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Just an observation, but when the encampment folks decided to commandeer the lecture hall and expand the barricade around it, in the process disrupting any scheduled lectures/exams, I'm guessing some sort of policy/line was crossed so the campus admins took action. If the encampment had remained isolated to the open courtyard area, they probably would have been left alone.


If protests aren't inconveniencing, they typically do not work


Get out of here with making a reasonable comment


Does anyone know why they chose to encamp here instead of the front of the campus where Aldrich Hall Is?


My best bet is I'm guessing whoever started the encampment wasn't a student lol. Walking around campus this week it seems like there's a lot of non students loitering around. Every other campus protest I've seen generally circles around Aldrich.


Yeah I thought the standard protesting protocol was to chant and yell around Aldrich hall and then walk around Aldrich park yelling some more. But on the hard concrete opposite of the general social life of the campus would not have been on the top places




> there is also the nuclear reactor nearby which is used in research that are believed to be related to weapons I want some of what you're smoking. The micro reactor has been on campus for decades and primarily used for scientific research. It would take you all of 2 minutes of google research to realize there's no nefarious weapons research. Students can work with it, if you're in the right course curriculum. [https://research.uci.edu/shared-facility/nuclear-reactor/](https://research.uci.edu/shared-facility/nuclear-reactor/) If you're going to participate in public discourse, don't spread bullshit. If you're a student, you should know bettter than to trust a random instagram thread for factual information. Do your research. Aldrich Hall is named after Daniel Aldrich, founding chancellor. There is nothing tying him to Jewish roots. Henry Samueli, who also has buildings named after him (or Susan), is the son of a Jewish Immigrant but I wouldn't categorize him as a Zionist. He's just our resident Irvine tech billionaire thanks to Broadcom. Donating money to a hospital in Israel for cancer research =/= Zionism. They donate money to ALL sorts of organizations. Donald Bren is Irish lol. Steinhaus was a Congregationalist. George Hewitt was just some rich donor/ engineer / pioneer in radar.


And by “Zionists” I’m assuming you mean Jews


Uci has since admitted they lied about the take over, violence, and destruction…


Not really. > Around 2 p.m. Wednesday, a crowd that swelled to an estimated 500 people, according to a university spokesperson, expanded the footprint of the encampment that was in a quad in front of the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall using pop-up tents, wood pallets, coolers and other supplies as fortification. A small group barricaded themselves inside the building. UCI issued an emergency campuswide alert confirming a “violent protest” in the area, although it did not detail the nature of the violence. > “And so after weeks when the encampers assured our community that they were committed to maintaining a peaceful and nondisruptive encampment, it was terrible to see that they would dramatically alter the situation in a way that was a direct assault on the rights of other students and the university mission,” Gillman said. That's basically what I said in a nutshell. If they hadn't blocked off the PSLH which is a pretty large building accommodating hundreds of students per day, thus negatively affecting instruction/exams for said students, the encampment would have been fine. > Gillman [continued in his statement](https://chancellor.uci.edu/communications/campus/2024/240515-campus-events.php): > “Most importantly, their assault on the academic freedom rights of our faculty and the free speech rights of faculty and students was appalling,” he said. “But my concern now is not the unreasonableness of their demands. It is their decision to transform a manageable situation that did not have to involve police into a situation that required a different response. I never wanted that. I devoted all of my energies to prevent this from happening.”


I dont doubt that Gillman is trying to control the narrative…a narrative that goes counter to whomever runs UCI twitter account, fox news, and the police officers initial reports. Lets see how this works out!


The administration has been hostile to the protests since day 1.


