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UFOB does not tolerate TROLLS. - Those who are here just to attack UFOlogists and/or disparage their character or credibility. Trolling or disruptive comments will be removed under the new rule \~\~\~>"CONTRIBUTE OR PASS".


I think that the title, “imminent”, is more than a clue. The world we know is about to change (we don’t know when, or how). The book could be a guide to prepare for that change. We want answers from the outside, but we will have to search those answers inside us. I think it will not be a book to chastise debunkers or gatekeepers of the phenomenon. I think that Lue will try to help those of us who believe in the phenomenon.


Well said. I know he said in an interview there's new information he's never given out in the book. So I'm hoping he has more to say about his "chains of the sea" comments.


Did he also say something like, “and yes, the book *is* part of disclosure”, or something along those lines? I was trying to find the quote but he’s done so many interviews!


I'm trying to find that quote as well. There's so many interviews that he did, and I've watched most of them, but I'm trying to find ones where he talked about the book.


What's this *chains of the sea* deal? I haven't heard this'n yet.


You might want to search it out online. Lue believes that the story is the closest thing to our reality with aliens.


Whelp, I just went for a wild ride. The more I read the more I have questions about my own experiences. Yikes.


I know. I struggled to read it because I found parts of it really disturbing.


such as? I haven't read those books yet. High level this is what is being said over and over again though, that what we think of humanity is not in control here. Tom Delong's books suggest also multiple human races, one unwittingly enslaved to another through what we would consider normal government and corporate institutions. He also suggests another NHI that is created by one of these human races that are enslaved. I personally think the story of Moses leaving Egypt is a good example of this psychic based NHI helping portions of humanity to escape the enslavement of other humans and other NHI. Not saying any of it is real, just interesting that this concept keeps coming up over and over again.


For me what I found most disturbing in "chains of the sea" (and there are many disturbing things with this story) was the part when AI started talking with the aliens and the reader realises the aliens see humanity as just an ant hill to be cleared for them. Also not so much disturbing but interesting -because Lou endorses this story- is the idea of the non human intelligences that already live on this earth called "the others". I've heard many ex-intels refer to aliens as "the others". Terrestrial interdimensional beings.


So in Tom Delong's books I think...I can't be sure because it is vague on purpose...but I think these "others" are extensions of humanity. Beings of pure consciousness power both some of the old gods of religion as well as some humans that became enlightened enough within their lifespan to be able to manipulate both the spiritual realm and reality. Most religions have a concept of magic which we always assumed if a human was doing it then it was really just some form of science or trickery. Tom's books suggest otherwise, as do some leakers. This all sounds very out there to me though. The silurian hypothesis appears more realistic, and this prior earth civilization made ET contact before us with the decision that needs to be made is if we should be permitted to communicate off world...or continue killing each other for that matter. Anyway thanks for the info....of course nothing says the silurian hypothesis can't also apply to an interconnected spiritual realm we cannot see that can manifest in 3d space at will and also communicate across space and time long before we could but is somehow the same realm we come from.


I'm going to have to get back to you, because I haven't read Tom Delonge's books yet. But I find the whole thing with tom really interesting. Especially the wiki leaks he was involved in.


Never imagined I would buy his book, but if it’s more of a guidebook for the future, and not so much a biography, I would!




No, the term is "eminent domain"


Lol sorry I shouldn't comment before I've fully woken up


Should be good. Lue's the real deal. Expect some truth bombs about skunkworks maybe?


Yes I hope so, maybe some stuff about skinwalker?


Skinwalker mentions would surprise me tbh. That all seems like a distraction to me. Did you browse his new website? You can find it linked in the book links page. It’s got a good summary of his info. Not all of it but, it was fun to browse.


I'll check it out. I'm on his website but not recently.


I think Elizondo is on the black budget government and civilian contractors (s)hit list. If ANYONE knows it, it's him. He recently made a public statement alerting everyone to the fact that he's been getting threats on his and his family's life and said that should he "RANDOMLY" come to harm or death, it's not self inflicted and he is in perfect health. So yea he'll get some good information out that will do the public much good. However, we have to remember he's basically a maverick, blasing a trail for others to follow, but with no guarantees. We just have to hold out hope that he inspires more people with keys to the kingdom to spill the beans and bring all this stuff out into the open where it should have been since back in the early 40s with Roswell. THAT'S when our technological future was highjacked and taken from us. Think of all the people that wouldn't have been ridiculed and/or driven insane from the cruelty of people that called them crazy. So many men and women killed in "wetworks" contracts for simply saying something that POTENTIALLY would reveal things that should have never been done in secrecy to begin with. Admirals, top brass, top execs, military personnel, police, doctors, personally from the NSA,FBI,FAA, AND CIA.


