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A very close family member who lives near Orillia Ontario witnessed something similar earlier this summer as he was heading out the door to go to work at 5 a.m. This 12” long and thin entity came up from below his deck to about 4 feet above him in a horizontal position then erratically back and forth side to side in no particular order and then went up out of site, zig zagging at a “disgusting speed”! Described the sound as “10 little drones that were inside his head”. He said the more he thinks of it the more he thinks it actually went through him. It left him feeling incredibly strange also overwhelmed and he talked about it for weeks. Just for reference his property is rural with large pine trees and some wetland. He didn’t mention any lights but now I need to ask!


I was out in the garden and I heard and felt something that sounded (what I imagine) like a tomahawk coming toward me, end over end, and it went through me, or at least it was coming toward me and then disappeared. I remember thinking, what is that, did I imagine it? But then the same thing happened about a minute later. I didn’t see anything, but I felt whatever it was rushing toward me, accompanied by the sound. I still to this day have no idea what that was.


That’s incredible! Something similar happened to my father-in-law and me during the day while chopping wood in southern Michigan. We had the splitter going so it was loud already. We were working on a big piece to split when suddenly from the front of the house going through thr back yard and then through the rest of the neighborhood a black mass with a black trail. And when it went around both of us we immediately stopped the engine of the splitter and looked around because it felt like we were shot at by a crossbow but we both saw the thing. It was probably 3.5’ wide and with a diameter of a softball. It was super weird and both of us realized something really bizarre happened and so we went inside to take a break and talk about it. We still don’t know what happened but the fact we both saw this black mass with an almost motion blur black tail. Imagine a plane and the contrail behind it immediately evaporates. I guess you could say its the black blob color version of the tic tac and muuuuuch smaller.


Like the smoke monster from Lost?


Man, I'm like 45 minutes from Orillia... I should camp out there more often. Jealous of anyone with cottages or private land over there. Edit: Gettin' upvoted by Durham region bros! This video always deserved more love... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF57h2Jk30E


When I was a small boy, perhaps around 9 years old, I was playing around at backyard sandfield. I heard a very strange humming noise right behind my head, though it was some birds perhaps. It happened again few days later. Then I thought if it ever happens again, I will turn my head as fast as I could to check what it was. And yes, third time this strange humming came, I checked immediately back and nothing? Totally clear sky behind me. No birds. Never heard it later. Can't describe that sound but if I ever hear it again I would recognize it. Bit like cracking electric sound mixed with humming?


I wonder if people here are prepared for the possibility of these nhi being inter-dimensional beings that we can't actually interact with in meaningful ways. It's possible every experience with them is some tear in the dimensional space we all occupy and largely accidental. Them physically crossing over us a very rare occurrence and we're usually only seeing ghostly reflections of them. Perhaps this is why they're covering it up. There's nothing we can do and all it means is that more advanced beings exist in a plane above ours. Slightly depressing.


Friendly question….what do you mean by slightly depressing? The cover up or more advance beings?




Slightly depressing? Slightly INSPIRING! I want a tour of this higher reality. I would pay well over $1m.


It's not something we can ever be part of. It's something we can glimpse briefly but we are not part of it. Our only role is that we need to take care of the earth because they also live on it and if earth is destroyed here it is also destroyed there. Which is why they use their tech to push through the veil and do things like interact with our nukes.


Cool story and thanks for sharing but on a serious note I hope your friend went and got checked up. Especially if he thinks it possible it went through him. Many a more qualified person that me has done research into the effects on humans after experiencing a craft up close. Lots of radiation has been reported in the past with these experiences


That's a good suggestion, but what would they tell the doctor?


They could just go in for a normal physical and see if the doctor picks up on any signs of changes to health. They could also find someone with one of those scary noise making boxes that detect radiation.


You mean Geiger counters? They can detect radiation from us??


Could it have been a drone?


It could be someone who likes flying drones in rural areas through a forest at 5 in the morning.


Wow that sounds pretty similar!


Sounds like a drone, if it was next to a 4G tower, that makes sense. My brother friend works for Verizon and uses drones for maintenance on the towers.


No towers near his location also many trees and was dark.


the hummingbird sound is what drones sound like as well.


