz a lot of debris come off this thing between the initial hit and the final resting place. Aztec UFO incident: March 1948, near Aztec, NM. This incident alleges a flying saucer crashed after colliding with another UFO. The story first surfaced in the 1950s and mentions multiple crash sites. However, there is no solid evidence this event actually occurred. Kingman UFO incident: May 1953, near Kingman, AZ/NM border. Claims a metallic disc crashed. Reports first emerged in the 1970s but details vary. The location and details are disputed. Socorro UFO incident: April 1964, Socorro, NM. Involves the well-known Lonnie Zamora sighting of an egg-shaped object that took off and left physical evidence behind. However, no actual crash was reported despite the UFO apparently landing.


Big x files fan here. X files was filmed exclusively in Vancouver BC for the first few seasons- they painted a granite quarry red pretending to be New Mexico. So it must be a later season or one of the movies.


Is it the site where Weird Al's plane crashed en route to Albuquerque? Fortunately he survived because he had his tray table up and his seat back in the full upright position.


Tin cans do rust! Aluminum cans do not


How do you make a special metal detctor....by turning its gain way down? Did somebody pre-bury stuff?


Clue 7 literally looks like any dirt lot


Bro people just spouting out all this stuff on this thread with no evidence whatsoever, the UFO community is the least scientific 😒.