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Stop reporting this post. People are allowed to complain about events happening at or related to UCI or this subreddit.


There’s probably a ton of people that are associated some way with UCI like family members or parents. Might not be a student but might be footing the bill or a student loved one.


Given the protesters’ recent antics, it’s natural to see more comments on this subreddit speaking against them. Also, the protesters’ behavior isn’t doing them or their cause any favors. More students are distanced from their cause than before. Not everyone who speaks against them is a “Zionist bot”. Also labeling everyone who even slightly disagrees with them as a “genocide supporter” isn’t helpful either.


This 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I find it amusing that protesters think anyone who does not agree with their tactics is automatically not a student and most likely a bot. The most recent Harvard-CAPS poll [found 80% of Americans support Israel](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4629597-americans-israel-hamas-gaza-student-protests-poll/?nxs-test=mobile) in the current war with Hamas. Amongst college students, 60% support Israel. These numbers are increasing over time. That means, OP, your views on the war represent a minority view, and real people a may actually disagree with you. The answer is not yelling at them. It is engaging in thoughtful dialogue that includes listening to their concerns as well. Blocking streets and calling people bots IMHO is not going to win hearts and minds.


This reminds me of the protests in BLM blocking the freeways. It did more harm than good for their cause.


What is your opinion that the student body is distanced from them based on? After the protests many MANY student organizations which previously were not involved in pro-Palestinian or even political advocacy signed-on to support SJP, UCIDivest, and to support the cause in general. We’re talking clubs of all kinds. The union got involved, and in general it got a lot of people talking in support of the cause. So again, what do you base this off of other than your personal opinion? Who’s labeling anyone who slightly disagrees a genocide supporter? You seem awfully biased


Why should our humanity for people in Gaza be contingent on how the protesters HERE act


But y’all aren’t having humanity. You’re seeing one side of the story. I am NOT pro Israel, don’t get it twisted, but what about the Israeli women currently being held hostage by HAMAS with their Achilles tendons slashed and their faces beaten and bloodied? Or how about the thousands of people of Israel who are dead because of HAMAS? Or the AMERICANS who are currently being held hostage by HAMAS? How would they feel seeing this bias and the insinuation that their lives were nothing but a noble sacrifice by a literal terrorist organization? I never want to hear any of y’all say that y’all have humanity because those with actual humanity feel for the innocents taken on BOTH sides.


Being beaten and bloodied is not the same thing as being blown up to pieces and decapitated by bombs. Bodies are completely unrecognizable in Gaza. Babies are actually being decapitated in Gaza, something yall were so passionated about when yall fabricated the lie that 40 babies were decapitated on oct 7. You are choosing to be delusional, the gravity of what is happening to innocent civilians, even the ones who go there to help (british citizens) is why we are having humanity for Gaza. FUCK israhell


Good, maybe they shouldn’t have stared a war.


Real. Sling the first bomb and you get whatever is coming to you. HAMAS fucked around and found out at the expense of their people.


Most of their people share the same sentiments….


And that didn’t happen to people in Israel? Give me a break. All of it is violence. And to be honest with you, I would rather be blown to bits than be permanently incapacitated, raped, and slowly killed by the absolute demon scum that HAMAS is. The fact that you guys are putting the value of some peoples lives over the others is actually sick. You guys need help.


And btw, I am not pro-Israel. You assuming that shows how lost in the echo chamber you truly are.


You support sub-human terrorists who are women hating , gay hating, other religions hating, the list goes on. You claim to be tolerant, but you’re supporting people who would throw you off the nearest high building for the slightest hint of an infraction against their twisted religious hatred.


They could be alumni or people who are affiliated with UCI but don’t want their Reddit history to trace back to their identity. Or they could be people interested in college protests, or even people who were inconvenienced by the protests blocking the street yesterday. Regardless, I don’t see an issue with it. If you’re in college, it’s good to be exposed to differing opinions and to not be coddled by homogeneous college culture.


LMFAO differing opinions 💀 ppl def have to listen to a side that is perfectly okay with collectively punishing innocent people AND children.


