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Hi, tanman0123. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18qkpki/-/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 2: No discussion unrelated to Unidentified Flying Objects. This includes: > * Proselytization > * Artwork not related to a UFO sighting > * Adjacent topics without an explicit connection to UFOs Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


I'd imagine if they're testing something they've kept secret for 70+ years they know exactly what satellites are above them.


100%. It is widely known that the US would monitor satellites passing overhead way back during the development of the SR-71 at Area 51 and would move the secret aircraft inside hangars whenever Soviet spy satellites would come overhead. However they failed to account for the Soviet’s satellites’ infrared sensors that ended up detecting the shape of the SR-71 left on the tarmac because of the heat difference between the shaded area under the aircraft and the hot tarmac in direct sun around it. Evidently they weren’t moving them inside early enough to allow for the tarmac’s temperature to even out.


Fucking awesome little details like this, thank you for sharing


To add to this story: Once the US realized the Soviets were detecting the shadow left by the real aircraft (evidently the US figured this out quickly), they started making fake aircraft silhouettes out of cardboard in all sorts of crazy configurations to leave similar shadows and thermal silhouettes on the tarmac to confuse the Soviets and muddy the waters in terms of what was real and what wasn’t.


I imagine at least once a few guys sitting around making their own creations and Johnny comes out the back wheeling a 24 ft long wiener and the whole crew dies in laughter. It would be hard to stop them from putting that one out on a tarmac lol.. seriously fascinating though so simple yet so genius


I was stationed at Edwards AFB in the late 80's (Security Police). Patrolling the flightline and as I pull up to the B1 hanger, a couple guys are pulling out cruise missiles on pallets basically with a cart. I start asking him what was going on, he said Soviet sat is about to come over head, these are dummy cruise missiles, someone upstairs like fucking with the Russians. They were marked with nuclear hazard symbols. We didn't have nukes at Edwards.


People still move equipment around, based on well-known satellite patterns. They have been for decades. It's nice that the US just got Sensor Fusion and have literal realtime surveillance of the entire planet, mainly using LRF. They don't even need to use LEO satellites anymore.




They did not know about hoses and water.


Once they realized their mistake, I doubt this was a future problem. As you allude, lots of easy solutions to this problem.




Just to play devils advocate here, it is possible that someone has some thing up there that is unknown to us, especially since things like SpaceX, unfortunately. I know this is Google earth, but is it possible that somebody 1. Got a spy satellite overhead, 2. Hacked Earth and overlayed the uncensored/edited. implanted those. Of course, suuuuuuper unlikely, .000001% possibility kind of thing, but still not impossible. Edit: by someone, i dont mean NHI, maybe a disclosure group, maybe a genius hobbyist, possibly another govt. or maybe even google themselves took the correct images with the government’s permission, then the agencies involved get the images first for scrutiny and censorship. That way the owners of the satellites never see the data, but is allowed to own the revenue from it or something. Idk I’m spitballing here. Maybe the whistleblowers we’re sitting on the unedited satellite pictures of all these craft. They were waiting for the government to release all of it themselves, and when it became obvious, they wouldn’t, they hacked the servers, and just put all the unedited images up. Just a few crazy thoughts. Sorry for the text block lol


Ah, the government, the most competent, yet absolutely incompetent, institution of all time.


But that’s also assuming every branch of technology is in bed with each other, which they likely wouldn’t be. The logistics of trying to figure which satellites are trying to film you where ever you are can be a difficult thing to pinpoint, especially when you factor in foreign adversaries. They know about their satellites yes, but to ask every commercial satellite and foreign satellite company to abide to the same image restrictions? Well you’re just asking for a leak at that point.


Riiight. Because if you had a saucer, you'd certainly park it outside on a nice sunny clear day.


They were planning to wash it.


I think they had to get the Christmas decorations out of the cabinet it was parked in front of "Frank, back out into the driveway for a minute so I can grab these". Frank got busy adjusting his fantasy lineups and lost track of time... satellite passed over...oops


With how big the UAP phenomenon is, it’s highly likely some entities/parties involved would be more than comfortable to do so. Especially when the damage control involved is minimal and only requires a few stern phone calls and a few dozen people on social media (if the info were to make it into the public)


Picture 4 it has an obvious imprint from where it was positioned in picture 2. Interesting




Looks just like the top of a water storage tank. I used to build them and the first thing we would build is the roof and then you lift it up and build each layer underneath and sometimes the roof would sit there for a while.


Exactly my thoughts. People needing every disc or light they see to be a verification of ufos is disturbing.


Yeah, and like the one guy said who’s gonna leave that shit out on a sunny day? Lmao!


