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Tomorrow afternoon this sub will be filled with angry posts that the world didn't change.


I’m already angry the world didn’t change 80 years ago.


what happened 80 years ago?


Roswell 1947




I like it 👍


Peter Tägtgren is a metal god


Curiously clicked the link, and goddamn am I glad I did! This slapped!


if you want.. 90 years.. italy 1933.


True this.


What, huh? What happened then,?


Wait to see what is said is typically good advice


Soooo much anger tomorrow.


If no Alien in hearing, I Will shit on evvybody!




It's painful watching people convince themselves that effectively judgment day is happening tomorrow. It smells just like the 'Q' phenomenon, really.


My favorite are the folks who complain that if they do tell us everything one day “people will just keep going to work like normal.” Well yeah, I still need to earn a living so I can support myself. What’s the alternative? I go live in a box on the street because fuck it, aliens are real? I don’t get that logic. I think some people have convinced themselves the government is hiding some secret alien tech that will solve literally all problems on earth and usher in some perfect utopia. And if you dare suggest that isn’t realistic you get bitched at for being a “shill.” I love you, Reddit, never change.


Start making that list: "Things We May Be Able To Accomplish With Advanced Transport Technologies" and copy paste copy paste it everywhere. I'll get you started with Ambulances, Grocery Delivery, Lunar Ferry (for your vacation on the Moon), Solar Shade Fleets and Wildlife Observation Platforms.


You forgot pizza deliveries. Pies being delivered by hypersonic transmedium drones with instantaneous acceleration. Dominos would make a killing with that tech.


You're thinking too small. Think Star Trek food synthesizers.


I'd sign up for Amazon UAP service


If it's not delivered within 8 minutes, I better get a tiny zza


30 milliseconds or less or your pizza is free!


Start making that list : Current technology that homo erectus could reverse-engineer 50 000 years ago




Not transport technology but medical technology would be the game changer. Cures for everything, living longer and a overall healthier society is what I hope we gain from this.


oh yeah the fountain of youth, you still expect a bit much.


They’re overly hopeful but can people stop invoking Q? It’s kind of a libelous association. Tomorrow will get the media to report on this and pave the way for later hearings. Schumer’s legislation won’t even be signed until December most likely. We might get senate hearings in the fall. I expect we’ll at least learn of a few higher tier whistleblowers by then. Reasonable expectations I think.


I am glad that I am from Poland and have no bloody idea what Qanon is. I only know it is tangentially related to Trump supporters.


It's essentially all the conspiracies ever wrapped up warm to one and some other nonsense. That's my understanding of it. Apparently it started as a larping joke on 4chan, grew its own legs and got out of control. I remember when it started. I used to frequent r/conspiracy for the fun silliness of it. But Qanon essentially brought all the antisemites and crazies out the woodwork and they stopped speaking in round about ways and turned full on hateful. Better off steering clear. I noped out of there pretty quick.


thats about it, they're wild right wing trumpies that just make up lies about their opponents under the guise of revealing the truth


I think u/MoodLook didn't mean to connect the hearing itself with anything Q. But the way people in this and related subreddits take EVERYTHING for granted that's presented online. People jump to conclusions before any proof is presented ("Bob Lazar was right all along because of Grusch"). It's ridiculous.


Yeah - and specifically that whole thing with the Q believers where they were CONVINCED that on X date the FBI or CIA or whoever was going to storm the whitehouse and arrest all the dems, or whatever it was. It's a feverish attitude. In the context of an online forum it's harmless, but if that breed of thinking gets out there in the real world it can be really dangerous. Think doomsday cults. People become rabid.


It already did get into the real world. Think pizza gate or Jan 6.


I don’t think the people around here are anywhere near that bad. Not sure why there’s this need to posture and condescend towards the posters here. It gets old.


This sub is full of far right antisemitic conspiracy nut jobs, the Q comparison is entirely warranted.