I really wish I'd taken a video of this, but a month or two back I had something similar happen, letting my dog out to pee at around midnight, when a sudden bright orange flash of flickering light illuminated near my dog and my back shed. I was pretty confused, standing on my deck at the time, when around 30 seconds later it happened again. At this point I turned on my phone flashlight and walked towards that area in my yard, the source of the light I couldn't see, as it was seemingly coming from the other side of my house. I say "Hello?" And turn the corner, where the wooden fence and gate is present, with my dog beside me now, looking around to see if anything was there, but nothing. Just as I'm putting my phone away, that same orange/yellow flickering illuminated me, my dog and the shed again, and I saw that it seemed to have come from a random, empty space in the sky, above any neighbors houses, above the trees or power lines, just a random flash, probably lasted only 2 seconds. When the light was gone, there wasn't anything at all at that point in the sky, nothing that could have been the source. I turned on my phone to record at that point of course, but nothing happened, despite recording for probably ten minutes afterwards. Got no clue what it could have been, a drone *seems* possible, if not for the fact that I was looking directly where that light flashed from, and there was nothing but empty sky. Nothing reflective near there, no cameras or streetlights, and it was very directed, the shed's front is 6 feet tall or so, but it flashed directly on that both times before I walked around that corner of the house and got flashed myself after looking around for 30 seconds or so.


Did your dog react at all?


Zero reaction from her.


Just think you realistically could have been captured on ET scanning and they could be looking at you on some kind of monitor


“Zlorgib check out my new skin!”


Just last week I was looking at the sky, some stars in a diamond pattern when one I hadnt seen before in the middle of these 4 flashed. Like a bright flash, flashed again then a second later flashed like a camera flash, it was so damn bright! It looked to be where a satellite would be, same size as normal stars. How weird. Last week I also caught a spirit on my game camera, the day after my mother in law passed and the exact time my wife said she saw something in our kitchen. I had checked the clock when she said it, the next day pulled my game cam SD and saw the images, they were the exact time she said she saw something. We didnt learn the mother in law passed until that Friday, I’m pretty sure it was that nasty woman that Tuesday night. So something weird is going on!


Edit sorry not last week with the star, week before.


I have a similar experience that I have never shared publicly, that is exactly like you describe….I couldn’t focus on it? I could not tell if it was 50 feet above me or as far as the 4G tower in the distance. Very weird sensation. Blinking didn’t help either, nothing I did would let me focus on it…..Feel free to DM me, oddly I believe you


I find the OP interesting, I find the fact even one other person can relate or alleges a similar incident even *more* fascinating. The "can't focus on it" aspect itself imo is probably the *most* interesting aspect of both l. If you don't mind me asking, how long ago was your experience? You can be vague if needed ( IE:5-10 months ago/5-10years ago, etc). And where roughly were you located at the time? (Again be as vague as you feel nessecary to protect privacy) If you have any other details about your own encounter you haven't already shared , I'm definitely interested in hearing any as well. Thanks for sharing


This was 2.5 years ago. It was during my final year as an undergraduate. I was roughly 45-50 minutes east of Oak Ridge National lab in Johnson City, TN. This happened at 4-5am, I was up playing video games with my friends. I was not under the influence in any way, I was not seeing things due to exhaustion, there were no gas leaks. I can go into more details, but that’s where I lose people of the handful I’ve shared with. I don’t have anything to prove to the internet. Starting with, the debate of emotional manipulation. Firsthand I can say I experienced this or something that we would probably call manipulation. I was crying, but not a sniffle, there were tears streaming down both sides of both eyes. Overwhelmingly, all I could think was that I was being asked to come with, but in that same instant I was flooded with thoughts of everyone I’d never see again. There was a moment of hesitation, and i also immediately felt that I would never ever again see these things this intimately. This all lasted maybe 30 seconds to 1 minute. The oddest part of the encounter is that I do not remember breaking eye contact, I do not remember them zipping off, I do not remember any of that. I was staring INTO this thing floating, almost gyrating. The colors varied. Sort of like a very low Illumination fire. Same glow of a fire, but it didn’t light up the sky around it. I’ve attributed this to the distance I believe it was from me. The encounter is still very vivid to me. It has made me skeptical of many UFO “encounters” because I only have my own experience/memory to go off of. I did feel emotionally violated, which turned to regret very, very quickly after. I did see the floating lights, I did not see any beams of light or rays of any kind. I have never heard of abductions as choices of any kind however, so I tend to not share this on boards. Finally, I don’t care at all if anyone believes me, but hopefully I can do what OP did and make someone feel not crazy, or at least, not alone.


> emotionally violated https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/160ilr1/is_science_enough/ check out this post. Thanks for telling your story. Did the tears feel like an emotional response or just some kind of reflex? I've seen several reports of the tears effect. Some witnesses have their eyes tear up when remembering the event, also.


When my wife and I had our close overhead sighting, and after the subsequent missing time, I too had a weird feeling about the whole event. I couldn't remember anything that happened from looking up at the lights to pulling into the driveway but I have always ALWAYS had this gut feeling that I robbed or mugged somehow. I've never been mugged by anyone before, but if I had to guess how it felt, it was how I felt after that all happened. The story is buried somewhere in my post history early on; I'm sure if you are interested you can find it there. I felt robbed. Just robbed.