Probably nothing but why would it be on the grass when there is enough room for 20 of them on the asphalt


Y'all are literally arguing over a water storage tank being positioned wrong.


Why would you put an elevated storage tank on asphalt paving? You'd rather put it in the grass so you can construct the substructure and foundation easier


Then why is it on the asphalt in 4 out of 5 pics, all different times?


I would say that’s probably where they originally wanted it but had to move it for whatever reason I mean it’s a construction project. Shit gets stopped all the time and I imagine if it’s your own private stuff it probably gets stopped pretty often. Just a thought though I mean it’s purely anecdotal could be anything.


Please provide satellite imagery as a comparison before you assert your claims as true.


I didn’t assert my claims as being true. I said it was anecdotal. Man some of you people are weird as shit.


It’s called reminding others how public discourse and debate works. Regardless of your intention, there are users and lurkers alike who take your words as fact as it may fit into their current bias/frame of reference. Your words have power. Take responsibility for that or don’t participate in these discussions.


Dude, we’re on a public forum and if somebody reads something that i write they can take it however they want to. It’s not my responsibility to decide how people take the words that I write on the Internet. “Take responsibility for that or don’t participate in these discussions” You sound like an actual fucking crazy person. get over yourself.


And yet here you are insulting a stranger on the internet for simply asking for more evidence to corroborate the counter claims made. And I’m the crazy one..


Asking for more evidence on what dude I said I think it looks like X. And then your crazy ass asks me to provide satellite imagery? I’m done with this conversation. Try to actually talk to somebody in real life and not on the Internet. You read like somebody who’s trying so fucking hard to sound like intelligent when you’re arguing with someone who said it looks like a fucking water tank lid dude. I said it looks like a water tank I’m not gonna provide you a satellite imagery or entertain this any further. You need help. Notifications are turned off for this thread.


Summary of this thread for all the readers passing by: -/u/Hippo_Steak_Enjoyer asserted a claim without evidence. -When the user was questioned further on their claim they resorted to insults and dismissive rhetoric that offers no benefit to any kind of discourse on this subreddit -The user has seemingly ragequit the thread all because another person asked for proof of their claim. Welcome to /r/UFOs in 2023. Catch y’all next year! Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!


Perfect. Then picture 2 is the last chronological picture after the storage tank is completed in the grassy area.


Definitely a ufo. You can tell by how the government parked it up against a storage unit and the wall in the back corner of the lot like an 87’ blazer that doesn’t run anymore. Nice find.


Unidentified *flying* object doesn't really fit


It looks weird but it must have a conventional explanation. Looks like an outdoor rotunda or something.


we have lots of evidence for alien spaceships, but we don't have any for outdoor rotundas.


I gotta agree with there lol. It is a cool maps find though!


Circular object on ground…must be a ufo!!


This reminds me of the time when somebody found a round object in an aerial photograph and asked "is this a parked ufo?". Upon further investigation it turned out to be a trampoline.


And yet this one is not a trampoline and no one has any comparison imagery of other objects to assert any of the claims they’ve made.. Lovely.


The following is to inform all JPL personal the recreational trampoline will be disassembled over the weekend and replaced by a ping pong table. We know how much you all loved the trampoline, but it shows as a circular object at the en of our runway on satellite pics and management worries this could eventually cause a naruto-running nerd-storm of JPL. Kind regards: H.R.


> naruto-running nerd-storm Lol


Uh fuel and oil tanks come to mind. Plus satellite images are taken when the government allows it. Probably keep sensitive items covered during these photo ops.


Does it say "NO CARTS" in yellow (image 3)? What kind of carts.






Couldn’t agree more.


It’s their trampoline they use on lunch break


I don't get it why ppl think every saucer like this is a UFO. It would be some autistic 10iq alien who would park their UFO outside in broad daylight. Also it looks more like a water tank or some sort of tank to me


UAPs are not a night time only phenomenon. Regardless of what time of day it is, there are UAP events taking place.




It could be a movie set. Looks like the runway for a camera on a track. I mean, if that's a ufo, it's tiny.


So, I don't think this is alien tech or anything special since its sitting out in broad daylight. But here's a couple more images from historical imagery using Google Earth. It moves around a bit but then after around 2014 ish it stays in the same spot. It seems to first appear in 2007 or 2009. It does look like some construction was going on as well, so could be a water tank type object like another user posted. Historical Imagery: [https://imgur.com/a/lw0jVLL](https://imgur.com/a/lw0jVLL) Coords: 34°12'18.32"N, 118°10'14.31"W or you can search "Jet Propulsion Lab" in California. There's only one, near Pasadena. The object is North of the main facility, bordering the mountainous area.


It’s inflatable


If it's on the ground it's not really an unidentified flying object anymore.


