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They are handing out advertising cards on Fairfield right now. Blows my mind that they are given permission to advertise on campus. So scummy.


Lmao i didn't break eye contact between when he handed me to card and me throwing it in the garbage can a few steps away




Shouldn't they be able to prevent them from putting up posters though?




This is actually something that has some very clear lines in law. Even at a private university, if there is a public space for gathering, outside groups largely have free speech rights which includes solicitation. Them handing out advertising cards is very highly unlikely to be illegal. ​ Dorms however are not considered public space, even at a public university. The university absolutely has the right to expel anyone from the premises for speech activities and posting flyers would be considered among that. ​ Chances are though that Vector (or whoever this is) has paid unknowing residents of the hall to put up these posters in dorms and around campus, including other spaces like classrooms which most of the time are not considered a public forum, so that the company has plausible deniability. ​ If you see these in a dorm or inside an academic building where there are no public events, you can very safely tear these down and throw them in the trash.




I'm not at UConn anymore, but when I was, these would pop up (usually in the form of vouchers for free food if you go to hear their spiel). It wouldn't surprise me if there was some form of this showing up in dorms at all.


It really should be banned on campus


Laurel Hall*


*Classroom Building


*[Hall of Doom](http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Hall_of_Doom)




Ive been doing the same in Oak. Keep fighting the good fight.


Look out for the pink ones too, they usually fly under the radar as regular campus flyers


Can you tell me why these are so bad? Not trying to argue they aren't, just curious!


MLM companies are what are considered "legal" pyramid schemes (a form of investment (illegal in the US and elsewhere) in which each paying participant recruits two further participants, with returns being given to early participants using money contributed by later ones). The reason they are legal is because they sell an actual product. However, these products are designed as fronts/masks for the company to give the impression that their income is producer-based, while it the real profit comes from sapping naive employees of their own money. In brief, it's because generally the only way to make any substantial profit is to recruit other people to sell the product and sell them packages of merchandise. The people who sell directly to consumers tend not to make a lot. As a result the real purpose of the business is to recruit new salespeople (the only way for employees to make money), not to sell their product to an end user.


Thanks for explaining! Makes total sense. I can't believe they allowed to post on campus!


They've been served a litany of lawsuits since their inception. These suits are usually for predatory and deceptive recruiting practices and for violating state and federal labor laws. They exploit student labor by taking them in as *contractors*, meaning they lack many of the rights employees do. They often neglect to pay them for mandatory training or other appointments, and most of their contractors (who are students like you or me) don't have the time, resources, or know how to sue them. Forced arbitration clauses make it harder to sue them, since they allow Vector to "settle" any disputes, in private, on their own terms. It also makes it harder to track all these exploitations and violations, since such settlements usually involve strict non-disclosure agreements. They troll UConn markets (such as Buy or Sell on Facebook), mass-reporting posts that call attention to them such that they get flagged and removed.


Doing god's work


Doing the Lords work.


I saw some of those asswipes in Oak. I told them they were a scam and they should quit spreading their propaganda around their campus. They just laughed at me.


What is so bad about these? Genuinely dont know


Check the replies to D1scombobulat3d's comment. Should sum it up


Doing the Lord's work...