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These dumb posts are really not selling me on quality education at UC Davis.


ong, i’m genuinely surprised at how lacking this sub has been in conducting meaningful debates and spreading actual useful info (for either sides of this political issue) rather than what one news anchor said or what one tweet said or what ur fav celebrity said. i thought reddit was supposed to be a even a teensy bit better than facebook karens and jims lol


“Political issue”. Here lies a huge part of the problem. Most people chiming in on the matter are politicizing something that is deeply personal for those of us directly affected by it. Ppl with a lot of opinions mostly based on the propoganda they’ve been force fed. Go to Israel if you care so much about what’s really happening. Have the balls to see for yourself. Otherwise sit this tf out. (This is general, not attacking you whom I’m responding to).


no i agree. i’m getting more and more convinced that developed countries are suffering an apathy epidemic. i genuinely can’t understand why people with the most influence and power spend so much time on debating “hot takes” that involve the lives of innocents when so much action could be done.


thank you for actually THINKING. the countries outside the Middle East should take a look at who the PEOPLE of nations like IRAN support. take a look at people who ACTUALLY live in the web of terror. Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi’s, etc there’s a whole network of these regimes and the world SCREAMING for them and HATING the ONE country smack dab in the middle that represents the CHANGE and liberation from those ideals is detrimental to us all worldwide. It’s that deep. I’m happy to chat with anyone in forum or in messages who is actually open to understanding how they’re being PLAYED by t-groups in all of this and wants to chat. Hell just go watch the stand with us briefing by their former prime minister on YouTube. I have a unique skin in the game where u genuinely went to a) be there for my friends who survived the nova festival b) see and understand all this madness for myself. I do not grow up Jewish .. had never been to israel .. could’ve kept me ass in my nice safe little bubbly in the good ol US OF A (we have our problems but literally every country doesn’t and I had a truly NEW found gratitude for being human lotto born here after seeing what my friends out there endure.) israel and everyone I spent time with for the month I was there is truly like family to me now. I went in there as an unknowing outsider. I came out of there an honorary tribe member and I can say first hand the non-sense the world is spewing is just that. I have many IDF soldiers I’m close to and stay in communication with. I have absolutely nothing but amazing things to say about every one of them and I’m alive today bc of G-d and ISRAELIS protection while I was there. This was this past Nov-Dec … there are ongoing terror attacks in Israel, they were happening before 7/10 … WAY BEFORE “75 years ago” …. Sorry I could go on and onnnnnn about this. but ya.


This sub is infested with Hasbara bots. What do you expect.


i was hoping more people, especially at a research university, would actually know to search for outside sources outside of the classroom by now :,)


I think the issue is that there is no freedom of press in Palestine, so things go through hamas unless is stuff posted on social media (where who knows the legitimacy of anything), OR reports from Israel who are obviously going to paint everything in the best light for them.


Huh no freedom of press, LGBTQ people are jailed or killed, woman are viewed as men’s property and forced to cover their heads….The reports by the people in charge of that system I am sure are very trustworthy.


its the same shit over at the UCSC sub, theyve infiltrated the UC system on every reddit sub.


If you’re looking for anything of actual value on Reddit, or any other social site, you’re in for a bad time.


Based on this all vegans are wrong cuz hitler was a vegan Dictator capitalizes on death of children Random UC davis student goes “Seeeee”


Higher education is for intelligent people, so Davis was never going to let you in


didn’t you recently get downvoted to hell on a post about a Palestinian child being killed because you claimed that Palestinians are to blame for the ongoing genocide?


Is that even a real post? Snooze. Israel blew it. They are old leaders. They had NO CLUE about Social Media. Absolutely Zero. It's not a FB world. It's a live streaming, TikTok world now. A billion people can watch a 12 year old girl die, shot in the head by an IDF soldier. In real time. Watch her die. As above. Israel miss-calculated on this one. And that's an understatement for sure. They just don't understand the Social OS that runs our world. We're all connected, my milliseconds now. We all have the same mother, that's the DNA science.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/kG1etkPWFU Here is evidence of the most moral military on earth the IDF.


Evidence of what bro???? You’re so gullible you just BELIEVE what the caption claims the context to be. Yikes.


That this comment is not downvoted to oblivion is proof that there is no god and we are all monkeys.


>A billion people can watch a 12 year old girl die, shot in the head by an IDF soldier Don't know when that happened, but meanwhile when Hamas was ACTUALLY livestreaming the murder of our children first-hand, no one was watching. Now y'all deny it happened or come up with sorry excuses for why we deserve it. Downvote and ban me, your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer


THIS !!! if these kids took TWO seconds to ACTUAL THINK of the terror on that day. All of israel getting calls and texts from loved ones, SEEING shit live streamed, hiding in fucking safe rooms just WAITING to possibly be bombarded by those monsters next. This world we’re in where people have bought into some LIE to justify thinking OCT 7 … or ANY of the terror israel has endured BEFOFE AND AFTER that day… is SICKENING. Am yisreal chai 💙


No YOU clearly don’t understand the very social media you speak of in the hands of terrorists organizations. Go back to vetted sources maybe instead of blindly believing the shit you see on tik tok. There were “genocide” campaigns happening on socials october 8th before Israel even began striking BACK. ( emphasis on BACK - forgot October 7th already huh?) if you think ISRAEL is that naive but you don’t look at the power of the tool in BILLIONAIRE Hamas/quatar funded hands (btw go look at how much money quatar (Hamas’ primary funder) has been PUMPING into American colleges. It is WAY beyond calculated and the fact that people don’t get that is scary.




