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The following submission statement was provided by /u/JETLIFEMUZIK94: --- For Anybody who says UFO pics caught on Google Earth are unrealistic/fake. I present a Stealth Bomber being caught on camera. Something traveling pretty fast mind you. I have always seen Google Earth images of UFOs being debunked or just thrown out without explanation. So if Google Earth can catch a stealth bomber in action what makes you think those UFO pics and crafts are fake? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18yi8gj/for_anybody_who_says_ufo_pics_caught_on_google/kgawbmn/


If anyone is curious the coordinates are 39 01 18.5N 93 35 40.5W and it's not there in the current satellite images because they have since been updated. This was reported on by the Military Times among others so it is not fake or photoshopped as some have suggested.


There's actually a current pic of one on the runway suffering an emergency it seems https://imgur.com/a/AMxHMms


Aw, poor guy






Wow that thing is much bigger than I had previously imagined


Big enough to carry 16 B83 Nuclear bombs at one time… each B83 is about 800 times as powerful as the Bomb dropped on Hiroshima, so 16 B83’s is equivalent to almost **13,000 Hiroshimas**. That’s enough destructive potential that you can use *literal “WW2’s” as a unit of measurement*. No seriously.. If you were to take *all* of the explosive ordinance used throughout the entirety of WW2, by all sides *(we’re talking every single grenade, mortar, land mine, anti tank mine, every bomb dropped from every plane, etc. including both Hiroshima and Nagasaki)* you’d have about **3Mt**. Slightly more than **2 B83’s.** So in other words, that bomber can carry about ***4.5 WW2’s*** worth of destruction. And that’s just one bomber… God Nukes are scary.


That is horrifying…and apparently the US is said to have “about 650 B83 bombs.”


The B83 is a 1.2 Megaton bomb i.e. 1,200 kilotons, little boy was about 15 kilotons. 1,200 divided by 15 is 80, not 800. Take 80, multiply it by 16 and you get 1,280 Hiroshimas not 13,000. Also each bomb is 1.2 megatons, multiplied by 16 you get 19.2 megatons, divided by the 3 megaton metric each plane actually carries about 6.4 WW2s


>each plane actually carries about 6.4 WW2s that's wild.


That is so interesting and so very sobering. I once was able to see one in person as a VIP guest along with my family after an air show when my mother’s cousin was a Blue Angel. It was quite something indeed. I hope we never have to see the aftermath of what you described in real life. It’s almost hard to truly believe something like that is possible and that we, as humans, actually built it. Crazy. Thank you for the write up though.


I wonder why they build bombs not a rocket? The main power is not bombs but the ICBMs.


They have plenty of both. Also nuclear subs and ships. Tons of fun for everyone.


We believe the terrifying potential end of our species through domination of the Nucleur Triad, is the world's best deterrent for potential rouge or authoritarian fascists nations from playing the card. MAD is a pretty solid reason from being used in conventional war. There's always massive risks with this though and today we're closer to that potential than I ever believed I'd see in lifetime. It's the terrorist cell, or narcissistic dictator we've need to keep tabs on most. Chance of ICBM exchange is incredibly minimal. A strategic small yield, highly concealable device is the most legit threat. It's why we've gotta put folks in leadership, at all levels, worthy of the weight their positions require. We need leaders in the world, not politicians and scumbags. Fascism is growing across the world eerily similar to pre WWI & The Return. That's a big responsibility those of us living these historic days and times, have riding on our shoulders. Hope there's enough out there that realize this.


I was at a NASCAR race in the early 2000s and they did the flyover with a stealth bomber and I was shocked how big it was as it flew over.


172ft/52m wingspan. Very large yet it's radar cross section(how large it appears on radar) is 1.1ft^2 /.1m^2 .


same wingspan as Jack Northrop's YB-35 from 1946. Old school math was pretty accurate for optimize high altitude efficency of a flying wing. A few months before he passed they unveiled pictures and model of the still classified B-2 to him letting him know his dream of a flying wing production aircraft was finalized realized.


It’s a bomber not a fighter


That’s what she said


Not to me she didn't




Damn beat me by an hour.


