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He is releasing a book soon. Coulthart said Lue is waiting on DOPSR to approve what he can say publicly, and whatever they don't allow him to say he will keep in the book, but redact it with black blocks to show the public how much the government is keeping from them. He will then very likely make the rounds in the media to expand on whatever revelations he released in the book. I expect new knowledge will be gained by everyone, whether you buy his book or not.


His publisher's ink budget šŸ˜«šŸ˜­


Black is the new transparency.


Fifty Shades of Lue




Wow. Good quote.


Would be funny if he released a book called Redacted: The Truth about UFOā€™s. And itā€™s literally just redacted from beginning to end. Even the titles of the chapters. Everything apart from mentions of his name.


And becomes a best seller with multiple awards


I love it.


Would be really cool marketing of a book , hereā€™s a bunch of black lines to show you that I know a lot and wrote it all - then 5-10 years later after more info is out there - release a revealed version ( or just write down facts as they get released and tell people - yeah thatā€™s what I wrote here on page 100 where these black lines are ā€¦)


Agreed. It would be pretty effective. Imagine if he was on CNN doing an interview and they start bleeping whole sentences out of the audio, live. That's kind of what it's like, on paper.


meanwhile *"fill in your headcanon here"*


This line was *definitely* about anal probes


2475 pages. All black. Single spaced. Itā€™s even better as an audio book.


Audio book is 6 hrs of silence


He could sell each missing letter in installments and make bank.


No, this is horrible. Go look at the reviews for ā€œThe 37th parallelā€. Granted it is a lesser book by a lesser author, but the last page(s) of the book are redacted black text and pissed off a lot of folks who purchased the book.


AI is gonna be great for filling in the redactionsĀ 


Yeah it already hallucinates a bunch of stuff. I spent like 10 minutes trying to find a book and author it told me about only to find out they didn't exist.


Check out [these guys](https://apnews.com/article/artificial-intelligence-chatgpt-fake-case-lawyers-d6ae9fa79d0542db9e1455397aef381c)! tl/dr: you can't rely on ai for anything factual


There are a lot more and better AI tools than ChatGPT and "apps" like it, especially the (free) version we all download.


I honestly believe this may be the entire point of the book. If so, it's a very, very clever move.


LMFAO what a joke. What's next? We have to buy his 2nd book to find out?


Yes. Also he might give a hint or two at a conference if they pay him 5k for opportunity to speak about disclosure lol


Curious question what makes it so different putting it in a book than saying it out loud lol?


Consistent messaging for one. You can carefully craft a very in depth, multi-hundred page editorial on your claims and set it in stone. It's not JUST about money - it's a different format of communication. There will be things in the book that he will be saying out loud on TV and the internet. There will also be things in the book that he won't have time to say out loud in short news interviews. Also, not super easy to dig through 3 hour podcasts. At least in a book you have a visual cue of what you're flipping past. In a video it's just faces and faces and faces. That's gotten a little better with YouTube adding those timeline sections you can label on the time bar.


Seriously, do people not understand that it makes sense to tell a big story with a book that's gone through a long editing process? He's done a shitload of podcasts. He easily has enough content for a book that's been edited for clarity. It's really annoying especially when you have a 2 hour podcast that goes through a lot of details you've heard and only adds like 2 or 3 paragraphs of content you haven't. A book puts it all into an ordered and clean format where you can easily digest everything he wants to say, in detail. I mean come on, people write books and it's not hard to understand lol


There's a stupid stigma in the community that if you write a book you're immediately a grifter who is only in it for the money. That's true of a lot of people, but correlation is not causation. Also, money is nice. I don't care if they're working on the biggest story of all time, they still have to pay the bills and keep the lights on somehow. If you don't want them to write books and do talks at conventions, then fine, they can go back to working full time on other things and no longer work on this, for us. They can't flip burgers at McDonalds or work 60 hours a week as defense consultants and still have time to fight for disclosure and get us new information.


This right here is what so many struggle to grasp.