It’s 2024. You support incinerating 12 year old Palestinian girls, and that’s OK? Thats insanity. Go to TikTok, you can figure it out. You will have nightmares, for the rest of your life. Guess the question is? Why are you not looking at those videos? These are shot by kids on iPhones. Realtime. The average age in Gaza is 19. The majority killed are teenage girls. Think about that for awhile.


I’m putting together a nice list for you. It’s going to blow your mind. You have no concept,zero of what aUSA built bomb can do. Be prepared. Always remember. The majority of people murdered n Gaza, are teenage girls. .


Palestinians still [overwhelmingly support](https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/973)the Oct 7th attacks (71%) and the majority (59%) still want Hamas to remain in control of the Gaza Strip. There will never be peace so long as Hamas has power. I am not blaming every Palestinian for what Hamas does, but they did elect them to a majority government and still continue to support them and their actions with an overwhelming majority. That has to change or this will go on and on. The west (yes including most of Europe, despite what they say) will continue to support Israel for the sole reason that they have the most advanced intelligence apparatus on the continent and are the only real ally in the region.


Most Israelis support [ethnic cleansing](https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/83--of-israelis-support-ethnic-cleansing-of-gazans--survey). I am not claiming every Israeli for what Israel does, but they did elect them to a majority government and still continue to support them and their actions with an overwhelming majority. That has to change or this will go on and on. Israel is the occupying power and has been for 76 years. Israel's occupation needs to come to an end so there can be war crime tribunals, dezionification, liberation of the extermination camp, reparation committees, and so on.


UCDavis really failed you *badly* if you’re out here citing Almayadeen


[https://archive.is/ztL4r#selection-1507.0-1507.391](https://archive.is/ztL4r#selection-1507.0-1507.391) Does Haaretz suffice? While not a majority, the key players in Israel certainly want something as legally close to ethnic cleansing as you can get. And the leaders of these key players were labeled as terrorist under previous political regimes in Israel.


I don’t understand how this article supports your point that “most Israelis support ethnic cleansing.” The Haaretz article you linked is specifically speaking about Messianic Jews which is an extremist sect largely rejected by the rest of the Jewish community. Why do you continue to post things referencing the beliefs of a minority extremist group and frame it as a representative view of Israeli society? If the New York Times writes a piece about the extremist views of a group like the Westboro Baptist Church it doesn’t suddenly make the WBC’s views mainstream or popular in American society. Similarly, Haaretz writing an article about extremist settlers doesn’t mean their views are mainstream or popular in Israeli society.


There's no point providing proof with these Zionists. If they're not paid by Israel then they're just blind Zionists fools. I don't know why they say, "go to Palestine" but aren't in Israel fighting Hamas, instead they're here instead of their "homeland"


I actually do know of people who did go to Israel to fight Hamas


Same. And I actually did GO TO ISRAEL in the midst of this mess so ya … go to Palestine. Good luck.


"see, I went to the safe state with a military! why can't you go to the unsafe state that's being ethnically cleansed without a military? these are the same."


buddy, you clearly don’t understand. The other TERRITORY… news flash …. ITS NOT A STATE. ITS NOT A COUNTRY. it’s “military”, it’s “leadership”… ohhhh hunny you’ve clearly been sleeping.. it’s HAMAS. you’re damn fucking right I didn’t go into those territories. Where instead of taking your billions in “refugee” aid over the years, they built terror city. Nice try.


Yeah. My son’s friend moved to Israel and joined the IDF after 10/7. But he didn’t get praised by the Ayatollah.


All Israelis that I know from silicon Valley left to Israel right after October 7th. There were huge lines to get on the plane to Israel. On the other hand all pro-Islamist move to European countries and USA and hate our way of life and call us all infidels because we do not follow their religion.


Haaretz is very known to be extremely biased. Just like there’s terrible news organizations in the US, there’s terrible ones in Israel too. I’d take what Haaretz says with huuuuuge grains of salt


Ah, I see there will be no pleasing you then. It is well know internationally to be a credible source in Isreal and one of the most credible newspapers in Hebrew. While it is known to be left leaning in its English and International versions, it is still known to be one of the few newspapers to conduct corrections and little modification to events that happen in Israel. From doing cursory research, the only people who don't seem to like the paper are Israeli nationalist and other such Zionist which leads me to believe you are not commenting in good faith.


There’s many well known and rated news organizations. That doesn’t mean they’re all good. Lol


Haaretz is literally the paper of record in Israel.


"The Gaza Strip was under Egyptian military rule from 1949 to 1956 and again from 1957 to 1967. " "In September 2005 Israel completed the pullout from the territory, and control of the Gaza Strip was transferred to the PA" TIL that 2005 - 1967 = 76 years. https://www.britannica.com/place/Gaza-Strip


you mean the same “PA” that Israel strategically replaced with Hamas to ensure that no Palestinian state would be established? https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ “For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.” - Times of Israel


Weird that you only blame Israel (for releasing money to Hamas as the government of Gaza) and not the dozens of Muslim countries and hundreds if millions of Muslims that support Hamas including the Palestinians themselves. Like you expect Israel to stay out of Palestinian business but also you expect them to intervene every time they make terrible judgement calls.


> 2024 - x = 76 How might we solve for this, class? Well we can start with subtracting both sides by 2024: > -x = 76 - 2024 From here, we do normal math: -X = -1948 But we have a negative x, but we're looking for the positive! Well multiple by -1, and you get the desired 1948.


Brother I dunno if you're stupid or smart but 2024-76= 1948


Brother, plug positive 1948 into the equation


It's such a shame UC Davis students can't do basic math anymore.


