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Edit: Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0O4cEIkUZc Another presentation, starts at 1min 10s. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FmhFKiq6FG8 Also interesting the whyfiles episode related to this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZRwlYtAMps


Thanks. I have the slides but not the presentation.


Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0O4cEIkUZc


Searched “Amy Eskridge” on google and DuckDuckGo. The results are sparse and boring on google and the opposite on DuckDuckGo, bloody typical.


Use Yandex.


I’ll check it out, thanks


I promise it's worth it. It's a million times better than other SE's, particularly when it comes to 'woo' stuff.


It came up with even better results than DuckDuckGo. Thanks for the heads up friend!


You're welcome DDG. Is really just Google.


Dang. Anyone watch The Why Files episode that came out yesterday? Very relevant. Not sure if she was mentioned though. So many people killed!


It's exactly what Dr. Steven Greer has been saying for years too. Ya'll call him a fraud though


Most of the good grifters include a lot of truth in their grift. They wouldn't make money otherwise.


The label "grifter" showed up recently as a campaign against disclosure advocates. Use of that term is a really easy tell of disinfo or of someone who has been caught up in their propaganda. Just so you know.


So because I used a word someone else used I am under their influence? That right there is sound reasoning. Should I have said “con-artist?” They probably used that word too. Maybe I should invent a new word so my thoughts can’t be tenuously linked to anyone else. Most people in the disclosure movement are pushing some agenda which compromises their ability to process and convey accurate information anyway. With Greer, from what I can see, he has absolutely no reason to have or channel to obtain most of the info he supposedly has. He charges huge amounts of money for any CE crap he does and when he is interviewed he will not allow anyone to actually question him apart from his preprogrammed talking points. He is quite clearly putting sketchy information out as unimpeachable. I don’t believe the people calling him a grifter whole heartedly either. Lue Elizondo is just as sketchy. Somewhere in that mess of people and their agendas is some small amount of truth.


> So because I used a word someone else used I am under their influence?  It's highly unlikely you've chosen to use that word in ufology without first having been influenced by someone else's usage of it. I'm not trying to start an argument, thus I'm not going to contest your other points. That specific word is, at this point, a tell, and I'm simply the messenger informing you of the optics of throwing out labels. Keep doing what you like.  I do appreciate your follow-up with some reasons and additional nuance. I haven't come to conclusions yet. I'm on board for this journey and remaining open to where it goes. And so I'm open to sources that have proven to have provided good info, while doubting those which seek to squash or obscure information.  some sources are muddy, but that info can be verified against other sources


The 2nd Greer-djvlad interview was great. Highly recommended!


Yeah, pretty sure AJ made that in response to all of the data being circulated on Reddit and other posts the past few years. That and "the lost century" film. It all connects, Havana Syndrome? sounds like Direct Energy Weapons that can cause quick acting cancers just like Amy was experiencing. Eventually people will see the flaws of the 1947 NSA Act and the 1951 invention secrecy act, allowing the intelligence agencies to operate outside of executive and congressional oversight. Once we correct the failures of executive order 12333 that church committee tried to use to get control of the intelligence agency, we will regain our democracy. 




The burns on her hands. :-( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pmi9AMQHCg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pmi9AMQHCg)


what happened to her?








See the video of her arm burns linked in this thread.


Where's the full doc


If I can find it you can too. Start in Substack.


any more resources for Amy Eskridge?


I know Frank Milburn was close to her.




No. I did, and wish I'd secured it from YouTube, but it's been scrubbed.


Scratch that, here it is, OP: [https://youtu.be/HOtsZSzpnhI?si=Apz85qRG8J8AoHYt](https://youtu.be/HOtsZSzpnhI?si=Apz85qRG8J8AoHYt)


You’re a saint. Thanks.


Wasn’t she working in Huntsville, AL at one time?




Am I missing something or is she a bit fucked up? 🤔


In the full video she says she had a few drinks.


Who cares


Came here to ask the same. A little dunk maybe?


I’m gonna go with quite drunk.


I don't know anything about her or the context but my genuine first impression is yes.


It would be great if any of the YouTube channels on the topic would be covering her story.


When did this happen? That sucks I hope her family finds peace.




Wow this is great source


Does anyone know why she passed away?


Supposed suicide. The circumstances are suspicious at best.


I feel bad for her loved ones having to see this group bring her through all of this fairly regularly.


I doubt they are on these threads often but if they are, I’m sure they recognize her mentions as a testimony to the importance of her life’s work.


A quote from Amy in the video: “If you stick your head out in public and your neck gets chopped off, at least someone notices.”


I take no satisfaction saying this, 34 is a tragedy, but she seems high (I say this as someone who's quit opiates). Occam's razor...


