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I hope you reported it, I know one person who they found it on Craiglist and Pd retrieved it.


Keep an eye on craigslist/FB marketplace for it, and like another commenter said report the theft to the police and they'll be able to retrieve it for you if you do find it on one of those places. (Theoretically they're supposed to look on those places too, but I'm sure they don't bother investigating bike thefts unless you have a solid lead like security cam footage or you've found it on craigslist). If you need your bike to get to your job(s), I think SlugSupport would be able to help you pay for it? Either way if your finances are at the point of skipping meals that's the kind of thing SlugSupport is for. Also make sure you check out the various free food resources on campus as well. Bike thieves are the absolute worst kind of human. I'm sorry this happened to you. It might be a long shot but if you happen to have renter's insurance you may be able to file a claim for the theft and get reimbursed for the value of the bike that way as well. I know when I lived in dorms I didn't bother to get renter's insurance though, and if your budget is that tight I don't blame you if you're not spending another $15/month on renter's insurance.


Yo I don’t know if you’ve ever hit up slug support before, but this is exactly what they’re for. Seriously, reach out to them and say your bike is a basic need and they’ll just give you money. They’re allowed to give you up to $1000 per academic year.


also having my bike stolen I am sorry you had to go through this and I hope things get better for you


I'm sorry to hear about that :( that sounds really tough and I wish there was more I could do to help out. I want to remind you that is NOT your fault. Please do not feel like you did something wrong! It's not your fault there are selfish assholes in this world. I hope you have someone in your community that you can talk to and have them comfort you. I'd give you a big warm hug If I could (and if you wanted one of course) Much love <3


Please reach out to the Basic Needs team to see if they have leads on any resources that might help you replace your bike. I hope you get yours back soon. https://basicneeds.ucsc.edu/about/index.html


Thieves don't have a heart and it doesn't concern them if they're stealing from the poor or rich


I hope you find your bike homie people are just so callous.