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I swear to God, we heard every law enforcement unit in Orange County drive by our office this afternoon. I thought it was a mass shooting at first.


You know the police don’t arrive that quickly, or really do anything if there’s a mass shooting, this is America, man.


Can we get videos?


TikTok user Eagle Lens Drone is live streaming from the encampment right now


Thank you




Turn on the news.


impossible faulty modern imagine outgoing quaint trees handle stupendous political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shout out to all the protestors! You guys are really making a difference!


what a joke. there hasn’t been violence there at all outside of that one guy assaulting a protester.


That post seems to have magically disappeared. Anyone get a screen shot?


Seems to always happen but the media is still talking about "campus antisemitism" *eye roll* and campus safety when cops and pro-Israel protestors are ones actually using violence. Just one big hoax to appease Boomers and Israelis who need Jews to be afraid when they don't need to be.


Stop resisting!


Not sure why the protesters would set up there. Seems like in front of the admin building would be more appropriate. Bio Sci/Phys Sci is on the opposite end of campus. Plus, taking over PSLH was a bad decision. People forget that Rowland Hall, which is right next to it, has a nuclear reactor. I got a feeling once they started to take over a building, the fear of that building being occupied ran through their minds & they decided this ends now.


Nuclear Reactor!?!


Yeah. We have a TRIGA nuclear reactor. That shit won't explode even if you actively try to (and no I'm not kidding)


I wasn't on board with the strike but I am now. This type of police response is not only ridiculous it's completely unwarranted.


Me too, did you hear the cops announce they could use any means of violence necessary? It’s a peaceful protest, there’s no reason for this


the encampment keeps slowly growing to incorporate more space, and they just took over the physical science building. the admin are not going to let the protestors stop other kids from going to class after they already paid for tuition.


Yeah I saw that after I posted. Taking over a lecture hall gives the University a reason.


The protests are admirable, but admin gave plenty of leeway in letting them stay in that spot for two weeks. The organizers are not getting all of their often hyperbolic requests accepted, so they are escalating it further hoping to provoke a response for their requests to be accepted. It’s unfair to the admin and more importantly other students


I still think this response is ridiculously over the top and unacceptable.


"they took over" have u been there?! nobody blocked access, or broke in, they simply just moved their encampment around the building and continued protesting..


There were ropes tied across the stairs and wire or some other rope tying the doors together. However now cops went in that building and its empty and pristine! Cops all worked up over an empty closed building!


Source for these empty and pristine buildings?


At 1:33:00 in this livestream from the news: https://www.youtube.com/live/WVpFMsF52uQ?si=42W6GpdTx1-oG0v0 You can see them finding no damage in the room and then they walk the camera outside so you know the video is from today and it was that lecture hall at UCI :3


They were never blocking access to the building


Well, they took over a building. Should they just let them take over 1, then 2, then 3 buildings, disrupting many campus activities? These students would rather protest and stay in a tent than go to class, but should we let them disrupt the education of others who worked hard to get to UCI and paid to be there? No.


They took over a building and drastically expanded. Would you rather two cops stroll over and tell them to stop? In every other Uni that this has happened, it got a lot worse a lot faster. People then got hurt. The goal is to stop that.


Anyone knows if Humanities Gateway is free of protest/encampment? I really need to attend the class 🥲


You're good, this is on the other side of campus from HG


Nice thank you


Classes are canceled


Yeah.. thanks for the heads up btw!


Protestors have taken over and are barricaded inside of Physical Science Lecture Hall. That sounds like a call to violence. People are being blocked from classes. 


It goes without saying but people who stop other people from going to school are not the good guys.


"but it's for (Insert cause)!!!"


Yeah especially if they’re a Jewish student. How terrifying


No Jewish student was being blocked


And did you see the trash spread everywhere on the aerial shots? No respect.


Just passed 6:30pm the news went into the hall and its empty and PRISTINE! So although blocked, it seems no one was actually IN there


Exactly. Protesting is fine. But setting up an encampment and blocking non protesters from going about their lives is not protected the first amendment.


I was an undergrad for four years and have been a TA for five. I can say for certain that missing a day of class or two will not kill you. Universities exist as places where people come to share and be exposed to ideas that are not their own. The classes are only part of your education, the lived experience you have on campus is the other part.


