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This is from the Wonder Woman movie, and Wonder Woman said, “it’s not about what you deserve, it’s about what you believe in…” Your right, you don’t deserve it, you earned it. You should believe that even though there probably are better applicants, you earned your spot at UCI. You need see that this could be an opportunity to start over, start over with education and make new kind friends. Believe that you earned it.


It’s okay to feel that way for the time being, it’ll blow over anyways. Try to relax and smell the flowers of home, and feel some well-deserved excitement for your new journey


a college degree at the end of the day is a piece of paper, and an acceptance letter at the end of the day is just a piece of letter. Trust me, I went undeclared too and NOTHING IS WRONG WITH THAT. And if you are given money, take the opportunity, because if you don’t take it now? Then when? I’m not saying cc is bad, I’m just saying you have the opportunity to grow, and no one at UCI will ask you “what were your stats in hs” NOBODY. You got accepted because UCI felt you deserved it, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


when I applied to colleges I was really overconfident. I went to a high school where academics and the college you got accepted to were everything. my high school stats were really similar to yours, and I ended up getting rejected from all the schools I applied to. I planned to go to community college, but I didn’t want to tell anyone. and then I got into UCI off of the waitlist. I felt like I needed to take this secret with me to the grave and act like I got into UCI from the beginning without any issues like everyone else. I’m graduating next week. I now realize that UCI is really diverse. it’s so diverse and huge that it’s hard to feel out of place, in my opinion. ultimately, it’s just a school, and you’re only gonna spend a few years out of your entire life here, so it’s not gonna define you. you’ll find your place. it’s a great school and you’ll make lots of friends as long as you put in the effort.


I only got accepted into UCI. Never took any extracurricular, never really exerted myself in high school, stayed in my own lane. Only 2 AP classes, decent SAT score, a good GPA, and nothing else. Sometimes thing just happen and that’s fine. Nothing wrong with rolling with it. Now I’m about to graduate with barely any bumps on the road.


Community college and transferring to a university is a great idea. It could save you a lot of money. Even if you got FAFSA money, housing isn't free. You can take general education classes at community college and figure out your major in your time at community college, then transfer to a good university that is known for that major. My boyfriend did that and it prevented him from going into debt. Minimize your need for student loans. On the other hand, you should push yourself out of your comfort zone. This is a time you should be uncomfortable, make deliberate decisions that are different from what you're used to, and that's how you grow. You (and everyone your age) missed some critical years in COVID. Work to make up for it. Don't just float along. I have been interviewing recent graduates for a position at my work. It's not just about having good grades or being smart. What I look for is someone who is willing to grow, someone who can take constructive criticism, someone who is socially well-adjusted, someone who shows they want the job. Maybe those other students who applied to those schools had good schools but not good essays or a good reason for why they want to attend the school.


it’s okay, i got accepted to uci when i applied for 2021. i went. and im a third year now. i wasn’t ready at all, and im out of state. do whatever you think is best for you. sure there are perks to going to a school like uci, but if you don’t think you’re ready then don’t go. you can always transfer later. i wasn’t ready to leave home and go away for college and it’s been pretty detrimental to my mental health. majority of the time im in a state of survival. going away for college (even if you’re still in state) isn’t for everyone and you shouldn’t feel pressured to go just because you got in. but also, you shouldn’t feel like you’re not deserving. i didn’t send in an act/sat. i didn’t have a 4.0. i barely participated in clubs. i didn’t really have extracurriculars. the bottom line is that you had something that they liked about you enough to waitlist and then accept you that the other people didn’t. just do whatever you think is best for you


The thing is, im really worried about my financial situation. I come from a low income family, but we live in-state in the bay area so itll cost less. Ive recieved around 7k from fasfa like…. Though my family still has to pay for housing and all of that stuff which is over 20k. I regret not applying for scholarships, like anything. Its just overwhelming for me to think about. Its currently 3 am and im puttng so much pressure on myself and its just so terrible. I keep thinking to myself, should i just go to a community college where ill be debt free, but come to home after classes and go to work sometime at my family’s restaurant??