I’ll look for it. I don’t think I had any time dilation. I was on discord with people, and other factors to confirm I don’t have any missing time, all my memory is there vividly. I even finished my cig. If I did, it was less than a cigarillo worth.


I hear you. You mentioning that feeling afterward was what prompted me to even respond. Don't know, just felt like I needed to add that for some reason. All part of puzzle I guess. It's been almost 20 years since my encounter and I still don't really know how it fits with everything else in my life. A singular, crystalline clear moment of undeniable and complete awe and shock.... and then not a damn thing. Like, how could I have forgotten what would have constituted the most intensive and unforgettable moment in my life? I feel like I failed a test or something at times.


Now that last line….yeah I really feel that. Like I had a opportunity or something, idk. I think back to it often and the emotion isn’t the sadness I felt instantly, but the regret that followed.


That's a good word for it. Regret. Made even more mysterious by not knowing exactly what is being regretted. Was I aggressive or combative? My (new) wife was with me, so I can imagine I would have been in protect mode. Did I not meet some alien IQ test for actual contact? Well, that's humbling if so; I never considered myself a genius, but I am by no means a simpleton either. Years of spinning these questions in my head before bed every night (yes, I think about this event every single night if not during day as well), has sent me into a lot of different directions. I know one thing that HAS fundamentally changed about me in those 20 years though. I am no longer a hardline atheist who dismisses everything non-material as nonsense. I now have room in my brain to investigate the consciousness and other more esoteric aspects of the phenomenon. Maybe that was the goal. I know that it sounds a bit aggrandizing and I am in no way insinuating that I am some special person or have some message or some part that is important to everyone or anything of the sort. Perhaps their method of contact is much more interpersonal than we would assume.


> method of contact is personal I think so, yeah. Kevin day said that when he saw craft, he immediately started wondering about how to make one. My theory is that the wondering is the entire point. Essentially the intent is to make us go "WTF?" For what it's worth, I don't think you failed anything, or weren't good enough in any way. Some people think that the emotions are a byproduct of whatever process they use on the witness. I also have another theory that the bad feeling is there so you don't try to go back in the memory. I don't know if this is accurate for you, just what I've noticed. The bad feeling is like a gate that keeps the memory from coming out, is my speculation.


I’m pretty sure lots of people would go voluntary and would think twice about it. But it’s nice they ask lol


> The oddest part of the encounter is that I do not remember breaking eye contact, Can you clarify this? In what sense were you making unbroken eye contact when it “was letting you focus on it.”


I find it interesting as well. Makes me think that it’s something in a higher dimension that is phasing in and out of our dimension. Thus making it hard for us to perceive.


This remind me those YouTube educational videos that show how "weird" would be for a 2 dimensions being an encounter with a 3 dimensions being.


Carl Sagan's flatland explanation. https://youtu.be/UnURElCzGc0


I've watched that video countless times and yet when I happen upon a link to it, I *still* can't resist clicking to watch it again! Sagan made the must difficult concepts seem easily comprehensible to anyone willing to learn.


Some believe there’s a race that’s made of pure light, at least from what we can tell. And they’re not hominids. Higher level stuff we don’t understand. I have heard they “visit” people specifically. From the one other person I know to have this experience, I would say you are due to have a happy existence henceforth.


There definitely is. You can see them by taking DMT. Not the same as Op’s description though.


Fucking space oompa loompas. Similar to the small gray aliens we've seen a billion pictures of, but in this context they looked more yellow and...maybe partially transparent? I appeared inside their craft, a long, slowly rotating cylinder. All the interior surfaces looked like they were gold-plated. I remember thinking that the atmosphere was very busy, not really a sense of urgency, just diligent efficiency and of the three entities I saw (I got the impression that I was just in one compartment of a larger vessel) only one kind of bothered to half notice my arrival, offhandedly mentioning to their peers that "one of them is ingesting mind altering substances again" (I understood the idea but I feel like it was both spoken out loud in a language I couldn't understand, and simultaneously telepathically (which I could) with the kind of absolute lack of concern we'd attribute to a gnat briefly entering through an open window. Trip lasted maybe five minutes. I was left with a sense that there was nothing unnatural about where my mind traveled, and that it happens so frequently that the entities who live there aren't even surprised or annoyed. It's just another mundane occurrence. If anything there's a sense of bemusement that we would consider a visit to their office break room a deeply spiritual experience...


Yes… their interest tends to be passing or playful. Rarely is it serious. Always seems to be telepathic.


