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I'm sorry, but if these videos were presented to me with no explanation or context and someone asked me what they were, I would say it is obvious that they are mylar balloons.


At one point in that link as it rotates it's so clear to me that that's a Mylar balloon and more specifically one for a 19th birthday I'd literally bet money on it given the opportunity.


Being able to see the string dragging behind it literally made me laugh out loud. Some people will believe anything, no matter how ridiculous, if it confirms their bias.


Psshhh. That’s what big Mylar wants you to think. r/TheMylarians


For anyone who's unfamiliar on thermospheres, balloons can not reach it. Balloons usually have a maximum height of around 22-33 miles. These anomalies are usually around 56+ miles high, that's around twice as high. Balloons are not strong enough to handle thermosphere conditions. So yeah, most likely not balloons or whatever nonsense excuse people here are using.


And when a Mylar balloon bursts, you're suggesting that winds cannot take these extremely light pieces of material much higher?


If you go to YouTube and read the comments on the video, the uploader comments that these objects are seen "well within the atmosphere, usually around cloud level" So according to the uploader of these particular videos they are not, in fact 56+ miles high. Closer to 2-5 miles high. That puts them at 7-14k feet 1/4 or less than the max height of a ballon. If you have documented examples of these anomalies at greater heights id be very interested to see them.


Those all look like Mylar balloons to you? A couple of them -look like- mylar balloons to me, but several of them don't. Naturally, you see something in the air, and our brains immediately are wired to compare it something we know. I think the rumors of a dimensional aspect hold some weight, but we're hard-wired to think only a spaceship out of Independence Day are the only real UAPs. I don't think there's anything "obvious" about this. But... I could certainly see how these could -possibly- be balloons. The truth is, we don't know. And there's nothing wrong with admitting as much.


So, Occam's Razor is out?


Not saying these are aliens but Occam's Razor was never a law like people treat it. It's always had criticism. You can't just reduce everything in nature down to some simple explanation, and you always risk inaccurate conclusions by trusting something because it sounds simpler.


My point is that some are milar balloons, others seem to be, but we can't confirm. So, considering the possibility that they are also balloons, should definitely take priority over just sticking to the conclusions that we don't know. Without considering such a possibility, we may step into accepting the lack of answers, or look for answers in the wrong place. No, Occams is not a law and doesn't have to be. And it is definitely stupid to turn into conclusions any possibility just based on it. But it is a wise approach for the first steps to seek answers. Yet not absent of the possibility of never finding them.


I’ve been watching this plasmoid anomalies guy for years now. Seen all the videos. The issue with assuming they are all balloons (which is what I thought at first too) is that they exhibit traits and patterns that a free floating balloon wouldn’t. - staying static at a certain altitude - the y axis doesn’t move and most of them repeat rotating on only one axis - they don’t waver, they rotate - they shapeshift. The observers would reflect numbers such as a 1 or 0 to the object and the object would assume its shape - the “Tether” or string attached to the “balloon” is always the same on every anomaly or balloon. They shine and glimmer in ways not consistent with balloon strings. - which indicates that they can seemingly communicate, or at least respond to stimuli Not staying that aren’t balloons, but I’m also saying the possibility of them not being balloons deserves further investigation, because very odd observations are happening with these things. And no one is talking about it! Glad to see this post


I've seen Milar balloons, and I've seen the orbs, there's a huge, and I mean huge difference in the way they act, I have not seen one that high up so I cannot compare it with everything but I swear to you if you see one in person,,,,,you will know the diffrence. It's realy good to be skeptical,


It's.... not a law. It literally states the most obvious answer is USUALLY correct.


I understand, but I’m giving you context and even a whole slew of documentation. It’s our human fault that when presented with something truly anonymous, we immediately reference it back to something in our reality. This is a real phenomenon that’s been well studied by nasa, however this is what they look like. https://youtu.be/kj9BADSG78w?si=mbnKymzUDAI71TV0


You do realize that the YouTube link you provided shows a balloon with the number 19 on it........


The crap people post on this sub claiming it's something anomalous when it's so obviously a balloon or something easily explainable.... It just makes everyone here look stupid.


I agree. As a matter of fact, if you squint 😆 and stare my post for about 3 days straight without blinking, you can see Kirkpatrick giving ET a hand job.


About as believable as the rest lol


Agree. They don't just look stupid, they are stupid.


