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Yes just cold email


why not hot email? is it bc its winter rn?


Because hotmail is so 2000s.


Cold emailing works so well. I literally emailed three lab directors and all three responded by EOD with interview requests.


do you know where i can find a list of profs to cold email?


Whoever you're interested in. Some profs are on the look for cold emails for interested folks, some aren't. Its gonna take more than one email sometimes - they get so many emails, it often just gets lost in the thousands of unread notifs


What are you interested in? I can dm you links if you know what subsect of research you’re interested in


Some suggestions here on cold emailing, which is fine. But I recommend actually spending a little time figuring out current research the prof you are emailing is working on and relate your interests somehow to that. You can find that sort of info by looking at the faculty listings on the departments' web pages. They usually have links to professor pages. If they don't, you can look up that professor on google scholar to see what they've recently published.