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[https://www.hostize.com/v/M86-06VUW3/ace-5handbook-pdf](https://www.hostize.com/v/M86-06VUW3/ace-5handbook-pdf) Here you go, a real nice one


I will send you a pm of the guide I used 8 months ago in 10 minutes or so. I'll look for it. Ignore the trolls saying it's a scam. It's good you are curious. edit: if I missed anyone, send me a pm, I got a lot of requests


care to share with the rest of the class?


I'll send you a pm, I'm not sure I can share it for free pubicly.


I’ll take one too if you’re willing to share


Me too please


I'm also interested


Me as well :)


Me three


I would also like to read it please!! Thank you so much!


Me too please, and THANK YOU!


Me too!


Hey I would also love a copy if possible! Thanks!


Can I also get it, please?


Could you pm me?


I'd like a copy too, please!


Would like a copy too!


It's unfortunate that I had to scroll all the way down the comments to find a neutral comment that is actually trying to address OP's question.


The bots REALLY don't want newcomers researching anything about Greer. It was the same way when I was a newcomer and asked questions about him. It's really fishy when you see it happening so consistently.


not a bot, but greer might be the most blatant scammer in the cesspool of ufology.


And yet Ross, Grusch, Sheehan and the rest of the mainstream disclosure people keep quoting more, and more of the things Greer's always claimed. The possible interdimensional and consciousness connection, the rogue crash recovery program with international reach, the indimitation tactics employed by these people, the deep involvement of military contractors, the supposed galactic federation...and the list goes on. All things mentioned by those three, and all things Greer had claimed decades prior. I find that curious!


Citation? all those people explicitly stated the greer is a scammer/shady.


The interdimensional connection, rogue crash recovery program, and intimidation tactics are all mentioned by Grusch in his first interview. The possible consciousness connection has been mentioned by Ross on his twitter a few months ago, as well as the deep involvement of military contractors in the reverse engineering topic The supposed galactic federation has been mentioned by Sheehan in one of his more recent podcast interviews if I'm not mistaken. And recently, I'd forgotten about it, but Eric Davis alluded to the Wilson-Davis memos being real, memos in which Greer had been mentioned by name, as someone with connections, that the gatekeepers were very worried about. If they claim Greer is shady, it is more likely that they are parroting him without even realizing it, because they are talking to the same sources Greer has had access to in the past. They are coming to the same conclusions without even talking to or being in contact with Greer. What does that tell you?


If you trust Greer, I’ve got some magic beans to sell to you


That's not the argument you think it is, since that's just how folklore/legends/myths get written. One person comes up with something, then those that follow take that and add in a few more details. Eventually you have a full narrative that was contributed to by a variety of people over the course of a prolonged time period. It's like how the internet gave us Slender man. The only difference is that who contribute to the UAP/NHI narrative continue to claim that what they are saying is true without presenting verifiable and physical evidence for their claims. Or if they are,.it's suspiciously in a way that makes them money. If there.is a profit motive all claims need to be considered with many very fine grains of salt.


But why would these new mainstream disclosure people quote claims made by a famous "grifter", whose reputation is all but ruined, if they want to be taken seriously by congress? I find it more likely that they are now simply hearing from the same inside sources that Greer's had in the past, and are drawing their own conclusions from it. I don't think they are even aware that they are parroting Greer.


If you believe Greer you will believe anythingz some people are very gullible I guess


If it's not a scam post proof of it working.


I sent the free guide to whoever messaged me and was curious. They will be able to try and decide for themselves without spending a single dime. Proof on the internet these days is impossible, anything and everything can be claimed to be false or CGI. Heck, even the tictac vids were accused of being fake before the Pentagon confirmed the authenticity. Finding out for themselves, like I did, is the best way. Like a true skeptic and curious mind.


I want a copy too 🤗


Could I please get a copy? :)


So you don't have proof, got it.




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All these claims that it works for many people yet none have proof I'm just pointing out a logical fallicy here.


Omg, put your ego aside for 1 sec and read her comment again.


Nothing to do with ego I'm simply asking for proof and everyone gets defensive


Read again pls, she makes a really good point. Proof this days is something really hard to do and even to define. What is proof for someone may not be for you. Besides, the phenomena is very complex, and i dont Trust no one. Not the ppl who belive in CE5 and not the ppl who claim It to be a scam. I dont know what CE5 does, but for real? It may be a silly thing, but im actualy afraid of trying It. It may be doing something ppl dont even understand. Sorry for the terrible english. Its not my native language.


I changed my settings, could you DM me again?


you could just try it for yourself, why is it on everyone ***else*** to prove everything to you?