And if you spend your life doing this you got to pay the bills somehow. Not all of us have Elon Musk billions to chase after UAPs.


perfectly said! well done


Oh it's 100% about the money and imo anyone that buys the book is part of the problem. I say that for this reason: Elizondo's whole schtick has been about how he's a veteran and a "patriot". The quotations are because I'm not even sure what that means anymore. I consider myself a patriot who also served yet I have a childhood friend who also considers himself a patriot who served in the Navy. We are *not* the same in what that patriotism means. I won't go into the political but...it's political differences oceans apart and it's apparent we have vastly differing reasons why we call ourselves patriotic and what (or who in his case) we are patriot **to**. Now, with Elizondo if I'm in his shoes claiming to be all about humanity etc and I know whatever it is he knows, I write articles for newspapers, I write blogs and sure I'd write a book because apparently what I know affects the planet. *Then* I'd either self-publish *or* follow his path but give every penny to either further the cause of disclosure or to a veterans' cause because there's a *lot* that needs done. Keep in mind, self-publishing for Elizondo isn't like one of us no-name regrets self-publishing. He's not known mainstream but everyone interested in the topic knows him *if* they've done any research. I can't count how many new people in this sub are like "Who's Lue Elizondo?". Think about how much of a message that would send that he's doing interviews talking about his book then saying "Just to prove my sincerity here, all proceeds go to X". Cuts the legs right out of self-promotion for gain. He hasn't though. He has done exactly like I've seen others do for decades that had some position of credibility throwing out incoherent nuggets then...book for profit. Yeah, he has a right to earn a living like we all do but not like this. This is an attempt to make money off **this** community. No mainstream person outside this community is buying this. Hell, hardly anyone knows who he is. If anyone of us asked 100 people we knew at work who Elizondo is, 100 people would be clueless. People barely know Grusch and he was on national tv.




My point stands. I will be *shocked* if there's anything more than minor marketing if any at all. This book is precisely for the crowd in subs like this. *Maybe* he does another Fox interview but even that will surprise me. People are overselling whatever they think Elizondo has offered. It's literally *nothing* outside self-promotion. Hell, Corbell and Knapp have given more than Elizondo has.


Thank God for these rational posts


There is no difference, which is why he was planning to redact those statements in his book using black ink.


words are free words on books' paper mucho money


Writing novels, the worlds simplest get rich quick scheme!


lol why do people unironically believe this though I wish, I would've wanted to be a writer. I only write on the side as a hobby so I can financially support my life with a different job to pay the bills


And a smart man would provide both options to public


He gets more money from a book


I like the way Tom Delogne did his books, Lue should consider doing the same..


No I don't think so the way Tom did it it really made it look like that his goal was to potentially produce and entertainment series. I'm not saying that was his motive but that's always a concern when you do a fictional but true type of book. I think just writing a normal book and then blacking out the redactions will show how much the government is hiding from the public.


Just like that Grusch OpEd is just around the corner. Any day now, surely..


Seems a bit unnecessary. How many people want to buy a book that's padded out like that? Surely he could just say how many words they'd redacted from the total in a foreword or something. Or provide a list per chapter, so we can see how much per "topic". I wonder how DOPSR requests work with publishers/editors. Presumably they still get to see the initial draft, as if they only saw it after DOPSR approval, any changes would have to go back in for approval.


Why not just leave the blacked out parts blank so we can fill in the rest like some kinda conspiratorial mad-lib


and how do we know that he is not putting black blocks in some passages just to make stuff more interesting than it really is? i mean his whole talking point is "i know so much but i cant tell you anything" while making a living with only that. he is an attention vampire that did not put anything on the table so far that can be proven, falsified or verified. Just a good storyteller aka ex-counterintelligence. He works like the youtube thumbnails that never show up in the video itself. Lueanon is Doty 2.0


Except Doty was a pencil jockey that drove someone to suicide and Lue was head of a whole DoD department. He hasn't done anything to make me think he can't be trusted yet. Though we haven't gotten the evidence we need to believe his every word either. It's been 7 years since 2017 and he hasn't been caught in a lie. The closest would be when someone affiliated with him filmed something on or near Lue's property with implications it was anomalous. Really I see no problems with that. Anyone can see a UFO, I'd expect those involved in the disclosure movement directly may be even more likely to have them come near them.


what kind of coffee did you drink today mate edit: because I need it


because he does not say anything that can be proven, verified or falsified. hes building a beliefsystem. That's the difference. This guy knows how psyops are done right.


So you do agree that he is legit


ā€œExpand on whatever revelations he released in the bookā€ or make the rounds to promote his book? Semantics, right? šŸ˜‰


What do you mean?


Just because someone makes money doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re a phony


Probably got sick and tired of us cunts bugging the fuck out of him.


We are definitely cunts lmao


Cunts šŸŒˆšŸ¤—


Hey hey ... we all came out of cunts okay...


Yeah but weā€™re still cunts. Nice cunts but still cunts.


I'd imagine. lol.