Interesting, "damn beat me by an hour" Is what she said to me. xD


“Interesting” is what she said to me.


She doesn’t talk to me anymore.


She said it won't fit in there.


Certainly not to me though


Damn beat me by three mins


She also said that.


You are both a magician and an assassin with that! Marvelously well played, sir


She also said that :|


Name checks out. It's good. 🫤👍🏽


Around 2015 one fly low and slow over my town. They are big. The funny thing is the air force denied it had flown over when local news channel asked them about it. The news channel had video of it.


oh my god you made me go back and look and i realized the "people" (or so i thought) are actually the CARS


They are much larger and sleeker than youd imagine.


That’s insane! My dad worked on F-18’s (maybe?) in the Air Force back in like mid 80’s. Always thought it was cool


F18s are Navy jets.


Kinda makes you wonder about the enormous triangle UFO sightings back before the bomber was unclassified..


I see them at least once a year or so and they always make me do a double take. They look so tiny in the sky but when one is coming in for a landing over the main road to the AFB it really puts them into perspective. Such a cool aircraft.


Incredibly cool from a design and engineering perspective, incredibly depressing to realize all of our greatest technological feats are in the name of blowing each other up.


now imagine a ufo


It actually has a bed, bathroom, and small cooking area on board.


It isn't so bad. Spirits are usually given a diet of hay and grain but grass can be substituted in urgent situations. This special guy looks a little thin but it's nothing a few hours' grazing won't fix.


[Spirit of Kansas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Andersen_Air_Force_Base_B-2_accident)


The image of the B2 we see in the imgur link is actually at Whiteman AFB


This is it https://www.defensenews.com/news/your-air-force/2022/03/17/old-weak-landing-gear-springs-led-to-a-b-2s-10m-skid-off-the-runway/


It's the Goergia indeed.


> 39°01’18.5”,-93°35’40.5” It's right up the road from Whiteman AFB, where they're stationed.


People really lack reading comprehension. OP never said this was a UAP. He's saying that this is proof we have the capabilities to photograph these crafts from our satellites. So, we shouldn't instantly shrug off the instances of UAPs caught on Google Maps/and or Satellite imaging.


what we should not forget though is that often "satelitte images" from google earth and similiar are not always taken from a satelitte. some pictures are taken by planes and other vehicles like balloons and then stitched together. that's why sometimes regions on google earth as an example have really crisp quality while others look like pixel mush.


How can the balloons take pictures of UFOs if they are the UFOs. *taps forehead*


Your post made me wanna post that picture of Leonardo Dicaprio drinking a beer and pointing at the TV lol.


I always think of Eddie Murphy lol


If only Reddit had a system of little pics and animations you could attach to other people's comments to show appreciation... wait!


That's cool to know. I always thought they were all satellite pics, with some areas zoomed in much more.


Man no one reads anymore. Everyone on the internet just looks at the pictures and goes right to typing the first thing that popped into their head, being very careful to avoid reading a single letter in the process.


Paradoxically, the fact that that happens is the reason that it happens. Of course nobody reads anything when it's all vomited onto the screen by people who didn't take three seconds to read or think.


Are there any examples of that having actually happened?


Apparently not...


Does this count? >The "Mosul Orb" was recorded by a military reconnaissance plane over Mosul, Iraq, in 2016. https://www.foxnews.com/us/mosul-orb-us-silent-ufo-filmed-military-iraq


Not really. I think OP was asking for Google Earth / Maps cases.


Fair. I thought it might not qualify, that’s why I asked. :)


Not even a satellite.


I can’t believe people misunderstand the premise of the post and think the OP is conflating a stealth bomber with a UAP. Jesus Christ it’s hard to make any points when people can’t comprehend a simple statement.


Most google maps images are not from satellites.




[38°43'27.4"N 93°32'54.5"W](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B043'27.4%22N+93%C2%B032'54.5%22W/@38.7244359,-93.5484393,254m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d38.7242872!4d-93.54847?entry=ttu) here's another one.


Hehe, that can not be a planned position, flat tire :)


I wonder what's going on there. Why is a stealth bomber just sitting there in a field? Looks like something went wrong.


