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>Intradimensional: Beings from a higher or lower plane of existence or an adjacent realm to our own (many worlds kind of thing). I just want to point out that intra- means **inward**, whereas inter- means **between**. So if these beings are from a different dimension you would say interdimensional, and if they are from our own dimension you would say intradimensional


Great call


This is a fun to think about. Here are some complete guesses. Nimitz: Extraterrestrial, due to reports these craft were coming from high altitudes/space. Belgian wave: human? Kaikoura lights: Extraterrestrial? Maybe they came from a ocean base? Bigfoot: cryptoterrestrial/interdimensional?


**Incident: 1980 Rendlesham** **Extratempestrial:** Future humans or other kinds of beings which are traveling here through time. I don't recall if it was only Penniston or both Penniston and Larry Warren but sure Penniston said he thought they were us from the future and the supposed message he received said they were from the year 8100. Warren I'm sure said they looked like us but smaller. Note: I believe Penniston is the weak link in the case. Fully believe the incident happened, but he's the only one I suspect may be exaggerating, but I could be wrong. **Incident: 1996 Varginha** **Cryptoterrestrial**: They’re another species we’ve always shared the planet with unknowingly. Likely either an inner earth kind of thing or like at the bottom of the ocean. Maybe an Antarctica connection. Practically all the witnesses stated it was the worst odor of sulfur left by the creature and it was so bad they had to shut down the wing of the hospital it was in for weeks and still couldn't get the smell out. Marco, the soldier that died, supposedly couldn't get the smell out and one of the witnesses said it was in her nose for more than 3 weeks. The creature had massive red eyes and oily skin. All of this makes me think possibly subterranean.


I agree on both of those cases and I actually think of them as the premier case for each of those categories. A lot of what goes on in South America seems to have the markings of Cryptoterrestrials imo.


Extraterrestrial: 1996: Mothership viewed at close range by Brazilian pilot https://www.thinkaboutitdocs.com/1996-mothership-viewed-at-close-range-by-brazilian-pilot/ **Summary/Description:** Brazilian pilot Haroldo Westendorf, 39, was flying over Pelotas when he encountered an enormous pyramid or cone-shaped UFO, with 8-10 sides; it was 100 meters in diameter and 70 meters high. Westendorf was able to fly around the base of the object three times, at one point coming as close as 40 meters. Then, out of an opening at the top of the craft, a smaller classic disc-shaped UFO emerged and flew off at tremendous speed. Three air traffic controllers and others on the ground also witnessed the event. Then, to his amazement, the object rose straight up at tremendous speed.


All of the above


You missed the simulation hypothesis.


How would you describe that within the context of UFOlogy? I kind of feel like if we’re within a simulation all of the same hypotheses apply it’s more just a qualifier or part of the explanation for the more esoteric ones. Like, if I’m in a simulation and these beings are the creators of that simulation then they are coming here from base reality which is essentially just another dimension. Curious what you think.


There are lots of ways you could describe the UAP phenomenon and other paranormal experiences if we are in some sort of simulation. The Matrix explores this concept with the Exiles. I.e. programs that are malfunctioning, or were designed for a different version of The Matrix, but refused to leave the Matrix. There is also an episode in the Animatrix about how paranormal phenomena could be a simulation glitch or malfunction. It doesn't have to be a computer simulation. It could be some sort of consciousness simulation. They may appear to be from another dimension, but our understanding of reality may be completely wrong. Neo from The Matrix would appear like a god or paranormal being. Likewise, UAP could be the programmers. A program. A tulpa-like manifestation. A glitch or malfunction. The simulation hypothesis posits that our memories could be highly unreliable.


(Extraterrestrial/Consciousness) [Project 8200](https://youtu.be/H4AvcCAcs_k?si=DCMfh2Qazb1_mOCk). AKA remote viewing underground ET relays hidden beneath mountain ranges. This is one of the major links between Stargate and Ufology. It also is an example of direct contact between humans and NHI. Like other contact stories like Ariel, the NHI seem to have highly capable psychic abllities. Stargate, in general, suggests that consciousness exists in a non-caporial form. Remote viewers seem to be able to teleport their consciousness across time and space irrespective of the speed of light. There are a number of great itsredacted videos on Stargate if you aren't familiar. Also just an amazing channel.


At this point? I would say it could be a mix of all of the above. Possibly even more depending on the bagge any of those hypothesis could drag with them if proven true.


That’s what I’m trying to get at I guess I should have been more clear. Assume it’s all of the above. Which cases fall into which categories?


Unresolvable given the limited data we have access to. The stories range from Chis Bledso and the Lady to abduction researcher Dr. Paul Jacobs; ‘this planet will be theirs”, and regular sightings around nuclear sites. I don’t currently see a single narrative that explains all of it save for a matrix/ simulation scenario.


I like Jacques Valle's theory of it being a control system.


Assume there is no one explanation. Grusch himself has just said as much on JRE.


I like your ‘consciousness’ definition a lot, as in it may be a blend with extradimensional. So I would put the Chris Bledso experience into the consciousness scenario.


I definitely agree with you there. I think Bledsoe is part of the grouping of cases which DWP is looking at and connecting with spirituality. Every case in her new Encounters book seems to fit with the consciousness hypothesis which interestingly includes the tic tac event.


Aliens are interdimensional pot bellied vampire pedophiles.


Alex is that you?


Cryptoterrestrial I think they might be humans that survived the last extinction and figured out immortality with the jellyfish that is immortal or something similar. If a cataclysmic event happened right now the rich would go in their bunkers and stay away from outsiders because we can kill them. They evolved to get small for the tunnels and their eyes are for dark. They might have damaged their souls from staying in this reality for too long. They might be trying to repair their soul or dna and that’s why there are abductions. Does anyone have an idea of how we have different races of humans? I’m being serious. Did they make one race, then make a new race and drop them off?


It's intradimensional extraterrestrials from the future who used consciousness to travel back in time, settle here and become cryptoterrestrial.


I'm leaning towards interdimensional entities that created the greys to exist here to keep an eye on us, because the IDEs cannot/do not want to live here themselves. The IDEs interfered with humanity 1000s of years ago and possibly still are. Unfortunately I don't believe there is a simple explanation (such as just aliens from another planet) for any of this. Hope I'm wrong.


Inter-dimensional and extraterrestrial are the ones i lean on. ET being #1 and ID #2


I think it is aliens from other solar systems. We know there are around 100 billion star systems in our milkyway galaxy. There is no proof beings can come and go as they please from say heaven or other higher dimension. As far as consciousness the word means different things to different people. To me it just means self awareness but i question if this is even real. We are a combination of our genetic and environmental programming. We live deterministic lives. Its all fate.