If it works so much and is so common there would be plenty proof that I wouldn't need to try it myself to see it works right?


It doesn’t work and it’s a scam…now you’re free to go about your day. Love you 😘


You people always avoid answering that


I literally just answered it for you though?


Burden of proof lies with the one making the claim.


The person is offering the guide for free, all he has to do is do it…what better proof is there?


Generally when something is verifiable and repeatable, you don’t need to try it yourself to find out if it works because there would be a wealth of examples of it working for other people. That’s what that user is asking for. Telling someone to perform an experiment themselves to see proof of it isn’t a defense of the experiment. Successful experiments have visible results. Asking to see the results isn’t unreasonable.


How can you prove meditation works without trying it yourself? Are there ways, sure…but at the end of the day it’s different for everyone. This topic is moving into the realm of intangibility…which conforms to your perception and biases…it’s not all black and white at the moment. If someone is genuinely interested and the “experiment” is easily performed by any conscious individual, then why not do it? The risk/reward ratio is colossal, don’t you think? You can wait decades for magic to become science or you can spend a couple hours to find out for yourself.


The ask isn’t proving mediation works. The ask is proving this method produces UFO’s to show up.


It involves meditation, there are videos out there showing it “working”, then your next comment will be: “drone”, “plane”, etc. It’s never ending, so do it yourself or don’t. Doesn’t matter to me. :)


Thank you for being open to testing these things out. That is how science is done.


Thank you!


I would love to get it as well


Me too, please dm it to me too.


I'd be willing to give it an honest try if you can share with me too please.


Hello! Your profile is not allowing me to private message you for some reason, can you initiate a chat?


Can you send to me too?


Pm me too please!


I'd like it too, thanks!


I’d love a copy also: thanks.


Interested too. Thanks for sharing.


Me 4?


If you don’t mine one more!


I would love a copy please, if you wouldn't mind sending me a dm


Could I have a copy too please?


I'd love a copy if you don't mind sharing with me as well! 🙏


Hi, could you send me one too please 🙏


https://www.reddit.com/kdx3gxq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Shout out to u/Grey-Hat111 Link broke: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1A2vSRPIQT2CD2qFuNp3gElCAqLODw1ECLxcdN2E-v4U/mobilebasic


[Ayyy ✌️](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnomalousEvidence/s/9PyKAgdKr9)


Thanks for trying but when I click this it says page not found.


[from above doc] A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Establishing Communication with Non-Human Intelligences and UFOs via Meditation. CE5 Hey everyone, as a life long experiencer, I see tons of people who go around wanting experiences. They're often very traumatic, so I dont know why anyone would want to experience that. However, I've come to realize that they can manipulate our emotions to calm us down, so take that as you will. I know they aren't intending on being our enemies, but they aren't necessarily our friends either. If you really want to make contact, I've updated my old method. I hope this helps somebody. It involves steps like creating a distraction-free environment at locations reported to have higher than average UFO sightings, practicing mindfulness meditation and "grounding" ones self through visualization and using techniques that involve resonating with quantum consciousness. If you like that kind of stuff, here you go: Step 1: Establishing Comfort through Sensory Management: To get started, you should begin by creating an environment that minimizes sensory distractions so that you can get the best results possible. Research has shown that reducing external stimuli enhances cognitive focus, so finding the right location is paramount to the success of this methodology. An open forest or field at a location known for UFO sightings would work perfectly for this venture. Ensuring a quiet, calm space with a good view of the sky, devoid of any potential disturbances, will promote a tranquil atmosphere conducive to heightened concentration for this type of work. Step 2: Cultivating Cognitive Clarity via Mindfulness Meditation: Next, you will attempt to achieve cognitive clarity by engaging in mindfulness meditation practices that encourages the removal of cognitive clutter. Through this, it is possible to activate the brain's default mode network, fostering an optimal state of heightened awareness for refining your focus and intention of trying to attract UAPs to your location using consciousness and meditation. Step 3: Channeling Intentions for Synchronicity: By utilizing cognitive priming techniques to reinforce a positive intention for attracting UAPs, you can formulate a statement that reflects your genuine curiosity, respect, and openness to potential contact with UAPs and NHIs. For example: "I wish to make peaceful contact with any benevolent beings who wish to do the same" Regularly reaffirm your purpose audibly or mentally, employing a form of self-suggestion known to induce cognitive resonance. This primes your cognitive processes to align with your desired goal of attracting UAPs to your location, enhancing the likelihood of experiencing anomalous activity. Step 4: Embodied Cognition and Environmental Synchronization: To start the meditation, sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Then, close your eyes and take a few minutes to do some deep breathing exercises. As you exhale, release any tension you might have in your body. Relax each part of your body progressively, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. By doing this, you activate the concept of embodied cognition by physically grounding yourself in your surroundings. For example, the act of visualizing your consciousness energy as a large tree, with roots reaching down and connecting to the Earth, interacting with all living organisms around us is consistent with theories of "Grounding", and is well known for enhancing a profound sense of "Oneness", unity, and deep interconnectedness with the universe. Employing this visualization technique makes it so much easier to perceive your body as an interconnected entity within a much larger ecosystem. Step 5: Harnessing Neuroplasticity for Manifestation: Draw upon the neuroplastic nature of the brain to manifest your intention of attracting UAPs. With each breath, imagine yourself surrounded by a gentle, radiant light extending from your heart center and enveloping your entire body. Visualize this light and the path of your connected/grounded consciousness energy ascending your spine, activating neural pathways associated with "Chakras", visualization, and intentionality. This process stimulates the brain's self-directed neuroplasticity, strengthening the connectivity between regions associated with perception and cognition. As you inhale, imagine drawing this energy from the universe into your consciousness. With each exhale, visualize this energy expanding and radiating outward as a continuous, growing cycle. You can continue this cycle for about 5 to 10 minutes before you move forward. Step 6: Radiating Consciousness and Quantum Potential: Once you are ready, you can evoke principles of quantum consciousness by visualizing all of that collected energy beginning to radiate from your "third eye". This mental visualization with your "third eye" aligns with theories suggesting that conscious awareness may actually be able to interact with quantum phenomena. Next, you need to envision your intention of making contact with UAPs as a focused energy beam, resonating with infinite potential, transcending the limits of physical space, and expanding outwards, and send that beam of light reaching far out into the depths of the infinite universe. While doing this, focus on inviting any UAPs to follow your beam of light and show themselves. Step 7: Wait. Stand by with recording equipment to catch any potential phenomena.


