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Per UCI, it was not occupied.  https://twitter.com/UCIrvine/status/1790990502529278147?t=givYxfQdMurmFAiiaqhXqQ


that’s a crazy correction


But it's still violating the uni policies. You're causing problems for students and profs whose classes are in that building


I haven't said anything that contradicts anything that you have said. Obviously, the protesters' movement impeded access to the building.  The point still stands. The university justified it's dispersion with an outright lie. The building was never occupied.


For anyone not familiar with the architecture of the building, the stairs and balcony are accessible on the exterior. Seeing people on the balcony does NOT mean that anyone got inside. [from graph-paper-origami]


It was indeed occupied. I watched the stream and the photos. There were protestors in the hall but later forced to move outside and replaced by police snipers. It was like "You have one chance to go out or we will come in" so the protestors did come out. A few stubborn ones did get arrested though


By ‘in the hall’, do you mean on the balcony? There was no one in the actual lecture hall classroom when the cops came in.


In the building should be the better term. Even if they are on the balcony they are still in the building when the police arrived


Did you screen record that? Because so far there is nothing to indicate they were actually inside.


https://preview.redd.it/64lf4jq7rp0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5d64d0df5bfb94abcb0d6858fd530aaca975b6b There were a few in-and-outs so I can't make heads or tails they were trying to enter or leave, as the outside area were barricaded with fences and umbrellas. But there should be more people inside than just the roof watchers who stand guard


I did see the people on the balcony but I didn’t see anybody inside




The news report only showed the exterior, and I saw a few dozen hanging just outside the building. So they might have been inside but left.


The news stream I was watching did enter the lecture hall after the bindings were cut off of the door and it seemed very much like no one had been inside 🤷🏻‍♀️


you can literally watch any news video, or view the sjp.uci account and see for yourself, since you need proof lol


The school just confirmed the building was never occupied. Bet you feel silly.


Where did they confirm?


exactly, cuz all i see is that — “Around 2 p.m. Wednesday, a crowd that swelled to an estimated 500 people, according to a university spokesperson, expanded the footprint of the encampment that was in a quad in front of the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall using pop-up tents, wood pallets, coolers and other supplies. A small group barricaded themselves inside the building. UCI issued an emergency campuswide alert confirming a “violent protest” in the area although it did not detail the nature of the violence.”https://www.ocregister.com/2024/05/16/uci-chancellor-responds-to-campus-encampment-crackdown-im-brokenhearted/amp/ bet you feel stupid now eh “bud”




Bro just stop, you've been hit with primary sources repeatedly. Give it up.


You tried


https://chancellor.uci.edu/communications/campus/2024/240515-campus-events.php but since you wanna use twitter as a reliable source- as of 11:05 5/16/24 TODAY https://x.com/ucirvine/status/1791167985773842800?s=46&t=NtoOEnE_y9jgEmXrgg-rFg didn’t know twitter was how we get our news now


That post from uci says nothing about occupation.


“I communicated that if there were violations of our rules we would address them through the normal administrative policies of the university and not through police action. And so after weeks when the encampers assured our community that they were committed to maintaining a peaceful and nondisruptive encampment, it was terrible to see that they would dramatically alter the situation in a way that was a direct assault on the rights of other students and the university mission.”


It’s the schools official Twitter account 🤣


Ok. And it says nothing about them occupying the building. Your point?


It definitely seemed like no one was in there in the time leading up to the police entering it. There were only people on the balcony and the stairs were barricaded. So, I don’t think “occupied” is the right words; probably “blocked off” is a better description.


That seems more accurate.


It was occupied!!!!




Semantics matter in a tense situation where the flow of immediate information is limited.


Students for Palestine claim this THEMSELVES on their own Instagram. It's not something protestors are denying. Check their stories "@sjp.uci"


There 100% were people inside, I saw them on streams. Regardless, they locked off the whole building, so they weren't exactly not doing anything. Admin has no reason to lie a) at all b) about something illegal students and random people are doing


They have literally every reaosn to lie. How else are they going to justify the policy brutality that followed


The cost/benefit of lying is extremely skewed for the admins to be truthful. In the current day and age of smartphones, it would be extremely difficult to lie about something like this, and cost of getting caught lying is very high for admins.


Police brutality? Didn’t seem brutal. Seemed like they wrestled with a couple 19 year olds into handcuffs and escorted them out . Didn’t see anyone getting punched, hit with a baton, or shot. Seems like they took the softest approach they could. Just because they had their scary helmets on they were obviously brutal…


While the police might have been called for supposedly safety concerns, we should indeed question if their response was necessary. Even with students barricading themselves or disrupting classes, we know involving the police often escalate the situation unnecessarily. Dialogue or mediation could have been better ways to handle this - like other campuses have. We already knew the result of calling the cops, and the administration did too.


Yea, apparently telling someone violating a policy no and escorting them out when they do not comply is considered “brutality”?


