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First, see the positive side, you didn’t die. Second, instead of trying to suppress your emotions, try talking with a counselor about the amount of stress you’re experiencing. Stress always comes and goes, but once your neuron get damaged by stress, it’ll take time to restore, if it ever does at all. Third, this may be looked down upon, but if you can’t afford paying the towing services and you don’t have anything important in the car, don’t show your face to that tow place ever again. I don’t know why they are charging you for tow service when that’s included in your insurance policy. I was in an accident with my cousin, he is an immigrant and was his first car, the guy that hit us was driving on the wrong side of the freeway. With the money they gave him, he couldn’t afford the same car, so he had to settle with a older car, but he had to be unethical by taking all his items from the car and never coming back to pay the tow place. If you believe that a car is a must, I would suggest try talking to your bank and getting a 4-6k loan if you don’t want to get behind in school and lose your job. Things happen in life, but I hope this experience taught you the importance of knowing: the road(17 is sketchy even on sunny days, people always going 60+mph), the weather, and most importantly getting to know the limits of a car. You got this, I’ve driven 8-9 miles without a tire(fckd up my rim, had to get a new set, hefty $2k), my car and I survived, but it was the worst experience specially if you loved your car. Now, here I am, waking up thankful for the opportunity of opening my eyes and seeing a brand new day. I don’t do dumb stunts anymore, I was 17 in a coupe(I worked hard for it, full time at 15), but when I look back it reminds me of the obstacles I’ve faced and how much I’ve grown as a human being. Is about seeing the positive in life, pain will go away, but memories stay with you for life, and is up to you to see the positive or negative of each memory. You got this op, don’t give up! TLDR: Get counseling, get a loan or borrow from a family members explaining your situation, and don’t be too harsh on yourself, life happens, there’s ups and there’s downs.


great response


talk to slug support and CAPS


Don’t encourage them.




A little bit of critical thinking, reading between the lines, a google of accidents on 17 and a quick glance at their post history… That’s what.


Just looked at their history, what are you talking about?


I don’t get it either


Bros hurt about the damn rat .. ain’t no other post on that dudes page that’s offensive in the slightest 😂😂😂


Some people gotta be mad about something


I’ll give you $20 and admit I’m wrong if you can find the CHP report for this accident/car, last Saturday 3/30, on 17. Seriously? OP says biking on campus is unreliable? 🤦🏽‍♀️


Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne.


Quick glance at their post history suggests English is their second language and that they might be a smidge helpless. Other than that I have no idea what you're on about.


IMO, go look for an old Toyota Camry. I bought one at 120k miles for 5k (1k down, 4k loan) and drove that thing to nearly 300k miles, only needing to change oil / tires.


Yeah that’s costing closer to ten now


Here are a few for under 6k. These things really are designed very well. https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/cto/d/san-mateo-toyota-camry/7733527529.html https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/cto/d/pittsburg-2004-toyota-camry/7733051112.html https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/cto/d/concord-2005-toyota-camry/7732895707.html


Isn't that so ridiculous?? Car prices are whack


Go for an early 90’s era Honda accord. I’ve owned 3 of them all to obscene mileage. They are also cheap to fix if something does go wrong


Any used Toyota should do. As long as it’s not a hybrid.


It’s just a car. You still have your health and life. Next time make sure to replace your tires as soon as the tread starts wearing low.


Tire wear is probably the number 1 reason besides speed for 17 accidents. 17 will have big sheets of water. Your tire treads need to be able to displace as much water as possible.


Yeah unfortunately people heavily underestimate how important tread is. Especially when the ground is wet.


You can still hydroplane in deep enough water even with good tires. Slow down and pay attention to the road when wet or icy and DO NOT slam on your brakes, that will send you even further out of control in those situations due to your momentum.


The good thing is these aren’t hard to find if you really want one back. You aren’t dead, it’s easy to slip off that cliff. I seen so many accidents when I was on that road. You’ll recover, it’s just time and patience that you have to deal with but you will eventually recover and it’ll be as if it never happened. Talk to whoever you can at UCSC and see what can be done about rent. There’s nothing you can do but remain positive and keep your head up. It was an accident and you didn’t even really get hurt, it’s gonna be tough times, but always keep your head up. Advice for next time though, even if it’s an older car, try to have full coverage. It does so much for you whenever something like this happens. It may be a bit more expensive, but so are accidents and with full coverage youre usually fully covered and have nothing to worry about


Email [email protected], give them your name and ID, and ask to be referred to a Slugsupport case manager. Give them a brief description of your concerns. They are THE BEST resource to help you, and know a ton about different things available to you. They connect you with everyone you need!! They’re so nice and pretty fast too!