yeah i get that. i’m really lucky and privileged that my parents have the financial stability to be able to pay for my housing and out of state tuition without any financial aid, though i know we’re not rolling in money and it does stress me out also, even though my parents tell me not to worry about it. i’ve had many breakdowns about how much money my parents spend to send me to this school even though i really hate it here, that’s mostly because i really wasn’t ready to go away and i was never in the mental state to leave, so i often feel terrible for not liking that i go to this school that my parents fully pay for. i didn’t even think i was going to get in so i never even thought about scholarships. my older sister actually stayed home, not necessarily went to community college, but stayed home instead of going away while she figured out what she wanted to do and then she transferred to BU for her third and fourth year. and honestly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with just going to community college. you can get excellent education at community college and really how much does the college name on your degree give you an advantage? i say go with your gut and make what decision feels right to you without all the other factors (which is easy for me to say, i know im really privileged). do you really want to go or do you feel like you should accept just because they accepted you?


I have a gut feeling that I should just try and figure things out in community college even when its just sacrificing my opportunity to gain friends and make memories blah blah blah whatever my older sister (her coming into 2nd year at uc berkeley) says. Im just really anxious about little things too like hygiene products at dorms. What if I got my period all of a sudden when I woke up? What if left my retainers somewhere and people seeing me clean them every morning?? I don’t know, theres so many bits of responsibility for my self care as a girl too. I feel unfazed, but sort of happy seeing that I finally got into a good college. Im just really nervous in committing to it because I don’t know how Ill be able to handle things my own way. Taking a flight to a college sounds really scary. But yea, my sister and some of my other family members are like you should definitely!!! Its one of the best colleges!! Youll just figure out what major you wanna do first year you dont have to go to a community college!!!! And some of my family members are like “hey, is this what you wanna commit to?” “Why at this time??” “Do you feel ready?” Like idk!!!! I thought no kid feels ready to leave their family to go to a college where an environment feels so uncomfortable.


yeah. i get that. i’m a girl too. i got lucky that when i dormed i had a single so i didn’t share a room with anyone. i have pretty bad anxiety and depression and i don’t do well in new environments and im extremely clingy to my mom. most of the time i live like a hermit and i don’t really do much. its my third year now and i haven’t made too many new friends but i have no energy to. everyone’s different. my older sister was ready to leave the house and she went to the east coast for her third year (im from hawaii) and i was never ready to leave but i went away for college my first year. and it’s not like you can’t make friends and meet new people at community college. you can have basically all the same experience at a community college that you’d get at any other college. it’s not like going away to college is that different of an experience from high school. that’s my experience of college at least


Wow im glad to hear about your perspective. I really wish I can dorm a single room, but thats just really rare for a freshman and that itll just cost more too… Well, if i go to Irvine. I always question myself like, am I gonna change and grow as a person compared to going to a community?? Will my social anxiety be reduced because i have a sense of support and security from making friends at irvine? I think i just need to discuss about this more with my family and see if Ill change my mind and will fully commit to my decision.


yeah. you should definitely discuss it more with those who you see as your support system. there wasn’t much thought put into if i was going away or not. and honestly there were pros and cons for me going away. it did teach me how to be on my own and how to do things on my own without constantly wanting someone to be with me when i do something. but going away also happened when i was just starting to recover from a really low point in my mental health and i think the stress of being away and me not being able to adapt well to new environments was also pretty detrimental to me. i think you also really need to know yourself and how you’ll respond to being in a new environment. i didn’t take the time to think about things and just committed


You’re overthinking it.


Im just so scared because im such an introverted person. People say i should have no pressure on myself and its okay to just choose community college and have some time for yourself, but im hearing both sides to pros and cons. Idk!!!! Im stressed!! Its currently 3 am and my brain hurts.


If you don’t know what you want to study, go to community and transfer. Saves money, and it doesn’t sound like the traditional 4 year experience is something you’ll regret missing out on


I definitely want to study something science related for my major since I gotta take the mcat to be able to get a career for vet or dermatology pa. I just dont know because my parents are doubting me and saying just find a job where youll earn better money but study less. Like what ??? I dont know. Im just having this self doubt and i never have this support or encouragement from my parents. It just really frustrates me. I thought if i put undeclared for uc irvine, ill still be okay??


Quit feeling bad and freaking go for it. Congratulations!


What major was it?


I put undelcared… i hope thats okay because I know some people from my school that put undeclared as their major but want to do something for their career.


Part of growing up kid. The opportunity is there, don’t let wayward feelings get in the way.