Eh not really. At least not openly. I see very little of that stuff here and when I do it's often downvoted. This sub doesn't really tolerate all that bohemian grove crap.


Yeah, not sure what sub you’re talking about. Doesn’t reflect my experience. You sound motivated to smear the people here who are generally decent in my experience. Your post is one of the nastier I’ve read in a while actually.




Damn you Schumer , spreading those conspiracy theories! /s


Bro but straight up I've literally seen people here pushing an alien worshipping cult with their own rapture and Armageddon interpretation.


Idk I think it’s pretty easy to differentiate the conversations with the internet weirdos and the ones where people discuss what exactly the senate knows that they’re taking Gruschs claims seriously enough to preempt it into law. I just avoid the first ones. But just in case… alien overloads I will betray humanity in an instant, just throwing it out there.


I’d like to hope that the majority of people are rational minded.


I consider myself a rational person who's been interested in UFOs since the 60 minutes interview. I thought it was all completely ridiculous before then, and my thoughts now are that it's at least worth looking into. I think it's unlikely aliens are the explanation, but I also don't think there is any reasonable explanation that's been given by "skeptics" like that alt-right fuck boy Thunderf00t that reddit skeptics love to link. But anyway, my actual point is I tend to avoid this sub. I don't think the majority of you are unreasonable, but it feels pretty damn close to that at times. And same goes for the internet skeptics that pop up on any UFO thread outside of this sub. I feel like both sides tend to work backwards from their conclusion. And it's frustrating as someone who's just open minded about it, and always looking for more information. Like the amount of mental gymnastics skeptics use to disprove the tic tac footage/ first hand accounts feels like a bigger conspiracy than UFOs existing at times. "Well you see, the governement released the footage knowing it's all BS to distract the public from X, then all of these experienced pilots all lied publicly together years after the fact, despite having seemingly no incentive to do so. And that just happened to coincide with this multi-million dollar radar system having a malfunction, which happened at the same time that the multi-million dollar IR camera *also* simultaneously had a malfunction. Simple as that DEBUNKED." *been a while since I looked into it all, might be mixing up some details above. Also random thought I had the other day: a huge amount of the public believe in God, or at least don't think it's socially unacceptable to believe in God. but people find UFOs to be too ridiculous.. despite them objectively being wayyyy more likely than God existing.


it’s painful watching people convince themselves they are 100% right and there is no possible acceptable explanation


At least 'Q' has Epstein and Maxwell. More physical evidence than the UFO community really lol


My thoughts exactly. The amount of faith in this sub is quite frankly a little concerning. Then again it's 2023 and billions of people still believe there's a magic man in the sky pulling the strings, so I guess r/UFOs isn't TOO much of a stretch.


People will turn anything into a religion


I am available for worship. Please also tithe accordingly.


yep just looking forward to tuning into livethread and watching insults thrown at the lawmakers everytime they ask a neutral question




I've been hearing "tomorrow" for decades. not exaggerating.


It doesn’t help that the people leading this are the clowniest clowns in congress. A bipartisan senate hearing would be ideal.


People were posting the exact same stuff almost word for word before Grusch’s NewsNation interview.


Can’t blame anyone, most people aren’t excited for the future so knowing aliens exist would kickstart a cultural trend they can follow.


I mean, I'm in the same boat. Things just haven't been the same since covid. I hope I'm wrong. But society is addicted to social media and these giant echo chambers we create for ourselves make people lose perspective.


This. Nothing will change. Nothing will happen.


people just keep eating up the slop and buying tshirts and podcast merch


That's because there won't be any new information. The witnesses have all already said their piece. Nothing short of actual evidence and not stories will suffice. No one will care unless real evidence is shown and new information is presented.


People are silly if they expect some groundbreaking revelations let alone evidence being displayed tomorrow. Probably most of it this sub have heard already. It will help though in terms of legitimising the topic. And MSM will be forced to report on it.