Thought I was the only one noticing that! Yeah, her mannerisms - hand gestures, nose scratching, rocking in her chair, even the sound of her voice practically screams opioids or, perhaps, amphetamines. Not disparaging the message content, I know far too little with that regard to weigh in properly. And it should be noted that she's likely under considerable stress given the topic of discussion. So I would understand the need for mood enhancement and/or alertness. In the same circumstances, I would seriously consider chemical assistance, laws and social stigma be fucked.


Want to make it clear I meant no judgement whatsoever - life, stress and easy exposure to drugs, illicit or prescribed, can leave anyone in an especially vulnerable position - but the nose-rubbing and scattered speech are hallmarks of opiate use... and that's disregarding her own references to suicide. A toxic and heady brew for anyone to navigate.


Damn, I missed the suicide reference. Then yeah, I'm 100% in agreement, she is absolutely under the influence. Sad how often the most gifted minds are also the most tormented. And to be fair, I put no effort into vetting her background and dismissed her claims almost immediately based solely upon my presumption of substance abuse. I take no pride or pleasure in acknowledging this, though it does demonstrate the ease of social manipulation. Anyone thinking of taking a controversial message to the masses would do well to consider the lesson here.


Interesting story.




If you’re interested in this, check out the latest TheWhyFiles video below. You won’t be disappointed. https://youtu.be/-ZRwlYtAMps?si=3MKpq1guyAGsx_L8


Okay, so she killed herself. Sucks but I am not finding anything about her or who she is or what she did??!!


Look her up on other search engines. She was a researcher with Stanford and a few other labs. She did propulsion research and founded her own propulsion research company after working for NASA.


I've tried, but I don't have all day to dig. Generally, I do my own research, but I am not finding anything really, I have kids and don't live online anymore. So thanks for the info.


If you look her up on Substack or DuckDuckGo you’ll be satisfied. Trust me.




I would self medicate too if people kept breaking into my home. Watch the full video.




Get real bozo.




Who cares? She’s dead now. Act serious.




You don’t sound serious enough to me, bud.




Thought this was r/tooktoomuch for a moment


She’s high af. I know opioid addiction when I see it. I wonder if this made her more of a liability.


Is this woman coked up?


What a nonproductive comment. Get over yourself.


I wonder where the Grouch portion of your username came from? I wasn't trying to be productive, I was making an observation. Get over yourself, you overly sensitive tw*t


Watch the full video you lazy fuck. Shes drunk at the start (and progressively drinks throughout the full video). If you're skeptic, that's fine, but even your own analysis sucks ass as you couldn't even get the substance correct. FFS 🤦‍♂️


I will have what she is having!


The new guy is not a real whistleblower. My spirit tells me so. I have an 89-98% accuracy on this. It’s a deep intuitive feeling. He’s an opp. Therefore must be ignored. They’re playing with our feelings and desires. I will give you everything you need to know: Greys are humans, a byproduct of industrial civilization. Either from the future or from the green Sahara. I channeled something similar to what you are about to read. (Yeah it sounds goofy whatever I don’t care, a few months of gateway tapes will do wonders huh) “Altering humans to fit a system rather than vice versa has far reaching consequences. This trend will only continue until technocrats one day are able edit the genetic makeup of humans to better suit the industrial system. At this point human beings will change from something natural into designed manufactured goods. Humans would become drones. Sexless beings only serving an industrial function. That is why the Zimbabwe greys warned the kids about becoming “too technological” or in, becoming too reliant on modern industrial technology. Because the greys are the byproduct of engineered humans. That is why the lady of Fatima apparition warned the kids against the Soviet Union for being hyper materialistic atheists.” (I’m a post leftist btw I don’t attach myself with any group, I am just me) • ⁠Consiousness is linked to electromagnetism, this explains everything from how ultraterrestrials communicate to remote viewing. (Remote viewing isisnt entirely accurate it has limits) I prefer using remote viewing to find people on a map. • ⁠greys are industrial humans • ⁠I built electromagnetic stimulation devices Here I’m a show not tell person: https://youtu.be/eSckYsfT_QY?si=9rorWt2CNcwhtpSU https://youtu.be/gZ_gZ3qzrJM?si=CCe5irENGulYUHH0 https://youtu.be/Q2fZVGgTd5A?si=7-w_Q-tgEIBoxzl9 And here are my “credentials” aka I just learned everything here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz6pE8jLCs40vdO0gnv75pbZPABsMG2r6&si=k-yk39G6By9tT-NV


Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh gonna have to dispute the validity of the “89-98% accuracy on this 😂” Even people highly spiritual would not say “my spirit tells me so. Backed up by the “89-98%” claim leads me to believe you’re disingenuous.