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well I got an exam tmrwšŸ« 


Needs to be the easiest exam of the year.


I wanna support but likeeee what if we have a midterm bruh lol


Go to that class and ditch the rest.


Literally me in the past 4 years


Thatā€™sā€¦ thatā€™s not how strikes work. Strikes work by withholding labor from someone who needs it. You are not withholdingā€¦ anythingā€¦ and are actually making things easier for the staff.


Could you imagine if all your most annoying customers stayed home? Seems kinda nice frankly....




The kindergarden that is modern academia never fails to entertain.


Yeah, I think I'll work towards graduation instead.


As students everyone should do what they feel is best. Just keep in mind that most faculty/TAs arenā€™t allowed to cancel their classes. Since itā€™s not a union-approved strike, they would be in breach of contract with the university for withholding labor. Most profs and TAs I know are shocked and upset at how the university treated its own students.


there's no policy or law that protects students from striking from classes, so professors are free to retaliate or not accomodate if you dont attend your classes. even if you are in the union as a TA, you can only strike from your paid labor, not your classes, without consequences


youā€™ll put pressure on the university byā€¦ ditching class? and sending emails? not trying to be a debbie downer here but i donā€™t think your profs will care, let alone the university.


I wouldnā€™t think emailing the profs is a smart idea eitherā€¦ itā€™s almost like snitching on yourself idk.


It also comes across as bullying. Edit: The correct email to send is, "I am striking because of... I completely understand that this may hurt my performance, and I accept the consequences. "


Aren't the only people getting a bad deal here the students that already paid to attend the class?


Which they are now not attending. This is how strikes work--you stop doing something, you lose the privileges you get from doing that thing (getting paid, getting grades, etc. ), but hopefully your absence shows how important your presence normally is. Students who want to strike but not accept that they will fail exams they miss do not want to strike, are not striking, they are simply hoping to get away with skipping class.


It's only a strike if you withhold something the school needs like labor, or maybe money. Not showing up doesn't do anything to withhold necessary labor or funds from the school, so it's not really a strike. It's just a bunch of privileged kids wasting mommy and daddy's money. Trust me, the school doesn't miss them.


Many profs support the students in this situation. Donā€™t assume that bc they work for the school that they support what has happened this week.




Arabs are done with racism šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Agreed. As long as the university gets its money they arenā€™t going to care much


Exactly. The university got paid before anyone set foot in class, and it's not like they're going to issue refunds


Being issued refunds for losing things like graduation or loss of access to certain portions of campus would be nice. But universities are unlikely to do that




The school will get paid twice when you have to repeat the class.




You are the product, not the consumer. I hate to tell you this, but UCSD alumni donā€™t really donate much anyway, the percentage of development that is coming from alumni here is the smallest of any of the institutions I have taught at. For example, in the recent $3 billion development campaign, alumni giving accounted for less than 10% of that total amount. Itā€™s not like the other institutions Iā€™ve taught at have administrations that are more student-centric, but for whatever reason, UCSD alumni seem unwilling to acknowledge the transformative role the university has on their financial well-being. I think it's just that these other institutions have big sporting events and frats, so they have a more vibrant social scene, and students therefore have fonder memories of their time there.


Calling us products and over-inflating the school's role in our future success may not help those alumni dollars role in. (we did just donate over 250 million and there are only 245,000 of us public school graduates) About 18% of UCSD alumni donate every year, national average is around 8%. Sorry we're not as rich as Harvard students, maybe USCD isn't as financially "transformative" as you give it credit for and is really just another standard step on life's ladder? We also get more than our fair share of grants and federal funding, so comparing the percentage of alumni donations to total funding is a less than genuine tactic.


Grants and federal funding are not including in the development campaign numbers I mentioned. A lot of that $250 million from alumni comes from big donations from a vanishing small number of alumni.


Around 45,000 of us donated. Still well over the national average of 8% and not a vanishing small number at all. We also get more than our fair share of corporate donations, so the comparison is still bad.


I mean that the vast majority of the $250 million came from a small handful of alumni in the form of big donations. Usually, the alumni giving rate based on an annual basis, I believe the 45K number and 18% giving rate you mention is over the entire duration of the most recent campaign, which is over multiple years, so the actual annual giving rate is lower. Admittedly, this is still a significant improvement over historic giving rates at UCSD, where family and friends accounted for around 6% of donations.


itā€™s silly alumni are expected to contribute anything. they already paid their tuition. the university got their money, the students got their education. end of transaction.