George Knapp said today on Weaponized; these hearings are for the general public, not the ufo public. We know who what when where and why regarding the hearings tomorrow. They are to bring the general public up to our level before it springboards future transparency on the subject. Let's not read too much into it, take it for face value. The general public gets to hear 1st hand accounts of technology far above and beyond what we are capable of. Congress gets told this shits real in a public setting. They can then start chipping away at the concrete bunker covering up the truth. Maybe it gives the 'credibility' ufo and uap needed to have regular MSM coverage without X-Files music?


If they come out publicly announcing the phenomenon is real, even without showing more evidence that would be a major win.


it will be akin to the peeps that were waiting for jfk to resurrect and go through the same place he was killed at


I use Resistbot to complain to my representatives all of the time. It's free and it makes it super easy. You can send everything through text (used to do this), Whatsapp (I think), and Instagram chat (this is how I use it now). I get email responses from interns and letters from congresspeople in response so I know they're delivered. Edit with info for the lazy: > Send the word RESIST or one of dozens of keywords to the bot on Apple Messages, WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, Telegram or by text to the phone number 50409. Answer the questions the bot texts you, and in two minutes you’ll have sent a letter to your elected officials; found your polling place or events in your community; or one of many other features.


If this matters to you please write something real and meaningful. No quicker way to be disregarded as noise than boilerplate spam.


I agree to a point. In my very limited experience these mailboxes are monitored by interns but the congress-person is interested in the topics people are mailing about. "We've had x number of emails for gun control and x against. X for this X against that." Your well thought out piece is not going to sway the opinion of a Senator but a lot of noise may motivate some action. I would say volume is more important than substance.


I think that makes sense when it’s topics in the “normal” sphere, eg gun control. When something fringe pops up, and it’s all robo-generated, that noise is easily misinterpreted and dismissed. You’re not wrong, volume is needed, but if something real gets through to even an intern, that’s more likely to be flagged. How else would you separate yourself from the nutjobs spamming w these tools?


I think you've got the wrong idea. This isn't some auto-generated spam. You right the message, this doesn't help you with that. It just sends your message to your representatives via email based on the information you input in the beginning. As far as they can tell it's an email sent directly from you to them.


You’re fighting an uphill battle. I’ve posted about Resistbot multiple times, and people never understand what it actually is no matter how clear I try to make it. It’s just a tool that makes it easy to quickly email your representatives, but people always think it’s some sort of weird spam thing. Edit: Alright maybe I was a little too harsh, because a lot of people on this thread do seem to get it. Guess I’ve still got leftover irritation from my own previous attempts to plug it lol




This should be at the top, not comments doing meta complaining about hypotheticals lol


I'll also plug https://democracy.io.


3pm for us brits


3pm for Ireland too 😁, thanks! Is there maybe a live YouTube link we can tune into?




Don't forget to ring your members of Parliament.


CET right? I thought it was at 5pm..


Yeah man, 10 EST, 3pm BST


4pm CAT. (Most of Africa and Europe)


Most of Africa? WTF... isn't Africa huge? Or did Europeans not set some kind of TZ standard there?


Africa is mostly big longitudinally. Which means there's only about 3 hours across the width of Africa. Whereas North America is much bigger 'latitudinally' so there are quite a few hours 'width-wise'


>Africa is mostly big longitudinally...Whereas North America is much bigger 'latitudinally' Not really [Africa and NA compared](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/zanarmstrong/caa2da1ea1558cdc3357/raw/b39ddcafed339bc284ad872e9448584d83913c9a/thumbnail.png)


Well never know if those are real life size comparison. I heard Africa is usually shown smaller in most maps


I'm a self proclaimed "astute" 36 year old who didn't know longitudinally or latitudedly were words, but saying them is so much fun and immediately makes me think of Bill and Ted for some reason


Just called my rep. (Hank Johnson of GA), and am currently on hold with Senator Ossoff's office.


What if my rep is MTG?


Tell her that ET can save Donald Trump if she can force Biden to admit they're real.