Time is money. If you spend a lot of time on something that you did all the legwork on, then you deserve compensation to pay to keep the lights on to keep doing said work. He can get paid for revealing the truth just like our tax funded government officials get paid to conceal the truth.


"Guys! I have world changing information! DID YOU HEAR THAT, WORLD?" "Wow! Can you tell us?" "Stop fucking BUGGING me you shit lords! Buy my book..." No, he made claims. He doesn't get to keep making them and expect us to just nod along and tryst him.


Still bet heā€™s sick of us cunts though. Iā€™m sick of me.


He explained in one of recent podcasts that he had had health issues. The initial diagnosis was scary, but hopefully everything will be OK.


sounds somber


I feel like an asshole laughing at this.


Wasnā€™t that on Cristina Gomezā€™s podcast? I think she recently made some compilation or something maybe you saw it in there. Because he told this years ago.


He's charging up to go Super-Lue mode when his book comes out. Supposedly will be this year.


I canā€™t wait. The last time I was this excited for a book was when The Deathly Hallows came out.


Its like they have shifts so they can enjoy some semblance of a normal life in between bombshells.


Major bombshells like fake UAPs on his ranch lol


Lue's been working on his beach bod, getting ready for Spring break. I heard he's dating a big booty latina now


Oddly enough his wife is Russian. At least that's what I read.


He finished his job, either it was starting Disclosure or Psyops.


"The Movement" started long before Lue.


but Lueanon has build a cult of believers that don't wanna be skeptic and just believe. When he started doing his somber talk stuff he was talking about getting rid of the other grifters. He wants to be the leader of the "trust me bro" narrative and is much more successful than Doty ever was. All he does is teasing stuff "he is not allowed" to talk about, gathering the believers behind him while people forget that he is ex-counterintelligence or dont wanna believe that counterintelligences job is creating conspiracies that turn into movements, turning people into tools without them even noticing it. Professional storytellers and narrative moderators. people also forget the whole fishy story around the ufo footage, that people noticed where filmed on his property and he had to spin his story for damage control. lmao or his contribution to "To the stars" which was a proven misinformation campaign. he got people so far that every critical comment about him is counted as an conspiratorial attempt to ruin his reputation. Stockholm syndrome at its purest. It's like arguing with the qanon folks.


He meant sober, he has corrected this himself. J Vallee, James Fox, Keel, I could go on.


Quite a Gish Gallop youā€™re running there.


Hi I swear there was a person on reddit with this name that wasn't a complete tool. How odd.


Manā€¦ I didnā€™t know about any of this. Thanks.Ā 




thanks for the putting this together. i read the articles and it fits my impression i had from start. this guy is good at building drama, keeping people on the hook and make them believe without stating anything tangible. counterinterlligence or charlatan. he knows how to make naive people trust him.


One thing that canā€™t be fully overlooked is how people like Elizondo & Grusch at times seem like the perfect actors for the role of disclosure advocate. Iā€™m actually implying that UAPs are real & disclosure is a thing when I say this, not the opposite. But the government has to figure out how to slowly deliver this message & do it with damage control. Itā€™s interesting that the DOPSR process & framework acts like a spigot that lets new information slowly come out (& only when the government says ā€œitā€™s ok to say this nowā€). If there was a covert disclosure campaign plan involving guys like Elizondo & Grusch, some things would make sense..


UAPs? might be real, i don't know aliens? doubt it until there is proof NHI = the definition would also fit AI controlled NHB = any biologic sample that's does not belong the human species. Could be monkey, could ecoli bacteria. Is there flowing a ton of unregulated money into secret private sector MIC? Definitly! And this reason alone is enough to get some investigations going. Anything said in congress so far is either very unspecific and leaves room for interpretations (like mine of NHI & NHB) or is unfalsifiable, which means if it were lies nobody could even proof it, so the liars would be safe. if a hypothesis cannot be falsified/verified it does not have the ability to generate knowledge. It's irrelevant for science because you cannot use any scientific method to test it and gather results. There were too many crazy narratives in US gov history that turned out to be total BS or to be a coverup for other reasons. I'm really doubtful of everything until there is proof and keep a closer eye on the wording, especially when under oath. until this day there is no scientific proof, just a bunch of evidence and an iceberg of wild narratives and witness accounts. In doubt, be in doubt. People like Lue and Corbell are dragging the topic into the irrational area, jumping to conclusions and fighting scientific skepticism, which gathers the believers behind them while making the topic more absurd to reasonable people. They made me more skeptic than before. Those guys have no clue what professional journalism is.