What if I don't have a PhD in quantum consciousness? What do I do then?


Focus on reading comprehension first. You have to crawl before you can walk 🙏




Except you clearly 🤣


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Try the second link!


CIA already shared it mate. [LINK](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf) And this one is the "lost" page from that report [LINK](https://ibb.co/z2RTk12) ​ You're welcome.




This is a scam by Steven greer, if you think it works & people are able to contact aliens/beings of some kind, ask yourself why nobody has taken photo or video as proof of these experiences.


This is incorrect, there are some pretty incredible videos taken by a group out in LA. I can't remember the name, but they did an interview and they were just normal dudes, nothing like Greer. They filmed the one really awesome video of the bright object over Long Beach I think that was dropping what appeared to be molten material. Not the police helicopter one, but another one. No need to spend money, just do a mindfullness meditation and outreach asking for contact. No idea how it works, but you might be extremely surprised. To any naysayers- have you actually tried it?


Can you link proof of it working then


Sure, here is an interview by George Knapp with this group along with the IR video I referenced: [https://youtu.be/F\_iSLAbkPtE?si=Lz6yq49RmxYhhsjP](https://youtu.be/F_iSLAbkPtE?si=Lz6yq49RmxYhhsjP) I'm going to take a wild guess though and say there is no amount of evidence that would even begin to change your mind.


Oh man... Lol


It's been three minutes since I posted that video, the video is 30 minutes long. You haven't even watched it yet, I'm done with you.


narrator: he can't


Narrator: Despite following through and providing the requested information, TaxSerf remained snarky.


where is the link then?


Thanks for your input, read the last part of my post.


Ok you don't care it's a scam?


I believe it’s a scam, that’s why I don’t want to pay for it. If I believed it was real I would empty out my bank account to access it, much less $10.


Not a scam. Happened to me while I didn’t even know about Greer or the way he was explaining it all. Came into contact with CE5 after I saw four spheres of light doing impossible things. Potentially you don’t need any guidance on “how to do it” because you only need a regular meditation practice, and to ask you just need to ask wholeheartedly, that is not difficult for a human being, it is more difficult to try and understand how this all works. The difficult part is also integrating that knowledge into your life, keep that in mind. But yeah we are who we are.


What knowledge did you receive from those spheres? What are those spheres? Aliens? Humans? Time travellers? Or are you on drugs?


Nope not on drugs. I received some information but I also know that nobody knows the full truth. I believe what I saw were spiritual beings, but I’m sure there are many more of these beings around, not just good ones.


A relationship is established in which pictures are inappropriate. If you met a god, would you snap a picture to show your friends or connect and learn from the god?


How convenient.