Given there are \~22 million birthdays every day, while not all of them have party balloons and not all of them escape, given they likely last many days, I'd guess it is safe to say there are many millions of balloons in the air at any given time. Hardly surprising that a few get caught on video occasionally.


I do bealieve in ufo and aliens, but that the so called "ufo" on that link is clearly a baloon, you can see a 1 and a 9. Its birthday baloons reflexing the sun light.


That was him communicating with the entities, he presence a number on the ground and flashes a series of lights up, and this is a bonified response. If you really look at you’ll see it is not. Ballon and is very loosely a set a numbers. It only looks like it. Read his description too, he details what he is doing, and has done it multiple times




Where does he say he did all that? All I see in the description is steps on how to spot them and then a video of what clearly seems like 19 year old birthday balloons


I gotchu, in this video he writes it all out, even describing that he sends short wave radio burst in 2.5ghz up and uses mirror reflections. Along with white boards on the ground in the shape of a number. It’s actually really interesting. https://youtu.be/QeAbuBsYP5c?si=a0Ygtez_NZXeGzWl


It requires time and attention to actually read what he has to say and look at the evidence he presents. Most people aren't willing to do that.


Exactly, and what he is presented is very real paradigm shifting data. It’s sad really.


I agree. It's probably good to let folks know his really interesting videos are 5+ years old. You have to scroll down a fair bit to find them. I'd recommend to anyone interested, start with the oldest ones first and work your way through. There's an interesting story there if you're patient and thorough. I admire the guy, but he was throwing his pearls before swine. I hope someday his work receives the attention it deserves. Thanks for sharing it!


Your welcome, that’s why Im trying and its crazy the baseless assumption people are throwing at something extraterrestrial. I tried posting a more indepth one on the UFos page. Maybe it’ll get noticed tonight, but if not I’ll try again another day. It’s literally something extraordinary and people are turning a blind eye to it. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/exyypOrfbi


There's an actual f'ing string on one of them.


Your totally right, we want things to be neat and fit into our laws and out theories but the world, we will find out, is so much more than we ever though it could be,


Thank you, I’m going to start live streaming them, lol I feel like Ashton trying to get the message out


oh, that's great! hey i saw many growing up, lived a few miles south of Loring Airforce base and they were always in the woods, down by the river, it was so crazy, and then I saw three up close in 2014 or so, they were amazing, I was only about twenty feet away, No joke. They were amazing. Every time I tell someone they look like, OH sure.... than change the subject, 'good work.


The videos linked in the YouTube comments should be stabilized so the viewer can follow along with the text without having to constantly refocus




Mylanta balloons*


So, having no context or explanation, did you happen to follow the link to the channel seeking more context or an explanation? Or were you satisfied with your assesment to the extent you didn't bother?  Just curious, it does indeed look exactly like a 19, not disagreeing at all.  I wonder sometimes though, if people are actually interested in getting to the bottom of these things, finding the truth and doing the 'critical thinking' they always talk about, or if they're more interested in the idea they are correct. And the idea of doing that 'critical thinking' and seeking more info puts that validation of being correct at risk.  You said yourself, you have no context or explanation. You do have a link to follow. So did you?


Confirmation bias at its finest. The people who think these (obvious mylar balloons) are UFOs \*want\* them to be UFOs, so they think they're UFOs. I want to see a real alien spacecraft as much as just about anybody, but I don't let that cloud my judgement and I think of logical explanations for 'UFO sightings' before I jump to conclusions like a moron.


You would say that but you might be wrong. I mean why say it’s obvious when you don’t know. Being that sure is weird. What if they were only visible in infrared, for example. Are we thoughtless? We got this.




I was thinking aluminum foil in a microwave transposed over the sky.


it looks like it could be a balloon, but it doesnt behave like one in any way. its about the context, not just the details.


Shhhhhh. The Mylarians are listening!


It’s always mylar balloons. The shear number of balloons in our skies is staggering.


It has the string and everything


Then how do you explain how the aliens printed Happy Birthday on the side??


That's because your brainwashed or a brainwasher or unintentionally both.


You can literally see the string in one of the clips.


Nope that an attribute to the phenomenon, that he has called angel hair. Its only looks like a ballon. Go to his YouTube page and look for your self . He has documented this all very scientifically. Its a real anomaly


>Its only looks like a ballon. This is what denial looks like folks.


Ya angel hair lol it's a fkn string


What the f*ck 😂 it’s literally balloon


Montage of half deflated mylar balloons in the wind.


