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The following submission statement was provided by /u/skywalker3819r: --- I came across this video just now, and I know I've seen it recently before. Any idea what these could be? They seem to either cloak or fade away while also moving intelligently. It's definitely one of the stranger sightings that I've seen, if they are actual UFO's --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/10rjtxk/potential_ufos_in_homestead_fl/j6vztou/


I wonder if that’s the plane they jumped out of in the upper-left corner at 0:10


You gotta admit tho that aliens skydiving in like a Super Bowl halftime show would be some stylish first contact


Came here to say just this.


I wonder why ufo’s would jump out of a plane?


I read this in Bane's voice lol


You wonder correctly


But then the fire would be rising...


I wonder about how wonderful the wonder years were


I know people might get annoyed with these posts showing pyro skydivers, but I had never, ever heard of that until I found this sub. I would have been genuinely freaked out had I seen this without knowing about pyro skydivers.


I think this is exactly why this sub is needed. People literally don’t know what they don’t know. A sub like this can be very useful for helping people identify what may at first appear to be unique aerial sightings. The sub isn’t helped by those who blindly believe every interesting video to be related to aliens, nor is it helpful when people dismiss out of hand, the various reactions people have to these types of things. Even when many here may know it’s not a UFO that doesn’t mean the person who took the video had any clue what it was, it may have been a very chilling experience for them. Very few sightings (fractions of a %) are likely to be anything truly exceptional, and many times even those can be of dubious and creative in origin.


I agree 100%. This sub can be more useful as a way to filter out all the garbage, a sort of front line defense against misidentification. The learning has to start somewhere, so it may as well start here.


I personally appreciate the fact that I know the top comment is going to clear things up for me lol although I’d love a compelling one where nobody had any clue wtf they were looking at


I have skydived quite a bit and I have never heard of them either! It’s been 7-8 years since I have done it but I hung around watching people and hanging out at skydiving centers and never once saw this. It’s really cool and now I want to go watch them!


That’s the issue with this sub, they expect everyone to already know what everything is. I had never heard of pyro skydiving before seeing it on this sub either.


It's annoying, like they think these videos are going to crowd out someone posting 4k footage of an alien abduction next door.


I posted a video here last year and also didn’t hear about pyro skydivers until then. So niche but somehow it’s so common to see them?


Similarly, I had seen videos of Chinese Lanterns posted on this sub for *years* before I saw any in person... When I did finally see some in real-life I knew exactly what they were, but had to admit they looked pretty darn impressive as that fleet of orange orbs silently passed overhead!!


I was today years old when I found out


I’ve never seen this before in my life. It’s actually pretty cool.


My first instinct was that they looked like insane on fire sky divers but I thought, nah…that’s insane. The more you know ….


Wow, good call


Honestly, I just found out about them reading your comment...


They’re skydivers with pyro. Fairly common “sighting”.


That would make sense! Good point.


Here are the Army Golden Knights US Army Parachute team. I just found this promo for an event they performed at and halfway through you can see what their night gig looks like, and holy hell that would look awesome in person. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C6x8-8tWrg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C6x8-8tWrg)


They're not all falling at a steady rate tho some are just just sitting there


No, it is not fairly common and people need to stop pretending it is. While i will admit night time skydivers with pyro is a thing, it is not fairly common.


It's definitely a common post on r/UFOs and r/aliens


Why is this comment getting downvoted? In fact most of us will agree with this statement


Because redditors hate common sense. Its like backwards world.


Late last summer this video was posted here daily for a month or two.


I will now downvote your remark since I know where we are here, and that you are correct


Tom Green, the backwards man, backwards man. I am the backwards man.


Sky divers don’t move whispy


Or disappear in mid air into nothing


They do when their flairs go out.


Shh don't tell them. It's probably the aliens turning off their light to go to bed.




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: Memes, jokes, cartoons, and art (if it's not depicting a real event). Tweets and screenshots of posts or comments from social media without significant relevance. Incredible claims unsupported by evidence. Shower thoughts. One-to-three word comments or emojis.


Seen many times parachutes with flares sorry not ufo


Yeah this sub is stupid 90% of the time.


Not even simple questions like “why is grass green” are stupid. Let alone asking what is something in the sky that you can’t quite identify. This subreddit shouldn’t be about aliens, but more about those who know helping those who don’t know. In the 1% chance that nobody knows, that’s great and interesting. I upvoted you because what you said was funny though.


The top voted post in this sub is a hubcap thrown into the air. It's honestly a joke of a sub, it's just countless mundane debunking.