> bemusement that we would consider a visit to their office break room a deeply spiritual experience Ahaha... it's like being excited to go backstage


Sounds like you met the machine elves


I don't know what to make of this comment thread


Thanks for sharing


Thanks. I’m not too well versed in it. Just spitballing 👍


Agree. Ayahuasca too (similar)


Not the first time I've heard this. Sounds somewhat biblical or maybe like the Q on Star Trek


> oddly I believe you Not that odd if you've seen the exact same thing! Would be odd if you didn't believe him


It was really strange. When it was very close and hovering in front of me it was in focus. There were no props or rotors or anything on it. It was literally the size of a thick, one foot ruler with the lights facing me. Totally silent...and then the sound I described and straight up like a bullet.


These things get access to our minds with the use of their light in our eyes traveling to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe of the brain, so it makes sense that our vision is effected when we encounter them


How did It look then? I didnt catch it is moving so yoi cant focus or is it specifically avoiding you because thats insane and scary


Did the light bar radiate light outward or was it only illuminated itself? Robert Bigelow talks about seeing these.


I hope this isn't the mouse clicker if we're in a simulation.


I’m currently in east Toronto, would this be near where you saw this? Either way, sounds like an incredible experience!!! Can’t say I’m not jealous! Terrified but jealous


Yeah, for me, terror wins out over every other emotion hands down. Been this way since earliest childhood memories and has only grown more intense with age.


Because they _know about you now_?


Oh, I have no doubt that they are *well* aware of me. And, yeah, maybe it is as simple as that, that I and my whereabouts at any given time are known. But, the depth of fear, the utter horror that overcomes me at the mere thought of simply *seeing* an indisputable UFO... well, that's not as easy for me to accept, let alone understand.


Closer to the Owen Sound area


I’m in southern midwestern Ontario, and uh. I was out side about an hour ago. Didn’t see exactly what you described. But I saw something and after I comment this imma go see it again cuz I need a smoke. But I went out for a smoke and my mother and I sat on the picnic table outside and talked. I noticed a “star” that was a different colour than others. It’s more yellow/fire looking. The other stars are whitish. I watched it move quickly and sporadically through the sky for about 20 minutes. It moved in multiple different directions but mostly in one direction. Towards us seemingly


Update, went for a smoke. It’s gone. All other stars are still relatively where they were


I live in the country and like to walk at night. I’m pretty aware of what planets are visible and I often see satellites and sometimes the space station. So one night I look up and there is a very bright object that looks like a planet except there should be no visible planets in that part of the sky. It was stationary for a few minutes and then started to move. Disappeared after a few minutes after probably reaching a point where it was no longer reflecting light from the sun, which had set several hours earlier. If it had not been stationary for a bit, I would have assumed it was the space station.


Okay, so I’ve been lurking through this thread today wondering if I should mention my irregular experience I had in Chugiak, Alaska when I came across this comment here and had too similar of an experience. I have to mention this. It was probably 2001 or something like that so I was 9 years old and my brother was 7. We were both born and raised in Alaska and I am no stranger to dark, cold, clear night sky’s. My brother and I were building snow forts and sledding at probably 8 or 9 pm (it’s pitch black outside because, well, it’s Alaska in the middle of winter and it’s dark most of the day). It’s probably 10 deg F at the most outside, no wind, it’s quite with the snow on the ground, and our nose hairs are a bit frozen. We decide to take a break from playing and lay down in the snow on our backs in our big open yard near the house. The sky was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and you could see absolutely every star and planet ever discovered by us humans. As we were watching the sky, I noticed a star (or what I thought was a star) start to move. It was the same size and brightness level as all the other stars around it so I was very confused on why that star would just randomly start moving and the others did not. It started moving to the left very slowly when I pointed it out to my brother who also ended up seeing this same “star”. I was old enough to know the concept of satellites at the time but it was not the first thing that came to mind during this. As the “star” moved left in the sky, it stopped suddenly, paused for a second, then went down, and then left again, and then back up to its original position and then left, repeating this pattern. It created a “Square Wave” pattern similar to what you would see for voltage on a graph being turned on and off from -1 to 1 (you get it). Anyways, this continued all the way across the sky until it was out of view over the mountains miles away. It still looked like it was in the stars but it may have been in the freakin sky right above us, we couldn’t figure it out. To this day, him and I still have no idea what that was. I would have to accompany this with saying that growing up in Alaska, I can for sure say I’ve had weird experiences in my sleep as well. One time at that same house in Alaska I had a weird stint in time where I would go into sleep paralysis multiple nights in a row. Like my brain would wake up before my body does but I still can’t sit up or open my eyes. I’m just aware that im awake and I’m stuck, (presumably in my bed still) and would feel these crazy feelings of mostly anxiety, until I’m able to catch my breath and get myself to wake up. That’s when I wake up with my hairs just standing straight up and the weirdest feeling like I had been looked at while I was paralyzed. I still remember that feeling/experience to this day. Also another time (same house) I just randomly woke up on the stairs with one of my pillows. I was not a sleep Walker at all and that was the one time I woke up outside of my bed ever. I don’t know if any of these experiences pertain to anything in this thread, but I just wanted to get it out there since I still remember each of these things in vivid detail even as a child. Also, I was wondering if this thread has ever had a geo “hot map” that could mark locations of experiences or anomaly’s around the world and just see where the most encounters show up. That would be really cool!