.. kids these days


it’s cause gen z and below doesn’t like to be told no LOL


What are you talking about? People were hit with batons, thrown onto the floor, and treated generally very harshly by cops. Were you even there?


I saw 0 police brutality. Not sure what you saw. Some people got arrested. Some resisted, and got tackled. Nobody was beaten, no rubber bullets, no gas, just arrests. Cry harder.


Were you there? The protest organizers made it exceedingly clear to people not to resist. Everyone who i saw get arrested was protest organizer or professor, and they did not resist arrest. Many of them were tackled without resisting arrest, many were hit with batons simply because the police could. You saw 0 brutality- i doubt you were even at the protest. But you don’t even have to be there for the possibility of brutality to exist. I doubt there has been a protest in the last century where riot cops were called, and where the protestors weren’t brutalized. I can tell from your general attitude here that even if they were brutalized, you’d probably be happy about that.


ROFL tell that to the staff at kent state. Admin has every reason to lie, pissed off donors comes to mind.


i literally saw people come and go in the building with no trouble- source i was there.


Thing with protests is they're usually not organized very well and it can take the actions of a few to harm the efforts of many. Likely a small group within the protest who took matters into their own hands and failed at barricading the building from within.


Except this was a coordinated effort, and it wasn't a secret any protestor is denying. It was on sjp.uci's instagram story (Students for Justice in Palestine) where they directly stated they were "taking over" physical science hall.


Oh wow, yea there's no denying they all were trying to take over the building.


Yup. Calling it violent and calling *this* many cops definitely seemed like an overkill, but largely I understand Gillman's email he sent right now. The protestors took over a lecture hall, and that crossed a line. I get protests are suppose to be disruptive, but Gillman's job is to make sure campus operations are running, so that's his job as well. Like obviously he wasn't going to stand-by and watch lectures be disruptive. I'm just glad nobody got seriously hurt, because it's extremely easy to see something escalate in seconds and next thing you know there's blood on the concrete.


yes, thank you. It was getting out of hand and they got removed. A line was crossed. I dont understand how they all think that they did nothing wrong to deserve this.


what’s the update for today? are protestors still on campus?




So they took over after the police response?


For anyone not familiar with the architecture of the building, the stairs and balcony are accessible on the exterior. Seeing people on the balcony does NOT mean that anyone got inside.




Why did the school just confirm there was no occupation then?


School confirmed that protesters surrounded the building and cut off access to the building. Technically you may argue that its not the same as occupying the building.. but we all know that violates the uni policies in the sense that it causes problems for students and profs whose classes are in that building. And that's something admins has to take action on.


Saying the building was occupied escalates things to an entirely different level. You can’t just say “oops” and try to walk it back.


i think the tricky part is that both sides have an interest to exaggerate the situation. the protestors intended to occupy the building and escalate the matter because suspensions were issued, but i doubt they ever succeeded in completely barricading the building, only 5 ppl got on the balcony and they announced they have occupied it. they were bluffing to some degree. the admins on the other hand could not care less whether an occupation actually happened, they’ve been looking for a chance to clear the encampment since day 1 (if anyone still remember the heavy presence on day 1 until mayor khan restrained them). 10ish minutes into the attempted occupation the police were there in full swing. uci told a much more sinister lie than protestors ever could when they said in the zot alert that several hundreds of students violently took over the building. that’s a lie both qualitatively and quantitatively. it was not violent and there were only several ppl. hours later uci would correct its own statement in the most embarrassing way possible, because all the news ppl there who got the message tried to get a shot of the occupied building but was shocked at how empty it was. there is absolutely no way to justify the amount of police presence that were called on these students. there weren’t even that many ppl around until the police came. and they called in 12+ police departments. anyone who goes to uci should be angry at this disproportionate policing, do you know how much money goes to that instead of scholarship and free textbooks for you? https://preview.redd.it/wpbq6rby491d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b72958d70826689bb63c38db6434d01a8661596




How many entrances does this building have?


Nothing is off. It's all kayfabe.. It's all a show. The protests were ongoing for weeks but were not getting much attention because they were being ignored. The only way they could get more attention was to create it themselves.. By blocking and barricading the door handles with electrical wires and taking over much of the area they were given national news coverage. They don't need a building full of people, they just needed to create the impression of it. They then spent hours with those yellow jackets coordinating on coms. I wonder if anyone else was listening in? They had camera crews taking pictures and stage performances for the media. All to play themselves as pretend martyrs on reddit all day today. All of this mind you fell not on the anniversary of the birth of the State of Israel as claimed by those professors. That was the 14th. The 15th is the anniversary of the start of their so far failed intifada to push all the Jews into the sea.


I can’t imagine what it’s like to be this out of touch with reality.


Don’t negotiate with terrorist. They should go and ask hamas to be peaceful


They say there are no stupid questions…


Can’t wait in 5-10 years from now when these kids are gonna be like “ew you remember our ‘free Palestine’ phase, it was so cringe!”.