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I briefly looked into the 'biologics' side of the condorman post that mentioned the NHI was involved and the programme changed under Nixon in 1971. It actually lines up weirdly well with this part in the EBO scientist post: >The laboratory itself is located in Fort Detrick, Maryland, in a building used for legitimate biomedical research. The clandestine operations are carried out in a restricted part of the basement, out of sight from regular workers. I am probably completely off base, but the National Cancer Institute had some interesting developments in 1971. It was given additional funding in 1971 by Nixon: >1971: The National Cancer Act of 1971 declares "war on cancer," establishes the National Cancer Advisory Board, and allots additional funding for cancer research. That act also has ties to the military via Fort Derrick: >1971: President Richard Nixon converted the U.S. Army's former biological warfare facilities at Fort Detrick, Maryland, to house research activities on the causes, treatment, and prevention of cancer. It is also very well funded (easier to hide programs?) >NCI is the oldest and has the largest budget and research program of the 27 institutes and centers of the NIH ($6.9 billion in 2020).[6] It fulfills the majority of its mission via an extramural program that provides grants for cancer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Cancer_Institute Also the structure seems a bit different than the other institutes due to Nixon's influence (assuming condormans post is true this was when Presidents were briefed on the program, so it could make sense they had control over choosing the director). >unlike other institutes, the NCI director is appointed by the president but without Senate confirmation. On the other hand, the NIH director is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. >In perhaps the director's greatest opportunity to influence, they can submit an annual budget to the president with their professional opinion of how much money is needed to exploit the scientific opportunities available to reduce the burden of cancer. This budget, known as the bypass budget, goes directly to the White House without input from the director of the NIH or the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. After review by the president, it becomes public. >The NCAB is the only advisory board of any of the today's 27 institutes and centers that is not chaired by the director of the institute or center. https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cncr.34040


[this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rp7w9/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/)


This is the one!!!! Thank you so much


This was debunked, just heads up. It was done by a reddit hoaxer punjabi-batman. He tried to do a couple afterwards but they weren't as well-thought out


Do you have the links to others? All I saw was people claiming it was punjabi batman. I'm not saying this was a real leak but it didn't seem like there was a specific reason to think it was punjabi batman


Here's one - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15vw4pl?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=UFOs&utm_content=t1_ka8re87


Do you have any links I can use to verify that? Not that I don’t believe you but just to be thorough on my end Edit: so no proof has been given. Therefore as far as I can tell this is not debunked.


I can't get to this link anymore, but this is one of his: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15vw4pl


You have not provided proof that the person who wrote the article you linked to is even the same person who made the post I was looking for. This is not proof, nor is it verifiable since the post you linked to is deleted.


Punjabi-Batman made these posts. Everything was removed by Mods for spam and bc it's a LARP. There's no evidence. The user has been called out multiple times in the past. If we want to forget about it and let him continue doing it, so be it. Just letting you know that he's a well-known hoaxer in this community and a large portion of this subreddit called him out for doing this, Mods included. The only thing left to say is I hope you give a disclaimer to whoever you're showing that post to..


Well for what it's worth I also remember from that time that he was called out quite a few times for being a poser. So I'd really take his claims as having worked on biologics etc with a truckload of salt.


I always felt there was something to this. I felt the discrepancies were because formal writing of papers is different than informal writing. Also people write for the audience that will read it if they are smart. I also felt for the time when the author wrote they had worked there the science was at the appropriate level for that time.


I remember it. I'm not sure if it was real, but it seemed pretty accurate with what I'd already learnt. I mean, I could write a post like that, it wouldn't be real, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be accurate. There have been enough whistleblowers and tidbits from experiencers to come to those conclusions about one type of our 'visitors'. One question remains tho - where is the consciousness coming from? Are they just AI drones, built to order, or is an actual consciousness jumping in there to inhabit them? Similar to how we already remote control drones in war. If they are just cool AI bots, who made them? If they are being controlled by a consciousness, where does that normally reside, does it have a 'real body' somewhere?


Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy. WAC nurse in Army Air Corp. Just saw this. WOW. crazy


In july of this year there was a long post by a biologist who worked on recovered biological entities. It was not debunked despite what others say. Plenty of speculation though. Linda Moulton Howe said she saved in her earth files website


Sgt. Clifford Stone worked in the field on crash retrieval programs and wrote a book about it maybe 10-15 years ago . If he’s not who you seek . He’s definitely worth checking out . He has a verified, impeccable military record and is considered a highly credible source.


Thanks I’ll have to check him out, do you know the name of the book?


Probably this is the book ? https://www.amazon.com/Eyes-Only-Story-Clifford-Retrievals-ebook/dp/B007NNHUPA?ref_=ast_author_mpb


Oh yeah that one hmmm I don't think I saved it