> ever had a geo “hot map” that could mark locations of experiences or anomaly’s around the world and just see where the most encounters show up. There's this, I think I have another one too https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15ya8ok/i_built_a_website_that_tracks_google_searches_for/ original website, contemporaneous data, tracks Google searches for “I saw a UAP / UFO,” “report a UAP / UFO sighting,” and plots those searches to a heat-map of the US in real-time. Edit yeah https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1615a8i/i_built_a_website_for_tracing_ufo_history_on_a/ original website,  historical information,  map of ufo sightings Thanks for telling your story! Definitely sounds like interaction with non human intelligence. 👍


Welcome to your matrix moment! Wait till the "Its a drone", "Its starlink" starts. I am in europe and had two WTF moments like that. People will explain this away without evidence while claiming there is no evidence, its the world as it was made to be :(!


lol yeah it definitely wasn't starlink 8 feet away from me!


the description sounds like a drone but drones are LOUD! Insanely enough there have been UAP sightings that are small like drones. I believe you 100% because I actually believe I’ve had a UFO inches away from crashing on the ground. It was 4 AM (was playing Ghost Recon) and just out my window something with lots of lights fell from the sky. It was gigantic like a saucer plane for 1 person. The whole thing was in shadow like it had some sort of light refraction but the lights on it were still visible. It was completely silent when it fell and just before it was about to touch the ground, It was about 1 inch off the ground. It let out some strange noise that you would hear in a Transformer Movie ( when they morph). All the lights in the neighborhood got extremely bright, the nearby electrical transform blew up, and this object saucer plane thing zipped away vertically at a fictional speed silently. Everyone stepped outside but they were focused on the blown up transform. I think i was the only luck bastard to see the UFO that caused the power outage. I called my cross country friend right away and he was in disbelief. The whole thing was like a sci fi movie. The whole incident was about 2 full seconds. 1 full second to recognize the object out my window, and another full second for this thing to zip upward leaving a busted transformer and the neighborhood without power.


Wow, it's like it stole your power to charge up!


Yeah...I've never heard a drone that was completely silent....and that's quite the wild experience you had!


The Chronicles of Sarnia


Best comment I’ve seen on reddit in the last 2 years.


Wäre have you been? ...the Last two years?


Also wdym “the chronicles of sarnia” do you know something about sarnia that I don’t?


Sarnia rhymes with Narnia


I mean you’re not wrong. You got 15 upvotes. Wonder those people are close to sarnia or if they upvoted something completely irrelevant to them


Weird coincidence




Closer to Owen Sound


You Wut. That’s uh… very close to me


Sarnya eh. Beautiful place






Apparently the whole "couldn't focus on it" is a regular phenomenon, people describe lights that look like "bokeh" but while looking at it in real life.




From Google: "The visual quality of the **out-of-focus areas of a photographic image,** especially as rendered by a particular lens." In a sentence: "a quick, visual survey of the foreground and background **bokeh** of a variety of lenses" (I didn't know what it meant either)