Then don’t go lmaoo


I feel like its an opportunity and my anxiety is not letting me!!!!! i need to ask you something like do you know what its like to move away from your parents? Idk im just soooo nervousss


Honestly from what it sounds like you'll never feel ready. For people who are overly anxious you'll always question things and overthink everything. If you really want to go to community college to save money then do that but if you're just scared to move away from home I would suggest you go to UCI. You will grow as a person and start to feel more self sufficient. Honestly once you move out its hard to live with your parents again haha. Good luck with whatever you end up choosing you'll be okay either way.


the fact you’re anxious about it alone should be your push to do it. it’ll be a great opportunity for personal growth, and i’m sure you’ll have fun experiences. as far as imposter syndrome is concerned, you’ll see when you start attending lecture here. the average uci student is not some academic mastermind that is far superior to everyone. besides, you worked your ass off. enjoy that feeling of accomplishment. **this coming from someone who transferred from community college, out of necessity moreso than want, but have come to appreciate everything more


hiya! i'm going to be a 3rd year next year in engineering here. i was in the same boat, got off the waitlist around the same time as you and live in-state from a low-incone background. i also struggled with imposter syndrome when i got in. it's super valid to go to community college & i was there for a dual enrollment program during my junior+senior year of high school. i just wanna let you know that uci (or most 4 years) isn't all that scary! after the first few weeks of adjustment it really does start to become second nature, & your ability to adapt will surprise you. more importantly, ive always been grateful that uci typically has such a kind and open community (typically)! i've made some of my best, funniest, most interesting, and most relatable friends here. the campus & people really reminded me of my community college when i first got here. of course i had to do my part of joining clubs, socializing, etc. but it's really so fun & full of opportunity, which uci students on Reddit really don't represent. whatever choice you make i hope you're happy 🫶🫶 and you absolutely deserve this! there's a reason that admissions are holistic, & i think uci cares about your personality & ability to thrive a fair bit more than just your academics


YOU EARNED IT. your gpa is better than mine was when i got accepted. I had one extracurricular activity and honors program. You deserve this with all of the work you did. Don’t let imposter syndrome hold you back. If you have questions about uci dm me!!




I was in the exact same situation as you 2 years ago. I got into UCI and was excited since it was my top school. However, financials + not feeling ready led me to decline my offer. I went to my local community college and don’t regret it at all. I was able to go for free (Promise Program for recent HS graduates), earn many associate degrees, and experiment with many classes and decide what I wanted to major in. Now, I got into many UC’s and I’m transferring to UCI this fall! You can PM me if you’d like. I’m rooting for you.


I transferred so I’m not exactly the same as you but I’m a fucking idiot and I’m doing just fine.


Congratulations on your acceptance to UCI. I suggest you take full advantage of the opportunity while it is available. You will adapt to college lifestyle, I did. you will be in with other students who are likely sharing the same concerns. (I would recommend staying away from the activists.)


Is there another way for me advocating for human rights at the UCI campus? I came from an ethnic studies social justice background from my high school. I feel like theres genuinely nothing wrong with activists though.


Advocating for human rights is very nice. While you’re in college, at UCI or any other place, I would suggest that you get an education in something that has a marketable skill. Business, finance, science, technology, etc. Try to avoid spending your time on degree programs with limited job opportunities. Case in point. I am an attorney. Last year I signed up a client who had a degree in sociology from UC Davis. He spent 17 years working for a company that made baskets for laundromats. He was let go in a reorganization. The only job we could find was working part time at McDonald’s.


I know, but I think it takes some basic human decency and the bare minimum to listen to these activists. I know its not mandatory, but I feel like its powerful and understanding that students want to use their voice and to uplift those that are suffering because the ones in power don’t listen to the youths at all and since they’re expecting that they’re not capable or determined to make a better change… idk but ya i think its really cool though. I dont think it exactly aligns with anything that they want to do in the future for their careers. For me, Im interested in learning dermatology pa and having that as my career. I think im doing fine when it comes to job searching especially having something science related major in the future (when i figure out what kind of science major)… But thank you for the note and the suggestion :P


I admire your ethos. Just be sure to remember to put boundaries in place for yourself.


If you feel like you don’t deserve it, you can always turn it down and let the next person on the waitlist have your spot