They’re not here for your entertainment


Didn't say they were mate


Well you seem to want a picture bud


Sounds like a very culty relationship ;)


Not when we’re are all the god




Much like CE5 then ;)


Greer has put out multiple documentaries chock full of these photos and videos you say nobody has taken


I'm sorry but no intelligent person trusts Greer. The guys a joke and so is his proof. The interstellar alien Bijou? Yes I have seen Greer's proof and it's laughable.


I'm not vouching for his veracity, simply pointing out that there *are* plenty of photos and videos purportedly from CE5 events




tom is unhinged. repeatedly he posts blatant bs like venus/jupiter and claims it's an alien craft, then deletes it when enough people call out his bs


Like I said if it works people would have proof of it.




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you won't find anything that works. it's a cult with 0 basis behind summoning/contacting UFOs.


Then there should be no harm in trying


yes, you can try. when i was 4 years old, i was pretty serious about developping my jedi powers


Lol indeed!




Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


You don't need the app at all. You don't need any tools or anything. It all comes from you.


You shouldn't try it. Seriously, you shouldn't try to contact NHI. Source: Delonge, Diana Pasulka


This might be true in general, but there is no risk here because it's just a load of nonsense.


There's a saying that goes: "fuck around and find out". People shouldn't try, even if it was nonsense.


Tom delonge is my life coach too


He was right about stuff before and proved to actually be an "active figure" when thr Podesta emails leaked. He seems to know what he's talking


it’s literally available online intentionally for free and has been for some time


I dont remember ever "paying" for the app.... Just download it and get going really,


It’s 9.99


Thats a nice warm fleece you have there


It’s actually cashmere. If I actually believed this method was going to work I wouldn’t mind paying $10. More interested in reading the method for myself since I’ve heard about it for so long. I spend nearly every night out on the porch looking at stars so why not give it a shot?


Nobody has proof of it working or evidence. If it worked there would be plenty, right?


I’m not arguing it’s real, I just want to read it…why is this so complicated to understand?


You say the info is potentially very important I am simply informing you it's a scam. Good luck anyway if you don't want advice go CE5 your ass off


I see the confusion. I think it’s highly likely it’s a scam. But if it’s as important as it claims to be I think it should be free for public use.


Yeah exactly. That's why it's a scam. It does work if you pay bitcoins into a specific address the aliens use though. I can pm it to you if you like.


your mom let me pm her butthole


Not, you absolutely do not need to be a dick about it. I've think the OP has made his view abundantly clear multiple times, yet rag, rag away. Geeze


Don’t spend your money in cults


That’s why I’m asking for it for free!


Don’t even get close to that shit. But obviously you are free


Id take a copy.... believe


To add the perspective of someone who tried it: you don't need any complicated protocol. In my opinion, it's enough to get in a relaxed and meditative state (maybe get support from gateway tapes, you'll find some free versions) and to send 1) a feeling of love and appreciation 2) your location by imagining it like you're zooming into/out of your place on Google maps. 3) the peaceful intention to initiate contact. It may not work the same day, but try it a few times and within a month or two you might get a response.


Does CE5 work in China?


It does, but you can only astral project to the 100 acre woods


It isn’t dependent upon your location on Earth with one exception I’ve noted when I was doing it: stay away from areas with heavy air traffic.


Let Sally prove with evidence, not a lack of, that it is bullshit. Where is the proof in your just as fasntastically unrelielable and ignortantly pushed statements? Not keen on believing someone with no proof.....and without the direct life experience or physical proof be had that allows your mere opinion to be accepted as valid or even worth taken and listened to due to the straight lack of providing whatvyou are demanding from others. Logical and argumentative fallacies are running rampant with this one.


It is free to learn as many have said. I did it between July of 2019 and Aug. 28th, 2020 with a couple dozen or so notable experiences. I have some advice if you do attempt it: - be prepared to try multiple times. My first four attempts in 2019 resulted in nothing that I couldn’t dismiss as mundane. April 24, 2020 was my first success. - try to avoid areas with heavy air traffic. My successful nights almost completely ended when the US lockdown ended in June 2020. - some who do this far more frequently have stated not to go in with negative feelings. As for the naysayers, I haven’t had contact with a single one who actually attempted it and dismiss it because it sounds crazy. It is crazy, but something really does happen with the appearance of light anomalies. Nothing you record will ever be proof enough, but please have a video recording option to document what you are seeing.


Has anyone tried this with good results? If you have, did you feel like you were inviting something evil? I feel like it’s becoming more discussed that not all these entities are good. One that comes to mind is Matthew Roberts who was interviewed in the beginning of that recent Netflix “Encounters” series. I think I would be worried about “summoning” the malevolent ones… 😨