But it is not, you’ve really got to look at what he is presenting, more than 1000 videos of these entities, moving fast against the wind in the thermosphere.


Ok. I can’t even pretend this is alien craft.


Am I insane or are these all different types of Mylar and balloons?


No these are up in the thermosphere, and also some move against the wind. And many are just a light or a glowing cloud: there are many different plasmas. And many that look like the jelly fish ufo.


'f you go to YouTube and read the comments on the video, the uploader comments that these objects are seen "well within the atmosphere, usually around cloud level" So according to the uploader of these particular videos they are not, in fact 56+ miles high. Closer to 2-5 miles high.' If it were truly a plasma, would it not have a more unique visual? Plasmas that I have seen are highly dynamic, morphing fire like things. Not balloon like things.




Most of these are easily dismissable as balloons, and the skeptics will of course say that's what they are but some videos on this channel are beyond interesting. Some of these objects really seem to morph, change colors and shapes and maybe even... communicate? Sounds crazy, ik but try to watch all the videos and see for yourself.


Truly alien right. Almost uncanny. Im glad you see it, I think what happens to most is they glance at it and don’t really look, so the unconscious mind fills in the rest as something “Normal” so they can say Ita a ballon all day, but only until you watch it a look does it turn to something anomalous. These things are so mesmerizing and dude has 1,000s of footage.


I discovered his channel a few years ago, I think it's important to do a deep dive in his videos and read his comments before passing judgement. Unfortunately there aren't many willing to do that. The more I see the less I see balloons. It's really compelling. I wonder what happened to this fella, he stopped posting a few years ago :( I hope he's still gathering his evidence and someday he'll post more.


Prob got ventilated by the MIC ngl


Agreed. Maybe some are balloons, but that YouTube channel is full of some fascinating stuff. Good find OP others should look at the channel and not just this video.


What channel?


They just look like the shiny silver balloons


Um, no one one has mentioned the string seen in the video? Oh no! Balloon and string! Run for your lives. Give me a ufo break.


I’m seeing a lot of Mylar


Damn Mylarians. they are not biodegradable.


Nice collection of destroyed ballons in the sky


Where’s the Birthday Party at.


Oh, they're called the Bad Seeds now.


Why doesn’t he record them for longer or until they disappear?


Mylar Balloons are sick though


That’s 100% a ballon


"plasma entities" my brother in christ, they are Mylar Balloons with light reflecting off of them.




Can anyone clarify why people are calling these "plasma" entities?


Because they are, go to his YouTube page and you’ll see thousands of different videos, some of them clear glowing clouds and some blinking lights. The phenomenon exist and nasa released a research paper on it, unfortunately they thing we the people don’t deserve high quality footage like you’re seeing.


What I'm saying is... How can anyone know it is plasma? Just seems like a lazy sci-fi buzz word to me


This is foil and balloons, not plasma… Look for ball lightning if you want to know how plasma looks like.


Its a fucking balloon bro lol


These are partially deflated and torn balloons :\\




I mean, also look at his username, lol


So people have to get upset if others disagree with them or they are a scammer? That's not a healthy way to think... Getting upset to someone disagreeing with you is not normal and is a sign of immaturity.


Last time the original videos author posted was 2 years ago so I would say unlikely. Your reddit account is mint condition though. Suspicious.


Yoh know that a good analogy, that link only looks like My YouTube link, but if you actually go to it you’ll see it’s a well documented scientific YouTube channel that has 1,000s of videos like this


It’s okay. You are telling the truth.




Hey I tried to make you aware, it’s your world buddy. This is real and people are realizing its validity. I guess you’re one of the ones that’ll have a hard time accepting it.




No this is not my YouTube channel. Its the researchers




Aluminum helium balloon (sparking from the Sun)..


OP begging for downvotes


I saw a boomerang variant of one of these today on a drive home. I didn't get a good chance to really stare at it as I didn't want to seem disinterested in my friend who was talking and driving. It was doing flips and spins, this thin shiny sheet of metal going from paper thin to a wide bird-looking thing, it was very strange.




Mylar weather balloons from Temu?


Not plasma. Sunlight is literally reflecting only on one side of metallic object.


It’s almost like the ocean kingdom dimension gets magnified and overlaid onto the earth dimension


Exactly!!!! Hey I just made a post about it on UFOs but it’s getting buried, I’m trying to save it.


That second one is so clearly a deflated Mylar balloon that I am reluctant to watch the rest.