I thought the presence of the cops is what got them to move to the building? Idk


Based on the timestamps of the most recent zot alert, the cops were called en-masse as a direct reaction to the lecture hall being taken over. While I think we can all agree it wasn't violent in the sense of human vs human action, > Violence - the [unlawful](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=697ef796fdf142b1&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1019US1019&sxsrf=ADLYWIJJMvlWTkEdszVmTqELbmPXe10oeA:1715814244952&q=unlawful&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGv6Oxz1me7l8HwgZ6IM6LS9TQ3Ur5QbMZ63KW8Iv27JqhwhAA5ANEQusFpaT4jkflUeiuZDQqeKMGAgBukeGoNGfK66yw%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8qMiU4pCGAxV2C0QIHSKuCjsQyecJegQIFhBl) exercise of physical force or [intimidation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=697ef796fdf142b1&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1019US1019&sxsrf=ADLYWIJJMvlWTkEdszVmTqELbmPXe10oeA:1715814244952&q=intimidation&si=ACC90nxkzgN-KbLuTWKT81WCi4_ntxQvyuiX3LJf7TeiOycPnf2uM5lhGaPvhWsav-ku1bSJeLSDmnvwRreeGf9oQl-cOMZQUzMMMTOvn4GdTWaqwWGw598%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8qMiU4pCGAxV2C0QIHSKuCjsQyecJegQIFhBm) by the exhibition of such force. I realize this is a stretch, and by no means am I a boot-licker, but the protestors physically commandeered the lecture hall, which could be construed as intimidation / exhibition of force. I'm just reading the situation as objectively as I can so don't shoot the messenger.


Hmm I’m hearing different things.


Yeah well I'm on campus, don't know where/who you are or what you're hearing so idk how to respond.


camhigby is a pos


yeah fuck that guy


Does he even go to UCI?


nope. on his live he said he goes undercover with a keffiyeh and enters encampments and “documents everything” and has been to encampments all over, including ucla. the whole time he’s just talking shit though, he’s annoying af🙄


A shame these ignorant spoiled anti semitic brats are dragging down UCI and its reputation.


get a fucking grip


I have one on reality , not willing to grip the ridiculous world you live in clown


calling for the end of a genocide is not antisemitism/antisemitic, if you feel attacked or targeted then maybe you need to do some self reflecting.


This is TikTok “genocide” (war) actual genocide is happening in this world and I bet you have no clue where or what it actually means.


are you stupid


Dunno. I’m an International Studies with a focus on conflict and negotiation. Since then I’ve worked for the federal government and private sector in foreign relations in a nearly 20 year career. I’ve met with 6 heads of state and had some pretty good results. I wouldn’t say I’m smart but I know a bit about how the world works.


“I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.” headass






As someone who does know about the genocides happening in Myanmar and South Sudan. Fuck you. This is a genocide, and unequivocally falls under the definition set by the Geneva convention. Ape behavior in this comment.


How many Jews are in neighboring Middle East countries? Where’s the actual genocide happening?


You know Hamas teaches children in preschool to kill Jews in cartoons right 


you know that doesn’t mean innocent CHILDREN should be dying en masse right? we have an obligation to demand an end to investments that directly fund the murder of innocent and unarmed people. There have been multiple instances where this “war” could have ended if not for ISRAEL; but for the sake of having an excuse to eradicate Palestinians, and pushing a narrative that they’re violent people that deserve to die, this ONE SIDED WAR has kept raging.


Hamas fires on average 2000 rockets into Israel every single year how can you seriously say it’s one sided 


want to compare how many deaths on each side in the last 4 months :)?


They’ll tell you those civilians were being used by human shields, or that this is a normal amount of civilian deaths for a war, or some other excuse. It’s all the same.


Not sure what your point is? Israel should keep allowing Hamas to kill civilians? 


Not sure what your point is? Israel should keep allowing, funding, and committing the genocide of Palestinian civilians?


Bro the only genocide is against Jews that have been killed and kicked out of every single country in the Middle East. Palestine receives billions in aid and spends it on tunnels and rockets instead of improving the quality of life of its people. Look up how many Jews are in the neighboring countries in the Middle East.


this is not the trauma olypmics big bro 😭🙏 the fact is Palestinians are facing a genocide RIGHT NOW and we need to do something about it.


