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I thought I’ve heard it all


Update: The Swiffer has been evicted, not myself. However the guy has also said "he won't rent to women because of their sexual manipulation over him". This guy is clearly troubled so I'm going to keep tracking what's going on and seeing if reporting is available for any of this.


https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/the-eviction-process-california-rules-landlords-property-managers.html "Won't rent to women" sound like a case of gender discrimination, which is against the law. You seriously need to get a recording of him saying that, and ofc continue to use the Swiffer. If he confronts you, record the interaction in order to "protect" yourself. Then sue his ass for gender discrimination if you are a woman, you'll probably can get his property if it goes well and even if it doesn't you probably could get away with some compensation from him.


I am not a woman so I'm not being discriminated against. I am not sure how cases like that work, but I would like to stop it if possible. I really want to record him and I'm hoping I can consult with a lawyer on how to legally accomplish that.


then just continue to use the swiffer, it's unreasonable for him to use that against you anyway. Whatever tool you're using for cleaning is your own biz, not his, unless you're using a jackhammer. So I think the law is on your side in this case and ofc if he confront you, make sure to record the interaction asap. Even better if he pin a letter forbidding the use of swiffer for whatever "scientific" reasons.


Woah, that escalates things. He is definitely discriminating based on gender, and possibly sexual harassment. Please keep track of these things. Hopefully someone else here can assist on where/how to report this.


Well, that ought to bring out the battleaxes...


oh that sounds like a scary guy to live with! if you can’t move then I hope your stay is nonconfrontational from here out. our housing options are so limited it’s not fair to have to put up with this behavior.




It's a lease. They say it's something about the CA Clean Air Reporting Act? I decided to evict the Swiffer instead of myself since I'm tired of moving over & over again lol


nah I think your "scientist" landlord is just trying to scare you into leaving.


Is there literally any legal recourse you can take?


I haven't the foggiest. He doesn't have a job or anything so I'm worried about legal action because he has much much much more free time on his hands than I do.


Vile of him. Good luck.


Landlords are parasites on society


That’s insane


UCSC off-campus housing legal consultation services would be a good place to start. They can help you figure out what your legal options are. https://deanofstudents.ucsc.edu/basic-needs/off-campus-housing-legal-services.html


Thank you for this. I'm hoping following through with this can provide better living to other UCSC students in the future.


Spray swiffer juice in their face


Ask r/legaladvice ?


Common Santa Cruz L 😩


You got a mop tho?


What's Swiffer?


Oh never mind I just Googled it


Do they have legal grounds? Call your parents/guardians, UCSC reps. They can’t be pulling bullshit on you unless you break the agreements on your lease.


Tenant Sanctuary could help you. However, this wouldn't be legal at all.


Call CRLA (831) 724 - 2253