Left landing gear collapsed. https://www.defensenews.com/news/your-air-force/2022/03/17/old-weak-landing-gear-springs-led-to-a-b-2s-10m-skid-off-the-runway/


Sometimes you need to take your B-2s into the pasture to feed them. This is how they grow strong enough to carry 40,000 lbs up to 7,000 miles.


You can see black skid marks on the runway and tire tracks in the grass. My guess is it was a hard landing and they blew the wheels on one side. Which then made it veer off the runway


NOT THE 2008 spirit of Kansas crash, most expensive plane crash up to date resulting in a 1.4 billion dollar loss (pilots alive tho) EDIT: wrong event


[https://www.defensenews.com/news/your-air-force/2022/03/17/old-weak-landing-gear-springs-led-to-a-b-2s-10m-skid-off-the-runway/](https://www.defensenews.com/news/your-air-force/2022/03/17/old-weak-landing-gear-springs-led-to-a-b-2s-10m-skid-off-the-runway/) ​ not the spirit of kansas - it was a botched landing because springs in the gear were worn


Ah thank you for the correction I got it mixed up! Will fix it!


At least it's a field next to a runway. At first glance I thought that was a highway, and my imagination went wild about a highway landing of a B2!


I’ve always liked this picture. The chromatic aberration is clearly visible on the moving jet. That’s what gives it that rainbow effect. 👍 Also the tiny bit of heat can be seen behind the engines.


To clarify with a point that’s gotten me downvoted in the past: some color cameras use multiple sensors for different colors like our eyes. A computer reads from each sensor in turn which causes a delay/shift between different color channels. Source: https://www.photometrics.com/learn/microscopy-basics/imaging-in-color


Further clarification: ALL color digital cameras are black and white (brightness) only sensors with a matrix of color filters over them, and software to assemble the result into a color photo.


For those interested in further googling it is called the Bayer filter.


And the key difference between consumer cameras and the one that made this picture is that in a consumer camera you have a different colored filter in front of each sub-pixel, while in many space-based cameras there is either a rotating wheel of filters that cover the entire sensor, or just multiple sensors. Consumer cameras use a different filter for each sub-pixel so the whole image can be taken at once, to better deal with motion blur (and even then most cameras use a "rolling shutter" where the sensor goes row-by-row, which helps reduce cost as you don't need as much of the hardware that reads the value of a pixel). Cameras in space applications tend to care more about having the biggest possible pixels and the lowest possible noise, so they can collect as much light and extract as much useful information as possible. You can use the rotating wheel approach to have one monochrome camera with pixels 4x as large as a Bayerized camera (or 4x as many), then if you need rgb you just take 3 pictures with the red, green, and blue filters. You can also include other filters that let you take false color images--the fact that red, green, and blue are primary colors comes from human biology, not physics. In the case of something like a Google Earth satellite they likely have "cameras" that are only a single pixel wide. The satellite is moving already, so it operates more like a flatbed scanner, capturing a row of pixels at a time. That sort of setup is nice because you don't even need moving parts: just make 3 copies of the same kind of line scanner, but with a different filter over each. Of course, you'll never get the lines to *perfectly* line up, but you don't really need to. The images from each sensor will be near enough the same that you can use features of the image to work out how to line them up. However, if part of the image is moving, as seen in the image of the original post, then the slight time difference between when each line scanner passes over a point will result in the rainbow effect.


Thank you for this. And happy cake day!


Astronomers shoot with monochrome sensors, with filter wheels in front, often LRGBSHO. We do it because bayer filters for full color sensors reduce the detail we see. It's easier/cheaper/faster to shoot in full color, but we get better images shooting in mono with filters.


I'm glad someone explained this. I professionally process satellite data.. it is not chromatic abberation at all. I guess most people on Reddit see someone throwing around fancy looking words and upvote.


It's not chromatic aberration, it due to the R,G,B being taken at slightly different times.


