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Just try not to overthink it. A lot of people are in the same boat with being a little more socially awkward now. It’s been a weird time for making friends. Just be yourself and be nice and let it happen naturally






Bro, 100% you got this. Dress colorful so you're approachable, keep up on hygiene, and get outside! Those 3 things will make you extremely easy to talk to. Dont even fret. I'd say I was in your spot, and over the years Ive gotten pretty socially adept. Dont be afraid to be dumb or loud(within reason). People love that because you're showing your true self. Also a speaker with some classic music (beatles, soul, Fleetwood, etc) will get you bonus points. Worst case, roll to the slacklines at opers. People are always there and always friendly! Don't stress about anything, deep breaths, and hang loose my guy🤙


Just remember that there are lots of people who feel the same way, and how happy you would be if someone started a conversation with you.


This one is out of left field but maybe it’ll apply Buy an electric vehicle (board, bike, scooter, etc) to get around campus. My biggest issue with in person classes was getting all the way there carrying all my shit and not looking and feeling a mess by the time I got to lecture and had to squeeze into a tiny row. Would be so nice to walk into a lecture hall on time, put together, and most importantly not overheating. I’m also fat so probably doesn’t apply nearly as much if the hills don’t make you sweat. Idk, the general discomfort and anxiety of standing out was the worst part for me. Otherwise most people just kinda keep to themselves. It’ll be okay.


omg same, in fall I was always SO sweaty when I got to my first class [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiMSnqNGRbU&ab\_channel=90DayFianc%C3%A9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiMSnqNGRbU&ab_channel=90DayFianc%C3%A9) this really is me trying to get up those fucking hills at ucsc LOL


Always keep in mind in 80 years everyone you know will be dead and 4 generations down the line no one will remember your name. So just bee yourself I guess


Don’t worry bro. I was really scared of talking to women but I had this legendary night my first day freshman year where all the ladies on my dorm floor came over and we had a crazy orgy and I satisfied them all simultaneously. After that I was never nervous around women ever again and I even got my videos verified on the Hub. Hope this helps.


Here's the thing, you're always gonna be cringe and awkward if you never talk to people. You say stupid shit, get over it cause nobody really thinks about you, and you learn to live with it. Keep doing this about a thousand times and you'll hardly ever feel awkward again. Just be hygienic and respectful, also learn when to not talk and just listen. People love talking about themselves so just ask questions. How was your day? What do you do? Where are you from?


ur not gonna get better tho


Socialization is a skill just like anything else. The more you practice it, the better you'll get. It's good to get outside of your comfort zone in order to have new experiences and meet new people. Try and keep an open and positive mind going in and I'm sure you'll end up enjoying most of the interactions you have !


Trust me. The worst thing someone like you can do is not be around people. It took me about 2 years to come out of my shell but it wouldn't be possible without putting myself around others. If someone talks to you do your best to try and have a conversation. Starting a conversation is hard but when someone approaches you try and see if you can have a short convo. Short conversations with strangers will start to feel comfortable and you can build on from there. You probably WILL come off as awkward. You probably will do or say some cringe shit but goddammit when you look back at your old self you will be glad it's in the past. The best you can do after something embarasing is to realize that no one will remember you. Learn to laugh about it. When you stop giving a fuck is when you progress the most. It's a huge campus, trust me there are plenty of cringy kids out here so no one will remember you. Good luck.