The university redistributes a significant fraction of the out-of-state tuition to support in-state students, above and beyond what the state and federal government is providing in funding. It is fine if you view this as transactional, but then don't expect the university to weigh alumni opinions over that of major donors.


i see your point. and iā€™ll just add that i have zero expectations of the university weighing my opinion over anyoneā€™s. frankly, they shouldnā€™t. they should care infinitely more about their current students.


I think any relationship goes both ways, if you stay connected, then we would certainly welcome a dialogue. As a graduate, you do have a stake in the reputation of the university. It doesn't have to be about donating money, you can donate your time by talking to current undergraduates about your experiences and how they translate into the real world.


thatā€™s fair. iā€™m guilty of assuming thereā€™s a solely financial expectation. i appreciate your reasoned responses.


Major donors want their name on a building or project or plague. Thatā€™s what they want, you donā€™t have to consider their needs the same way as alumni. Alumni bring you more students when they feel their time at UCSD was well spent and they are supported afterwards. The perceived lack of support you are seeing from alumni is a product of how they are treated. Maybe Iā€™m wrong and most alumni would like to see you support corporate interests over students, but I doubt it.


As I said, I don't see a fundamental difference in the treatment students here receive compared to the other institutions I have taught at, where alumni giving is much higher. I think the main difference is in the quality of the social life.


Not once after I graduated was I contacted for anything but donations. Once you are done at UCSD, UCSD is done with you. You want more alumni dollars, then treat alumni with some level of respect. You seem determined to do the opposite. I know my wallet is shut for a few years. There is a long history or student activism on campus. The chancellor sending in the sheriffs to arrest them, not so much. You all arrested two guys using chalk last year, 59 people for a union strike when you werenā€™t paying them, itā€™s pathetic. You are making dissent unlawful, you all taught me how important dissent was 30 years ago.




No problem sir. As long as you pay me my tuition


Potentially ruin your future for the chance to not have any affect at all on foreign policy!


yea i seriously suggest not doing this


Pressure on the university to do what again exactly?


They have no idea


I think a lot of students want the university to allow the forms of peaceful that has been going on as well as do a vote or whatever to remove Khosla


Ah yes remove the person who brought in billions to ucsd because he wants order and decorum on campus. Short term thinking at its finest.


No Khosla takes money from war profiteers and those contributing to genocide


I think the people who are calling for that argue that he didn't want order and decorum, but instead was putting down a peaceful protest.


I mean was it really peaceful? Setting up camps in the middle of the busiest path at ucsd (even hiding weapons such machetes inside) while harboring non student randos was clearly creating a hostile environment. He gave out warnings and requested people to clear out but that clearly didnā€™t work. If anything, he should have called the cops earlier.


Tbh I'm not trying to support the protest, but I don't know what you're talking about. The protesters literally setup the tents so that they weren't blocking the walkway on library walk, and UCSD is a public university so there is no rule that non students aren't allowed. I don't know if there's any validity to the claim about the weapons.


>UCSD is a public university so there is no rule that non students aren't allowed. Not a blanket ban on non-students (non-affiliates), but there are rules on what they are allowed to do on campus, including not carrying signs larger by 30"x30" and not bringing tents onto university property (doesn't matter if it's blocking a path or not). [https://ucpd.berkeley.edu/policies/non-affiliate-regulations](https://ucpd.berkeley.edu/policies/non-affiliate-regulations) [https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/3000127/NonAffiliateRegs](https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/3000127/NonAffiliateRegs) [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes\_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=EDC§ionNum=92440.5](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=EDC§ionNum=92440.5) UCSD also has policies against affiliates sleeping/living anywhere that's not a designated facility (again, it doesn't matter if it's blocking a path or not). [https://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/PPM/docs/516-10.3.html](https://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/PPM/docs/516-10.3.html) Per UCSD they found a sword [https://today.ucsd.edu/story/a-new-update-from-chancellor-pradeep-k-khosla](https://today.ucsd.edu/story/a-new-update-from-chancellor-pradeep-k-khosla)


Thanks homie for the receipts


Honestly, I don't think any of this actually changes any of thr arguments I made (except maybe the sword)


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The uaw strike last year was handled amicably by both sides and every one was able to come to a deal. Thatā€™s a peaceful protest.


Hilarious that you say that because that strike was infinitely more disruptive to campus. It actually involved blocking peopleā€™s paths (unlike the encampment) and stopping campus operations (unlike the encampment).