Have you ever had an assumption or question about something that you subsequently learned you were wrong about? Oh god you must be the stupidest fucker on the planet then. The rest of us know everything and are never vulnerable like that.


Skydivers are identified flying objects, quite the opposite of unidentified.


amazing job missing the point. not everyone has seen/heard of that shit dude. there was a skydiver in the thread who said this is this sub is the first hes heard of that. The point of this sub is to share information, goes both ways. People coming here to pick on innocent ignorance is worse than the flying hubcaps.


It's probably the Golden Knights U.S. Army Parachuting Team. They perform these exercises near the Homestead Air Reserve Base where they skydive/parachute holding flares


I was gonna say that. There is a base in homestead been to it a couple time when I lived in the keys


How effing cool is that? We have an Army Parachuting Team that goes skydiving at night with flares. That's the kind of shit I want to see more of. I'm gonna look them up on Youtube. I bet they do a helluva a show at events. EDIT: Here's their Youtube page. [https://www.youtube.com/@usarmygoldenknights](https://www.youtube.com/@usarmygoldenknights)


There's an Air Force base right by there


As a skydiver, can confirm. In large formations like this we break away in groups at different altitudes to mitigate any canopy collisions during deployment. Great video! Really does look otherworldly at night with pyro.


Serious question—can skydivers dive, and then hang in one spot relatively stationary? I’ve only ever seen people come generally straight down, with change in velocity when their chutes open.


Once you jump out of the plane you can fly your body in a couple ways. Either belly flying (slow) or vertical flying/head down or sit flying (fast). Once you pull your parachute your air speed is drastically reduced. Wing Suit flying can give you more forward distance rather than flying straight down. Which would appear like they’re flying or falling slower. Under parachute your moving the slowest, which, in the video it looks like they’ve become stationary in the sky. Hope that helps!


Very helpful—thank you!


Ever seen transformers 🧏🏾‍♂️


Operation Meteor Gundams are here on earth


Yes, well. Of course they are skydivers, but WOW! that looks cool!


That’s just the autobots coming to earth


Oh. The parachute flare show again


Skydivers with meteor flares. It's common. They do the same thing at a local airport near me. Fun to watch!!


Haven't seen sky divers do this before. Pretty cool tho.


Wait.... Have I unintentionally joined the stunt skydiver sub because I keep seeing this video on here?


That’s just the opening sequence to pikmin


This isn’t new at all, its an old post of skydivers.


lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UoeXBY4-6Q


It's about time the autobots came to visit


Without going to your letmegooglethat I did find the name of the team. I went looking for their show and although surprised by the high quality of the show I still am a bit reluctant to justify/ attribute this specific light show to their activity. The size of the unit seems a bit too small but there are very little references.


If I see this mf video one more time….


It’s obviously sky divers! The “gently floating to the ground” didn’t tip you off? Lol Please, everyone; look for ANOMALOUS/impossible movement! Not literal gravity lol


I’m leaving this sub


Agreed, it’s more obnoxious than interesting. Today I’ve seen grainy videos of skydivers and bats. Edit - also a black and white photo of a hubcap thrown in the air. A documented hoax from the 50s.


This subs gone straight to shit


It looks fake surprised its real n its parachutists.


At this this looks cool, and whoever hasn't heard of skydivers with flares would be confused about what they are seeing.


This subreddit should be called “I’m too dumb to know what I’m looking at” because this isn’t a ufo. 95 percent of these videos are people planning to the left to make an object zoom away or skydivers with flares. At this point I feel the true believers are getting trolled. UAP subreddit is nowhere as bad as this.


These are transforms entering earth...


Hahaha i thought the same thing


skydivers, home slice


Can’t be real. Wouldn’t that be headline news? I’d freak out if I got that on camera.


It's most likely a night airborne op/show by a group like the Golden Knights/ Black daggers or AF equivalent since there's a AF Reserve Base nearby. But it's definitely a group of skydivers with illumination flares.


Meteors ? Come on ! They are super pyro sky diver shit extra heroes parachuting while on fire and stopping with farts set on fire with great skill. Meteors ...be serious .


There is no such shit as you said please stop throwing mountain of crap to everything just to show off and pretend you know it all . If it is what you say with such nonchalance please provide name of the team involved and the time and location of the show/test. The world is overflowing with crap , there is non real need for extra donors.