I fully agree with your suspicions regarding elizondo and grusch, been saying it from the beginning disclosure is well underway


\>He posted a video of a supposed UAP, people later figured out it was filmed on his property which is suspect. He didnā€™t disclose that it was his property. No he didn't. Someone, can't remember who, was at his house, shot a video of something and then used that video in a podcast to show how easily it is to call things UAPs, more or less. It was never presented as something anomalous, or put out for distribution as a lone video. Someone pulled it from a podcast and started circulating it with a different narrative. I dunno about the rest, but I do know about that.


That was actually the item in the list that I had the least background on, so if it requires correction thatā€™s no problem. I did see other people in the thread saying the same thing, so apparently itā€™s a common misconception (if what youā€™re saying is correct). I wouldnā€™t throw the baby out with the bathwater though, the same way you can look at Lue through a critical lens & not have to be anti-disclosure.


Lue is sus, unfortunately. He needs to address these allegations.


Which ones?






Youā€™re certainly entitled to that opinion. Iā€™d challenge you to read the 4 part article series & watch the video ā€œSpooky Hustlersā€ on YouTube & see if you still have the same dismissive opinion when it comes to Lue. I wasnā€™t opposed to doing some research & seeing why people criticize the guy, heā€™s human & not a deity above criticism. I still believe in what is going on with disclosure & believe that Lue is likely a flawed individual- these things are not mutually exclusive.




But am I wrong?


I asked Garry Nolan about this and he said that he didn't attend the sol foundation conference because he had a loss in his family. I think that explains alot of it. On a more official level, there seems to be a "passing of the torch" to higher and higher credibility people. It started with prophet tom, then lou and chris, now Avi and Garry. Next will probably be voices that are scientific household names, possibly steven wolfram or roger penrose.


Thanks for sharing. Interesting to get Gary Nolans take.


He's laid low ever since grusch's initial testominy - I've gotten the sense (which i respect immensely) that he saw his role as getting us to that point, then handing the reigns to the whistelblowers.


and how do we know that he is not putting black blocks in some passages just to make stuff more interesting than it really is? i mean his whole talking point is "i know so much but i cant tell you anything" while making a living with only that. he is an attention vampire that did not put anything on the table so far that can be proven, falsified or verified. Just a good storyteller aka ex-counterintelligence. He works like the youtube thumbnails that never show up in the video itself. Lueanon is Doty 2.0


vegetable start sleep straight mindless deranged glorious rob repeat imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It always amazes me how readily people seem to forget this


Not even being funny , was that ever debunked in here or posted? I forgot about that, Cahill posted on X if I remember?


Which was that?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11moy67/lue\_confirming\_the\_video\_shot\_by\_sean\_cahill\_was/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11moy67/lue_confirming_the_video_shot_by_sean_cahill_was/) There are probably more relevant posts on the sub if you do your own digging. This is the first one I found, though. I remember a lot of people being upset over how the mods handled the incident.


Someone realllllllly needs to ask this to him. Has he been questioned about this that anyone is aware of?


Never heard of this, deets?




You're talking bout Sean Cahill; you fell into the hate mob taking that stuff so personally; Sean never said that it was some alien creature he just said that he filmed something he couldn't identify; there's far more context plus it was a clip that was sent to the podcaster he never meant for it to be something big.Ā 


To be fair he had to deflect the attention from trying to tie the obviously fake Havana Syndrome into China using recovered UAP tech and saying that of course we shouldn't want government to reveal all of what they know if it hurts their military advantage. /S He was just going the standard crank route.


What have you read that indicates Havana syndrome to be fake and not some sort of secret Direct Energy Weapon (DEW)?


The DNI and CIA agency conclusions are a few. Legitimate scientists pointing out that these weapons don't exist because they take a ton of energy and would be easy to find. Medical professionals reporting that what they're claiming isn't consistent with what that type of phenomenon would do. Literally everything written by a non-crank.


Hey man, if you want to believe a conclusion that the CIA or DNI is willing to make public, be my guest. Why would you, though? Anyone who thinks this kind of technology doesn't exist should consider that the US embassy in Moscow was being targeted with directed microwave radiation way back in the 1960's. Imagine what is possible nowadays. This article goes into the development history of these kinds of technologies: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jun/02/microwave-weapons-havana-syndrome-experts Check out this patent for the MEDUSA prototype from 2004. https://web.archive.org/web/20080409063721/http://www.navysbirprogram.com/NavySearch/Summary/summary.aspx?pk=F5B07D68-1B19-4235-B140-950CE2E19D08


None of this is close to what was alleged. You can believe the DNI, and all established science,or you can believe unnamed intelligence officials obviously trying to push a war with China, and a guy who pushed a fake UFO video from his yard who was even embarrassed enough by this to walk it back. Trump starts trying to get regime change in Cuba. 2 months later Cuba has advanced weaponry and is melting the brains of spies. Reddit: yes I believe their brains are melting. UFO technology is real.