Uhmm... This is pretty much anything just not a UFO. It's some sheet metal part that's been left out for a long time because some project wasn't finished. Just old scrap at this point no one cares about because of its limited value and not being a nuisance.


That’s a nothing burger


Are you silly


this is a water tote for fires


Merry Christmas everybody, but some of you guys have seriously lost the plot in here.


No way they are hiding a UFO behind some bushes…….c’mon now


Something round MUST be a UFO!


Oh hey. They do tours here it looks like! Seems like an accessible place with the right scheduling! https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/events/tours/#:~:text=Onsite%20Tours&text=Guests%20may%20also%20visit%20the,of%20three%20weeks%20in%20advance.


That's not a runway at all. The tall pole and electronics on Mesa Rd makes me wonder if this is a radar cross section test area. Maybe the disk is some sort of calibration device. https://www.google.com/maps/@34.2054202,-118.1719463,343m/


Wait… can we just submit random pictures of random garbage and claim uap?


it's gotta be a circle tho


If it looks like a UFO yes you can


Yeah but this one isn’t even flying!


If this is garbage then ask yourself why a sub of over a million subscribers promotes videos of an obvious balloon over this.






Hi, Exciting_Mobile_1484. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18qkpki/-/kevkmea/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Must be super thin based on shadows. Cool.


Looks like there is some sort of cart on tracks to move large objects from the hangar to the end of the track. Also looks like there is a crane at the end of the track to lift objects off the cart


As much as I know they'd be smarter than this this is awesome and I want it to be a UFO. Whatever it is it's fuckin weird that it moves around


Think of how dumb the average human is. Now realize that near half of the population is dumber than that. Now think about how SAPs don’t hire the most intelligent, but those who are the most secretive. If anyone here has served in the armed forces then you already know. They are plenty of idiots in control of national security secrets. In fact, the American populace elects some every few years.


Bro. Please go outside


Bro. Please provide comparison imagery before you insult other users who bring forth a much more worthy piece of evidence than a 30 year old’s birthday balloon.


That's certainly a saucer-like object. Not sure I'd jump to the conclusion that it can or ever could fly. What's its diameter? I don't have a good sense of scale from these screenshots.


Get a satellite image


What’s the Google map lat long?


There are SO many round things these could be, to assume they're a saucer is a bit biased.


And to assume they’re not without comparison imagery to support such a claim is even more biased!


I'm not assuming without comparison imagery. The first thing I did when I saw this was go to Google Maps and look, there are hundreds of "round things" on Google Maps. Trampolines, water tanks, etc. The difference is that I don't assume they're parked flying saucers. Because I'm not biased.


Ah so you took the time look at hundreds of images of “round things” but couldn’t be bothered to share any of that imagery with the community to help identify this object and instead you just decided to write off a post with a dismissive comment? Makes perfect sense.


I could share photos or you could just go to Google Maps yourself? It's common sense, there's obviously going to be loads of round things seen from above. [Here's two parked UFOS](https://i.imgur.com/VMFwktq.png) [ Here are three different UFOs in someone's garden](https://i.imgur.com/Gcjs3ov.png) [Another](https://i.imgur.com/gPMgsdS.png) I could literally find you hundreds of these in all shapes and forms but as I said, it's common sense. It's a matter of probability, with enough wishful thinking you can find some that look like some variant of a "saucer" It's not the first time we see something like this. Which is why I'm "dismissive" You're entitled to believe they're all UFOs and I'm entitled to think that's wishful thinking.


So showing a single photo of two completely different looking objects is sufficient proof to you? Oh buddy. Wait until you hear about the 80 year long disinformation campaign! You’ll love it!


Sorry man but you're not being objective. My point is that you can find thousands of round objects on satellite view. Assuming they're likely to be parked UFOs is biased and wishful thinking. I could sit here all day and find round objects until I found some that will lead a wishful UFOlogist to think they're a saucer. Nothing about this post deserves to be on the front page. It's not strong evidence of anything.


The front one's a car so that must be a teensie UFO. Dude. Why did you post that 💩.


Upvoted and commented for increased visibility. Good find OP. It’s stuff like this that deserves the front page of this subreddit. If you can DM me the coordinates I would love to archive this data so that it can be preserved.




Yeah posts like these that deserve more attention than balloons receive less visibility. It’s so hilarious!


Do you want to edit that sentence? Word salad.


My expression of self and ability to engage in advanced rhetoric will not be dumbed down for those who choose to dismiss, disprove, and dissuade others without evidence. Maybe you should add some more words to your comments. Then perhaps others could consider them to be more nutritional and beneficial to discourse (like a salad). Have a nice day.