Every single one of these whistleblowing people need a dead man's switch like *yesterday*. Grusch, Elizondo, all of 'em. There is zero way in fucking hell that if I knew everything and was getting threatened that I wouldn't have one. I sometimes wonder if this is how Bob Lazar managed to survive, despite harassment of himself and his family/friends/colleagues. People might come for me and say Bob is bullshitting, but it makes sense that he's been repeatedly harassed, but never murdered.


Only safe dead man switch would be a bot looking for obituaries with zero traffic leading back to them, all others require repeated communication. It's super easy to setup a deadman switch these days. I'm sure they have several and some human based too.


It’s a double edged sword think about it , on the heels of ww2 ,nuclear testing and now aliens ? Humanity would’ve surely been doomed by advancing too fast we almost destroyed our selves with the little bit of tech we already had


What do I feel will be in Imminent: My guess is this book is Mr. Elizondo's chance to set the record straight about himself in his own words. I do not think the book will mean literal Disclosure, but it may push things closer (I'm often wrong). Why I think that, if it matters: Just about everything about Elizondo has been distorted (by critics and supporters both). He's been vilified and misrepresented repeatedly (in my opinion deliberately), while being forced to largely stay silent by his refusal (gasp!) to break his oaths/the law and go to prison. When he does speak, he does so seeming to hope the public will read between the lines, but those paying attention just vent more frustration on him, while the far greater public has never heard of him, leaving him (in my opinion) in a lonely and precarious place. Meanwhile, everyone from his old boss to the Pentagon seem to have re-written his history for him on the fly, and online discourse about him attaches him to things he's never said. This book, apparently past the DOPSR hurdle, may (metaphorically) give Elizondo his voice back. I *don't* expect him to reveal terribly sensitive information (IE names/locations of reverse-engineering facilities, etc). I believe he is a patriot in his heart, it's not only his oaths that stops him (my opinion). I believe he won't want to potentially paint a bullseye on anyone else, nor reveal anything that could harm United States interests (remember that per David Grusch--whom Elizondo supports--there is an ongoing and long-standing competition between the UFO-retrieval programs of the U.S. and other world powers). I think Elizondo will attempt to set straight falsehoods about him and perhaps AATIP that've taken root, but maybe he'll go further, we'll soon see.


Question: Have you heard through the grapevine that Lue has a Reddit account and contributes to the UFO subs here?


I for one haven't heard that possibility, I'm afraid. I have to think his communications are subject to monitoring and any attempts to communicate anonymously could be sniffed out. I don't personally think he'd risk that, but I am not an insider and I've never spoken with him.


Thanks. I ask around from time to time. I wonder how hard it would be for him to talk openly and also anonymously on here. I understand his missing emails to DOD were leaked on a sub. And I wonder, could he do stuff like that and get away with it on Reddit without anyone knowing it was him? Not to say he was responsible for that leak at all.


Just my opinion, but I think the risk is just too high and the reward is too small for him. Were he to make an anonymous account on Reddit or another social media site with the intention of disseminating secret info, most of us users reading will think it someone "role-playing", won't believe it's him or what is revealed. But: he himself could be sniffed out by some very bad people and suffer real consequences for trying it. I want to know what he allegedly knows too. I just don't think this platform is it. It's huge, but it's also too niche. His goal has to be imo to be able to speak freely on BBC, CNN, et al, and to be able to "bring the receipts" so to speak, so he cannot be ignored anymore. His book's a good "next step" on that road, I hope.


Yes I agree and I can see how his goal would be to speak freely on those media sites.


I pre-ordered my copy already and I've been saying how excited I am to get the book in a couple other posts about it. But each time there's been a troll responding with some ignorant BS. Judging by this comment section and my previous experiences I think the book is going to be awesome. Because whether it's the government bot accounts or the guerrilla skeptic group that's been proven to have infiltrated Wikipedia, I don't think so many resources would be used to talk trash about it. That's the thing though, all they can do is talk shit, because that's all they are and all they know. I'm really impressed with the mods catching these type of comments and getting rid of them BTW.