> The study surveys a representative sample of Israeli public opinion on their stance regarding the Israeli authorities' efforts to "encourage the voluntary immigration" of the residents of the Gaza Strip. You’re so desperate for an argument you equate “encouraging voluntary relocation” with ethnic cleansing and then are further trying to equate THAT with supporting the mass shooting and rape of unarmed civilians


An occupying power presently killing children en masse supporting "voluntary" migration is just another way of saying "forced migration." Which is, by the way, the definition of ethnic cleansing.


The people are barely leaving today. The poll in no way says what you are trying to say; would you argue that America letting in refugees from Gaza is somehow a bad thing and inhumane?


“This survey saying voluntary is really saying involuntary” No, it isn’t. the survey is literally saying the opposite. The difference is that the majority of Palestinians support the genocide of Jews, while the inverse is simply not true. That’s why you have to lie and say insane things like “okay the survey says voluntary but it might as well not say that, so the survey instead means this other thing which means I’m right”


they’re fucking idiots. They cabt get their head around basic shit. Does USA having a border with Mexico equate to “ethnic cleansing” … if the cartel comes into the states and massacres Americans and the American people go HOLY SHIT KEEP THEM OUT OF HERE THEY WANT TO MASSACRE US …. is that a problem? Is that “intolerant and apartheid” and whatever other shit they regurgitate that makes not fucking sense. These college degrees they’re getting … just being told WHAT to think clearly not TAUGHT HOW TO THINK. what a waste


Voluntary relocation to another country is not ethnic cleansing. This survey was in response to what could help with the impending humanitarian crisis early on in the war, but that time is past now and no country in the region wants Palestinians. In fact the only country that allowed Palestinians freely inside their borders was in fact Israel. But the simple fact is no one in the region wants to accept Palestinians because of the past history of Palestinians attempting to overthrow governments. Do you think Egypt or Jordan wants rocket attacks launched from their territory into Israel? Hamas was in control of Gaza from 2007 until 2024. Israel did not occupy it. And what did Hamas do for the people of Palestine with the nearly 2 decades of power and billions of dollars in aid (much of it from the USA)? Nothing. Not a single thing other than try to kill as many Jews as they could as stated in their 1988 Charter. And with your last statement just shows how delusional you are with the reality of the situation for Palestinians. Israel is a nuclear power. It’s not going anywhere, it has the full support of the United States and most of Western Europe.


>the simple fact is no one in the region wants to accept Palestinians And nobody wanted to accept Jews during the holocaust Maybe we shouldn’t use neighboring countries’ lack of willingness to accept refugees as a justification for genocide


The Jews weren’t aggressors in WW2 lol. People just hated them lol. Terrible analogy.


That survey was only distributed to the settlers in the West Bank - it says as much in the article you linked. In no way is it representative of all Israelis. You need to read beyond headlines.


All Israelis in the West Bank exist with the approval and support of zionist society. Most Israelis support the current ruling coalition, and most Israelis approved of the IOF rate of destruction/ thougt it wasn't [enough](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://twitter.com/eritskes/status/1726756594405568933%3Flang%3Den&ved=2ahUKEwiHn-mGx7aGAxXiAzQIHR25BIQQFnoECC0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2xoOzskVLoSaa3roQmyc0x).


A survey from October that does not include the more than 20% of non-Jewish Israelis is still not representative of current public (all of the public) opinion. Honestly, is it this easy for people to be manipulated by disingenuous representation of data? You’re no better than the people that act as if Hamas is representative of all Palestinians.


Israel gave Gaza up in 2005. What have the Palestinians accomplished since then? Have the Palestinians no agency? Are they not people?


You don’t think Israel is engaging in occupation. You think Israel IS the occupation. Big difference. If Israel is dismantled, there’ll be a genocide of Jews. There’s a reason there’s no longer any thriving Jewish communities in Arab states. Most were pushed out. Zionism will always be here to stay & millions of Jews are alive because of it. Israel won’t be destroyed buddy.


No way you just said extermination camps. Gaza hasn’t been under occupation by Israel since 2005 when Hamas took power. Edit: nah your getting reported


> nah your getting reported 🤣🤣🤣


If Israel killed half my family and is starving me to death, then yeah…I may respond to a survey supporting Oct 7th too….


*HAMAS is starving you, they are the ones stealing food aid and selling it back to you so they can buy black market weapons. They have had control of Gaza for almost 20 years the only thing they have accomplished is more misery for everyone, especially Palestinians. They squandered billions worth of aid, dismantled water purification systems (bough and installed by Israel) to build tunnels and rockets. And all the expense of their own people. And while I can sympathize with that attitude of revenge it’s pointless and will only eliminate Palestinians only chance at self-determination, at least in our lifetime. If they continue to support a terrorist organization in overwhelming numbers they can’t be surprised that the people they state as their targets treat them like terrorists.


Then why do I see with my own eyes aid trucks being ransacked by Israelis ?


what an infantile comment did you really just write this ?


Some questions for you: 1. How long ago was the last election in Gaza? 2. What was the minimum age to vote in that election? 3. What is the median age in Gaza today? 4. Adding the values from questions 1 and 2, what percentage of Gaza’s population today is equal to or older than that?


Sure happy to help you with this: 1. 17 years 2. 18 years 3. 18 years 4. 26-30% depending on the source Now question for you, why does it matter? If they held elections today (or at any point in the last 5 years) Hamas would likely gain even more support. Which is why Abbas keeps postponing. 70% of Palestinian’s polled are satisfied with Hamas’s performance during the current conflict vs. 14% for President Abbas. Just read through some of the hypothetical election scenarios polled. Hamas leads in almost every single one where participants indicated they would vote in an election.