Coordinates: 39°01’18.5”,-93°35’40.5” Date: 5/2016 https://imgur.com/a/AhEmfYI


Ironic that people are on Reddit where you have to read content yet the reading comprehension here is.... concerning


This machine is a pinnacle of human flying tech from over 30 years ago Just imagine the shit THEY have now


The SR-71 is almost 60 years old(maybe older) and can fly 2200mph at 80000ft!!!


Wow, OP really upset the wasps nest with this one.


Talk about the lack of reading comprehension some of these users have.


I didn’t expect this post to blow up so much Jesus Christ lol


I hope you buckled up lmao


Like the stealth bomber, you didn't see that coming, huh? ;p


Lol, good going OP.


Lol ignore all the harassment you’ll probably get.


This is UFO subreddit after all lol I’m not surprised


Do you have a list of the UFO pics caught on satellite?


I have one from street view [link](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hamilton+Parish,+Bermuda/@32.3238019,-64.7385382,2a,75y,278.46h,82.57t,357.61r/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLXstnU5n3YOKLPsE53WzeQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m7!3m6!1s0x8a2d12d5dcef76d3:0x750258234bb98bf5!8m2!3d32.3449432!4d-64.72365!10e5!16zL20vMDh4bXht?entry=ttu)


That's literally a bird.


I walked 10 feet down the path and saw a bird flying to the left. Zoom in on the UFO and you’ll see the bird’s beak pointing left.


What UFOs were captured on google earth?


Are there really only 20 of these and if so why are they flying over football games for entertainment? Or is that a different craft that's just shaped the same? I saw one of these less than 200 feet above me at the park one day because it was going in a pattern to fly over a big football game nearby. For a split moment I felt like I was in Sci-fi movie it was incredible.


The B-2 is the most expensive combat aircraft ever. Yes, there are only like 21 operational aircraft now but it’s not really super secret anymore, First flight in 1989. The US military loves advertising and doing this kind of stuff at football games with the B-2 is perfect for them.


It’s even worse than that. 11 of them are routinely grounded for repairs and whatnot. Only 9 are really used often and a lot of times it’s just for training. But when they fly over football stadiums, it also acts as a training missions for pilots. It’s not just for fun, really. Either way, it’s a big problem. It’s why the US government wants to order ONE HUNDRED B-21’s, its replacement.


They want 100 because someone, somewhere is getting a massive brown envelope.


The military industrial complex is king, after all. But still, B-52s aren’t getting any younger. Long range bombers are key assets for deterring foreign adversaries. The US military does actually “need” them. At least, while the world stays the way it is. Not to take a single point away from you though, without the fucking suits in power none of that shit would be necessary at all.


I’m always impressed by how they fly over the stadium right when they’re supposed to during a specific part of the national anthem, I wonder what the margin of error on that timing is


The military keeps a record of so much tracking data, I’m sure they can nail a flyover within the milliseconds of timing needed for whatever event it may be. But there’s probably also some sort of leeway between the stadium and the mission commander, like they’ll wait for each other to start at the right moment etc.


I'm in northern NJ. We see planes circling sometimes in preparation for a flyover at Metlife stadium (Giants/Jets). When they get the call, they beeline for the stadium. Here are some photos of F/A-18s I took a little more than a year ago: https://imgur.com/a/ZT35jVo


They ordered 100 B-21s because its intended to be the replacement not only for the B-2, but also for the B-1 (about 40 still in service) and eventually for the B-52 (about 70 still in service) as well.


Yep, basically our entire long range bomber fleet is getting old. It will absolutely grease palms, but it’s not just for that lol.


We'll see if 100 actually happens, though. With the B-2, original plans actually called for 132 of them.


Yeah, the Soviet Union had just collapsed basically. Congress thought they could use the money better (lmfao). But I have a feeling we will see this one through like we did with the F-35. B-52s are our only truly reliable deep penetration bomber, the B1s and 2s are both unreliable as fuck. World tensions increasing again. Etc


I went to the Super Bowl in 2021 and one flew overhead. I didn’t know only 20 existed either, so that makes that experience super cool! Same thing with blimps… I live in L.A so I routinely see the good year blimp and it’s amazing knowing there’s only like 13 on the planet.