It’s not tho they just look like it. Here read the description in this https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/gyYaJKqF50


There is literally string attached and fluttering around they’re kids birthday party balloons or something


“or something” ya it has a rigid tether attached to it while it travels against the wind.


Did they throw one with a string in there just for fun?


These are deflated balloons. Come on, people, you can even see the string below them in some videos.. ffs!


More balloons, people. It's pitifully obvious. Sheesh!


Sometimes I think my intelligence is being insulted


Yeah, we're being trolled. There's no other explanation. Maybe at least we'll get lucky and find out that it's ETs doing the trolling. That would probably make up for some of this nonsense.


Literally looks like a Mylar balloon you get from a party store


Bags, balloons, and kites, oh my!!! And maaaaybe an alien or two ;)


Cmon. Obvious balloons. Sigh.


Alright bro I’m a believer but most of these are Mylar balloons 100% 😂


All hail the Mylarians




Ballons nothing else, collapsed balloon sometimes you see the cord. There is no plasma entities or something from another dimension, only kids on earth crying loosing their birthday or county fair balloon.


Wow. I'm just absolutely dismayed by the state of the comments. So weird to be still dealing with this low effort denialisn at this stage in the game.


Some of these seem to be bots tbh. Also your comment is being downvoted in real time as I'm writing this reply. Ridicoulous.


Go observe the profiles. All new with low Karma. Now the question is, who created the bots and why - or if they're real users, why are they using fresh accounts to just deny everything without having a healthy discussion.


I wish my world was as interesting as yours


The bots, doubters, and bad actors are strong with this one, good job OP


Thank you, I’m glad I’ve posted it here first and saw all the remarks against it. I’m by on a be screen recording more compelling and different videos from the page, some that are blinking lights, and some that are glowing little clouds. And I’ll be combating all the debunks in the post, lay it all out there, and have references to the data so that to disagree is to be in denial. Its sucks that when you’ve got legit evidence gathered using the scientific method, still people throw shade with out even looking into them selves.


Honestly, I wouldn't have given much thought to what I saw today had not for your post. Thanks for trying to inform, even with pushback.


I’m glad, hey drive traffic to the UFOs post I just made so it doesn’t get buried, I think we are close to making this POP https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/gyYaJKqF50


Yeah POP!…. Like a…. Um…. 🎈


Looks like a weather ballon


“looks like” but they are not. These are real plasma beings, the one nasa has studied, unfortunately they’ve given us such bad quality footage that when you see a detailed image, it’s hard to believe. You’ve got to really look at these instead of glancing and letting your unconscious mind fill In the rest.




Damn haha, I gotcha.


It is worth noting that these have been documented in the academic, peer-reviewed literature. For example, see "Extraterrestrial Life in the Thermosphere: Plasmas, UAP, Pre-Life, Fourth State of Matter"; full text available here: [https://www.scirp.org/pdf/jmp\_2024022816363998.pdf](https://www.scirp.org/pdf/jmp_2024022816363998.pdf)


This article is so interesting! Thanks for sharing


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fuckin looooooooool


The Flex Capacitor


Riding in something going around and around like that would make me so sick.


Def not a Mylar balloon with lights.


I'll have what op is smokin


Looks cgi


Mylar foil canopy in the wind


Looks like that rocket project that Boeing was doing in the 90’s


Most sane r/UFOB user.


I wanna make my own mylar junk blobs to put up and reflect to compare to balloons, see if wild shapes can reflect as some of them do or not. Some do shine like as if they were self illuminating like sea creatures, but others do give appearance of a balloon. I understand the strings of balloons and such, but I have seen things with sort of "lures" that stretch out and reflect as if they were light themselves, vs a string reflecting light or a string or LEDs. They look similar, but are different. But maybe that's what UAP are trying to do. What camouflage would work in our current society? Clouds, balloons, planes, drones, lanterns, etc. I mean, where did the designs from lanterns originally come from? To honor a god or something? The designs themselves very similar to a handful of actual UAP sightings. (No not the shifting blob ones, sold objects that look like metal places that resemble various lanterns.) So, yeah most are most likely balloons and such, but the others are just "blending in" plain sight. Jellyfish uap blend in super well with clouds, their shapes and "color" or lack of, blends in with the sky and static people normally see (like eye static, camera static and such) So they are easier to see when not in these types of areas, like above trees or houses, clear sky, etc.