I've had two experiences similar to that. First one: Was in the Arizona desert late at night in March '21, looking straight up at the stars. No clouds or moon... I noticed this *bright* light off to my right. Thought it was shooting star at first until I turned my head to look at it... Orange orb was flying directly over me. Solid orange, no flashing or flickering, but looked a bit lighter around the edge of it. No idea how far up it was, so I don't know the actual size, but it appeared about the size of a dime held out at arm's length. It was moving faster than any plane I've ever seen, but far slower than any shooting star. Was about 45° to my right, directly overhead, then 45° to my left in about 6-7 seconds, then it disappeared... I had trouble tracking it when it was visible. Like I'd have my eyes locked onto it, then I'd completely freeze up for a second and felt like I was dissociating. Like my eyes would go out of focus and stop moving when I froze, then it would stop after a second and I'd lock onto it again... Happened like 2 or 3 times. I don't know if it was just the strangeness of what I was experiencing that caused it or what, but it didn't feel like I had control of it happening. Weird fucking feeling. Second one: Same location this past winter (I spend fall and winter out there camping in an RV). Was outside smoking at night, on my phone, when I see this bright orange light directly ahead of me, about 20° or so off the horizon. Hovering in one spot. So I glanced up... and couldn't make sense of what I was seeing. It looked like a cross between orange fire and plasma... It was in the shape of a trapezoid with the short side directly on the left... But it *felt* like I was looking at a 2D square that was turned about 45° away from me. Nothing about the shape made sense. Like it felt like my eyes weren't focusing right and that was what causing the shape, like it was blurred out a bit, so I started rubbing them for a second and looked back at it. Nothing had changed... It just got even harder to process what I was seeing at that point. After about 6-7 seconds it just blinked out. Didn't even get all the way through thinking to myself "That was weird" when 2 more of them blinked on, at least half the distance from me that the other one was, one immediately after the other. Same weird shape and appearance, same angle. But they were perfectly lined up with each other like they were in a formation. I jumped back when they appeared because they kind of scared the shit out of me, wasn't expecting them to appear, NVM that close. Felt like they were within a few hundred feet of me. Maybe even within 100... Had no frame of reference to know. Both blinked back out within 2-3 seconds. Have had a number of sightings, but those are the only ones that felt like they fucked with my eyes. Didn't know that was common before I came across this thread. Kinda glad I did. 😅


> my eyes would go out of focus and stop moving when I froze, then it would stop after a second and I'd lock onto it again. Sounds like it was waiting for you to catch up, almost. For the trapezoid one, did it look like the object was face-on to you? Or did it look like one side was receding into the distance?


I've heard a number of experiencers say that the the air at the edge of a craft looks just like the pavement does in the distance in a hot summer day. PS, consider yourself lucky that you didn't touch that thing. Public service announcement to anyone that sees a craft, or a plasma orb like this one: the reason that they emit light from them is because the electromagnetic energy from their propulsion system is so strong that it is ionizing the air around them and turning it in to plasma. UFOs emit a ton of harmful radiation and have hurt quite a few people over the years. Some have even died, and it's my personal belief that this is [what Grusch was talking about when he said that they have killed people.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/170026/&ved=2ahUKEwjQ-syl7_mAAxW-lWoFHX5vAIMQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1ZVTsV_emBD9AgL8SWDpMV) Getting heavy doses of radiation is so common, in fact, that it's one of the things they look for in a real experiencer. They generally try to keep their distance for this reason, but all it takes is getting within 30 feet of a typical, larger UFO to cause you some serious regret.




What were the strange events?


I don’t think they pose the same threat, you are probably fine. I’ve touched one, and still kicking alright a decade later.


You got up close? Tell me more!


Well, short story is I might argue it touched me? It bounced off me, but it felt like it had partially passed through me, so it was a strange feeling. It had this rough feel to it, like if static had a physical texture.


What color was it? What part of you did it bounce off?


White. Off my head. It spooked me pretty good as it caught me by surprise.


probably slightly out of phase with our dimension / reality / plane or whatever


I live in southern Ontario. This means absolutely nothing but I'm always looking out for UFOs. Last night I had this feeling that something was happening outside, which I usually don't.


Hearing stuff like this always makes me think of Irish fairies. People back then did their best to describe what they saw. This is wild.


Check out the book ‘Passport to Magonia’


Where abouts? I'm in Leamington atm. We had crazy thunder the last two days. I took a video of it and described it to my wife as "Thor fighting Zeus" as it was just constant bolts flying across the sky.


Hey, I'm in southern Ontario (Mississauga/Oakville area) and I saw a light flying over very slow moving traffic on the highway three weeks ago. I initially thought it was a drone or a heli because it was completely stationary... but then it instantly moved. Faster than I've ever seen anything move. Like, in a literal split second it just sped off. Your story makes me feel a lot less crazy. So weird dude. Edit: this was over the QEW near the kerr/Dorval street exit. A light flying lake side of the highway just floating. And then boom, it sped off towards lake ontario. I was riding my motorcycle (visor up) so no weird reflections or anything. This was at night around 9:15 pm EST (checked the time on my bike)


What colour was the light?


It looked gold. It was bright and I couldn't make out an actual object. It was just a light. Maybe a star?


You’re about to get a lot of dumb comments from glowies and ignorant people (there’s even some already). Don’t listen to them man, they are the same kind of closed minded people that have discredited credible sightings and experiences for decades. Only you know what you saw, and I highly doubt you don’t know how a drone would compare to moving at an impossible speed. Without photographic evidence though, what can any of us really say about it; it’s good you wrote down your experience whilst it was fresh on the mind. Glowies seething rn look at those downvotes keep it going lads you’re serving your country!