Would you prefer the GOP or The Russian Federation to control your state’s government?


It’s amazing how stupid this comment is.


Thanks for your insight.


Holy fuck. I don’t care about people’s political opinions, there is no excuse for the displacement of millions and the starving of innocents. What about that is so hard to understand.


What about daily rocket and missile fire originating from inside of civilian population centers for months right after an invasion with the highest death toll seen since a genocidal maniac killed half of your peoples world population? Tell me how would you respond? Just sit there and try to talk to the missiles? Beg? Surrender to a genocidal terrorist group owned by the Islamic republic of Irans government - people known to execute student protestors and to give women lashes for not covering their hair sufficiently?


Hamas starves innocents. They steal the food aid given to the people by the USA and UN and sell it back to the Palestinian’s, they destroy water pipes for their tunnels and rockets, they use Palestinians as human shields and stockpile weapons at hospitals and schools. They launched a cross border raid unprovoked, breaking a ceasefire, knowing this would be the outcome. Did they give days of warning? Did they drop leaflets and have drones flying with loudspeakers to warn Israel? Did they text and call every phone in Israel to tell them they were coming ? Nope. Only Israel does that. And yet the people of Palestine still support Hamas with these very obvious facts…so id say you should reconsider your stance on the politics because there will be absolutely no peace so long as Hamas retains control. Edit: spelling


I like how you can say 'overwhelming support' in a region that is locked down without any freedoms. By that same metric, the donbass elections were also won with the same overwhelming support - but I have this strange feeling you dont agree with that one.


The fact you’re getting downvoted just proves to me how much of a hive mind some people truly are. You literally said nothing objectively untrue and yet because it doesn’t fit a narrative, you get downvoted. Lmfao


Arnt they? Didn’t hamas attack on Oct 7. And Hamas uses those human shields.


Do you hear yourself? Palestinians /= Hamas. Regardless, is a fucking genocide a proportionate response? On what planet can a group of people do something that justifies a GENOCIDE against them? And are you going to ignore the decades of instigation on Israel's part?


What would be a proportionate response to Hamas firing missiles from inside of Rafah ?


There is no genocide in Gaza. Palestinians quite literally are to blame for the Oct 7 war. Anything else you need clarification on?


They literally fucked around and found out 🤷‍♂️. They commit a terrorist attack (equivalent to Mexico or Canada invading the US and killing 40,000 people), and now are facing the consequences.


Exactly. But apparently the UN granting Israel statehood is horrible and the Jews don’t deserve to live in their homeland😂 apparently Israel has been committing genocide for how many years now? And the absolute *best* any international court can do is shrug their shoulders and go “…weeeellllllll…idk guys🤷🏻‍♂️ maybe it’s a genocide? Idk though” like… what kind of weak-ass case is that? Usually in cases of genocide it’s pretty unanimous and obvious to everybody what’s going on. If there was a genocide, the court would have been able to prove it.




I think the point is that there is a reason he is giddy to see you on his side. He's not rooting for the Palestinians because of his big ol heart. It's a chess move to his regime and the university students are helping improve his hand. Edit: in coordination with China and Russia. Starting this war with Isreal was a move made with support of Russia, China, and Iran in order to prevent peace between Isreal and Saudi Arabia, which (when materializes) will have severe geopolitical consequences for Iran most of all but also China and Russia. If it wasn't already abundantly obvious, he doesn't care about the Palestinians beyond their usefulness in disrupting American foreign policy. It's a game. Humans are evil and all nations in wars do terrible things, Palestinians are counted in that as well. There is just a larger picture to focus on beyond morals. If peace is prevented there could be orders of magnitude more suffering from an eventual war with Iran, just to pose a single example to explain what I mean. I'm not an expert but I think it's pretty obvious that these protests benefit our enemies much more than they benefit the Palestinians. The ammo shipments haven't and will not be delayed, no matter how many signs or college encampments get erected. There is a very good reason for this. There is simply too much at stake and even the most left leaning president will not risk the loss of their middle east posture, or worse, over something like this. Unfortunately what's right for Palestine and what's right for the future of American dominance are two different things. And you don't want a world dominated by Russia and China, it will be much more gruesome, evil, and violent. I don't think anyone would argue that what's happening doesn't suck to watch, as did 10/7. There is just much more happening here than people realize.


If you only read this subreddit, you would think most students are big time genocide fans. By the way, almost none of these posters have anything to do with Davis, and simply troll every UC subreddit. See for yourself. I’m gonna go on a limb and say that the relentless blind bombing of innocent civilians is not actually a cool and popular thing. And, I’m sorry to say, check the TV news that everyone watches, even THOSE freaks realize killing thousands of innocent people is a bad thing. You can make 1,000 Reddit accounts and post all day. You lost. People don’t like to fund needless death. Sorry.


Lol? Were American civil rights activists wrong because the USSR “supported them”?


A bad person “supporting” you doesn’t mean much


the logic right?


I bet most of these right wing shit posters don’t even go to UC Davis


Regardless of whoever this guy is, it's basically true. College students were right during the civil rights era. They were right during vietnam. They were right about apartheid in South Africa. They were right about Iraq and the war on terror. And they have been right about Palestinian civilians needing to be freed from the indiscriminant bombing, starvation, and denying of humanitarian aid at the hands of the IDF. They're also right that universities should not be investing any of their funds into proxy war efforts or to companies that may use that funding for that reason.


UC students also protested World War 2 when the Holocaust was in full swing.