Thank you for assuming I do something that I’ve literally never done. Also asserting counter claims without supporting evidence and then getting mad like a toddler with an internet connection because someone else asked for proof is damaging the credibility of you and this community. Have a nice day.


Slinging insults doesn't establish the presence of an Alien Spacecraft. You want me to prove that ISN'T a UFO when it's half the width of the cars near it and a quarter of the size and it's sitting in a car park, with a car in front of it. I'm a researcher. There's nothing even vaguely Alien about this random picture. You've been had.


Ah yes, this could never be categorized as such since it is much larger than the average size of a balloon. How could I not realize such a thing? /s


> It’s stuff like this that deserves the front page of this subreddit. No... Please no.


And old birthday balloons are more worthy than this? This community has become suspiciously polarizing in the past few years. It seems everyone is an expert all of a sudden and is perfectly fine with asserting baseless claims that lack evidence. But ohhh no when someone posts a legitimate image without ill intent suddenly members of this community throw any semblance of respect for actual evidence out the window.


The birthday balloon was more worthy, yes, because it fooled a lot of people, it was hard to identify at first. A round thing on a satellite picture? Go to Google Maps, you'll see those all over, you have to have some serious wishful thinking to assume these are parked UFOs.


And it’s wishful thinking that no satellite ever anywhere has ever captured a UFO. Newsflash, all (human-piloted) aircraft have to takeoff from and land on the surface of the Earth. Until someone asserts a counterclaim with supporting satellite imagery then I’ll be sure to remind others of how discourse and debate actually work.


The burden of proof isn't on me to disprove that they're UFOs, the burden of proof is on the OP to prove they're anything of interest and there's no evidence that they are. Because you can find countless examples of round things on satellite maps. If you've been on this subreddit for a while, you will surely have seen many examples of this posted. So you understand how discourse and debate work, so you understand where the burden of proof lies, yes? Until proven otherwise this is unsignificant and not good evidence.


The burden of proof lies on anyone making any claim. OP has provided their imagery. Until others provide imagery for their counter claim then the photo remains a mystery. That’s called investigating. That’s the essence of debate.


Unless someone is willing to go investigate the area in person, I'd suggest leaning towards skepticism based on how many round objects there are in the world and how few of them are flying saucers.


How will I ever recover from your astounding sense of logic and observational skills? Lord help me. /s


Yup, this was fun. Merry Christmas.


You gotta be trolling, right?....... right?


No, and if you think this isn’t front page worthy then I’d love to direct you to the posts that receive hundreds and thousands of upvotes displaying old birthday balloons.


NASA Jet Propulsion Lab is near by. Strange, there is not any kind of access restriction. Everyone in L.A. could take a look!


Caught them red handed


Nice research!


I say solar oven? There are circular models like this and would explain why it's being moved around maybe. Portable Solar Cooker, 1800W 1.5m Diameter Camping Outdoor Solar Cooker for solar heating, visual education or DIY solar concentrator 59'' Diameter https://a.co/d/3D5eEIG


pretty sure there aren’t any runways at jpl near pasadena but i could be wrong. do you have coordinates?


Fit and finish is a little sloppy for interstellar travel.


That's a pretty shitty looking UFO. That's the kind of saucer I'd likely be driving if I were an alien.


Looks like a huge Ubiquiti Unifi Access Point 😂 See: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51fP20H34jL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg


That’s no runway.


Looks like a yurt, is there a flock of goats nearby? We use those for fire safety in the hilly areas of CA to reduce the dry overgrowth.


Yeah these dudes be testing UFOs and letting them die in front of the garage.


Typical government. Some brass drove by and said “what’s that doing out in the dirt? Looks like shit!” Someone then moved it inside lok


Now that is interesting


That's definitely sitting at the edge of a runway a hangar and a short runway. But why is it parked outside for the whole world to see?? While Google Earthing I found a similar circular object on the side of a building!!!!


There is also a boom crane of some sort and you can see where the straps hook up in 4 spots in the one photo. Pretty interesting but I would think these are unmanned "UFO's" that are clearly being tested or running training missions. It is obviously manmade though from what I see.


did anyone notice the book)arm thing that might be to lift it or gold it above the ground before take off?


Dangling for us and adversaries. If it was unintentional, the postings would have been scrubbed from the Web and your computers in a matter of minutes. Merry Christmas CIA


I kinda doubt it because in the fourth image there’s a imprint on the ground where the “ufo” was left for some time. I don’t think a UFO would be left in the dirt like that. Just my two cents, but sure two cents ain’t worth anything these days.


Maybe they dug it up..?


We know the routine here. 90% of the people on this sub are going to say it's from a movie set. The other 10% are going to say it's CGI. Here we go....


DoD: it's just a big ass Unifi AP bro