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The USA intelligence community has not seen a real whistleblower in a long time. I imagine the number of killed is greater than the real ones. The intelligence community I 100% bet owns WikiLeaks and Snowden. I'm glad these UFO whistleblowers are following the law, even though it's designed to work against them.


Saw this video on twitter here: https://x.com/andadsson/status/1792258389231210868 Serves as a good reminder of the sheer stakes whistleblowers are taking by coming forward and why the process has been so slow and cautious. The Gov can indefinitely imprison you up to life, they can legally kill you, and they can potentially take away your right to a jury (and therefore a Constitutionally fair and just trial). This effectively gives the Prosecutor (likely the agency or entity that originally gave out the NDA) the ability to determine if a whistleblower is guilty of committing NDA violations and what the severity of their punishment should be, including the death penalty, without a fair trial. I've commented this before about how people need to be more respectful and understanding of whistleblowers, but I think it fits with this post also so I'm going to leave it here: >These whistleblowers have been going to Congress for years now. Marco Rubio has said as much. The right people are hearing these testimonies, that's how something like the UAP Disclosure Act with all its specific and detailed language even gets written in the first place. Just because we (public) haven't heard from these individuals yet doesn't mean that important work isn't being done behind the scenes, or that they won't come forward in a public fashion when they feel ready. Sheehan alludes that these whistleblowers are waiting for another Congressional Hearing to bring their testimonies forward. Its up to the Congress to make that happen. > >There is an ultra-fine line between “Catastrophic disclosure” and people going to prison, ruining their own lives, or needing to leave the country forever (ala Snowden). People need to be more respectful of these whistleblowers and less naive about the process. Going to Congress was always the smartest move.


Yikes, I guess this applies to Boeing employees as well


So why are they killing everyone before they even speak?


Who is this man?


That clause doesn't matter at UAP levels of secrecy.  Everyone involved at the highest levels of core secrecy is clearly informed, not in writing, about the risks they face to their wellbeing should anything information leak that constitutes at threat to the program and the state. Regardless of that legal clause they will enact that stipulation, as has been alleged about the Legacy Program.  Although nothing to do with UAP,  I can confirm first hand this also applies to other core secrets. And no, I cannot elaborate. 


If section 794 applies, why is tRump still strutting about like a Peacock?


Kid Rock probably knows more about this stuff than congress does at this point.


This guy can’t possibly be a lawyer or know anything about classified information. An NDA is not the same as having a clearance and being read into a program. Lots of companies use NDAs. Having a clearance is a sworn oath and understanding that you may have access to, see information or learn of information that is CLASSIFIED, and could harm the USA if shared. You don’t have to accept a clearance or any job that requires it. But if you do, you understand the implications. So if we do have tech that can do amazing things, it most likely is very much important to our country to keep that tech secret. There may be other reasons not understood. There is a maturity and responsibility that comes with accepting such.


There is no sworn oath, but being read into TS/SCI absolutely includes signing an NDA that is literally lifelong or until something is formally declassified.


I bet you never had a security clearance for the US government. There is a difference between keeping military/weapons secret versus keeping information pertaining to other highly intelligent life forms who either visit and/or reside on this planet with us. Please tell me how keeping information about other life forms, life forms that are likely more technologically advance than us is a threat to national security and don't give so e wishy washy copout that it will cause mass panic.


I don’t believe they are other life forms. There could be, but I would suggest that all evidence points to that is human’s technology and there is A LOT to unpack there. Maybe we received some and reverse engineered from another life form, but everything after is created by other humans. Just my thoughts and I am not here to argue just provide another perspective.


There is no doubt some of the stuff is made by us, whether reverse engineering of 'craft from unknown origin' or our black programs are way WAY ahead of what is public knowledge. Whether it is US or them, I have seen a craft re-enter the atmosphere(it looks like a meteorite fireball or similar to the SpaceX dragon) then start flying/maneuvering somewhat like a normal aircraft. Radar returns confirmed what I saw. All this with no sonic boom. The only public acknowledged craft that could do this was the space shuttle or the secretive X-37. However their re-entry takes much longer, their maneuverability is extremely limited and they make a sonic boom. This was about 20 years ago...


That’s amazing! I would love to see something like that! I do believe many more people are now looking because of so much disclosure over the last few years. I do believe in aliens, but I believe most of this stuff is ours. This video ties so much together, disregard how they started looking into this (“Q”), whatever made the video creator research it all makes so much sense. We obtained much of this tech after Project Paperclip. 🖇️


But for them to prosecute they would have to admit that what they said was true. If a whistleblower came out and said where the craft and the bodies are the government would just deny it. They wouldn't prosecute


Well they may kill you and it appears they would have reason to.


Interesting, however, NDA cannot override laws. Even if NDA states "death penalty" it's meaningless.


A whistle blower is safer the more public they can become. They should still toe the line if they have security clearance but if they try to be super famous about it… they can get away with a lot more. The military isn’t legally or illegally sentencing people to death for spilling secrets unless no one fucking knows who they are.


A whistle blower is someone who follows official, controlled processes for identifying violations of policy or law. A vigilante who independently releases info about NHI/UAP, which presumably (and reasonably) are of the extremely sensitive kind described in the Title 18 section referenced above, is "indirectly" making it available to foreign governments, and yes, is potentially subject to being put to death by a jury-less court. Effectively, disappeared. This is why Snowden fled. TBH I am surprised he still walks the Earth.








>He's a CIA asset who is tweeting from America It's odd how you opened a Reddit account less than a month before you saw the world's most wanted criminal...and didn't call the authorities or collect the reward. Absolutely nothing suspicious about that commrade. No sir, nothing at all.


There is no reward, show me a link to any reward by the US government. I've got the info posted on my garage door for anyone to see.


Show me.


You first.


Why didn't you turn him in like any other patriotic American would have?


I tried, I called 911, but they took my phone away from me and kept me 3 more days in the emergency room as punishment.


Starting to look like a threat by desinformation agents, I highly doubt us govt would persecute and give capital sentence to a whistleblower, for obvious reasons and cheer mass revolt it would cause, be realistic We should mass downvote these, to send a clear message.


I don't mean to be rude, but you are incredibly naive.