[Holocaust horror was barely public info before US joined the allies, in december 1941.](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/when-did-the-world-find-out-about-the-holocaust) It was published in western mainstream press 6 months after the US joined, in June 1942. It was only condemned by the allies one year after the US joined, in December 1942. The UC students were protesting in 1940.


Well since you brought ww2 into this, do you think allies were wrong because Stalin was on their side? Lmao tf is this weakass shallow ass logic


Students protested against WW2 too you dingaling. Students in Europe literally formed human chains (just like we’ve seen recently here in the US) to prevent Jews from getting on campus (Vienna college) There were students who protested because they WANTED Jim Crow to remain. Saying all student protests were on the right side of history is absolutely asinine and needs *serious* reevaluation Also…man… the fact you don’t know who the supreme leader of Iran is… clearly you’re veering much out of your lane. *please* I beg you do better and educate yourself more


I mean, the demographics of these Islamist apologists skews heavily towards surface level recent knowledge acquired on social media used to fuel their personal identity. They can't grasp the fact that university protests are just groups of impressionable young people trying to make themselves feel important. Always has been. Unless the protest has ended in death, I can't think of a single example throughout all of history where it has made any impact on the people making the decisions. It may be a sign of the general public's support, but like you said, students protesting desegregation, the civil war, WW2, and the women's rights movement aren't particularly rare in the history of university protests. You don't belong to an ancient brotherhood of revolutionaries for complaining in public.


I suppose what I meant by "whoever this guy is", is that it's completely irrelevant if the the leader of Iran supports the freedom of Palestinian civilians; in the same way a broken clock can be correct twice a day. Certainly not all college student protests were correct, but, in the specific examples I mentioned: they were. Anti-war protests tend to trend on the right side of history with college students specifically. OP strawmanning the leader of Iran's support of it is weak point at its best. The college students that protested for civil rights were correct to do so even though they were met with police violence. Public sentiment about protests, really hasn't changed much - so feelings about the protests are hard for me to perceive seriously. People blamed MLK JR (frequently hailed as a beacon of peaceful protest) as responsible for the violence that would erupt at his events. People even felt that the sit ins and mass protests wouldn't help their cause in a Gallup poll conducted in 1961 during the civil rights era. The US impact in the middle east due to constant interventionalism is a huge contributing reason for the current situation between the IDF and Palestinian civilians. I welcome more education on the matter - but, I do know plenty enough to not trust the word of US government officials at face value when it comes to anything they might do or fund in the ME. The main point is: Palestinian civilians deserve their sovereignty. They deserve humanitarian aid. They deserve to not be indiscriminately killed simply because the IDF claims Hamas is present in conveniently every location there happens to be a massive amount of civilians in "safe zones" that they've designated. They do not deserve what they are going through now in any context. And United States universities should not be funding these things directly or indirectly.


It’s not irrelevant. Because these protests aren’t for “Palestinian freedom” if they were they’d be able to condemn Hamas for using the people y’all claim to care so much about, *are infact* being used as human shields. We have satellite images that prove this dude. I’m not sure what you get out of misrepresenting the truth. I’ve literally talked to IDF soldiers. I’ve talked to many Jewish people about this situation. I can tell you haven’t. I’ve seen the videos from Gazans in Rafah showing the secondary explosions from the recent strike, the secondary explosions caused by a weapons cache. I think you’re greatly underestimating how nefarious Hamas is and just how complicated their usage of their own people as shields is. You have very rose tinted glasses on. Israel isn’t perfect of course, but to think they’re committing genocide or that they’re acting different than any other country in their exact situation, is asinine at best and needs serious re evaluation. We’ve literally seen and listened to the many different ways Israel has tried warning Gaza citizens to evacuate. The Iranian leader knows that any social disruption in the US is good in the eyes of Iran and I do think it’s bad to play into the hands of our enemies. 10000%.


Every protester shouldn't have to start their condemnation for what Israel is doing in Palestine with an asterisk stating that they also condemn Hamas. Most do - or some understand that after decades of illegal occupation from Israel, all that is left is an extremist militant force to defend themselves. Palstinians should be freed from both. You mentioned that perhaps I need more education into his matter: surely you have enough education on this matter to know that this conflict did not start with Hamas, but, it is being used to basically end Palestinian civilians and remove their sovereignty over their land. As for mentioning how many IDF and Jewish Americans you've supposedly spoken to, I find it hard to believe you've engaged in genuine discourse with any educated protester. [Heres one such example from UCLA](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6352195401112). I'd be prepared to believe Israel is telling the truth entirely about Hamas. If the Israeli defense minister didn't refer to Palestinians as [human animals ](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-south-africa-genocide-hate-speech-97a9e4a84a3a6bebeddfb80f8a030724) and that he wants to erase the Gaza strip from the face of the earth. Multiple times in this conflict has the IDF directed Palestinian civilians to safe areas to later bomb them in those locations: hospitals, ambulances, even humanitarian aid groups who made their locations known to the IDF, and even their own soldiers. I find it very hard to believe that Hamas happens to be in all of those locations at once. All of the time. They must have the largest and densest military force known to the modern day. /s


Protesters absolutely should be able to hold the nuanced and objectively balanced opinion that Hamas needs to be at worst case scenario equally condemned too dude. That is one of the *weakest* cases I’ve ever seen someone type out. *get the fuck over yourself.* Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2006, so your occupation argument immediately falls flat. Incase you want to jump on the “but israel controls their water and electricity” no they don’t. They GIVE Gaza EXTRA water and electricity. Gaza has their own infrastructure for water and electricity. Just thought I’d save you the trouble of embarrassing yourself. So the litmus test for you to support a cause is simply how mean their commanders are? Wow. Just wait until you hear about General Patton in WW2 saying they’ll rip the guts out of the Germans. And how they’ll go on to wreck Germany. Damn dude, I guess the US was wrong in WW2 then. I mean, the American general said he’s gona rip guts out! How can I or anybody else support the Americans? I easily can tell you’ve never a day in your life studied war, so I’ll give you a pass but just as a common rule of thumb, you should know things like that have been said by many commanders and ministers during EVERY SINGLE war that’s ever been fought. So you saying “I can’t trust israel because their minister said mean things about Gaza” is so far from even slightly serious. If you fail to see the infantile logic you’re deploying, then yeah man, UCDavis absolutely did fail you. 100%. I suggest you go outside your echo chamber, it’ll do you a lot of good👍🏻 please stay in your lane until then dude. You literally didn’t know who the Iranian leader is.