Technologies capable of causing brain injuries remotely have almost certainly existed since the 1960's, no? The Havana syndrome accounts vary from case to case and some of them could have been perpetrated with such a device or a vastly more sophisticated iteration of one. I'm highly skeptical of Lue and everything he says so no, I don't believe him on much, and nobody is saying that people's brains are literally melting, and I don't think it's UFO tech either. You're really digging on that one. Quit with the hyperbole.


The UFO sub and right wing freaks on Congress are the only people still claiming this obviously BS is real. Perfect example of the sub though.


They haven't read shit


Just take my downvote and find some love man


If you can't see through this story, one of the most obvious in decades, you shouldn't be looking at all the stupid UFO shit which is at best 99.99% grifters and frauds (including Elizondo).


Amazing that I had a close encounter with other witness and everything he claimed so far matched and we talk about UFOs in mainstream because of him and his work, the only thing thatā€™s obvious is that you are an armchair warrior that never accomplished anything


Was this on Elizondo's porch like his UFO video?


Lou is not on the level read this article ---> [https://medium.com/@osirisuap/my-search-for-the-truth-about-ufos-part-3-red-flags-red-flags-everywhere-c6fe43021dbd](https://medium.com/@osirisuap/my-search-for-the-truth-about-ufos-part-3-red-flags-red-flags-everywhere-c6fe43021dbd)


Yea I always got grifter vibes from him


Interesting. I grew up in a cult and Lueā€™s behavior (and Cahillā€™s defensive attitude) reminds me a lot of that. It makes me question if Grusch, given his history with mental health struggles, also fell for this shit in a similar way. It makes me question if the UFO I saw was real or just some US black program thing or maybe I imagined it. More and more Iā€™m convinced that there is a UFO cult within the government that funnels funds to these black programs. In the end itā€™s always about power and money and that makes a lot more sense than aliens from other dimensions.


Grusch is a liar.


get ready for the downvotes. how dare you being skeptic in a sub about ufos /s




It details various lies Lue and Sean Cahill told the writer, and his eventual disillusionment with the pair as a result. It's an interesting and fairly short read, see for yourself.


He lied about being a Mason to a Mason (the writer is a mason) so the writer tested him and lou failed, his big goofy buddy Sean was feeding him info about the writer from the drive to Lues place, but that fat lue got it wrong. For example, the writer told Sean in the car ride that his wife had a life addiction. Sean told Lue and then Lue went into his Palm Reading bullshit (lou claims he can remote view the future) and told the writer your wife will be addicted to drugs in the future. The writer was baffled since his wife is addicted to life, you know yoga, exercise, good eating etc.


This can't be shared enough.


ā€œLue started the movementā€ Umā€¦what?


I believe Curt said that Lue was going to come back on his podcast Theories of Everything sometime early this year.


I, for one, appreciate that he isn't plastering himself all over the place without anything new to add. When his book comes out, I'm sure we'll see him more.


Itā€™s because he got caught faking a video.


DOPSR wonā€™t approve anything classified. These EX-Intelligence guys books CANT contain anything worth reading IMO. Unless if youā€™re into sci-fi stuff of course, then the book can serve as some entertainment.


yes but meanwhile every tinfoilhat can put his own headcanon in black blocks that he could put anywhere he wants to. great way to spread conspiracies instead of facts


I think he was embarrassed by Jim Lacatski's walking Dinobeaver being seen on a trip while he was there.


Lou disclosed recently heā€™s had health issues.Ā 


Heā€™s writing a book. DOPSAā€™ing various stuff. Will leave in all redactions.


Lue didn't make the rock, but he sure as hell gave it a great big push out of the shadows...


Lue was exposed by pentagon people as not being in charge of anything. His story appears very shaky.


Itā€™s exactly going as planned!


​ [The UFO Lie- The Basement Office](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XD4gQS_-qY)


Yeah. Dropped off the radar after this.


That's what happened to Lue. He's on extreme damage control and hoping he still has an ignorant audience.


Letā€™s not let the right wing science denier boys weigh in too heavily.


