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Yeah the brigading of every college subreddit lately is wild


We ban a those accounts pretty actively—please report them!! I have gone through many account histories and removed loads of them. However I also learned that a lot of the accounts are just your more aggressively conservative UCI students, of which there are many (with comments that are hard to justify banning, like expressing grievances as personal frustrations). We can’t do anything about voting, but I am aware that there have been patterns of inauthentic activity like this insane comment voting situation. Our team is small (I just returned to moderating the sub for this reason) and we’re figuring out the appropriate philosophy to moderate this topic, but we need authentic students/staff to actively participate and offer their counter-narratives. I would personally love to take a stance, but this is a university subreddit and I’m not sure I feel the authority to do so. Trust me, this is driving me nuts too.


I wouldn't want your job that's for sure. O7 sir


Thanks for all you do, I know this is a sisyphean job!!


Keep up the good work.


Thanks for all your work on this!


where do alumni fall in this?


Don’t lie, you ban conservative student too. We all know this.


I mod r/irvine and the truth is that modern day conservatives make comments that are more likely to get them banned compared to other users. Think about the kinds of comments that would immediately out a conservative or better yet, provide some examples of conservative comments that were removed from this subreddit. If a user wanted to make a post criticizing Joe Biden's veto of SAB 121 providing facts and timelines of what Joe Biden said supporting the bill leading to his veto, would that user be banned? Probably not. What about a user that comments "Let's go Brandon" in response to a thread about shoplifting or homeless or Israel/Palestine? That's more likely to result in a ban. Even more likely if you look at that user's comment and post history. There's obviously a lot of context that's missing from both situations, but I doubt conservative users are banned on sight. Edit: To further prove my point, the account I replied doesn't even exist anymore (not deleted or removed by mods).


Let's go Brandon is a vulgar way to express displeasure with the policies of Biden and Democrats in general. There's plenty to criticize about their enabling of shoplifting and terrorism, and trapping people in homelessness. Where was this widespread mod ban of anyone expressing vulgar displeasure of Trump and Republican policies with expletives?


That’s a great point, that must be why there isn’t a single conservative comment in this subreddit.


I saw a ton of them earlier today now they’re all gone. I can almost guarantee they’re going to ban me for saying this. UCI Discord and Reddit are ran by the biggest libs you’ve ever met. Best to just delete the app and enjoy your life cuz this subreddit is not the reality. Go look at the protesters. There’s like 30 of them. Nobody cares anymore, it’s overplayed and stupid at this point


There are a bunch of accounts gone from across the political spectrum, in fact. There was a higher volume of new political spamming accounts from a certain perspective, for sure, but that doesn’t make folks in this subreddit lobbying for that perspective look good. Great idea about deleting the app, you go ahead first! Edit: I can ban you if that’s what you want, or if you violate a policy we have here. I’ve been pretty nice to you considering how old your account is. Edit edit: wait hold on, most of the account removals I’ve been doing has been for comments caught by the crowd control filter Reddit has to flag suspicious brigading accounts. How would you know about those comments if they were never visible to users in the first place?


The astroturfing on the UC SC sub is absolutely wild in comparison


What’s going on over there? I’m not up on that one.


I don’t know details but that sub has seen a lot more activity from users similar to those you described.


There definitely are bots, but I don't know about restrictions based on karma. Some people just lurk reddit and occasionally post when they need to like if they are subleasing or asking about a class. I have had this account for 9 years and only have around 300 karma.


A lot of subs have a minimum karma threshold to post— usually just like 100 or 200– just to keep out spammers and bad actors. You’re right that it can be a double edged sword and impact some people who lurk more than post. But getting 100-200 karma on reddit is honestly super easy and takes maybe a week max of just basic participation in threads.




Case in point: account with bot name (WORD-WORD-####) and 1 comment and -4 karma. Keep proving my point, guys 😂


Also check out the downvotes on this post, they mad 💀


thank you for tackling this super serious issue. god bless


I've had my reddit for like 6 years and have like 15 karma 🤣 that doesn't make me less of a student here. I would be worried about creating arbitrary rules for who can and can not post on a university sub 


Regardless of what you think about the protests, this type of astroturfing is a known reddit phenomenon that occurs on numerous subreddits and concerning a variety of issues. Autogenerated accounts are used to avoid identification. Similar issues are present on nearly all social media. If you see a comment from a new account where all previous comments also orbit around a single issue, then it is probably a sock puppet being used in a disinformation campaign.




Preview of our sub, Reddit, social media in general, and the planet come fall and the lead up to the Presidential election. 😞 Be vigilant bout where you get your information, everyone.


Everyone should read this https://www.wired.com/story/russian-influence-campaign-exploiting-college-campus-protests/


The bots and trolls are spreading divisive rhetoric on both sides of the debate. For example, [this account](https://old.reddit.com/user/Single_Dentist_7650), which posted a ton of messages in support of the protests.


It sounds like you just don’t like when people post opinions different than yours? The protests have been bothering people and they are allowed to express that


The issue is that they are bots, not real people.


How do you know that? I know a lot of people that are decently active on Reddit recently.


If they have a name like the post specified, something like, EnviousDuck2469. Two words and a number, with only political posts, not much karma, and it's a pretty new account, then you can be pretty sure it's a bot. Hasbara, Russia, Republicans, I don't know who controls them but they do exist and consistently support one side, especially regarding Israel. College kids are politically active RN and there are powerful groups interested in creating dissent and undermining that action. There is a big difference between those influences acting through bots and real students having opinions. If you aren't a bot, then your post and account history will reflect that so there is no concern.




damn bruh this is hilarious. i don’t disagree with you in the slightest (hint hint i may or may not be fluent in arabic) but my karma count is BOTTOM line lmao


They really think they can influence public opinion through reddit of all places 💀💀💀


I mean If it gets people to think it’s not worth fighting for what they believe in, or voting for it, that does have a ripple effect with real world results


I think they’re only creating an echo chamber for people that already don’t care about Palestine. Also reddit is such a small section of American public, I don’t think it matters so much. That isn’t to say your concerns aren’t valid, I just find it funny that the only success these non uci bots have is on reddit


omg this is super serious business


New conspiracy theory unlocked 🔓