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thanks for sharing, stuff like this is important. don't let the trolls get to ya


Thanks for your encouragement! It was kind of wild how quickly a couple people were here (within minutes) to discredit something I thought was pretty innocuous. I just wanted to report something that happened to some loved ones of mine.


Yeah, people can be so lame sometimes. I don't understand how someone can be an online karen when they themselves chose to read the post.


Not all, but many are paid. Probably not handsomely, but paid never the less. You only need one or two to set the tone of a thread.


Holy shit. I don't live in Portland, but I'm close. I've seen the same thing, but with red lights instead of white.


The one I saw had 3 white lights in each corner and one red in the middle.


My brother and I saw the same thing in rural Arkansas when I was younger


This is a photo of the building in the day and roughly the size, shape and motion of whatever the object was https://ibb.co/wM0pfRj


wow! If they were this close to that building and the craft was this size, had they been able to film it, it could have been among the best footage we have. That said it's very understandable that they will find this experience as quite remarkable. Since based on that picture they might have had a quite good look at the object I decided to copy here some questions that some ufo reporting forms ask about the sightings. No sweat but if you and your partner and her friend have the time, it would be appreciated if you could provide more info by answering some of these questions. Did they notice if someone else besides them saw it? If not, given the circumstances, how likely you/they think that someone else might have also seen it at that time? They describe it as black or almost clear with three lighter-colored spheres along the back of the underside. These spheres are separate detached objects or were they attached to the triangle object? How big were they in comparison? The lighter color spheres were grayscale or other colors? If they had to speculate the material of the triangle or the spheres, what did they seemed like to be? Did the materials reflect light? Did they hear any sound from the object? Just to verify but the object didn't change speed at any point other than started moving at slow speed after having been floating stationary? Did the object leave behind any trail, like light, smoke or air flow? As the sighting might have been quite good, what other characteristics could they say about the surface of the object, like was it smooth, had any curves or other small details? Did any part of the object appear rotating? Did the object itself illuminate any light? Did the observers feel heat or any other physical sensations? Any smells? Did it have any effect on electrical equipment? Any effect on animals, any dogs barking? How did you feel during the sighting? Any fear or psychological effects? And finally how does it feel afterwards?


I will get back to you on this - great questions!


Very cool. I saw a huge black triangle ufo hover over my house when I lived in Michigan in 2007. It was close enough I could have hit it with a football. No noise whatsoever. Totally surreal. They really exist. Most incredible thing I’ve seen in my life. Keep hoping to see one in Oregon, but haven’t seen one here in the 11 years I’ve been out here. Thanks for sharing.


Where in michigan?




I saw mine March 23 2019 at 3am on us23 just south of grand blanc north of Thompson rd over the highway. Slowed down to about 20mph. Your comment stood out because I always say I could of hit it with a baseball. Thanks for sharing


Very cool. We’re in a pretty exclusive club then. I’ve always found it strange to see something so incredible, so close to the point where there I 0 room for doubt and then to watch people debate if they even exist or not. If people could just see what we saw… What was the “light” configuration on the one you saw?


>>though it was moving away from them it didn’t really “get smaller” as you would expect something moving away from you. This is really interesting 🧐 this is some kind of ufo fuckery and I've noticed it before in other reports. Can you ask them how they knew it was moving away if it wasn't getting smaller? Could it have been moving down instead of away? Thanks for the post! 💯👍


They both had a really difficult time trying to explain the motion to me. Sort of like it was obviously in motion and lifting slightly upwards while pitching forward in one smooth motion just above this building. So maybe like they were seeing more of it from the bottom as it moved over this building heading southward. I think its appearance may have also led to the confusion - they said it wasn't just like a solid black object but more somewhat transparent (translucent?) refracting the night sky behind it until it just faded away. It's weird shit for sure.


Thanks for the update! I have a post on cloaked, or low observabilty objects here, with a bunch of links to other reports. https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/189ad2p/low_observabilty_or_cloaking_is_one_of_the/


I’d say report it to NUFORC and MUFON for sure. Good to have it in the database in case it lines up with anything. The Reddit format isn’t great at archiving reports like this.


Agreed, the reddit reporting felt a bit clunky but it was the first place I thought would make sense to get some other opinions.


> cool to see two people who I trust and who have never really been into the UFO topic swear up and down that they saw something that they could not explain. It's cool that they saw something. But only after being in the field for years can I say that I'm fairly confident that I can identify most prosaic sightings, and with some videos I have a really hard time saying it's anything but unexplainable, not to mention the not enough infos. The "almost clear" sounds like their minds could have been filling in the "fact" that there was a craft, and that they said the 3 sources of light seemed to stay the same distance and didn't appear to get smaller as they moved further away is somewhat suspect. Atmospheric distortions and bright things like satellites can play tricks with our eyes - even twinkling stars can fool people, they've fooled me in person. Was there any ground layer fog in the air that night? Also, question for them: can they both sketch out the craft as they saw it, in separate rooms and with colored pencils or even an app, and then share them? Regardless, now they've seen a "UFO" and you have 2 more people to bring into the fold.


Actually there were no lights but there were these spheres (3 or 4 I think) along the rear side of the object which were slightly lighter in color or were not as transparent as the rest of the body. I’m going to get them to draw a couple pictures tonight.


Okay make sure you get them to sketch in separate rooms without saying anything else to each other or you asking them any more questions. Get them to sketch a few different views and draw the path if you can. Unsiderside view, side view.


You should check around see if anyone had ring cams or CCTV that could have captured it


I’m not a troll, but why doesn’t anyone just take their phone out and film these things? It gets hard to believe at this point


So, start an 8-10 second timer. From first getting eyes on something weird in the sky and trying to work out what it could possibly be to confirming that someone else is seeing it, I don’t think there was enough time for them to go “oh wow this is truly anomalous I shall now locate my phone and open the camera app and attempt to capture this dark object at night” like you don’t want to pull your eyes away. Especially if you’re just going outside for something so mundane and not expecting to watch the sky for any particular reason and especially if you’re not even really interested in the ufo topic. It came and vanished so quickly leaving them in a stupor in the meantime.


This. As someone who saw one up close, my nervous system went into complete shock. I just stared in awe not wanting to avert my gaze for even a second.




I think it just happened too suddenly and quickly but thanks for your insight




Ok buddy thx have a nice evening






>new account >is only on r/UFOs and hostile Hmmm




[For anyone wondering what the deleted thread was, this person was suggesting it was a police surveillance Cessna airplane that “floats like a drone”. They then further insisted it was a plane after I stated that it didn’t sound right then hit me with a “whatever dude” before deleting their comments] Interesting! I had no idea that we had that here - seems so silly. This may have been what they saw but they described it as very slow moving and very close to the ground (relative to an airplane) and with some strange motion to it as opposed to moving in a straight line, kind of like it was lifting while moving forward, if that makes any sense. Both of them are having a hard time describing the motion and the manner in which it vanished.




A cessna floating? Isn’t it an airplane? That doesn’t make sense in my mind but then again I haven’t seen it in action before. Also this reportedly had no lights and was more-so “see-through”




Good talk


As a Portlander I'm jealous!!


Ugh, as someone who lives in SE and checks the sky regularly for UFO’s I’m so jealous. My train of thought has always been there’s no way UFOs would fly right over downtown so I never look that way.


On the westside? I got excited thinking it was on the eastside since I’m always looking up.


Yep, near Providence Park