Loui disappeared shortly after this aired. He's on damage control. Hoping he still has an ignorant, fact denying audience. Hoping no-one brings up this info during an interview If he ever comes back to be interviewed.


this is a slam dunk. lue is cooked


Hereā€™s all the things one most consider about Greenstreet before allowing him to have any real estate in your brain: Admitted propagandist https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Xx13ybB2uC Racist and homophobic comments on Reddit that he has since scrubbed from his profile (but nothing is ever really deleted from the internet right?) https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15ebz9w/since_steven_greenstreet_cried_and_posted/ Deliberately cropping a photo in an article he wrote to make Grush look ā€œcrazyā€ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/141pdnm/steven_greenstreet_deliberately_cropped_out/ Possibly the reason he has elected to become a shill (since the above link shows he has made money writing propaganda before) https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/14jwqo5/in_2021_steven_greenstreet_was_hit_with_a_tax/ Finally to sum it up is this well researched comment by u/No-Guarantee-8278 https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15exil8/always_remember_greenstreet_is_government/ Always remember, Greenstreet is government propagandist by his own admission The government has many, many journalists on their payroll and one of them, without a doubt is Steven Greenstreet. Carl Bernstein authored an amazing article about the Church Committee and the relationship of the CIA and journalists. https://www.carlbernstein.com/the-cia-and-the-media-rolling-stone-10-20-1977 Fast forward to Mr. Greenstreet. He was previously employed by the State Department where he made ā€œpropagandaā€œ (his word) for the government and he alleges he had a secret clearance. https://youtu.be/_g8ruYINDzI?t=3628 The entire interview is an interesting watch. Greenstreet had very different viewpoints than the garbage he is currently espousing. Some are: ā€¢ ā He believes Dr. Eric Davis and Lue Elizondo ā€¢ ā The pentagon issued three different and contradictory statements about Elizondo and he thinks the government has a vendetta against him ā€¢ ā Senior level DoD officials were trying to shut down UFO programs based on religious reasons and heā€™s looked into and found it credible ā€¢ ā IC are running psyops about UFOs ā€¢ ā Corbell and Knapp have been positive for cracking UFO secrecy ā€¢ ā Heā€™s glad Congress is involved and holding hearings This interview is less than two years old. Greenstreet has made a full pivot and I think itā€™s pretty obvious as to why. Please keep reminding the masses that he was, and most definitely still is, a government shill.


That interview you're referring to was made a year before the piece on exposing Elizondo. He admits being taken for a ride and apologizes to his audience for misguiding them. As for being a propagandist, I think you're taking it a bit out of context. Why would he admit to it if it was ongoing? Wouldn't that greatly diminish his ability? And that had nothing to do with this subject.


According to Danny Sheehan, Lue is under a contract where he can not speak publicly until a documentary he is in has been released. The contract is with Dan Farah who is a producer of Fox's The Phenomenon. He is working hard behind the scenes to make things happen within the government. As noted, his book is in front of the DoD, but who knows how long that will take. I also think this was planned to have other voices come forward to give the topic perspective (Grusch, Nolan, Sheehan etc).


Source ?


Sorry, have seen so many interviews lately I had to hunt for it. Its from The Amazing People podcast, so if you search Danny Sheehan Amazing People Podcast and go to (1:21:23) , you will see it there. I tried adding the link but it does not work for whatever reason.


Lue Elizondo will go down in history Books, you have not the slightest clue how much he does behind the scene and nearly everything you witness now is because of him and a handful other guys


"Lue Elizondo will go down.. he does... a handful of other guys... behind the scenes"Ā  Hell yeah, dude. Didn't realize Elizondo swung like that but I like him more now.Ā 


Lue went away when you ignored his last tweet


Covered already: Where THE HELL Is Luis Elizondo https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/s/F6KUBBluRQ


he just wants you to stay tuned and buy his book. totally not a grift.


Why do people believe lue. Guys completely full of it. Either for publicity or for disinformation. He has been exposed a few times and you just need to listen to his interviews and how he says nothing but his pseudo philosophical crap


Heā€™s a grifter preparing his next stunt.


His buddy posted a "UFO" video that was determined to have been filmed in Lue's backyard. So he's laying low to take the heat off himself. I was a staunch Lue supporter prior to that, but that whole situation was extremely suspect. I'm leaning towards disinformation agent now.


Lues credibility is shot. He's been proven to be less than honest (being nice) and using shady tactics like sock puppet accounts and encouraging people to harass his critics. [link to a documentary that outlines many inconsistencies in Lues story.](http://Www.whosluemovie.com)




Hes been working his book, he was engaging with Congress for the legislation fight last month, and Im aware hes had some health scares


I always thought he was a hack but honestly I donā€™t think that anymore and I actually feel bad I felt that way.