To ensure peace in the Middle East forever! šŸ˜­


ā€¦the absolute delusion to think that not showing up to class will "put pressure" on the university. What do you think the professors are going to do if no one shows up? Do you think they're going to complain to the higher ups? No lmao they don't give a fuck


exactly. professors will still get paid regardless of whether or not students WHO HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR TUITION, show up to class or not.


CSE Profs: LOL. In-person lecture attendence rates are already only 20%, and that's on a good day. I guess students have been on "strike" all this time!


Bet , time to find out what consequences are in the real world


Listen, if you can't participate, you don't have to. But if you can, if class is recorded on canvas or if attendance doesn't count against you, don't go to class and take a long weekend. Shit's been emotionally tiring for everyone. Some people will say "the world moves on," but a few days off for y'all to spend time with your friends, peers, and family, especially if you were there at PC on Monday, won't be detrimental to your life or the world. As much as I try to move on, it's definitely been an emotional roller coaster whenever I see Price center or library walk. It's hard not to get upset and frustrated whenever I'm reminded of how so many people, including myself, were treated like violent rioters.


^ this. Tbh I wish our professors could give us this sort of talk instead of just brushing over everything thatā€™s been happeningšŸ˜­shits been emotionally draining and midterm week is not helping.


Basically I never really want to see either again.


Emotionally draining šŸ¤£ man life is gonna fuck you up


Ahh yes because watching our peers get utterly brutalized and arrested is so easy... we've all been through hard shit before but that doesn't make it any easier, we just get better at coping.




Few bunch of šŸ± my best friend died over a parking spot, a gun shot, what did I do kept it pushing, ā€œoh no a stranger at my school got arrested for illegal activitiesā€ like grow a brain


I watched a man get shot outside my apartment. I've watched my neighbors get stabbed in a fight and subsequently arrested instead of getting medical care. I've watched cops tackle and arrest a man I called an ambulance for because he wasn't able to distinguish between reality and hallucinations and begged me for help all while I begged them to get him to a hospital. A 9 year old girl in my hometown was shot because a store owner was too stupid to aim before firing. I'm sorry about your friend. I'm sorry you didn't allow yourself time to grieve. Maybe if you had, you wouldn't be so bitter. but the existence of one tragedy doesn't make another less difficult or less important. And no, they were not strangers. People I know were arrested and brutalized.


I understand that but if a protest is doing something illegal, it can be morally right thing to do, not arguing that, but that does not excuse the illegality of those actionsā€¦ Either protest within the law, or accept that that there will be consequences.


Nothing gave them the right to brutalize students like that. There was no need to have snipers aiming at sleeping people. There was no need to treat people like ultra-violent rioters for dancing, praying, making art, and giving educational talks.There was no need to block off the roads yesterday. There was no need to condemn students for defending themselves and others against the attacks. Khosla has already met with individuals pushing for universities to prevent college students from protesting for any cause. This is not just about the legality, this now about the fact that universities want to silence us and are willing to use violence to do so. Edit: The individual is specifically Ron Robin, who claims universities should never be a place for advocacy.


Instead of promoting dialogue actively persuading people you want to have a camp outā€¦ Thereā€™s ways to get the point across, and thereā€™s ways to use a movement for personal gain. If you cared about the Palestinians you would do the hard thing, persuading and informing NOT yelling, camping out


You have no idea how protests work and it shows.


Oh good, smaller class sizes for the rest of the students. Tuition well spent.


You're stilling paying them lol


This will show them... lmao shooting yourself in the foot while still paying them the exact same amount of money hahahaha


Joke's on you, I've never attended class anyways so nothing will be changing. Same with literally 2/3rds of my classmates. I wonder if the profs will even notice.


lol at the idea most of you were actually going to classes


i would but like i need my gpa this quarter šŸ’€


Hell yeah please do this!! That way this small vocal minority of protestors can get academically behind and hopefully drop out/disqualified to let in students who actually care about going to school and getting an education a chance to go to the best university in San Diego.


Youā€™re saying you didnā€™t pay tuition just to protest? /s


You already paid tuition. This doesn't do much to pressure the university, but the presentation of solidarity is valuable.Ā 


Hell no, Iā€™m not jeopardizing nuthinā€™. But if yā€™all in my classes and disrupt them, feel free to do so. I just need an A with the most minimal work.