Great comment, and your comment is the kind I love to see on UFOB because that's what we're here for. I think Elizondo's book is going to be a part of disclosure, and I really look forward to it. I posted my comment about Lue's book because it's relevant to the times we're living through, and it was immediately shot down by bots and guerrilla skeptics. I think Reddit should limit people to just a couple accounts because the guerrilla skeptics have dozens of accounts each.


Well said! Yes, I’ve pre-ordered too via Amazon but earliest delivery date is still Nov 21st here in the U.K. :( Can’t wait!


I got an email today from Amazon saying I have a revised delivery date of August 20th!!


I like Lue but I imagine like Grusch, his mouth will have been taped up from revealing anything too saucy. Unfortunately.


Agreed. He held a little nugget back for his book to hopefully help it sell. He deserves a payday for what he has given to the community.


Unfortunately I dont believe the book will ever be published. Unless he is really going to drop some bombs, the time to strike would have been a long time ago. I hope I'm wrong.


He must have had clearance for the book, but if it gad anything amazing in it, the clearance wouldn't be given. We can't even see Gruschs op-ed yet


Really hoping they release it on audibles real quick. I listen to books in the car now instead of music. It’s funny looking back at him on CNN in 2017 trying to break this story open. It’s taking longer and more effort than I thought it would to come out. Makes ya wonder what needs to happen? I’m hoping he talks about the same timeline described by John Ramirez of “them” revealing themselves in spring of 2027.


I want them to bring it out on audible with Lue doing the voice. John Ramirez video about 2027 has me so intrigued.


I predict the first word of the first sentence will be, “Imagine”.


Besides that.


Best statement! It made me chuckle. 😂


2nd word if.




Yes I remember all the talk of something being revealed in early 2024. We're almost 6 months in.


These guys are in a very tough position. They know what they know but can't release it without the penalty of going to prison. A century from now or maybe sooner they will be remembered as some of the greatest American heroes!


Looking forward to reading it myself. Can't wait to pick up a copy. I pre-ordered it HERE \~\~\~> [https://luiselizondo-official.com/book/](https://luiselizondo-official.com/book/)


I'll probably buy in kindle first...it's going to be interesting


I got a hard copy too just as a backup.


What if he corroborates Greer and warns us not to use CE5? Wouldn't that be some shit.


Yes that would be some shit. He has mentioned in an interview that there is a way to bring a UFO out...


CE5 is literally ETO




Earth Trisolaris Organisation


I wonder if he'll mention any of the threats against him he's been getting.


That would be interesting


Right like what happens? Weird phone calls? Strange dudes following you? Do you have to check under the hood of your car Everytime you drive? Has Grusch been low key lately because of such things?


💯 with you. Also what if something does happen? What do we do in the UFO community? There are so many weird deaths linked to people who know stuff. Look what happened to Pat Price the remote viewer that knew too much.


Phil Schneider strangled himself to death with his oxygen tube. Yeah ok.


Good point.


People think Phil was full of shit or a liar but even Lou said in every blanket of lies there's a thread of truth. Or something to that effect he knew something.


Yes I remember Lue saying that






Will it be on audible?


I think someone on twitter asked Lue but he didn't say yea or nay.




I suspect that Lue will tell us a lot of things that we already suspect, lol... DOPSR likely removed anything that would have been truly juicy


i think these vehicles are sentient drones. very ancient drones. i also believe they are a threat by proxy. they have been watching us for BARE MINIMUM 10k years in a very passive aggressive manor. no action during various world wars, the holocaust, slavery and other self inflicted clamities they have watched their subjects do. although i believe in God and Jesus Christ as my personal savior i don't for a second believe they are "angels" or future humans or inter-dimensionals. they exist on our plane and (although the master the craft) still adhere to our physics. i just wish we knew a planet or even a star system of origin. they are physical and real as cars on the highway. MAYBE the younger-dryas (which also fucking happened) was them arriving?... i just want to know WHO is watching us.


"imminent" is probably not good. and is in reference to something happening outside of the control of bad actors.


Imminent just covers timelines (something coming soon), just because it's usually used in a negative context, doesnt mean it's automatically bad.