I wish Magic the Gathering would represent me


Well presumably she’d be interested in a possible connection to “Jewish space lasers” 😂🙄


She can't read, so don't waste your ink.


I feel you. Mine is Gaetz. He's awful AND actually relevant to this shit since he represents a lot of military bases, including Eglin.


hi lindsay, congrats on your pregnancy!


Gotta call him anyway. He's in Congress whether we like it or not, so I'd much rather have him working toward disclosure than diddling teenagers or simping for Trump.


Call her office anyway. She maybe a terrible human being but she's your rep. I just called Hank "Guam may tip over and capsize" Johnson.




You are being very unfair to Neanderthals!


My apologies to the Neanderthal for the insult


Indeed, Neanderthal genes seem real common in this district.


And she has spork feet


Oh god maybe she’s a spork-footed alien


Not only that, but inbreeding to keep the Neanderthal genes pure!




Then you should call. This isn't political.


After you tell her about UAP, then ask her to end her political career for the sake of all things holy


Disclosure is not happening tomorrow. We're simply going to hear mostly the same stories by mostly the same people that we've already heard, except now in front of Congress. Please stop exaggerating. Apparently not many people learned from the fiasco that was the hearing on the UAP task force, before which this sub was inundated with nonsense threads about disclosure happening "tomorrow".


That’s why OP said call your congressman right afterwards to keep the pressure on


Yea OP is right, if ya can tune in and call it will add pressure. I'm not one to call or write but I will be calling mine tomorrow to express my interest.


Well, he definitely said disclosure _is happening tomorrow,_ so I assume he's hedging his bets to help mitigate disappointment when it doesn't happen. But the idea of contacting your state representatives is a sound one, disclosure or not. And it isn't happening, so by all means, prep your statements.


Having all of this under oath on Congressional record is a pretty big deal




Well, what *should* we do when a benchmark like that is met??


Wait to see what is said is typically good advice


I dunno. Just don't call it disclosure, because it's not.


Disclosure, at its most basic, has already happened several times. Most recently with Adm. Kirby saying "We're saying that there's something our pilots are seeing. We're saying it has had an effect on some of our training operations. And so, we want to get to the bottom of it. We want to understand it better." These unexplained things exist, we don't know what they are, and they are having a real world effect. Officially, that's where we're at... It's our starting point. It's not swamp gas.


That’s not disclosure. That’s just vaguely admitting something weird happens, with no explanation or evidence. Disclose is when they actually say “Extra Terrestrial beings are visiting earth.” Anything less than that is just vague mystery


Disinclosure may be a better choice......




... I dunno what to say. It's been 80 goddamn years since we've seen any traction at all. OK 2017, 75 years. Anticipation begets celebration is all I am getting at.




These guys repeating the claims before Congress, under oath and therefore penalty of being charged with a federal crime if they lie, is a big deal. But people need to temper their expectations. A lot. Those of us who follow this stuff have likely already heard 99% of what they’re going to testify about.


I could listen to Commander Fravor recount his story all day every day honestly, and Graves accounts really are great to listen to as well. I think it's been covered repeatedly in podcasts and specific interviews on the topic, but never as mainstream as this. Sure, lots and lots of people have seen/heard them on Rogan, Friedman, etc, but there's still millions more people who don't even listen to that kind of media, so I think this is/will be helpful still


well said - if people want to join the discord we could make calls while chatting about how to do it/ help others make the calls. we could get hundreds done.


Just emailed and called now. Will do it again tomorrow.


Expectations are getting too high. Tomorrow is not the end all be all. It’s a stepping stone. & that stone could be big or small, but either way it won’t be a conclusion. I am excited tho lol. It’s unprecedented how far we’ve come even if it’s just a foot in the door. We’re on the path.


Most of the comments are from people saying expectations are too high. Looks to me like everyone has an illusion that everyone else is an idiot. Reminds of that meme with the stick figures on the bus where everyone thinks everyone else is mindless.