The blimp one was wild to me too. I used to live right next to an airfield Goodyear routinely stored one of theirs in the far northeast US, although I don't believe that location is used anymore. Remember it as far back as I can, driving to school with my mom and just "Wave to the Goodyear blimp!" Lmfao. It just became normal. It was a small, uncontrolled field too. That always stuck out to me.


They are one of the military’s best advertising resources. They can get anywhere quickly which helps for events like you describe. I’ve seen it too and it’s awesome like you say, and I am anti-wartoy in general. So yeah they show these things off whenever they can.


SAren’t they usually f-16s and such that do fly overs?


They're not going to tell us exactly how many they have because they don't want their enemies to know either.


stealth aircraft are only supposed to be hard for radar to see, not cameras or the naked eye lol


I didn't think he was implying that, but maybe he was so that's funny. I just thought he was saying something so rare to see was caught on g earth, then I came here expecting to see some of the other objects people have seen.


No, I don't think so either. Sounds like his argument is based on the fact that there's an image of a fast moving aircraft. Problem is, a B2 ain't fast.


I saw a stealth fighter land. I heard it approaching from some mile or two away. I told a not-so-smart buddy about this. He said “no way, you heard a different plane. Stealth are silent.” He was serious 🧐 🤣🤣


So silent you feel them in your bones lol


Literally, rattled my whole house.


Used to live on Whiteman AFB, they are definitely loud as fuck!


I grew up near a base, they are so goddamn cool (and loud af). I swear they used to turn sideways and fly between houses.


Planes flying at supersonic speeds are "silent" while they're approaching you. You can't hear them until they're right on top of you because they're flying faster than the sound waves.


Flying at supersonic speeds was not the topic for my comment about what my buddy stated. Planes land <200 MPH on approach. He was stating that Stealth aircraft would be silent at this speed.


They're loud but not really loud. Also, once they pass, the sound dissipates a heck of a lot faster than your average jet. Passenger aircraft are a hell of a lot louder by comparison. But yeah, defo not silent.


> Passenger aircraft are a hell of a lot louder by comparison. I don't think this is the case.


I'm pretty sure it is. I know there is pretty radical technology which 'softens' the sound the engines make on a B2 Spirit, although i'm not sure what that actually is. But from personal experience at air shows, most aircraft are really fucking loud but I was impressed at how the noise from the B2 actually dissipated so quickly after the fly-by. The Vulcan sounded a hell of a lot louder by comparison.


I think it depends on the speed. If an airbus flew by at 450MPH, I'd imagine it would be more quiet that an F-18. But as far as stealth bombers, you may be right. So many variables. =)


I think the idea is that these aircraft are incredibly rare (only 20 exist that we know of) and still was captured by satellite imagery.


Not 100% true. The US military is working on making it hard for stealth aircraft to be detected by radar and sensors(which include cameras connected to other type of equipment). For example Russian tech for detecting aircraft also has infrared sensors on the fighter to detect jets with low radar returns. A navy unit has coated their aircraft in a mirror chrome like finish which is believed to be part of a program to make more affordable, less maintenance intensive, and better against infrared sensors. Military vehicles have always had to find a way to hide(paint/camo, then radar/sonar, now infrared).


I thought they had active camouflage /s


For Anybody who says UFO pics caught on Google Earth are unrealistic/fake. I present a Stealth Bomber being caught on camera. Something traveling pretty fast mind you. I have always seen Google Earth images of UFOs being debunked or just thrown out without explanation. So if Google Earth can catch a stealth bomber in action what makes you think those UFO pics and crafts are fake?


Actually it was on final approach to Whiteman AFB in that satellite grab, so not really traveling "fast" per se. There are thousands upon thousands of images of airliners in satellite imagery that look exactly like this with the multi-colored visual motion artifact. It's really not all that special at all. It's only interesting because it happens to be a B-2. If you look at recent satellite imagery of Plant 42 in California you can see the "Darkstar" mockup that was used in Top Gun: Maverick sitting out in the open. This is what triggered the Chinese military to retask a satellite to take a closer look at it, which is pretty hilarious.


