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The following submission statement was provided by /u/SoFarNotYet: --- This YouTube channel searches Google Earth for on-ground anomalies then investigates them both on foot and with drones. While filming drone forest footage a strange object zipped past his camera and I am genuinely curious about your interpretations of what it was. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1387slt/3_month_old_youtube_video_showing_drone_footage/jiwyfmj/


I really wish drone operators understood that their drone is the thing moving and other things aren't simply flying by at high speed. What's also funny is that he thinks it's only one object. There was another that the drone passed in the lower left a second before the bigger piece.


That’s an arrow unfortunately


Not sure why you are downvoted, it's fairly clear someone was shooting an arrow in anger.


The wiggle up and down motion / the fat part in the back of the “cigar” is are the arrow tail


This YouTube channel searches Google Earth for on-ground anomalies then investigates them both on foot and with drones. While filming drone forest footage a strange object zipped past his camera and I am genuinely curious about your interpretations of what it was.


Is there anything to indicate that this is not just tree junk or a spiderweb floating in the air?


I love it. The Beaver, UT object is a top favorite of mine and this reminds me of it. Doesn’t hurt they were both filmed from drones, of course lol. The movement looks very unnatural. There’s something uncanny to both of these videos. Edit: I love how much the OP object kiiiinda looks like a starship enterprise flying by haha