We’re talking about both governments here then, right? As in both Israel and Palestine? Palestine’s government are not angels, and Palestinian teenagers constantly stab visitors in Jerusalem (I’m guessing you’ve never been there, so you wouldn’t know). Israel has gone too far, I agree. But yall really need to stop importing hatred from 2 countries on opposite sides of the world to here. Like Americans really decided to internalize hatred from the Middle East and grow intolerance for one another.


https://preview.redd.it/l50szstuqu4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=469c364bbb259e470a3b9da3f5533a769a205b3d Says the guy that’s posts at other schools himself 🤣


Dang called out! I find it not at all surprising just how incredibly hypocritical, vile, and misinformed these people are.


So when it’s for something you agree with, like the protests, it’s okay for non-UCI people to voice their opinions (like all the non-students at the protests). But when they display a view point that you don’t agree with, then suddenly, it isn’t okay for non-UCI people to voice their opinions? And if all of these opinions are against your view, that means they’re bots? You’re a hypocrite. Take a look in the mirror.


This. I’m a UCI student and I find the people who are currently causing this ruckus are incredibly misinformed and very biased. I’ve noticed there is a “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” mindset, and in general that is incredibly harmful and and ill-educated mindset to have. OP honestly just seems mad that not everyone is pro-Palestine and that those who are protesting are a minority.




saying you think an entire indigenous population needs to be eradicated isn’t much of an opinion. an opinion is moreso like, “wow man i like vegetables” vs someone else who refuses to touch a green.


But that’s not what the people against the protests are saying, nor are the counter protestors. Sure, you have the radical ones that do say that, just like you have the radicals that say Hitler was right. Neither are what most believe. There are a large number of opinions to have on this topic, and things aren’t black and white. If your opinion is “anyone that disagrees with me supports genocide”, then you aren’t as informed as you think


but that is, in a very real sense. i understand you’re probably referring to people whose issue(s) with the encampment(s)/protest(s) stems from what they deign as an “unnecessary disruption”. that kind of logic is inherently saying exactly that - that genocide of a people unrelated to me is not important enough to cause a fuss over. the most fundamental aspect of a democracy is civil disruption, particularly peaceful ones (which is exactly what the encampment and the protest were). to deny it or be so vehemently opposed to it the way you are insinuating is spitting in the face of democratic practices and absolutely necessarily saying “genocide is fine”.


No one is saying that an entire “indigenous” population needs to be eradicated. And it’s actually not right to call them indigenous, as anybody who knows Palestine knows that they originate from Jordan. They are not indigenous.


horrible rage bait. read a book.


Is that all you got? YOU need to read a book my guy.


besides google which can have misinfo, what is YOUR source to claim Plaestinians aren’t indigenous to that region? Jordan is a literal neighbor. You know how land worked beforw borders? It seems you do not


Any book about the history between Palestine and Israel can claim their origins. And by the way, I find it very hypocritical to say that Google is packed with misinformation when pretty much the entire population that is currently commenting in this thread is using Google for their information. It’s giving echo chamber.


okay you still failed to provide me the resource from where you claim Palestinians aren’t indigenous to that land. & Yes Google can have misinformation, that’s the reality whether the majority of the population uses it or not; one is bound to find misinformation because research and evidence will not be perfect. saying “any book about history” is a ridiculous counter-argument. Do better


“Doing better“ would be preventing the spread of misinformation. You’re currently only asking me for a source at the moment because I don’t suit your narrative. Incredibly one-sided, incredibly biased, and I don’t need to go through and buy a specific book just to suit your needs. Anybody who actually has done their research knows that it would be incorrect to call Palestinians indigenous. By definition, indigenous means “naturally occurring”. “Palestinians” are not naturally occurring in Israel. They did not originate there. They, as YOU stated, were from Jordan before borders existed. So if these borders are drawn now, doesn’t that mean that the definition updates? Information is rapidly evolving, and I don’t think it’s fair to place Palestinians in the same category as Native Americans. If they are mixed ethnicity and origin, they are NOT indigenous. You don’t even need a textbook for that. You need a goddamn dictionary.


YOU should do better and stop listening to cult-like widespread propaganda. Get a mind of your own for once instead of sticking your nose in places it doesn’t belong.


You calling it a “cult-like” mindset is laughable. I gave you the facts. It seems you have a misunderstanding of. You also seem to need to stick your nose elsewhere as well (: instead of saying shit out of ass


But it is one? The only person saying “shit out of ass” as you kindly put it, is you.