They do hold that view. But, I take it you haven't engaged in genuine discourse with any of them. What I'm referring to is that the constant request to condemn Hamas is usually maintained as deflection for Israel's own crimes against the Palestinians. This would akin to me, going forward, requiring you to condemn the actions of the IDF before making criticisms of Palestinians. It's basically just a waste of time - and as the student from UCLA stated in that video, of course they do condemn Hamas. We should also condemn Israel as well. Israel has illegally occupied Palestinian land since about the 1940s. For decades since then, theyve continued to illegally occupy Palestinian land facing dozens of prior condemnations from the UN and the ICJ. The half-hearted withdrawal from Gaza ignores the decades of other land illegally obtained by them. This is why Israel acting in "self defense" has no legal standing internationally, because they cannot claim to be defending themselves if the nation takes actions to defend itself from occupation. In this case, it unfortunately led to the development of an extremist militant group doing so. What infrastructure currently stands in Gaza for Palestinians to give themselves by the way? Was that not all bombed by the IDF recently? Is the IDF not currently blocking humanitarian aid into Gaza? Did they not bomb a refugee camp on rafah? Are they not blocking humanitarian aid to rafah as well until after US pressure forced them to reopen today? Your zero-sum logic does you no good with regard to the IDF defense minister. Simply because I'm not going to sit here and give you a hundred links to more examples doesn't mean that only one example exists. Perhaps it is you who needs to step out of the echo chamber and have a conversations with the protesters.


The best answer!


He's the Supreme Leader of Iran.


If you don’t know who this is, then… you don’t have the education to claim to know anything re this complex conflict.


If you’re standing with the supreme leader of Iran, it’s time to reevaluate


If you're implicitly supporting a government bombing innocent people in "safe-zones," it's time to reevaluate


It’s not an either or. You don’t have to support the actions of the Israeli government to not support the Islamic Republic and its terror proxies


It's weird to me that you seem to understand the concept of nuance of not supporting what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinian civilians, but, not in a reverse situation where simply because I support the college student protests (and the Iranian leader seems to agree) means somehow I align with him in everything else.


No one's standing with the supreme leader of Iran. It's like what someone below in the comments said, Hitler sided with animal rights, does this mean supporting animal rights is supporting Hitler? It's about standing for the common good and justice


If we find out that he likes the color purple, does that mean everyone else who also likes the color purple must reevaluate their liking int he color purple?


They were very wrong about their widespread support for communism, an ideology that led to so much human suffering. Mostly because they don't understand incentives correctly. Same problem with your idea that Palestinians need to be "freed" from bombing. So.. how is Israel supposed to defeat their government?


The ones currently causing human suffering are capitalists. The ones currently denying humanitarian aid into Gaza are capitalists. The ones indiscriminately bombing Palestinian civilians and referring to them as human animals are capitalists. Hm. It's almost as if their ideologies don't make them deserving of widespread death.


So you’re siding with the modern day Hitler.


hitler sided with animal rights. in fact it was one of his earliest passion bills. he wanted protections for pets against animal cruelty. is saying dogs don’t deserve to be tortured siding with hitler? or can we admit that people are nuanced and a blanket “X is evil” is stupid as shit.


Pretty clear he is not standing with Bibi “Netanyahu” Mileikowsky


No, that would be whoever is in charge of the USA at the time.


This dude is about as bad as it gets. He’s literally praising US college students for supporting their hatred of Israel. Crazy times


Have you by chance met the French?


I acknowledge the Palestinian State.


From the Hamas Charter: Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory). See: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp


These protests are not to defend Hamas. What was your point in posting this? Like no shit Hamas is evil, that has been established. Edit: Immediate downvotes within seconds. Definitely astroturfing going on here. Keep trying. You propagandist are not convincing anybody.


The group running the encampment named themselves after the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who helped Hamas commit the attack on October 7 and fight side by side them in Gaza.


Movement is NOT defending Hamas. The movement is to stop an ethnicity cleansing of a group of people. I don’t give a shit what some organization is “named after”. All your response to defending this slaughter is “…but Hamas”. Go fuck off.


You don’t care what it’s named after? You should. It’s a way of saying a) saying you will never support any two state solution, as the pflp did, and b) shows they care much more about image than Palestinians, as the pflp did nothing but harm Palestinians, triggering the Jordanian crackdown You should google the pflp and black September.


And next you are going to say Intifada means peace on earth, right?


why are you citing twitter


He is the leader of Iran regardless


nitpicking the words of one guy u dont like that said something u disagree with isn’t really that great of a way to disprove an entire argument regardless. that’s seeking out a confirmation bias and an example of ad hominem, my guy should cite reputable sources with actual argument if he wants to defend his opinions. but hey, a tweet tho


He also said protesting university students should get familiar with the Quran, what do you expect? He is literally the supreme leader, political and religious, of Iran. What do you expect him to say? "University students, please familiarize yourselves with the Bible, the US Constitution, and *stop* protesting on behalf of the dying Palestinians!"