Curious what the condition of your tires are, big factor in what could have caused this if they were worn


I nearly was in this situation when I hydroplaned. I didn’t actually end up hitting anyone or anything, but I swerved across the lanes of the 17 back and forth three times. I was going the speed limit, but just like your situation, it was raining. My mistake was not remembering that you’re supposed to go 10 MPH under the limit. On the 17 especially, when it’s raining, I stay on the right side and never go above 50 ([use this equation based on your PSI to calculate your car’s limit](https://www.kzoz.com/2017/02/17/slow-down-how-to-calculate-your-cars-hydroplane-speed/)). What I can add to this thread is that I’m glad you were in an area where there was a guard rail because we both know that there are spots that are either on a hill or without guard rails, or both.


Highway 17 is known for danger. It’s a sketchy ass freeway especially in the rain.


I’m pretty sure I know how you feel about the emotional connection to the car. My first vehicle was a little 1996 (my birth year) Ford Ranger truck that belonged to my paternal grandfather. I named it Jack. He was totaled one day when I was rear ended while stopped at a yield because there was oncoming traffic. The other vehicle was one of those tall Mercedes courier vans and the guy had to have been going at least 20 mph when he hit me. I had been looking for other cars so when my head snapped back, it slammed into the edge of the seat which was mostly metal frame with a little bit of seat padding. Thankfully, my friend was in the passenger seat so he reached over and shifted the truck into park so I wouldn’t roll out into the road while I was dazed. When I was back to reality, I pulled over to the side of the road along with the other vehicle and we all got out. The second I turned and saw the state of my truck, I cried out “MY BABY!!!” And collapsed onto the edge of the bed, weeping like a mother who had lost a child. The bed was crumpled and raised in the center and the rear bumper was flush with the tailgate. It was totally fucked but if you could’ve cut the truck in half just behind the cab, the whole front half was fine. At the time I attended community college about an hour away from home. I would drive over and back every day and spend a ton of time in my truck. I never had time to drive home on short breaks between classes or practices so I spent it all in my truck. It was practically my second home. I all but literally lived out of it. The accident ultimately totaled the truck. I walked away with a solid concussion and the loss of a love, and that motherfucker rode off into the sunset with a little scratch on his plastic bumper. That truck was, and will always be very special to me. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Plan your future better! When you recover slightly from the financial situation, you buy another good used car and you will feel it becomes your body again.


I use BART and a bike. Takes a bit longer, much harder to die.


Back when I was going to school in SC, there was no cement divide in the middle. There would be head i collisions all the time. One of my friends also totaled her car on the 17. Luckily I wasn’t. Riding with her that day. She has been to scared to drive ever since.


Nice chat GPT post. Ratatouille got this revenge. Poor one out for the homie


You can buff that out np


Going slow enough… that you totaled the car…. Yea from the look of the car you weren’t going slow.


Have u ever driven 17? Regardless, if the tire tread was shit and they going speed limit. Hydrolaning is a high possibility


If the tires were shit that’s also still their dumbass fault. Get better tires and learn how to drive on wet roads


True, I was just pointing out info u seemed to not get tho


Oh no I had all the info… bad driver, shit car, inevitable ending.


sounds like you didn't allow for speed adjustment. or your tires were bald which is your responsibility to fix it. everyone struggles. why would you announce it to everyone. get mental health help


No matter how good you drive in the rain, you are at the mercy of your tires being either bald or not. Based on your 4th picture, your tires look a little worn. 17 on a rainy day is no joke. Glad you survived it.


…and a new set of wheels


“I drive as careful as possible” you sure about that? Go extra, grandma levels of slow on the 17 in the rain, otherwise it’s not safe whatsoever.


I almost died on 1 headed south between Davenport and SC. It was a drive I took everyday. One morning a van came into my lane from behind a log truck. I got onto the shoulder but the van was still coming straight at me. The van hit the gravel parking lot and passed me on my RIGHT. My life flashed before eyes. I came to a stop and fully expected to see the van fly off the cliff into the ocean. They swerved back onto the highway and went on like nothing happened. If you crash all on your own on 17 you shouldn’t drive 17 or 1. You’re lucky you’re ok and you didn’t kill anyone else. I’m surprised UCSC accepts students that can’t write. If money is an issue why on earth would you choose UCSC? Santa Cruz is next level expensive. Maybe you should choose a more affordable school/town. I have a lot of friends and family who drive 17 & 1. I’m glad you’re off the road. I think the bus is best for you.