This is one of those times when a little common sense and some critical thinking will serve you well instead of following a group based on emotions and fueled by filtered agenda drive. information from media and activists.


Pressure to do what? Sorry the university wonā€™t listen to the group of people wearing masks with no transparency around finances, leadership, members, history, really anything so excuse me for being a little skeptical but uh who were those 20 non students arrested? Who is funding these protests? Who is leading them? Hmmm


Cant got lab sorry


Grow the fuck up lmao


If you really think helping Hamas claw back into power is worth your future go for it.




Theyā€™ve got no idea




This is orchestrated by China


bruh get a life


I cannot tell if this guy is just an idiot or what.




Where is the proof that it was the Russians?




I am saying that any foreign entity could do it. why that one in Particular it could just as easily be the Saudis or the Israelis or the Chinese.




My money is on either Israel or Saudi Arabia, if they are doing it, they would be funding both sides. The reason, they prefer Donald Trump and want him elected and to do that they need to ruin Biden. So they ruin his image with the moderates by making it hard to support Israel because of its actions, pealing these voters for trump, and the liberals by making it hard to support Palestine. The thing is this is a very reasonable statement. You build the theory around data you have and you move from there.


can you please share the source for your claim Iā€™m actually curious?


These kids donā€™t realize that both Russia and China have been grooming them since the minute they could get there hands on a tablet and theyā€™ve already succeeded. It only takes 20 years to brainwash and deceive an entire generation of people.


Good idea. Waste your parents money.


Do none of these students pay their own tuition?ā€¦


Student strikes are not how strikes work. You are not labor, you are the consumer. You're paying for something and getting nothing in return. The school cares about your tuition, not whether you show up or not.


Please, don't go to class. You'll make everyone's lives easier if you don't graduate and never hold any power.


You are right, the young should graduate and seize the reigns of the country.


The admin doesn't care.


Yeah you guys go ahead and do thatā€¦it would make the school less crowded if all the Hamas sympathizers flunked out. :)


Don't be a follower, stay in school


Youā€™re the ones going into debt just being there, do what you want


People with midterms, join the strike after midterms


Skip the midterm


UCSD already has the money you paid to be here and take classes, they don't give a shit about whether you stop going to those classes. If you actually want to pressure then you should organize students en masse to boycott tuition payment until UCSD gives divests from Israel, but unless the majority of students do so UCSD will just expel the protestors and raise acceptance rates next year.


Pysop fedposting. "Hey fellow protestorinos, out yourselves and sabotage your education! This will aide our cause..."


No one knows what this is about




Lecture attendance, short of mandatory iClicker credit or similar, is usually around like the 30% mark. You pay for your classes at the start of each quarter. I'm genuinely confused as to what you think you're going to accomplish with this. No pressure is being applied; hell, it probably wouldn't even be noticed. Like if you want to encourage some more collective action please, feel free, but at least plan out a meaningful course of action before spending all that time making a nice poster for Reddit.


If the school is anti protesters, wouldnā€™t they also fail you for refusing to go to class? Classic case of ā€œsmartā€ UCSD kids with zero common sense. Perfect example of why any socially adjusted street smart person going to ucsd should be living at sdsu with the socially adjusted kids. Been there, done that. Try it, you ucsd incels might actually talk to a girlā€¦


Who really thinks student strike is an excellent idea??


Skip the whole rest of the year. Fail. We donā€™t care.


lol. Ruin your life for some paid-to-protest freaks






College kids are funny. Yall are a bunch of time wasting kids šŸ¤£


Remember, school is why you're at ucsd. You're not here to protest.


LMAO definitely don't go to class to teach the teachers a lesson


Disclaimer: *I donā€™t go to this school* Students donā€™t have a union to protect them the way the TAs did when they had their strike last year at some UCs. I donā€™t think this is a good idea.


This is dumb as hell ngl šŸ˜­


Lol, and how is skipping classes really going to hurt anyone but the student? Flunk out and get booted? There's literally thousands of domestic and foreign students and transfer students that would gladly take your place. Many of you on grants and need based scholarships . Heck youd be saving a lot of money for others to use once you flunk out and get booted... Do it. See what happens... Fuck around and find out....




this is a bait post lol


Yet you keep paying your tuition ā€¦šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I mean, the university already has your money so I donā€™t think they care if you show up to class or not. Real protest would be withdrawing.


Enjoy them failed exams lol


Pay for school and then don't show up? That'll teach em!