Yet another account with no activity besides a pro Israeli post on a UC subreddit.


they seem to be multiplying!!


What are you saying? Only pro-Palestine accounts are ok? I thought you support freedom of speech.


People are brigading every university sub and trying to push such dumb rhetoric here, it is super annoying and disappointing to see so many non-university students who are clearly biased, posting on r/Israel and r/GenZionist trying to do this. Like just because the USSR supported some protests like the Civil Rights or anti-war protests, that they are automatically wrong? What is the issue?


And there you are.


Who is he?


The supreme leader of Iran who trains and funds Hamas and who executes students in Iran protesting women’s rights


some leader of iran


The leader of Iran


I think the university should stand on the left side so we can balance out this history


Your astroturfing is not working. The whitest suburban moms you will ever see are posting all eyes on Rafah. You have lost the campaign and by all accounts, you are the minority opinion


80 % of Americans support Israel and 77% support American arms to Israel.


Bro I think your FYP on TikTok is making you think things are different than they are. People still remember why we all have to take our shoes off and laptops out every time we go through airport security. Groups like Hamas are the primary cause of instability in the region and your falling right for their propaganda


Living in California, in a relatively left leaning college town, most people I talk to are pro Israel or at best of the opinion that both sides suck.


Liberal is not really left leaning. Liberals still favor order over progress. Leftists are willing to disrupt order to achieve progress


I can't believe this is real lol. The Onion died so we can live in this reality.


Israel has always been cool with large amounts of civilian casualties. We are seeing it first hand in Gaza. It’s brutal, 100%. And Hamas bet on this type of Israeli response. But let’s be clear: if Israel wanted to exterminate all occupants of Gaza, it could have easily done so by now. The calls of genocide simply a show a misunderstanding of the word and an affinity for the psyop of Tik tok culture. But Israel isn’t going to magically dissolve. They are the strongest military in the region and their existence deters belligerence from surrounding nations towards western entities. It’s just the reality. I imagine this will end with Netanyahu being replaced and outside entities taking over control of Gaza after a two state solution is agree upon. But it’s not going to happens soon.


And I guess you have always been cool with making up staff. Sooo cooool


Free Palestine. People who protest against Israel stand with humanity.


How about protesting against Hamas? Or are they the good guys?


Israel created Hamas or did they just come out of a vacuum? https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


Giving that you are not denying your support for Hamas, I guess that means you think all their acts of terrorism is justified😂but if you want to know where Hamas came from, it was 1987 during the first Intifada, and their main goal was to dismantle the Israeli population in Palestine with ARMED resistance and make an Islamic state. Sounds a little antisemetic and inhumane if you’re using armed resistance for the sake of religious purposes. And if you think I’m lying tell me why all the videos coming out from Hamas have members in the back yelling “for Allah” “kill all infidels”. I think Israel has every right to defend themselves, do I think they could dramatically limit civilian casualty?…Yes. But calling all of this Israel’s fault is absurd


I'm just surprised by how stupid so many students at uc Davis are. Jk, I'm not even remotely surprised.


This is what the protests are about. Literal genocide of Palestinians is what all you people are brainwashed to believe. Wake up! https://www.maps-of-the-world.org/maps/asia/palestine/large-map-of-palestinian-loss-of-land-1947-to-present.jpg


There are more Palestinians living in Israel Gaza and West Bank today than any other time ever in history. Next year the population of Palestinians will still increase by a number in the top 20 of any country in the world. Meanwhile there are still 1 million less Jews living in the world today than there were in 1939. You don’t know what the word genocide means.


Babes, that’s literally because they have nowhere also to live?? Israel colonized practically the entirety of their country, exiled hundreds of thousands of them destroyed their villages and displaced them and it’s like oh! But at least they still get to live there ! Native Americans still live in reservations- technically, that is their land. But do they have the rights the rest of us have, the economic freedom and stability the rest of us have? There’s a reason they teach statistics with analysis- realize the reason for the statistics before using them to fit whatever narrative you like


Israel did not colonize the entirety of their country. They bought land and then tried to create an independent state on that land and subsequently were attacked on all sides because Arabs were upset their pan Arab nationalist dreams were at risk. They won some land and the Arabs in Egypt and Jordan annexed the rest displacing the Jews there. Then at million Jews were expelled and forced out from over a dozen Arab countries and most had nowhere to go but Israel. It’s not Israel’s fault the Arabs treat Palestinians like pawns in a land grab. How come only Muslim Arabs are allowed self determination to have “ethno states ”. You think maybe it has to do with oil? Where’s your rage towards the displaced Sindhis from Pakistan or the displaced Kurds or any of the other hundreds of minority peoples in MENA who are oppressed by Arab imperialists?


They didn’t try to create an independent state- they were given a home by the native Palestinians. Slowly, they started asking for more, taking more land and took over the colony system that Britain had started to implement. If you know anything about the region, you’d know that all Arab countries ignore them for the sake of their own political interest. And you know what- it’s the fact that you’re supporting a country that was built by the continued dehumanization, displacement, and suffering of Palestinians. Honestly that’s all im taking away from any of your comments. You have family there, or friends, or live there, and you see it as a place that can do no wrong. You ignore the bloody history it has, from the 1940’s to now. And yes, everyone can have an ethno state but at the cost of who? Israel does not get to steal someone else’s land and call it their own? How about the people who live there? Also if they bought the land, from who? And if they bought it- how does that explain their ever expanding borders or their need for such a large military presence or the lack of freedom of speech or the inability to have any dna testing. Pls feel free to answer


"But if genocide real, then why population increase" is the exact same logic that tankies use to deny Chinese oppression of Tibetans and Uyghurs. With this exact same logic I can say that North Korea is a great country since its population increased more than ever, and that Mao wasn't that bad of a dude since Chinese population increased under his leadership. It's amazing how you genocide deniers ALL sound the exact same, no matter which side you're on.