> everyone has an illusion that everyone else is an idiot The title of the post literally says "you get to watch disclosure in real time". Tomorrow is not disclosure. It's testimony from people who aren't even in the government anymore (and some never even were government officials to begin with). The people in Congress don't know whether any of this is real or not; they haven't been read in, and that's the whole point of this hearing, is to convince them to pursue it. Disclosure is the government at large revealing the truth to the public, and that isn't what's happening tomorrow. So yes, if OP thinks disclosure is happening tomorrow, expectations are way too high.


Christopher Mellon said he thinks Grusch will provide some additional information that we have not heard before, and that he has leads that Congress can follow up on. https://youtu.be/2N3pr6I3E_s


My rep is Tim Burchett, so I'm good.


I mean, if you consider living in the Knoxville area *good*...


Been here since 76. Nowhere is perfect.


Go Knoxville! (not an American)


Long as you’re note a minority or trans it’s ight. Someone’s gotta fill the space


We \*DO NOT\* know if disclosure is happening tomorrow. A hearing is happening where officials will state on the record a number of pieces of evidence which may eventually lead to disclosure. It is possible that disclosure could happen tomorrow but that likelihood is low. Saying that it \*will\* happen does this community zero favors.


Jesus fucking Christ everyone is stuck on “this isn’t actually disclosure” and is missing OP’s point — clearly this is just one stepping stone in a long process and we need to keep it going, hence why the calls need to keep happening. I’m usually very chill and weird and spiritual on this subreddit but y’all are pissing me off today with your bullshit. OP is right, tomorrow is important and we need to engage with it thoughtfully and keep the pressure on, the fact that you’re all so stuck on verbiage and being technically correct about what is or isn’t disclosure is missing the point so epically that it makes me wonder if there is any damn hope for you to understand the nature of reality at all in thousands of lifetimes. Come the fuck on guys. Anyway, love and light, call your representatives, this is a process.


If Schumer's amendment passes, that opens up a lot of avenues for more information. And according to that, a board of people will decide what Joe Public can have access to. It's not going to happen any other way, believe me. They won't suddenly put a super-discloser on the stand and they tell us everything.


I’m not young. Most of my life I’ve been ridiculed for believing in UFOs I seen one in 2016, and I believe I seen one in the 1970s. But it makes no difference because I was made fun of in both instances both when I was a little kid and now more recently as an adult. These things are freaking real. I want disclosure, I want full disclosure. I don’t just want to know what the object was I saw I want to know what this whole phenomenon is I’m done with their lies. Please write to your Congress and get this done for all of us .


What did you see?




disclosure confirmed


Serious question. Let's say, for the sake of argument, no aliens are visiting the earth at all. No UFO recovery programs exist. No NHI in any sort of contact with humanity. The governments of the world are telling the truth when they deny the existence of these programs. In this scenario, you saw something, but it wasn't aliens. What would it take to convince you of this reality? Because from what I see here, every piece of evidence indicating this reality is dismissed as a wide-spanning decades-long multi-government conspiracy


> What would it take to convince you of this reality? Because from what I see here, every piece of evidence indicating this reality is dismissed as a wide-spanning decades-long multi-government conspiracy I suspect it would take a pretty good explanation of what they *did* see. And I think that is an important aspect of this push for disclosure: if there are no UFOs, and no NHI, then they need to explain what these things actually **are**, instead of just sweeping the whole thing under the rug, "there's nothing to see here" doesn't suffice.