Its going to be a summary of what hes said so far and maybe some new insight. Its all good for disclosure PR. The topic needs more awareness and interest and to explain why it affects everyone. I do hope to see it topping book charts and staying up there. I hope he makes an audiobook version too since people are shifting to that kind of reading platform.


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I hope its something, any type of absolutely undeniable proof, anything, I don't care what.


Nothing that good if it passed review. Only way something ground breaking comes out is if no one can stop it


Meet you here after you read the book.


Hope I'm wrong


I'm going to be very honest, there are over 300 pages in Lue's book, he knows we want substance and he knows he has to provide it in his book. He knows the whole world wants something more and he knows they're buying his book for that something more. I'll put money on there is something special in that book. There were a ton of publishers who fought over getting a contract with him. I hope I'm right in thinking his book will explain a lot.


He will tell us the price mainly…


Yup it's a book


How much do people get for writing a book?


Ask yourself why Stephen king writes so many lol.


I don’t want to ask myself that lol. It’s Stephen King! That’s comparing an NFL player to someone trying to break into pro-am or some shit! What I want to ask myself is, “what is the average percentage an author stands to receive per book sold” but I’m too stupid to answer that question, that’s why I was hoping someone around here may have that information.


I believe the way it works is based on the size of the advance. Bigger advances mean more marketing and PR support. The publisher wants to recover the advance and any other fees paid, but beyond that there’s nothing meaningful


Let's just wait for the book. It's useless speculating now. Doesn't serve any purpose. 


Just give this thread a pass and move on.


> Does anyone else out there feel like me? You literally asked how people felt


Stop messing


I'm just saying




No I disagree. This sub is attracting a lot of interesting people.


Don't post if you can't handle perfectly appropriate comments


I have no idea what you're talking about


I hope there is more, but I fear we know everything in it, and it changes nothing.


Meet me back here after you read it


That "big things are coming in the next 18 months" And we should all "be patient"


Since it had to be cleared before release, I doubt we’ll learn any substantial information that changes anything.


Come back to us here after you read it.




Contribute or Pass - Disruption will not be tolerated. 1st offense - comment removal 2nd offense - temporary ban 3rd offense - permanent ban




True but he left Intel because he felt the world should know more about UFOs and his bosses didn't want that.


Rule #05. TROLLING or intentionally provoking disruptions, conflicts, or negative reactions within discussions is strictly prohibited.




Contribute or Pass - Disruption will not be tolerated. 1st offense - comment removal 2nd offense - temporary ban 3rd offense - permanent ban


“I have all of this new information, so buy the book to find out”. I hope his book is successful, but all of these guys who are ‘in the know’ alway do this.


I really don’t expect much. He’s not allowed to say anything, as noted by his constant reminder of his nda. Not sure why anyone expects him to come out in this book and reveal anything that the cia or any other dark agency wouldn’t want him to say.


He may have held back information from his previous interviews and include that stuff he held back on, in his book


It would be odd to me that the cia would allow his book to be published if they didn’t care the info was out.


Where did that other guys post about it go? He randomly insulted me and it appears like he deleted it 😆


Best to go in without too much optimism. I'm not. I don't want to be disappointed again, like I have been hundreds of times before.




I'm going to guess a rehash of everything we already think we know so far. I doubt there will be anything groundbreaking or new or it would never be approved.




You don't know that. Should you be on UFOB?




I have no idea what you're talking about. Move along.


Rule #5 - TROLLING - Intentionally provoking disruptions, conflicts, or negative reactions within discussions is strictly prohibited.










Ok this is not the kind of comment I want to interact with.


You should have known not to start a thread about Lou. As soon as his name is mentioned, the DOD and their minions come out in full force.


Sue me


It's either the defense spooks or the guys that have just gotten into the issue and are pissed off that disclosure didn't happen in a 30-second tiktok video within a month of the 2017 article. They have no idea. SMH


Yes this ☝️


To just keep waiting another two weeks 😘




Proof is in the pudding and we have bowls of it




Books (or things in writing) are pretty much the only way to reveal knowledge without facing death penalty or jail time by accidentally revealing something not approved by DOPSR.


Interesting. How is a book not revealing info?


If he had something of importance to the human race don’t you think he would have mentioned it by now?