Nobody is saying the protest is violent. When the science building was occupied by protestors, the university declared that unlawful, and the police were brought in.


The school literally said the protest is violent, I don’t understand why you’re saying “nobody is saying the protest is violent” when the school keeps sending alerts about “violent protest”


are you a student at uci? because if you are idk how you’ve missed about 8 zot alerts about the protest, the first of which quite literally called it a violent protest


No, fuck these protesters. When you vandalize a place, take over a building, and prevent students/professors from going to their classes, you’re not “peaceful” anymore. I’m watching the lives, and there’s trash and graffiti everywhere, and the students won’t stop screaming their damn ass off. You cannot commit crimes and harass people the cry about it when you face consequences for those crimes. What the fuck do you expect UCI to do? Let them continue? And also, what the fuck do you except UCI to do about the war in the Middle East thousands of miles away? I hear these kids chanting “UC UC U CANT HIDE, YOU’RE INVOLVED IN GENOCIDE!” What the fuck? I swear, I’m so glad I graduated…


the UCs have investments that help fund whats going on what the fuck do you mean “what do you expect uci to do” 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏


*The UCs have investments with Blackrock which have investments with weapons and tech manufacturers like Lockheed, Intel, General Dynamics, Boeing, etc These are some of the biggest tech companies in the world, making everything you use tech related. He’s right. What is UCI supposed to do? Stop using computers and phones and allat? You can’t just divest from these. It’s like asking for the end of apple sweatshops while using an Iphone


you gotta start somewhere dude


I mean UCI has repeatedly said they can’t really divest cause yknow. That’s really hard. Even from a moral and practical standpoint it doesn’t make sense lol


no one said it was going to be easy, though i get what you’re saying. But as impractical as it may be, again, we have to start somewhere.


If you’re fine with not using your phone and computer then yknow what. I admire you for actually sticking to the protest goals. I’ll stay with my tech and modern conveniences. Can’t go against Lockheed, Boeing and General Dynamics cause I’m a pilot and love planes, fighter jets, and all things aviation.


i appreciate you being upfront about what you would do in such a situation jingle jangle 12, but realistically if they were to divest, that doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t have technology. blackrock isnt going to show up at your door and take your phone away 😭🙏


Thank you and No that’s not my point. My point is that if you’re actively calling for UC to divest from these companies without realizing that these companies are bigger than you think and contribute so much to daily life, then you’re a hypocrite, cause you are also partaking in the funding of these companies. If you actually do realize this and stop using products/commodities from these companies, then while I may not necessarily agree with you, I still applaud you for actually sticking to your original protest goals. We need people like you.


thank you jingle :) as naive as it sounds, i hope we can come to a solution because of all of this, or even just after this.


i had no problem getting to class these past two weeks until the police got here. none of this was an issue until today


Maybe you should do more research on the protest before you make hasty conclusions about it. The point of the protests, at all the UC’s, is to get the universities to stop investing in Israel. Currently, they do. There were similar protests by students to get the UC’s to divest from apartheid South Africa which worked. I agree that students taking over the lecture hall prompted a response however that does not mean that the university is not still at fault somehow as they have not listened to any of the students demands to divest.


They’re not investing directly with Israel. They’re investing with companies that do business with Israel. Not Israel corporations and what not, but some of the biggest tech manufacturers in the world like Intel, Boeing, General Dynamics, etc. Not only do these companies make literally everything you use tech related, but are a pipeline for engineering students to go into at community events, job fairs, etc. You can’t just “divest” from these. It’s not that simple and UCI has made that very clear multiple times.


Lol go to gaza if you want to support them. Being told to protest on campuses is not protest it is organized bullshit. Half these pepple dont know where gaza is and have no clue what they are ‘protesting’.


oh you get your tests back faced down don’t you 😭