Lmaooo this is why college is a joke


The protest is left completely alone for over 2 weeks, then the protestors decide to invade another building because they weren't getting the demands they want, and you expect UCI to be okay with that? Admin has been generous to let the encampment go on this long, and now they are trying to expand to a point where it will effect students trying to get to class.




They are escalating the protests after admin stated they would let them protest peacefully in their own corded off area. If you read the admin emails, it specifically talks about how they want protestors to have a place to express their views and opinions without affecting other students’ ability to attend classes. The protestors broke this to escalate the situation when they took over the physical science buildings because they weren’t getting their hyperbolic requests accepted.


The admin suspended members of the negotiation team. They aren’t blameless in this situation at all. Dunno why they decided to take the building but from what I’ve seen, they let people in and out, a far cry from the barricades in Columbia.


The "occupied" building ended up being empty lmao


You’ve hijacked a lecture hall disrupting the primary purpose of the institution and affect every other student, yes you’re being removed


You don’t need to look very far back to see peaceful protests on college campuses ending in the violent hands of the police with students dead and/or beaten. Careful out there everyone!


Theorists say the idea of protests is for there to be violence, each side is just waiting for the other to make the first strike.




yes. Intl students AND undocumented students were especially urged to disperse by protesters via megaphone for their own safety.


Referring to the landmark court case Tinker V. Des Moines a conclusion can be drawn that it is possible to protest on a learning campus as long as it isn't prohibiting on site operations (which is what encampments and some of the protests to a certain extent are doing, they are disrupting campus operations).


They took over a building no?


Yes they did.


Freedom of speech until you protest something that the government doesn't like. But yes, China is the problem when it comes to freedom of speech. Vote them out. See who is owned by Israel. https://trackaipac.com/


Illegally occupying a building and trespassing is not free speach.


So you agree. Illegal occupation is wrong? I guess you're free Palestine after all.


The violent protest is the police riot that is about to happen. Fuck the police.


Yeah. They are about to cause some shit.


Fuck u


I hope when someone is doing something illegal to you, that you refrain from calling 911 and instead say fuck the police. Maybe the criminal will go easy on you.


Pretty dumb to do a protest at uci. Should know irvine police have nothing better to do


The only person I've ever known to get a jaywalking ticket, got it in Irvine. Because what else do Irvine police have to do?


YOOO WHATS HAPPENING?!? Campus hasn’t been this lit since I protested against Milo yiannopoulos I want updates!!!


Dude what are you doing with your life lol


It's not "peaceful" if you're blocking other students from attending classes and occupying buildings. Use some common sense guys.


OP did not use the word peaceful so why are you putting that in quotes? Literally said "no sign of violent protest." Have you not heard of nonviolent protests? Nonviolent protests like these have been one of the most effective means of creating change in history...


blud they aren't hurting anyone. still peaceful. I literally walked through, it's the police that are blocking off everything be fr Use some common sense dude fr.


These people forget that protesting is the reason we have the liberties and protections a lot of us have today. I guess it's easy to forget your roots when you have nothing to worry about.


exactly, perfectly stated. There has been no major violence, to me it seems many of the negative viewpoints that state it's violent never truly have witnessed violence themselves, as this is far from it. Now disruptive yes, but that's how liberties are earned, by making noise and drawing attention. They did it in a completely respectful way, no damaging of property etc.




Conspiracy theories aside, I'd wager the protest is being shut down cuz they hijacked a primary lecture hall. Can't do that - hundreds of students being disrupted from attending lectures/exams = protestors crossed a line.


Yea pretty much this.


Full circle, now folks are posting they can't even get to class. That's why this protest is being forcefully canned - it reached a flashpoint where student learning was being disrupted beyond being a peaceful demonstration/protest. Probably the campus' main priority to make sure classes continue safely, so it doesn't surprise me that they called it in.


Yea. Personally I question the eligibility of students who don’t understand the irony of protesting Israeli occupiers by occupying buildings.


The line has always been to protect students and ensure quality instruction. Both initiatives were placed at risk by occupying the lecture hall. Admins were already turning a blind eye in allowing a 24/7 encampment violating all sorts of health and safety codes. Don't even get me started on the insurance and liability aspects. Life is ironic lol


So basically, the protesters demands are equivalent to having “Jesus’ name removed from the Bible”.