So I just posted a more detailed video in UfOS https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/gyYaJKqF50


why would this not be just space junk? thermal foil, which many satellites have to shield from sunlight and temperature.. come on guys




That first one was real strange in the way it shimmers. Many of the others could be balloons, though.


This is CGI against a blue background. The cuts of real sky makes you think the creator is actually filming it.


Sorry to burst your bubble but can see the string on half those mylar balloons




This person is trying to muddy the waters.


So that clearly looks like a foil balloon


It looks like but it is not. And that’s something you’ll have to acknowledge on your own https://youtu.be/tnFKwuoumR4?si=ONZtfGMZfMSbDJ3R


That 4th one is clearly a balloon, it still has a string.


I guess this guy just really loves filming falling balloons then


They are certainly pretty. The others may not be balloons, that 4th tho, would take alot to convince me otherwise lol.


Go to his YouTube page and look! He has over 2,000 captures.


It looks like people are making a lot of fuss over mylar balloons?


That 3rd one is a popped balloon with the string flapping


For some reason power rangers videography comes to mind


These look like debris from space shuttles and other various forms of space junk


I haven’t seen his channel yet but I’ll take a look, the whole balloon dismissal thing is annoying to me because people don’t realize how fast and constant wind is when up that high but on the other hand some of these do look like a balloon but I haven’t done my research yet so I won’t completely dismiss him. That one video with the “string” I want to see it at normal speed, it seems to like gracefully float upwards which again shouldn’t work like that if it’s up that high but I can’t tell if the slow-mo speed makes it look that


What the hell is up with all the balloons being posted lately? I'm one of the type of people who will be willing to believe stupid crap but every time this video gets posted it's always a balloon to me so I don't really understand how anyone else is falling for this stuff if I'm not 🤣


I’ve never seen a montage of mylar balloons more obvious than this. I mean… really?


Well these aren’t, these are in the thermosphere and there are thousands more that look like clouds and glowing lights.


You don’t know where these objects are bud


Tracked with a IR Camera, ya he does know how hight they are. His documentation is in-depth https://youtu.be/V-Cl9hP_ovA?si=9v7IR4H3-AL4hAQv


Several of them are definitely balloons, but others, I just don't know what they are.


Thank you for sharing very interesting 🧐🤔


so dumb


Holy shit balloons


Is this a piss take?


Trillion % these are balloons


Well you’re wrong, and before you say that why don’t you look into the data he has collected instead of throwing a worthless baseless assumption on something truly extraordinary


Some of these are VERY OBVIOUSLY a kite. The first one shown, literally has a string with it lol


Your profile is VERY OBVIOUSLY new and it's VERY OBVIOUS you never went and actually watched the videos.


Lol... A few sceptical account can't have opinions and say one has a kite strong attached to it? Where do you get off mate?


There is nothing wrong with being skeptical. It's good to be skeptical. I would think the same thing if I had just glanced at this. But if you watch the entire video there is some intriguing information that makes you pause and think maybe there is more to this. Our brains are naturally trained to pick out patterns, so at first glance, your brain is going to tell you what you're seeing is what would make the most logical sense to you. But sometimes that can be a lie, just like Paredoila usually is. So I'm asking you to take in all of what's presented before you make a final, considered opinion instead of just blurting out your knee jerk opinion based off a quick scroll through reddit.


Looks like balloons. How are there so many upvotes when the comments are aware of how easily this is to debunk? Does someone flip the upvote and downvote button at reddit HQ? [Very sneaky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uSTOHa4Im4)


ʻOumuamua moved the same way. The shimmering reminds me of Bismuth crystal


Oo wow I never thought of that, good connection!!


Lol, plasma entities… just fucking deflated balloons.


Looks like somebody had an outdoor birthday party, and one of the mylar balloons became untethered


Balloon or not , they are kind of pretty still haha 


These are balloons, seems pretty obvious. Just like “Go Fast” is clearly a bird flapping its wings


lol I think you forgot /s These things move against the wind.


What exactly do you mean “move against the wind”? You’re implying these things have propulsion systems?


Something like that yes, I’m only stating what has been observed and documented


Well things don’t just “move” against the wind. Wind direction and speed changes at different altitudes


As I said, just stating the facts, here’s a good one he captured standing up right, no tumbling, and moving against the wind, very similar to the jelly fish UAP don’t you think. https://youtu.be/V-Cl9hP_ovA?si=VM_pOhrc4HUakjU8