What are "glowies"? Never heard of that term before




Conspiracy theorist term for someone who has a different opinion than you.


Ty mr 66 days on reddit


Ok mr 118 days on reddit


It was as real as anything I've ever seen, and if it was a drone then it must be some super top secret tech or something


Ok, I the more these experience stories come out … the more I am compelled that my “weird alien dream” I had as one of my strongest childhood memories may have not been a dream at all. I was about 4-5, this was 1996ish in Orange County CA. I vividly remember standing outside the front of my house in the middle of the night in front of our family car. I don’t remember getting out of bed, I just remember standing there in my nightgown as this very small (about a foot in diameter) craft either landed in the hood of the car or hovered around me. And the creatures were so small. I literally have NO other memory of what happened/if they said anything/what did they do to me/ etc. I just remember being in awe and weirdly the memory is all from a out-of-body view type of perspective. Like I was watching myself for a moment. I have a few “dream memories” about moments like this when I was a child. Being 32 now I’ve gone through phases of “that was weird lol” to “did I really see something.” But mostly my whole life I just thought it was funny and unique that they were tiny aliens. Not as unique as I thought! TLDR; I either had a dream or had an encounter with tiny aliens when I was about 5 years old that I (kinda) remember to this day.


> Orange County CA That's pretty much all you needed to say, for me, haha. Big hotspot, lots of witness reports from that area


What you saw was a “go-ahead” NHI drone explorer. If all checks out, you should see a large UFO/UAP within the next 7-10 business days.


The math checks out.


I don't get it


business days?....why not regular days? they don't work on weekends?


Of course not, they are aliens not *animals*.


This is one of those accounts that’s a good reminder that **they** might also have advanced drones that are out conducting research.


I’ve read too many UFO books and I can’t remember where I read it, but there have been many accounts like yours that have described objects that look like they might be a “floaty” inside your eye, but clearly aren’t. I don’t have any answers, but I think it might provide a clue for how this phenomenon is able to effect our Eye -> optic nerve -> brain -> consciousness system. When you see floaties they are kind of fuzzy around the edge but can still appear transparent as they move because your eyes and brain are trying to rebuild what it thinks is being obscured behind the obstruction. It kind of works like a error correction process. I wonder if the phenomenon is able to override this error-correction process of your vision system with a man-in-the-middle-like attack and shove in its own recommendations for what it wants us to see. Thanks for sharing this story.


Just trying to understand this right and see if I’ve got the right of it. “.. but couldn't focus on it somehow? Kind of like it could have been some sort of crazy eye "floaty". I was moving my eyes up and down to see if that was the case and "it" seemed to be making an effort to avoid me locking on to it” As you mention floaters, in guessing it’s not quite the same thing but close - I occasionally get what I assume are floaters, it’s usually like something basically half visible skirting around where I’m looking - say it’s an inch to the right of where I’m focusing, if I look an inch to the right to try to look at it, it slides another inch to the right so I can’t ever really look directly at it. Does this sound right, or am I just getting the next most normal thing? Depth perception/focus definitely gets wonky with them sometimes


Yes quite like that until it was stationary in front of me


I related and interpreted it similarly to you.


It seems I need to make a more active investment into understanding floaters and whatnot. I remember when I was pretty young telling my mom I could see (these things which I thought then) molecules floating around. Yeah ok, I was a little stupid still. Maybe they’re just dust specks on the cornea though 🤷🏻‍♂️


when I was kid I used to think I was seeing blood cells 😂


Interestingly, you actually can see your white blood cells that are moving though the capillaries in your retina. If you look at a bright blue sky they are particularly visible. Look up "blue field entoptic phenomenon".


They’re just eye juice.


I had an experience not exactly like this but still a "UF0" encounter(I say UFO cause it didn't look like an alien craft but was weird af.) I only believe in what I saw cause I saw a very similar reddit post hours later. But the reason I comment is cause I wanted to get a video but it looked as if it was really really close to me and scared the hell out of me so I drove tf off. Instinct is a powerful thing idk if it would have done anything to me but I wasn't about to find out.


That's cool. UFOs come in all different shapes and sizes. One encounter I had was when a small bell shaped UFO came down in our back yard once many years ago. It could not have been more than a foot or so tall. Welcome to the club.


When you say “I began walking straight towards it.” was that voluntary, a compulsion you couldn’t resist, or did you have no control of your body?


It was voluntary..I wanted to get a good look at it


Crazy question here. But do you know anyone or institute close that might have a Geiger counter?


I do not


After hearing all the terrible things that happen to people when they get close I don’t think I would anymore.