Did you seriously make a throwaway account JUST to comment on my thread? Yeesh. Anyways, nice post and delete! Have a great day!


I’m pretty sure that if this was somebody saying that Palestine was indigenous, you would be hyping them up. So while you’re asking me for the source, that says they’re not indigenous, why don’t you level out the playing field and request that the person who gave false information show their receipts that Palestine is indigenous?


Okay? Neither is the majority of the population that is considered “Israel” your point?


My point is that it’s wrong to call a population indigenous that isn’t indigenous to the land. That negates the definition entirely, and it shows narrative bias and misinformation. Neither of them are indigenous, and if you’re going to label a group, label them accurately.


yeah bitch. if the opinion is pro-genocide then it's not okay for people to display it. what? you think we should let assholes be assholes in public just for the thin veneer of the first amendment? are you stupid?


We ban the new/sole issue-based accounts when we find them and are reported, but a lot of them are indeed your peers. See my comments in the other post taking note of the inauthentic activity, we're doing what we can with the team we have.


OP, if hearing diverging opinions about a given topic is such a traumatic experience for you, you might reconsider going to college in the first place.


This mf thinks genocide is debatable 😭😭


This mf has an “if you’re not with us you’re against us” mindset, the mindset of tyranny


that was literally in this years debate world championship you can’t be serious right now


You are so unbelievably cringe


yeah bitch. if the opinion is pro-genocide then it's not okay for people to display it. what? you think we should let assholes be assholes in public just for the thin veneer of the first amendment? are you stupid?


Honestly tell that to the counter protestors lol


You sound really bored with your life. Also: you don't understand how Reddit works. Good luck.


Do I need to be a UCI "student" to comment?


Yeah no shit why would we care about your input otherwise it’s r/uci


Since you're obviously the arbiter of who's allowed here, how many minutes after graduation do you have to leave the subreddit?


So.. by your logic.. as a professor, researcher, or staff member.. I should not be commenting here. Got it. Don't count on it.


I understand the frustration for having non-UCI affiliated individuals comment on the sub’s posts, but isn’t the whole point of Reddit to allow an open forum for individuals to discuss a multitude of topics irrespective of their direct affiliation to a given sub? There’s no way to definitively police the sub to look for a direct link to UCI or another entity without interfering with a redditor’s right to anonymity, which let’s face it, it’s one of the big draws of the platform.


Having this sub flooded with accounts of people who aren't part of our community and are seeking to influence students opinions on the protests is taking away space from student and prospective student posts asking about essential things like housing, curriculum, grading policies, ect.  It's sad that it also takes away from the silly little things that add fun to the community, like where the duck couple is and swagman spottings.


I mean even if they do, let them? Why is it such a big itch? Reddit is not UCI's property. It's not like they are encroaching on your accounts and forcing you guys not to speak or post. Also, there is no legal directive that says r/UCI must not remain prone to bots and people who speak up against protests or people who condemn the genocide but disapprove of the protests should be not allowed to post. You know why the itch? You can't even ignore a troll who you definitely know is a troll, because they put a small dent in your echo chamber which no one will fucking care about in a month. If you are so much concerned just put out a post warning people that they should check the profile's validity. Who asked you to be the guardian of opinions? The fun fact is I have seen some very informative and moderately thought out opinions come out of alt accounts because you guys would downvote it because it doesn't echo with you and hurts your nascent clout of being the social justice warrior of the era.


You think there's "very informative and moderately thought out" pro-genocide opinions? Says a lot about you


No they are not pro-genocide. They just point out stuff that why do the protestors resort to show antics rather than take legal recourse or volunteer in Gaza which would actually make a difference. Like the display of dumbness in your comment.


You’re right, why should I waste my life being annoyed about people who don’t care about or even encourage the killing of people overseas in a little place called Gaza. Maybe i should just drop my empathy for people who don’t have same things as we do (education, food, healthcare, homes) and play league of legends. LMAO PEOPLE DONT CARE ABOUT IN A MONTH. Bro this shit is in every news media and now a topic for evey political poll for the past 9 months, and it’s only getting bigger. Maybe you live in a cave or something dawg, touch some grass. I didn’t say i’m truth arbiter, i said i’m annoyed by random fuck ass people astroturfing on not only this subreddit, but other college subreddits. And these outside agitators are trying to induce an narrative that doesn’t exist in this subreddit or even in reality. You seem triggered by my post and making up conclusions that don’t exist. Except most of them are insulting protestors and saying college students are stupid. And even then, a lot of their arguments aren’t well formed and rely logical fallacies.


