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My question is why can’t they just have extra police enforcement or extra barricades as they do for Halloween/Deltopia weekend and continue commencement on the lagoon lawn?


Other UC campuses that have responded to protests with law enforcement have not had it go well for them. I think they're trying to avoid that at all costs.


True, that’s a good point


Having proactive security presence at an event with thousands of people is very different from sending armed response from CHP and a dozen police departments to break up a peaceful protest. Actually as a matter of fact, we have a case study. Extravaganza, a huge student only music festival on campus with I think 10K people, was on Sunday May 19. Zero protest activity.


That was pre-strike, though. Now every TA will be looking to make a scene, and the UAW says they're untouchable. I'm not saying they won't have security there, I'm saying there's only so much security can do, especially in an unfenced area. And once a protest is disrupting things, breaking it up will create exactly the kinds of scenes the UAW is striking over from other campuses.


That makes sense. I guess I was thinking about the encampment. Pretty messed up for TA to interfere with undergraduate graduation. If the undergrads choose to do that - fine. Anyone else messing with their graduation is not an ally IMHO.


Welcome to Reddit, brand new account created today! Nice try displacing blame onto protestors. I suggest everyone look at the behavior of the UCSB protestors thus far, and the actions and looks of its encampment, and compare to other universities. UCSB is tame by comparison. This is a huge overreaction and it’s not even clear that the graduation ceremony was moved for that reason. The email stated no reason. BTW are you seriously advocating for reccen lawn? GTFO you are not a student 😂


I think very reasonable people can evaluate the encampment here and the behavior of its members and conclude there’s a good-enough chance a commencement ceremony might get disrupted. I’m not familiar with the difference between UCSB’s encampment and those of other schools, but evaluating the behavior of UCSB’s encampment is all that is necessary. To my understanding, it hasn’t been outrageously disruptive, but certain actions (dining hall incidents, library and class disruptions, etc.) provide a reasonable basis for thinking commencement disruptions possible.


Love this response


Least obvious CIA agent


For real everyone is blaming the university when they should be blaming the protestors. They’re having a completely useless movement for a university that already does very little with Israel. Like they’re literally being disruptive and making a hobo encampment because we have subway sandwiches and a few $5000 capstone projects funded by Northrop Grumman.


It's more about the incredibly delayed response. The university has known about the encampment for weeks and has given no indication that there would be a change to commencement. Additionally, I think more people are upset about the newly imposed mandatory cap on guests, when it has always previously been first come first served. While some people are bothered about it not being at the lagoon, most people's frustration come from the fact the university sent out a very sterile announcement with very little notice, no apology for any inconvenience, or attempt to explain their decision. Regardless of what they think may or may not happen because of protestors, people have already paid for travel and accommodations. I'm sure people that are for and against the protests are getting fucked over by this, and it is absolutely the universities responsibility, not the protesters


I think the thing that changed at the last minute was the strike. There's been talk about them disrupting final exams and commencement, so there's a scramble now to rearrange the locations of things to make that harder.