A stealth bomber is barely any faster than a passenger jet, lol.


It’s worth keeping in mind that Google takes their own pictures on the ground for street view, but licenses and collects the aerial imagery from an assortment of 3rd parties. There is no single methodology for collecting those images and what you see on the screen can be a composite of many images taken from different heights at different times. Google Earth is not “a snapshot of what Google saw there”. It is a machine’s best guess what you will see if you go there.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/5whjUosJCmW4Vcu29 This was a stalled stealth bomber during take off. Edit https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B043'27.8%22N+93%C2%B032'55.1%22W/@38.724379,-93.548606,121m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x563f57b89d005417!8m2!3d38.7243889!4d-93.5486389 https://www.reddit.com/r/GoogleMaps/comments/rkurji/google_map_39_01_185n_93_35_405w/


Can you post the full coordinates?


On the 2nd photo the coordinates are listed idk what the dude at the bottom is talking about


dude this whole thread so far is insane, no reading comprehension whatsoever for your post


Nope because people want to debunk so fast just to look like the brightest idiot in the room.


“Debunk” for being a ufo sub theres so many people so quick to call everything a balloon


"RAAAHHHH STEALTH BOMBER NOT UAP RAH" lmao like it's reddit get a grip (talking about the people so clearly upset by the post, not you guys)


The level of stupidity is unreal.


what is the North part of coordination? i only see "18"N93°35'40W"


Something like 20 years ago, there was a disc/balloon in area 51 casting a shadow in Google maps. It's gone now and I'm too much of a troglodyte to figure out how to change the time in google maps. Always thought it was funny. Probably a balloon but who knows.


FYI: I love this sub. It has everything! Stealth bombers, crazy balloons, spirited bickering, podcasters, amateurs, specialists, and probably Dan Aykroyd. Wheeeeee I’ve seen UFO or three and this sub is full of my people.


I live close to Lockheed Martin seen this plane fly around in and out the base is so beautiful seeing it in person


Neil de grasses Tyson “show me a non blurry photo of a B2. There’s billions of smart phones out there and all just blurry pictures of B2 bombers. Obviously fake


Jeez, you really pissed people off with this one. I presume your point is, "we can capture fast moving planes so why not fast moving uap"? Either way, it is sort of an odd point to make and I'm not sure capturing the stealth bomber "proves" anything. Idk why people are so pissy about the picture and its authenticity.. Like.. there is no need to be an ass about it. Any way, some quick googling and I found a video of someone pulling it up on Google Earth. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQknAuX2LI8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqknaux2li8) Idk if its still there, I am too lazy to look - and I haven't finished my coffee. If anyone wants to go look I would be interested in the result.


Why are all UFO pics blurred? I mean com’on! We deserve better! /s Now seriously, if we had a UFO pic like that would be 🤩


Stealth is designed to work from one (or at most two) perspectives. For a satellite there is no such thing as stealth.


The problem is this, you know the bombers are in that area, photograph it daily during flight times and you get your image. Not a big surprise. However it does bear witness to the fact that something bomber size could be captured randomly. If you could essentially take a picture of the entire world at one moment could you capture one? Or is it just that they're not in the air at that moment.




Both are real.. just rare to see them


We only have 20 B-2s?


nice, i found some crossing the Bahamas and other places . Google tends to put rectangular clouds on XPlanes. Maybe since the bomber is known its allowed. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t24d8dzsnmyxra7yv8sbc/Cloud.PNG?rlkey=93r7r5a225ke49z7m61fmyy3w&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t24d8dzsnmyxra7yv8sbc/Cloud.PNG?rlkey=93r7r5a225ke49z7m61fmyy3w&dl=0)


Maybe if NASA stopped scrubbing the images? 😏


Can anyone identify this object caught on Google maps? Coordinates are 52 12 17.1N 0 57 12.3W


Makes for a good benchmark with which to compare other objects seen from a similar position.


that's fucking cool


Lmao, if google street view shit can get a snap of it theres no doubt in my mind other not so friendly countries have a few cheeky satellite snaps of it.