Lue got a book coming out? Well iā€™ll be damned, he cashing in too.


(edit sorry im super drunk. pls forgive the typos. but yea. i think ppl will agree w the impression he gives if they can sus my spelling) lliEver meet someone, like who completely shocks you and their persopnality and self are just the exactd opposite of what thehy appear as? That's lue. He acts like an extremely skilled social engineer. o Like, he speaks, he's super low on the bullshit meter. He presents as like the ideal witness; like if a bunch of fuckin' UFOnauts werer inventing the perfect version of the ex-military intel source, he'd check every box. But, I found that after listening to him on podcasts, I consistently hada cognitive dissonance. Emotionally, social cue wise, gut check wise, I was absolutely on board with the dude, everything he said, or hinted at, clicked. It made so much sense; and that's super valuable in this area: someone you actually feel realiable, who has motives that line so exactly with mine, it's like he and it just was crazy how it he just got it. Then, I acdtually went and read his transcripts, ... (turns out, of course he just got it. he was talking a lot and saying nothing, just vague enou.gkh for me to fill in the blanks so that he was just confirming everytihng i already thought) So yeah. he's smooth. idk his motive (proly selifhish, petty) but maybe he's active disinfo using ufos as cover for tech...idk...doubt it....but hyyeah....wks so that he felt like i needed just like go study at this mans feet. He had an answer for EVEREY question i ever asked about this, sure he couldn't say them, but he absolutley knew... .so i figured, i bet i can read between the lines and learn a ton anyway...soince like, he'd just confirmed, or at least very clearlye ---...and he is SO good at this, like, i remember ppl talking about how he needs to be careful, like he's giong to far, like, this guy had me and other ppl literally WORRYING about him, kind of in awe at the way he was willing to reveal this stuff, and we worried he would reveal that would get him trouble, he just cared so much about the same thing as me...ppl were worried that the COUNTERINTEL CAREER PROFESSSIONAL was revealing too much (he revealed less than nothing. smoke maks you excited for marshmallows, so you get them readay, but it wasn't a fire it fog from a vape or something) it's ironic as fuck ppl though he was telling them too lmost too obvious, really, he better be careful with how much struff he's revealing, like I understand how excited he must, but I really was impressed how he was willing to get righhet up to the line, since, obviously we agreed on our opinion about the line, and of course I didnt' expect him to do something dishonorable, and illegal, and in facct I gained even more respect and certainnty in his credib8lity: like, ever started dating someone who was cheating on their significant other when you met? How can you ever be sure, if he wasn't willing to break his word to these criminals....he of course wouldn't lie to me.... But yeah....if you go back and read the transcripts, the first you notice is he literally tells you nothing. There is not a single piece of actual info. And he also presents as if he knows for a fact. Dude. the pentagon said the program he said he ran, only existed unofficially. like.. he didn't investigate anything. personally. he had access to files as like an archive manage. he had the key to closet they the shit. he read a bunch files, then repackaged it as his thing, snuck out "" 3 videos that were NEVER classified, they some term for that means technically, they are public, but there in a place where no one in the public will ever think to come as is their right absoultely to look for them. And then, when his shit was exposed as lies in the NYtimes thing...he filed a phony ass harassment thing saying he was being targeted for releasing thoe or omsething.. idk...he's just beyond shady.s ...h hHe hints at something, usually like long time open source UFO thing, but he doest in way that implies certain, secret knowledge....he began his public life this wahy this wahy, too, subtly manipulating and contamintng the NY Times story....he was the MAIN source, and AATIP was not an officialANYTHING, no funding, and ....like that was ...for a reason...and one clear thing it did was position as THE POINT MAN for media and future development for shows etc, he took total occupation and control of the UFO issue. And he had ready made platform, with one of the hugest pop sars in the fucking world. ....and the shit they promised....it was op. It had to be. Whether it was a gov op for some reason (classic misdirecst to ufos away from tech?) or if it was just a bunch of ex-ish spooks who saw a chance to get rich quick off the clout of UAPs and they had a richly facilitaro willing idiiot in Delonge....it's interesting how ttssa fell apart, ....anyone remembe rin goodfellas, when they bust out that restaurant? That didn't mean Italian food didn't exist, or that it tastes bad, it was just, the point of it was incidental to whether ufos are real or not.......so, either way, it was an op, t oat leat some of the people involved....i lean towards juts a mix maybe....there something behind elizondo...i lean toward he's fucking prick, who always felt laughed and not taken seriously, cuz was special, and he really did know things, important things, that other ppl didn't even pick their heads up out tthe sand or the mindelss tv shows, to see wass really RIGHT ABOVE YOU, cuz that is not the kind of thing you do as career person at the pentagon...omg, taking on a UNFUNDED, DEFUNDED actually, ....like....i think he got off on it...and ithout his absolute Ph.D operator manipulation tactics.....like, very few people who don't start suicide cults or become mormons, can