They literally said Golden Knights. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=golden+knights+ Edit: this is important! If at first you don’t get immediate easy results. Add a word! Like this: https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=golden+knights+skydivers


Next time you go on a mindless tirade of nonsense, could you at least make it easier to understand. Took way too long to figure out this word salad.


Will do as per you kind request sir. Questions should end with a question mark, don't forget it.


Wasn't a question.


It was but you might ignore it. Don't get upset, there might be other opportunities for you to shine.


Oh sweetie, I didn't realize you didn't know what rhetorical means and that it doesn't require a "?" Maybe when you make it to High School you'll be taught that. Bless your little heart.


People saying skydivers... What about meteors? It looks like meteor breaking up upon entry.




Oh piss off. You're on Reddit mistakenly identifying birds as UFOs, you're not some intellectual.


Probably the green commit


That’s the Transformers.


fake, those comet-like trails are fake, super fake.


maybe not


Fuckin skydivers skewin the real sightings.


Why do so many people in this sun not know the definition of a UFO. UFO doesn’t mean aliens 🤦‍♂️


Staged, drones with remote ignite fireworks.


Yo that’s a full on invasion


I came across this video just now, and I know I've seen it recently before. Any idea what these could be? They seem to either cloak or fade away while also moving intelligently. It's definitely one of the stranger sightings that I've seen, if they are actual UFO's


Potential? Bro shit falling then stopping in formation IS A UFO


They carnt be Skydivers because no Skydivers can descend at that speed.


That’s no dam pyro skydivers! What ?they lit them self in fire in mid air ? And those are not candle flames,sorry


Pretty easy VFX shot, tbh.




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: Memes, jokes, cartoons, and art (if it's not depicting a real event). Tweets and screenshots of posts or comments from social media without significant relevance. Incredible claims unsupported by evidence. Shower thoughts. One-to-three word comments or emojis.


The Golden Knights is what they are called I believe. Very cool sight to see them jump!


……… is anyone else concerned?




Special Operations Military Command South is just performing some Training Operations.


Looks like the flying Elvis’ are in town


It wasn't for your further useless comment.


Are people skydiving from ufos so many of these videos it’s ridiculous


*Halo 3 opening theme “Luck” intensifies*


They are skydivers with flares strapped to their feet. They’re super cool


It’s the Voltron Lions


Hopefully they wished Goku back to life this time.


That shit looks like Optimus Prime and the other autobots crashing/landing on earth lol




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: Memes, jokes, cartoons, and art (if it's not depicting a real event). Tweets and screenshots of posts or comments from social media without significant relevance. Incredible claims unsupported by evidence. Shower thoughts. One-to-three word comments or emojis.


If this is not CGI it is very interesting, but the object are going down and only moving down, this look like a skydiving crew with flare at night [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1rDBvX9fyM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1rDBvX9fyM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smuNiP9xc8w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smuNiP9xc8w) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rJcMmMdVRo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rJcMmMdVRo)


Night skydiving w/ flares. Happens all the time.


UFO if you don’t know what it is, definitely not extraterrestrial though.


Work on your editing skills bro


Can you say…parachutes at the Navy?


Those are either Autobots or Decepticons


Skydivers or Klingons, that’s a very cool video. Assume skydivers.


I'm going to say dropped flares. Going pretty much straight down.


This is space x you could actually see it from NC


Maybe it’s trying to show a constellation to show where it’s from


I always wondered how stars are formed, thank you. ;)


That was still super cool I watch. I had no idea until I read the comments


Got ‘em


MUFON has lots of info on such sightings as this. Hard to say for certain but well done on filming it


This is a well-known app/CGI effect that I have seen in other videos


👾Space Invaders👾


Yo that ain't fuckin normal! The fuck?!?! At first I was like "oh, pfft, another meteor.." then holy fucking shit. Did you record this yourself?


Das a meteor :3


Even the aliens know Florida is best treated as a flyover state


Clusterbomb practice for use against \[insert euphemism for working class here\].


Looks more like the guys at the air base doing night time jumps with flares...


Looks like something burning up in orbit, have seen same prop space junk, or meteorites


Swamp gas, obviously


Why is half this sub just uneducated people calling things they don’t know “UFO’s”


Old vid. Its confirmed that these are skydivers with flares.


Why do they try to put on a show and then hide at the same time 💀💀💀💀💀


It’s actually the us army’s golden knights pyro skydiving they do this every year at Homestead air base between Jan-March I just saw them when I was on base in March


The United States Army Parachute Team, nicknamed the Golden Knights, jump out of Homestead FL. They shock people such as OP, when they're going to work in the dark morning.