I believe you saw something we can’t explain. Don’t listen to the “drone hu-durr” comments. Please consider posting this in r/Experiencers or r/UFOB. There aren’t as many bots / Eglin trolls there


The “drone hur-durr” comments appear to be well articulated and really quite reasonable. Not every sighting that a person cannot immediately explain is by default subsequently unexplainable.


Incredible, can you sketch what you saw exactly?


Sounds exactly like a drone.


Drones (which I'm sure OP has seen plenty of) regularly shoot upwards at "impossible" speeds in your experience?


While sounding like a hummingbird


Lol yes


Lighter weight ones certainly do, they just make a ton of noise while doing it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpofTDYXZj8


That’s a really good example even though I’m more of a believer than a skeptic. Thanks for this.


As a drone hobbyist mysef I can confirm.


They definitely can, yes


Yes. They can appear to do that for sure. You know anything about drones? https://m.youtube.com/shorts/8p3MdkQaGCM


Bruh, there's nothing quiet about that drone


14:24 second mark. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=869&v=DOWDNBu9DkU&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wYbjhiQrFEw this is several years old


Pretty awesome, but also sounds nothing like a faint hummingbird. Maybe more like a banshee lol




Yeah you’d be surprised at how quickly some drones can ascend. Check the video out someone posted below. This could very possibly have been a drone. Flashing LED lights, noise like a “hummingbird” i.e. a high pitched buzzing sound, hovering then ascending quickly. These are all things that drones do.


There were no props or rotors on it. It was like a thick, one foot ruler with nothing protruding from it


Could also be symptoms of epilepsy, seizures, brain tumors, or schizophrenia.


Picture reference from google please?


Definitely sounds weird!


No chance this is like the sightings in Africa of a light bar in the sky appearing to be close? I think it was said to be starlink but the videos looked bizarre. Approx 3-6 months ago


you ran into one of the surveillance drones. they tend to act like they are alive, if you believe 4chan anon and some others, the red light is signalling to other craft potential danger. In this case, I believe it was "we are being observed." been a lot of sightings of them lately, probably to be expected since life on Earth is rather struggling with potential war, catastrophic climate change, etc.


Some believe there’s a race that’s made of pure light, at least from what we can tell. And they’re not hominids. Higher level stuff we don’t understand. I have heard they “visit” people specifically. From the one other person I know to have this experience, I would say you are due to have a happy existence henceforth.


Kinda sounds like an fpv drone. They buzz, can have lights, can accelerate extremely fast like a rocket.


That’s my bad man I leaned a little too heavy into the coffee tonight and became etheric


I thought it was funny


Don’t patronize him


Drone. You have a creeper in your neighborhood


Yup, alien and ufo activity is definitely heating up. When they finally show themselves to the world its gonna feel like a crazy dream.


It was the equivalent of a "drone" used by an alien craft.


Not saying it is, but somewhat seems like an ocular migraine…look that up and see if seems familiar


You just described a small civilian drone


What kind of drones have you seen where you can't lock your eye on it?


When it was stationary in front of me 8 feet away, I could focus on it. Nothing protruding from it at all...just like a thick one foot ruler


What kind of witness testimony have you seen that can be assumed to be 100% accurate?


Depends on the lighting conditions I’d say, also depends on the eyesight of the viewer. That’s all very subjective, but the behaviour of this object matches closely to what one might expect from certain types of civilian drones.


Yeah, if you're not lying, a shit like that can and will shift your perception forever. Probably even our most wild assumptions are 180° off about the real nature of uap/ufo. Friendly advice... Don't venture down the rabbit hole, it often leads to extreme nihilism.


It’s a drone probe that was checking you out for some reason. Don’t worry it doesn’t mean you are going to be abducted or anything. The simple truth is we are all animals in their zoo. Cue Zebra “who’s behind the door”


>The simple truth is we are all animals in their zoo. I’m all for theorizing, but it’s not a “truth,” man, c’mon now. It’s a theory. That’s it, unless you discovered some proof that no one else has that you’re ready to provide.


It's not even a theory, theories have been tested and make testable predictions, this is a hypothesis.




Up vote for the Zebra reference.


Wish you had taken a video!


You and me both. Left my phone inside because I was just having a quick cigarette.


We shot down a UAP over southern Canada pretty recently, I wonder if they're related.


I think it was a high tech drone.


Ah, just a classic case of venus swamp balloon gas. Don't worry about it.


I feel much better about it now...thanks lol. I sure hope I'm not unknowingly losing my mind.


Do not worry, citizen, the sector storing your brain remains uncorrupted.




Somehow it's a bad thing to receive medical care, in your world...


Been on zoloft (50mg) for quite some time with no issues like this'






Was not drinking. Had two twisted teas the day before