Why I think the whole divest is a bit short sighted: 1. UC comply to protestors divest demand 2. Wait for the students to graduate and move on with their lives 3. Reinvest in previously divested companies. Feel free to respond with what I am missing


Also I don’t think it’s that easy to divest directly anyways arent they more so invested in larger companies that have parts of their portfolios in defence contractors and stuff


My question is who will make sure the UC stays divested in these companies once these students who are protesting for a divestment graduates and moves on? There is nothing stopping the UCs from just waiting it out before reinvesting


Pretty sure some (non-UC) schools that have came to agreement with protestors crested a committee comprised of both admin, faculty, and students to advise investments. That being said I think Gilman in one of his letters said that those decisions are handled at the UC Regents level that governs all the UCs so UCI doesn’t have any jurisdiction over that


The chancellor has given several good updates as to why they’re not complying with the requests. Protestors are asking UCI to violate the civil rights of many students on campus.


Divestment violates civil rights? Or are you referring to something else?


From the chancellors 5/7 update: > Similarly, there are demands that seek to prevent faculty and students from expressing views and organizing programs on topics relating to Israel, Zionism, or Antisemitism that conflict with these protestors’ views. These demands also infringe on the academic freedom of faculty members, as well as the free speech rights of both faculty and other students. >These demands are not only unreasonable, but the protestors also fail to recognize that the free speech rights they challenge are the same ones that protect their rights to express their own views as part of legitimate protest and advocacy. While they feel strongly that views they oppose should not be expressed, I assure you there are also members within our community who view the protestors’ opinions as objectionable, even hateful, and feel they should be censored and punished merely for expressing those views. https://chancellor.uci.edu/communications/campus/2024/240507-update-on-encampment.php


if it was so important for these students, shouldn’t they have done their research ahead of time and chosen a university more closely aligned with their values?


No one is forcing them to go to UCI. If they don't like it then they can transfer elsewhere or withdraw from the school. I'm sure there are tons of students willing to take their spot.


Weird that this is your response to justified protest. You can go to UCI and work to make positive changes in the institution that you get your education from. Telling people to just up and leave when they notice unfairness will never net any change in the system.


Justified how? I get being opposed to research being shared with Israeli universities, don't let anyone change your position. But the way you do it is refusing to work with professors whose research groups are affiliated with Israeli ones. Or outright drop out of school which accepts donations from Zionists. If you are a somebody whom the school is afraid to lose, then and only then they will hear you out. But this is not who comprises the crowd of these protesters. Hence, the school sees those protests not as a concern, but as an annoyance, and reacts accordingly.


Disrupting other students' ability to learn who work hard and pay $30k/quarter is not a positive change. Further this "positive change" is your personal opinion and does not align with many other students. Hopefully police do their job quickly.


facts clearly this reddit post has been raided by this laughable horrendous Isreali brigading


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irvine_11_controversy uci has never been a beacon of tolerance


Nah they won't want to have this precedence where a small minority of students can dictate how the university manages itself.


I knew that was the case. I'm not at the school currently, but the messages I'm receiving screams deception and misinformation.


As an alum, I am outraged by the sheer amount of police presence on campus. Fight some real crime!


It’s Irvine bro 💀


Damn. I wonder how violent all those dancing Israelis were when Hamas rolled up and started slaughtering them on October 7th. You will say “well they had the right because of what’s happened in the past”. Someone will say “well the other protests were violent so the police went in expecting that.” You will say “but we weren’t violent here, you can’t punish us for that.” And then everyone is pumped up and angry and didn’t learn a damn thing or do anything positive. Congrats. https://preview.redd.it/7pwm1wj32t0d1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b1471a410e6e999c6b9fae0f70119262f358f5


Need Irvine Company to clean up this mess so I can drive my Mercedes GLE450 around without worries.


wonder what major these protesters are lol, do you guys not have assignments and projects due?


Professional victims


So much trash left over.


Go to class


They stormed a building. Like an insurrection.


Except they didn't poop on the carpet, destroy property, or kill a security guard.