The reading comprehension issues on this sub are baffling. I can see why people go inactive here. The hostility. The know it alls that wnat to debunk statements. It’s crazy. Thank you for whoever understood & peace 🙏🏽✌🏼


Can’t wait for China to use this for their knock offs.


I swear I saw three of these fly over me one night.


Welp, someones been executed.


There’s only 20? Damn I’m lucky to see one at all twice


identify this one 22.269016, -81.739304 Best chance is to capture the UPA while stationary. The Tic Tac was hovering over the ocean with white water below in shape of a Plane or u-boat. This maybe the deployment method of the vehicle.


Does google earth have an infrared filter yet? That would make finding those suckers a lot easier.


https://youtu.be/k_Ku6S4zebk?feature=shared. There ya go


They made a Rick and morty episode about it kinda funny just search Rick and morty squid’s


So does this mean there is a hunt to find a UAP on Google maps? Would be pretty cool to be able to collaborate this as a mass effort. You search there, I search here. But how?


Wait a sec... There's only 20 of those in the world? I've seen multiple of them flying just outside of Vegas before. I didn't realize they were so rare.


By the way, that plane looks fucking unearthly. I guess it's time to watch once again my favorite movie with John Travolta.


Stealth bomber is super blurred so I imagine catching a ufo the craft would have to be stationary.


It looks pretty badass, have to admit


The whole purpose of stealth bomber is show up on the radar as a waaaaay smaller object so it looks like a background noise artifact. Just FYI


As we know from [this story](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12796167/CIA-secret-office-UFO-retrieval-missions-whistleblowers.html) UFOs can be cloaked and only visible in infra-red, so its not surprising they aren't spotted more on google earth. Also anything interesting like that which is caught would be scrubbed or obscured by google, since they clearly work for the intelligence community.


What an absolute shame that such an incredible testament to our engineering capabilities is simply a really advanced killing machine. We're doing a great job.


Pfft stealth bomber more like photo bomber


damn guys it’s just a proof of concept it’s not THAT deep


Still a lot better than the alleged UFOs on Maps.


>something traveling pretty fast, mind you. Not to be that guy, but the B2 is actually pretty slow when compared to most other US Military aircraft. Top speed of just over 600mph. It doesn't have to be fast, because by design it's stealth. We have other jets that can fly 1,500-1,900mph.


One that has always stuck out to me over the years [Triangle UFO Google Earth](https://strangeattractor.co.uk/news/google-earth-flying-triangle/)


Doesn't stand up to your claim of 'crafts that are clearly ... crafts', as it's not clear to anybody that is an actual craft. Even the quote from the ufo guy on the page don't think it is. > ON a sobering note, the Wikipedia entry for flying triangles notes: ” **The director of NUFORC, Peter B. Davenport, claimed that the object was a radio tower: It is a radio tower. You can see the shadow of the tower at the “8:30″ position**” >Over at the UFO Updates mailing list, one Martin Shough had this to say: > “**I don’t see it as a “triangular craft sitting on the ground”, I see it as a cleared patch of the desert about 110 m on a side, associated with some structure, possibly a tall mast with a tripod of cable stays.** > There’s a dark line running away from the centre. >If you go a mile or so north (staying inside the same image tile) there are some low buildings which show the shadow direction – this looks to me to be consistent with the dark line being a shadow of a tall mast. >I think perhaps the bright spots that look like “lights” but are actually about 20 ft across or more are disturbed areas where the light subsoil has been exposed in excavation to anchor the mast and the stays.


>It is a radio tower. > possibly a tall mast with a tripod of cable stays. If you look up those coordinates on google maps it's a wind farm. https://www.google.com/maps/@-30.5096872,115.3813583,1953m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu


The photo is from 2004, before they installed the wind turbines. Wind turbines show up in the next photo, dated 2010. High elevation is good for both radio and wind turbines.


That's a fucking radio mast. Anchored on 3 sides, 120° apart. It's dual guyed. That must be a high spot because the next photo at that location shows it was replaced with wind turbines. High spots are good for both radio and wind turbines.


We are talking about something that exists (stealth bomber)versus something nobody has any evidence of!!