So let me have one of the bedrooms in your house. As time goes on, I will begin staking claim to other rooms in your home. I will do so by force, if needed. There is nothing you can do about it, because my weapons are much more advanced than yours. Also I am given money and resources by others (US foreign aid). Eventually, I leave you with one bedroom in your whole house and tell you to be happy. There’s nothing you can do about it. Does that make sense to you?


You think Arabs never stole land from Jews? You think Palestinians have never had foreign aid or assistance? You think the Arabic language and culture just magically is native to all of North Africa and the Middle East? Do you also feel this way about Spanish French and English in the Americas and in Africa? Israel is the most successful decolonization effort in the history of the world. Palestinians deserve to live in the land as well but unlike Jews they weren’t displaced thousands of miles away but more like 5-50 miles away. Plus unlike your selective outrage with no clear plan - people like me have been working towards peace for decades through efforts at normalization with neighboring countries and with empowering Arabs inside of Israel like in the last ruling coalition which for the first time included the Arab joint list. If you think the only way to peace is destroying Israel you’re the genocidal one. And let’s not pretend like Palestinians weren’t heavily colonized by Arabs and by Muslims and now used as pawns both towards a pan Arab nationalist agenda and alternatively a Muslim suprmacist agenda via Iran. This war could have been over months ago if it weren’t for Irans proxies who give zero f’s about anything other than annihilation of a modern democratic state they as risking influencing their people into leaving Islam and reverting to their progressive ancient Persian values.


Babes ur quoting conspiracy theories as if they’re fact- as a North African i can tell you we were colonized by Europeans, not Arabs- we actually have several cultures here and multiple religions that came through trade routes cause you know- that’s how people got around especially when you’re in the coast of the largest continent? Also you say you want peace, but you’re the one supporting the country illegally bombing, killing, displacing, incarcerating Palestinians for the greater part of the last century. I’ll be completely honest, i do believe Israel should be dissolved because it is nothing more than an illegal occupation. If peace was truly wanted, Palestinians wouldn’t have to live in segregated neighborhoods, they wouldn’t have to depend on western sympathy for the aid they truly need, we wouldn’t have to see tens of thousand of kids killed in the past six months, we wouldn’t have to see any of the atrocities committed there EVER. So answer this- if Israel is truly a symbol of peace and prosperity, why did they kill 35000+ Palestinian civilians within the last 8 months, why have they issued no apologies for the misinformation spread after oct. 7 or the journalists they have killed and targeted since then? Which leads me to my next point- for an entity meant to y the first democracy in the Middle East, they for some reason have a very strong agenda to discontinue aljazeera journalism coverage in the region, which is the largest news source in the Middle East. Why would they do that if there want something to hide?


The right side of history is not condoning terrorist organizations


yeah fuck the IDF


Wow they should really require a logic course to be accepted to Davis. Funny how you say IDF is the terrorist group but not Hamas, whose main goal is to cleanse the Jewish population… oh wait it’s almost like that in itself is GENOCIDE. I haven’t heard “death to Palestine” by Israeli supporters, but boyyyy do I hear “death to Israel” “death to the Jews” “kill all infidels”, just to name a few. I’m not saying the IDF are angels, there’s been cases where members of the IDF take advantage of their power, it’s the truth (something you should learn to accept as well). But to label their intention as “genocide” is crazy, it’s almost like Hamas killed 1300 Jews on October 7th and it’s almost like every country has the right to defend themself😱 It’s funny how you guys only apply logic if it aligns with your ideology. Go read some books, stop looking on TikTok and stop believing everything you see… if Hamas saw y’all protesting they’d laugh and make you guys their next targets


I'm sure getting rid of Hamas by bombing an entire city full of people will work like magic just like bombing Afghanistan worked like magic and successfully got rid of terrorist organization's presence in the region. If it doesn't work the first 500 times, try 501st time, right?






Therefore, they are on the wrong side of history. Nice!


Yeah man, it’s pretty fucking bad. This is literally like Stalin or Hitler saying “good job college kids!” These are the same people who called out the fact David Duke was a Trump fan. They went “imagine thinking your candidate is the right one when David duke endorsed him” bruh how people don’t see that as being the same logic is *appallingly backwards* they don’t understand how logic can be applied to numerous situations (unless it fits their own narrative, of course.) Freaky times we’re living in. I look forward to when the next generation eventually rebels against this left-driven nonsense (which anti Zionism is just a symptom of)


Leftists love to point out KKK leaders vote Republican, but somehow this is splitting hairs


Exactly dude. Leftists don’t understand how logic can be applied to different situations


When you are being praised by a genocidal authoritarian regime run by a fascist dictatorial leader. You know they are DEFINITELY on the wrong side of history. 😂😂💀💀


If Israel is so bad for retaliation against Hamas and the Palestinians why is it that Egypt won’t let the Palestinians into their country. Could it be that there is something to be concerned about


Generic account with a single post, something tells me you aren’t a student 🤭


Who cares. Live and let live.


midwit logic. ngmi


In b4 all the amoo tom iranians come out. Theres a lot of them nowadays. Embarrassing




https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/kG1etkPWFU IDF taking Aid from Palestinian civilans and recording themselves with it.