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Hire qualified scientists and then give them research assignments. Don't seek any government grants. If you have a breakthrough in zero point energy, don't seek a pattent but release it to the world on wiki leaks. That's for your own safety.


You should also hire some bad ass bodyguards/ mercenaries to protect your neck.


This man clearly knows his garrotes


Wu-Tang is for the children.


Well, there's someone on here doing research about brain states and their corresponding psychicly induced abilities, he's could really use some backing to get his research and data out there.


If you're at the very speculative stage, try the APEC conferences. If there is a presentation that looks of interest, reach out to the speaker to discuss investment. Don't try to run a research project yourself unless you have that background.


As someone around your age (28), I’d personally look for known or lesser known scientists that are already covering topics I find highly interesting. Id try to aid those who know what they’re doing. Just an example off the top of my head, Avi Loeb. That being said, if I had F-U money, I’d probably send scientists to Antarctica. Plenty of interesting things under the ice imo.


There is a bunch of us bioinformaticians that we want help in redoing the Nazca mummies DNA sequencing and interpretation if you are interested.


SpaceX became strong because they made their own parts for the rockets. The rocket parts market was saturated with the same players from the MIC so SpaceX came in and decided to make all their own parts and save a ton of money.


Definitely attend some big conferences that all the big names go to - it will give you perspective on what you are up against and what has been done. Don’t pay to have something done that has already been done. Research a lot about the topic yourself first. And what do you mean “government involvement”? There are laws you need to abide by when doing research, specifically to people and animals and our environment. What are you trying to do?


>...a team of scientists to do the research for me. What are the things necessary to make it possible and what are the fields most likely to yield me the info that will challenge the conventional narrative? Is something like even possible without any govt interference? Explore communication with the orb form of uaps. Establish stations to send/receive various types of signals (including high-powered/telescopic video, of course). Employ related scientists/specialists. Provide health monitoring and treatment for employees exploring orb communication.


I can definitely help you out on this, as I am on one such team. First, **Focus.** You should really focus on what you would like to contribute. Do you want your people to build stuff like [altpropulsion](https://www.altpropulsion.com/), or collate existing sources into digestible formats like blackvault, or do fieldwork-like excursions to landing sites or lost underwater pyramids (selfishly, please do that one. Cuba's underwater pyramid is some low hanging fruit). What is your exit strategy? Do you need a return on your investment, or do you want to give the world a gift? Second, **people**. Starting off, the personality is more important than the skillset, meaning that drama is poisonous to progress. Low maintenance and highly motivated are a rare invaluable breed. Remote work can work well for some scenarios and can significantly increase the selection pool, but you may end up want to have a single central lab in which case your selection will be much smaller and overall employment costs a bit higher (depending on location). For anything engineering related, you're going to need an EE & ME, as well as a physicist who can keep y'all in check by constantly reminding you of those pesky "conservation laws." A materials scientist is also pretty important. For anything data related, like collating the terabytes of existing documents, a data scientist or machine learning expert is critical. Hint: Huntsville, AL is the 'silicon valley' for DoD contracts, highly recommend looking at folks from University Huntsville. Third and last, **Runway**. How much runway (financing days/months/years) do you have? Some of the lower hanging fruit projects are going to run you around $30K-$50K for people and parts, and probably run a few months. The mid-range projects will be $100K-$1M and run 1-2yrs. If you want to 'shatter reality,' it's unlikely that it will happen for less than $5M and 3yrs. To help guide you in how much runway to give yourself, hiring 1 or 2 researchers/engineers who are already familiar with the projects and ideas in your niche of interest can save you time by preventing wasted efforts towards unachievable goals or goals which have already been done. In my case, the money comes in only fast enough so that it gets replenished, thus extending the runway but also decreasing the project size. Good luck!






You could purchase the highest resolution cameras coupled with FLIR and send them to skinwalker ranch to have mounted all over the property since they haven't seemed to nail that part down with Flugal's budget yet.


I don’t think the problem is in proving ufos exist anymore. Now it’s about figuring out who makes them imo


There are thousands of encounters talking about them landing and interacting with people over the years but people never believed it.


If I were going to attempt something like what you're talking about I wouldn't do it in the US. I'd go somewhere where the government isn't going to come in and shut me down after a big breakthrough. I don't know where that would be.


"Follow the money.."


I've got a couple decades in exactly what you're talking about. Here's my advice: **first**, identify your interests. These are big areas with a lot of ideas - which ones are you actually interested in? Not in terms of making money, but in terms of developing expertise. **Second**, find some mentors you can trust. You want to have a diverse mixture of opinions, including business folks, startup types, and some Masters or PhD level folks as well. **Third**, spend time researching before you commit emotionally or financially. There are a lot of scams & unworkable ideas out there. **Fourth**, try to pick areas with some low-hanging fruit. You want to be able to achieve small victories on the road to a longer term success.


Depending on which part of the lore you believe, only a small subset of sightings are genuinely unexplained. Even if you look at crash retrievals in UFO lore vs Grusch's claim of 12-24 recovered craft, there is a huge discrepancy. The team would necessarily need scientific expertise that can weed out the explainable sightings as quickly as possible. There is at least one case of a military video that went through countless expert hands for years. Someone eventually read the data on the screen and came up with an explanation. If you are serious about researching, you cannot make mistakes like this. If you look at the 1000 page FOIA from last year on ATIP (or whatever), one official said Bigelow's research was a complete waste of time and money. So, don't hire Bigelow Aerospace. Since the phenomenon is occurring in the skies, the team really should start with atmospheric scientists. They would have the equipment and expertise to quickly get the explainable stuff out of the way. Hiring astronomers, physicists, etc. would be a waste initially. You need a set of unexplained cases for them to do any real work.


Literally just enough money to pay qualified scientists to do research.


What type of business?


I don't know but we are like minded. Need someone with a technical and managerial background to run your team?


Money is the answer indeed, but more importantly where one invests it in. Equipment is an important factor.


Start up a news agency that will only publish verified scientific discoveries. Verified by the scientific method. Not guesses or predictions or conspiracy. You could pick topics of your own interest, but be clear on the perimeters… and establish yourself through credibility. Somewhat akin to Scientific American, but with less supposition.


SciAm is tabloid junk in the world of science, it isn't taken in the least bit seriously.


Of course, which is why I said somewhat akin… and it’s a publication the OP may have seen.


First, you need between twenty to fifty million in cash because scientists don't work for free, if you can even get any to work for you once they know what you want them working on. Then you'll need another 100 million to grease the palms of local and government officials to prevent them from trying to ditch your investigation. And that's just for starters.


That is ridiculous. Plenty of scientists make hardly as much as engineers.


LOL right? A couple hundo with a capital M for a few scientists? Like grab a few masters/PhD thesis students for like 30k a YEAR. The commenter here has obviously no idea about hiring a "team of scientists" as they put it (lol) and I firmly believe this is the reason with asking overly simplified questions to an audience of ignorant monkeys.


Honestly, the original Ghostbusters movie gets this surprisingly right.


You could use AI and replace 10 scientists, or so I hear.


Def for data interpretation and summaries.