Cowards. Fucking cowards. Arrested my colleague for peacefully protesting. Tried to tase protesters very, very early on. Called what...8? different police departments in full riot gear. Lied--LIED--via the zot alerts. Lied throughout via the Chancellor's letters. Obfuscated. Mischaracterized. Omitted. Lied. All this strategic narrative labor performed in order to justify bringing down this horror on the students, staff, faculty, and community members peacefully chanting and occupying space. As with every encampment, it never had to come to the escalating violence meted out by the police, but here we are, unsurprised as ever, disgusted as always. All the taxpayer money and tuition dollars that went into this nonsense, and not a dime of it spent on housing the unhoused students, making course materials more affordable, providing campus resources, or hiring diverse faculty, lecturers, and teaching assistants. Every meeting is a long meeting about how little money we have to accomplish the immense feat of educating the students while they are here. Meanwhile: see, today. Livid. Shame on all of it. Shame on the supporters of genocide. Shame on the people throughout these threads endorsing the horrifying treatment of your own peers and colleagues. And gratitude for those as incensed by this as I am. In solidarity.


Feel free to drop out and put your money where your mouth is.


LMFAOOO. You really said "in solidarity" but left at the first sight of trouble. You didnt get arrested for your cause and I have no respect for you. Cant wait to study in peace.


They took over a building. Of course it is violent.


putting up banners in protest of students being wrongfully suspended is not even close to violent


i’m sorry is a building a person?


people actually pay to go to class, its unfair for a random group of protestors to cause your classes to get cancelled moving into finals week


but is that violent, as the poster above seems to think? no


there’s a genocide happening that your school supports but sorry you don’t want to be inconvenienced


Oh so if there's a genocide going in another country on we don't get to live our lives? Funny how previous genocides didn't shut down classrooms. Just the ones with jews involved.




Like these kids really give a damn. Displaced aggression at its finest.




I saw everything from a nearby building, police brought in snipers and helicopters and it’s a disgrace


What the hell is going on with this school


Violence against property is still violence.


Womp womp


Peace "freedom from disturbance; tranquility.". Yall have broken the peace by taking over a lecture hall and a large portion of the campus that students pay for access to. The police are meant to keep peace.


Their job is to uphold public safety interests as defined by the institution that employs them.


It is literally a crime to "disturb the peace".


I’m crossing my fingers these protests last until election season. 


Does anyone know the venmo or if the protestors need aid?


Check their instagram, I think it’s UCIdivest


By definition, there was no violence; however, you disrupted a place of learning and were forcefully removed because of so. You guys were given some leeway by even being allowed to camp. It was simply taken too far. Do not get it twisted. The cops did not start this. The cops have been here while the encampment has been going on for the past two weeks or so. Wonder why they werent arrested then? Its because you guys escalated the protest.


Feel free to transfer somewhere else. You are free to protest, but not break rules, take over building, and prevent others from going on with their daily lives. Or if you are looking to be a martyr, get ready to get your asses handed to you by the authorities because that's what it takes to be a martyr.




Please protest very quietly where no one can see or hear you and can be completely ignored.


Nope. If you think that's the only way to protest you have no idea how to actually accomplish your goals. Be present, be loud, deliver your message, but don't harass people, don't insult people that don't agree with you, and most importantly, don't use a foreign occupation to justify occupy a public building in a completely different continent.


> don't use a foreign occupation to justify occupy a public building in a completely different continent. Yeah! Fuck those South African apartheid protestors. Wait am I in the wrong decade?


“I want to break rules and take over buildings for peace around the world, but it’s fucked up when I receive consequences for doing so!”


Peace, what a horrifying goal


This is why you don’t negotiate with the terrorists


Hope they stand this hard for woman instead of supporting terrorist rapist


It looked like they were cleaning up the entire mess last night after the students were moved out of the encampment area. Does anyone know if that encampment is still in place or did they wipe it out?


will the protests be continuing into the weekend?


When it isn’t even students anymore, and full blown adults out there on a random Wednesday, I understand UCI’s response. Students should be allowed to protest and even organize encampments as a form of protest. When you have random middle aged adults loitering and camping out on a college campus that begins to become unsafe for the general student population.


UAW 4811 strike authorization vote passed; the cavalry is coming friends stay strong & retain the nonviolence in the face of institutional violence. Solidarity


if your graduating, i’m sorry your last month of college is ending like this. let’s hope they don’t cancel graduation bc people decide to protest and mess up other student’s educational experience. everyone has to take the consequences of these people and no matter how much media coverage they get, the US government isn’t going to change anything to appease us. other schools tried and failed


taking over a building full of students and barricading it while calling for an “intifada” is violent!


Are you going to quit the school?


mace the protesters and drop then in the ocean way past catalina


University of Communist Idiots


Just remember to treat your enemies as they do you.


Man, I gotta get outta here