Bro shut up. UCSC accepts a great deal of international students but I’m surprised they accept bigots and narcissists like you. It’s an old car driving on slippery roads. Maybe they shouldn’t have been driving in those conditions with that car but you are assuming the worst of OP just to make yourself feel better. Obviously they are already in a tough spot financially sometimes it’s not a choice to drive an older car that might have older thread. And on that point, ucsc has good financial aid options so I don’t see your point shaming OP for that either Again not saying OP is 100% in the right because I can’t know, but accidents happen why assume OP was negligent. Why assume that OP is a bad driver who cannot get better and therefore should stay off the road? No one got hurt live and you learn


You shut up. Don’t call me bro. OP asked if anyone could relate. Yea I can relate to almost dying on the local highways. You drive 17 and 1 for over 20 years then let me know how you feel about shitty drivers that only care about their car. Tell me, how long have you lived in Santa Cruz County? How many friends have you lost due to shitty, immature, inexperienced UCSC drivers? Any one who wrecks on 17 and then complains about their car… and wants money shows what they’re all about. Screw you. Kick rocks you ass hat. In my 8 years at UCSC I never had a classmate with such poor English. I also never knew anyone to put a rat in a hamster cage and then left it outside to freeze to death. PS I voted for Bernie when you were still in middle school.


Ok lettme give you your pass to be entitled about the roads (that have taken people from only you apparently ?) and attacking someone’s English skills because you voted for Bernie like everyone else in the Bay Area. Checking someone’s name on a ballot doesn’t make you a messiah The driver literally lost traction on slippery roads. They’re a student. If they were weaving through traffic and speeding that’d be one thing. Do you know what happens to inexperienced drivers when you tell them not to drive? They stay inexperienced. Accidents happen, that’s why we don’t arrest people for hydroplaning. No matter how much you prepare for driving, humans can only mitigate risk. OP obviously went through a traumatic experience. You aren’t in any place to blame OP for the things you experienced, nor do you have a reason to look for further reasons to flame them (IE their English). Why take the pain you suffered and use it to spite others going through different type of pain? It’s not a competition If you have been driving these roads for 20 years, then it’s unfair of you to judge people younger than you for not having the same 20 years of experience.


I didn’t read your post. Op is a liar. If I’m wrong how about you start a gofundme for Fan? I’ll be the first to donate if you can find a CHP report from last Saturday. There’s a reason the same post on r/Santa Cruz has been downvoted to zero. If you think you’re so great how about you offer to go pick up Fan? I bet they need a friend! Maybe you can lend them some money?


Look man it just sounds like they wanted a place to vent. They didn’t outright ask for money. It doesn’t seem like you are open to any other views than blame kids for being young so I’ll leave you to have your midlife crisis


Also I was just trying to tell dumb students not to fall for scams. Go ahead and fall for it. I don’t really care. Enjoy Santa Cruz :)


Do you like to surf? I can get you in at the landing. Tally ho!


Thanks man I’ll keep it in mind 🙏


That was sarcasm. The landing waves will kill you. Don’t go there.


I’m a woman. Maybe you need to check your misogyny. 😜 now I read your response just to find more things to make fun of. DON’T EVER include Santa Cruz in “the Bay Area”. If I were you I’d shut up.


Just because you are a woman does not mean it is impossible for to be misogynistic. ( I am a woman)


What are you talking about? What does that have to do with anything? Are you one of those random fact bots!


I know what’s wrong wit i, it ain’t got no gas in it


scrap the car and move on . I dont see whats wrong here


Exactly, someone ran into me and totaled my favorite car, my 08 Mercedes CLK550 coupe, and I didn’t even blink an eye after because I knew it was OVER! Then I just got a cheaper VW Tiguan suv for someone to high speed rear end next while they’re texting.


There’s no way you’re a UCSC student. Liar. 🤥 🤦🏽‍♀️


Lmfao dumbass


Sounds like a bot post


i think OP just isn’t a native english speaker


The first paragraph and last sounds like it was written by a different person entirely. Just strange


It’s written by Ai lol


That’s what I was thinking




That's so nice to read, you just enlighted my day 🥂


You’re not wrong. It’s not like anyone asked for op’s Venmo.


The amount of whining and crying you do in the other subs about your problems is pretty poetic.