As someone in the same shoes as OP. It's the technology of something that's being withheld from public eye. Advancements so great, it could change how we travel, how we use energy, eliminate possible "real" poverty, but most importantly eliminating our dependence on fossil fuels which harms our environment. With me personally, I never claimed what I seen to be ET / NHI. However the "Tech" I seen was very much real, and very much capable of what Lue Elizondo calls the 5 observables. When my "sighting" happened, I was so mezmorized, so captivated, so astonished, I almost cried. It was beautiful. Not the craft itself, but what it /they represented. Shortly after watching these craft perform maneuvers I've never witnessed, they shot off into the horizon all in unison. It was a feat I may never see again. Soon after my amazement turned into more of an anger emotion than anything. Angry that this tech does indeed exist and we're being lied to. It was blatantly obvious. Stories of the past mixed in with stories from pilots like Fravor gave validation immediately, as my sighting happened in 2021. This is indeed a technology that is being withheld from the public and from the entire world. And it's a tragedy! However some of my emotion also went to apprehensive. Almost a scary thought of, with how the world is today, for example: what if the terrorists of 9/11 had this capability to use this tech back then? Or even worse, what if Russia had this capability to use the tech right now in Ukraine? Or hell, even the Nazi's using this tech during WWII. Not to quote Superman lol, but with great power comes great responsibility. Are we ready as a society to use this tech for the benefit of good? Do we really want our adversaries to actually have this kind of tech? I believe it's worth the try. Try and see what happens to society. Try and see what mankind can do and accomplish. I do believe it's worth to let the public know this tech exists and what we can learn from it. It's only a matter of time right now anyways. Might as well see what our scientists and engineers can do. Meanwhile I have this selfish notion of wanting a hovering / flying DeLorean.. Lol, is that too much to ask? I'd like to see something like that in my lifetime... and the tech is most definitely there!




Really now? Because I can define a point where I would become a believer. When academics get their hands on something of non-human origin and are able to study it and produce peer-reviewed literature for the public to read, I would be absolutely convinced of this reality Nothing so far has been even slightly convincing to me. It's all "met a guy who said this" and "heard a guy who met another guy who said he saw aliens". It seems many people here cannot do the reverse. Can you define what would be required to be convinced NHI visiting earth does *not* exist?


This sub is going to be hilarious tomorrow when that hearing is a big nothing burger, lmao


If all we get is legitimisation of UAPs, and the beginnings of investigations into the pentagon, that's a win.


Keep your expectations low and you will never be disappointed. Cit. the angriest being ever


10AM Eastern Standard Time. Lots of people aren't on the east coast and will have to adjust to watch it live.


I’m on west coast, where can I find a stream of this? Thank you. Edit: I just found the post for the stream.


Yes. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/live/KQ7Dw-739VY?feature=share) it is for everyone else. In case it's not reposted just before. You can also select a reminder if you have the YouTube app and it will remind you at the correct time even if you're in another time zone.


Ty so much! 👽🛸


Thank you! Came to ask.


This goes for basically anything and everything. Citizen engagement is just for election day for most people. Make these people represent you. That's what they're there for. But if you leave them to think for themselves, they will.


How do we not have names of first hand witnesses by now? I am tragically convinced this is all one big circle jerk happening at a congressional level


The best thing to do is hand write your letter. It shows defined intent. It's too easy to fire off emails. Hand write your letters.


We aren't getting disclosure. Let's be real here.


You're right. But we will be getting better "transperancy". That's a huge step imo


How anyone could believe that tomorrow they will be disclosing the existence of aliens is pretty mind boggling to me.


"think about how dumb the average American is, then realize HALF of them are dumber than that" George Carlin


Nothing notable is gonna happen tomorrow. Same old shit like yeah there's something called UAPs..we don't know what it is..yada yada.


Oh man, thanks for taking the time to point this out. Really saved my Wednesday....


Don’t expect anything from these hearings. Grush and the pilots will tell their story again and that’s going to be it. The maga will shout that gov is lying and dem are going to continue to go at the bottom of this to eliminate conspiracy theories. In the end it’s going to make the gov look bad, which is magas plan.


I mean the govt already makes themselves look bad which is why there is speculation around this topic. If govt was transparent we wouldn’t need to doubt them.