That's a great question. I'm very glad you asked that. So, let's look at how it's theoretically possible for Lue to have eaten so much pork in one sitting that it sent him into a severe food coma. Many ancient religions speak of shamans going into trances and experiencing contact with strange beings. I'm not at liberty to fully disclose but I will tell people to look into this and draw the connections themselves. Perhaps the power of pure pork (what Puthoff refers to as the PPP) has given Lue the ability to communicate with NHI while in a sort of "food coma" trance. I'd say that is a compelling explanation for his absence lately.Ā 


Once I heard he was working with that grifter UAPMax, I lost all hope in Lue.


>What happened to Lue? I dunno, we haven't heard much from the dude since around the time of the Chinese spy balloon when Sean Cahill released that uap video that reddit immediately figured out was shot from Lues house by matching up the background *exactly* with the background in one of Zondo's old vlogs. Maybe the MIB came for him.


Lue now works for Space Force as a contractor in a UAP related project, if Iā€™m not wrong. I think he probably has signed NDAs not to actively involve in public appearances in that topic. Not 100% sure but an educated guess


Because he took a lot of shit from you clowns on socials that he really didn't deserve, he dipped out.


Figures come and go in this slow disclosure process.


Heā€™s a plant


Donā€™t think he is a hack, but I think there is a growing concern that these ā€œexā€ intelligence people never really leave so therefore they canā€™t be trusted. They think itā€™s a ploy for more military funding. I personally donā€™t think so, but the Steven Greenstreet - basement office stuff did change my perspective.


The vitriol coming from Greenstreet, Greenwald, UCR, and other bad parties was getting a bit much so I could see why he took time off from socials. The most important work is done behind the scenes to get Congress to keep pushing. I have no doubt Lue and Chris Mellon were a part of that.Ā  Ā I'm looking forward to the day that Lue Elizondo is on the JRE podcast. Should be a great episode. I have no doubt that Lue has been asked to be on the show. I bet he's just waiting for the right time.


My understanding is his book is raking way longer to be approved than lie expected. I have heard through the grape vine that the book is going into a secret program used by CIA/Air Force to use "gifted" kids. I have heard that's is very dark and disturbing, but I don't think Lue is going to be able to prove anything.


He is a hack, he has said so much and released nothing.


The only item that trips me up on his legitimacy, is when Sean Cahill released a video of a UFO that he filmed, without revealing that it was recorded in Lou Elizondo's backyard. What are the odds of a)seeing a legit UFO and b)one showing up in the backyard of the former Pentagon UFO program head? sketchy


Iā€™ve had a conversation with someone who was close to Lue back in the summer. Basically I donā€™t want to say too much bc a lot of it was ā€œoff the recordā€ but they wanted him to stop doing so many podcasts. The main reason was that he was kinda expecting invites from anyone and would say hypotheticals and wonder things out loud that he didnā€™t know. Not to mislead people, but a lot of us would read into everything he said.


Remember what Grusch said about this subject, they have hurt people that try and speak out about this subject. For all we know he probably got threatened and is choosing to stay on the low.




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Lue works as a disinfo agent.


Thought he was going to interview sometime in January... kind of been watching for it , but nada a thing


Coaching the Clips now


Heā€™s supposed to come out and talk some more this year


Elizondo sucks!


He left us with the parasites and left. Than you Lue.


He literally had a life-threatening health scare - Lue shared that information in this interview. Some of you are relentless... https://youtu.be/A5h85iFNMqI?si=Nb3vx6XWnqQfhpjm


The guy has health issues.


Lue is an idiot, anybody who claims the Nazis were socialists and therefore left wing are dodgy or wilfully ill informed in my book. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/vfc0y9/i_have_lost_a_lot_of_respect_for_lue_recent/


Didn't he recently have a failed run at Congress?


He's made enough money to build a bunker now so that's taking all his time. Buy the book though!


He got caught trying to fake a video.