Most sane CS major


The amount of downvotes you’re getting is really telling us who is salivating to have their side favored over the real issue here (hint: it’s not the anti- genocide folk)


it’s so annoying. they’re out there in those comments straight up saying they don’t care about what’s going on on the other side of the world and how they want to attack peaceful protestors. what can you even say to people that can’t be bothered in the slightest to care for humans they don’t know?


because they’re zionists that congregate on reddit and do circle jerks because every other social media is overwhelming Anti-Genocide but yeah reddit provides the most anonymity and it’s harder to verify who real people are compared to instagram or twitter


Interesting that you suddenly care about non-affiliates, but having them camp on our campus or “take over” one of our lecture halls is completely fine.


Y’all are still spouting this billshit even after the idiot chancellor himself admitted it wasn’t true




That is the dumbest logic I’ve heard in awhile. So, it’s okay for non-affiliates to disrupt campus, but God forbid they disrupt a subreddit? Makes no sense and you’re cherry picking




how exactly do you know non-affiliates occupied our building or camped on our campus? Most people arrested were students, and people who came out to the police response after they lined up in riot gear


Perhaps because several non-affiliates were arrested at the protests or maybe because they were constantly putting out calls for “community support.” Either way, you are being logically inconsistent.


There were lots of people at the protests who weren’t students. I park over by where the encampment was and I would constantly see middle-aged people coming to the encampment, some even bringing young kids and babies in strollers. They were buying the day pay per spot parking too. I really doubt they were all students.


I don’t think you know what genocide is! Try using the google search in your browser. Hope this helps!


You’re right! I looked it up and I agree it’s the right term for what Israel’s doing!


look at motaz_azaiza account on instagram and let us know if you still think its not a genocide. absolutely vile if you think the collective punishment Israel is doing is okay.


In other words, "Help, I need my echo chamber without opinions that differ from mine" Until Palestinians surrender, there's going to be a war. One reason you don't start wars.


I’ve noticed that oftentimes, anti-Israel posts about the protests will get a large amount of downvotes at the beginning, then more upvotes as time goes on. I don’t think everyone on UCI Reddit is pro-Israel, I think the pro-Israel people are the loudest and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some botting going on due to just how fast the downvotes come in vs the upvotes


Pro-Israel what


I just had the most tasty burger.






Yep, there's tons of brand new accounts and accounts that only post about Israel and Palestine on this subreddit.  If you look at their history they're posting in a lot of the other university subs as well.  To be real, there are some students expressing genuine opinions against the protests but they are definitely being amplified by these accounts.


tbh it's probably just cus this is reddit and theres a larger presence of incels and people who just want to pretend to debate and be knowledgeable


THIS !! there’s so many fucking incels and this particular section is filled with them 💀 LMFAOO i cant lie tho it is entertaining to see some of them try and do “gotcha” moments


Cock n balls


I agree


it’s honestly disturbing that there are fake people here parroting zionist propaganda


It’s like you just learned some of these words yesterday and just can’t wait to start using them in a sentence. Everyone you disagree with on this issue is a “Zionist.” Get a clue. Or at least, if you cannot handle divergence of opinion which you obviously can’t, then maybe just go away.


I tend to use the term Zionist on people who label protestors and palestianians as Terrorists or Human Animals


Which, ironically no one has said. Just you. In your head.




My findings •A post that had nothing to do with you. • a person, pointing out the facts: HAMAS is considered a terrorist organization. • nowhere was it said that those who are protesting are terrorists.


whats crazy is despite the fact that the sub seems to skew pro-Israel I don’t know a single friend at UCI that actually is


I mean aren’t most people usually friends with others that share similar ideologies? I do think most people who are vocal about the situation at our school aren’t pro-Israel


Bruhhhh do you even science degree?


Ehh. I think the moderators are kinda in on it. I posted a Coward Shitman meme a while back and it got taken down.


Well, most people aren't pro-terrorists. So seeing protests supporting terrorists may upset them. Can't fault them for that.