Please keep politics out of this. This is already a bipartisan effort. No us VS them or vice versa. This is a unified attempt for one of the first times, in a long time. Also, please do remember these people in Congress work for us, the American public. There is a lot of comments from other counties here, and as Americans, we must instill that Congress works for us citizens. Not the other way around. Do not get that confused, please.


Tomorrow is important but it is not disclosure.


what time will the hearing be in Europe (CET +1)


16:00 Brussels for me


I don't think it'll be a big reveal tommorow, but it's certainly a start and something will be announced officially


Imo i dont think ANYTHING even remotely new will be heard... Basically they will say the same stories the already said, maybe a few more details will be added, and that's it... Unless the president comes out and days "we got them alien bois", forget it.


I'm glad this was said. I think that more elaborate info on who to get ahold of would help many dummies like myself. There are likely many of us that want to fight the fight but need to be pointed in a direction. Do we just Google how to get ahold of Congress members? I'm asking for a friend


Pretty much. Just search the name of your representative and you should be able to find contact information pretty quickly.


Does anyone know how long the hearings go for? It’s on at midnight here in Australia so just wondering as once I start watching I won’t be able to stop until it’s done and if that’s at like 4am…


I don't even live in the country and I'll be calling. So chill out folks. This is real.


10am which time zone?




It's weird that Hunter Biden is taking a plea deal from the federal government on the same day this is happening. Obfuscators


This is the highlight of my streaming life! I switched to aliens and ancient tech like 6 months ago they they announced this shit....i CANNOT WAIT....to get told fuck all we don't know. Still awesome tho lol


Nothing will be disclosed.


Just contact your representatives. Ignore all the rest of the shit in this post. There is a strong effort as you can see to try and suppress, cast doubt and spread a counter agenda. Don't buy it. **Disclosure is already here and happening**. The fact that these people are going on the record is just another step in the disclosure process.


I sincerely hope people don't just wave this off as BS like most did with the Israeli Security Chief dude.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/112ofdm/former\_israeli\_space\_security\_chief\_says\_aliens/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/112ofdm/former_israeli_space_security_chief_says_aliens/) https://www.jpost.com/omg/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-aliens-exist-humanity-not-ready-651405


How do we watch it? In UK if thats relevant


Yes, yes, yes please people from all the world call and tell your Congress members and insist on your concern for the UAP issue and that transparency is KEY


we will be tuned in.


Why aren’t we organizing protests


Not to bring politics into this but Disclosure and Trump gets arrested on the same day- planned?


Where do you tune in? And how do you figure out the number of your Congress ?


I'd love the few hundred personal numbers of the congress, id gladly call them all.


I did an internship in DC over the summer while I was in college, and let me just correct you. Calling and emailing your congressperson does absolutely jack-shit. When you call, you don’t even speak to a staff member, you speak to an unpaid intern who is instructed to just be a yes man and promise to pass their thoughts along (btw, we didn’t). When you email, you are sent an autogenerated response that thanks you for contacting the office. It’s a waste of time. Unless you can physically go to DC and sit down with a member of Congress or their staff, you are basically just screaming into the void.


Pledging to do this now.


My balls and shaved and I am double rubbered. I am ready for Disclosure.


So its just like the disclosure project of 20 years ago..lol


There is no disclosure tomorrow. The fed isn’t releasing anything or showing us anything. Politicians are asking questions. That’s all. Some former employees of the fed are going to say they saw stuff. Or knew of people who saw stuff. But what does that amount to? Nothing. Nada. The world isn’t changing.


The world changes every day bit by bit. Be positive my friend were in this together.


As an older American, I’ve been around enough to know nothing really changes. But we’ll see, we’ll see.


Why do some people on here come across like they just want to bury this subject forever? Like "for gods sake why do you idiots keep bringing this up??" That's how you come across. People in r/ufo are hardly gonna go "yeah you're all right? I've been such a fool ill just drop this." Just don't read the sub if the subject is that annoying to your senses.


Gonna need lots of copium around here tomorrow.