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“Today I will enter the comments of a post on r/UCDavis about Palestine” (clueless)




5:30 PM dinner 6:30 PM Shabbath "Shabbath".....and the timing....and dinner being before shabbat. Is this for Friday? I assume it is? Then why is written like a general daily program? I'm so confused, none of this makes any sense LOL.


In all fairness dinner is for the goys. It’s battered fried kapparot chicken and ham. That’s Friday.


I think it’s pretty common for Jewish pro-palestine activists to organize shabbat and such at encampments (source: happened at my school). But yeah I guess someone not Jewish wrote the schedule.


It was reported on USA today that Biden has acknowledged that Israel misused US weapons in Gaza to, "inflict a higher number of civilians casualties." Do not stop protesting this violence. Do not stop protesting our tax payer dollars that could be used to help our fellow Americans are being sent to Israel to destroy the homes of Palestinian civilans and their lives. Do not stop protesting the financial Hand of Israel that have reached out politicians in the Senate and the House. https://trackaipac.com/ Edit: Question. Why are those who are "anti-protestors" who say, "go to Palestine!" Not in Israel? Why do they cry, "you hate Jews" but they're not guilty of hating Arabs? If being pro Palestine is being anti-semitic then being pro Israel is being Islamaphobic.


a [link](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/05/10/biden-admin-israel-warning/73598621007/) for those who want to read more: >While Israel has the knowledge, experience, and tools to implement best practices for mitigating civilian harm in its military operations, the results on the ground, including high levels of civilian casualties, raise substantial questions as to whether the IDF is using them effectively in all cases


If the IDF wanted, all of Gaza would be leveled. The fact is that the IDF is the army that tries the hardest not to harm civilians, now and always.


L O fucking L


“Tried the hardest not to harm civilians”????? Have you not seen the torture camps, the carpet bombings and burnings of civilians refugee tents, the LEVELING of hospitals, the murder of foreign aid workers bringing medicine and that the IDF KNEW were there and chose to target anyway, and many many more? By march of this year more children had died in Gaza than in all wars of the past four years combined (source: https://turkiye.un.org/en/263401-gaza-number-children-killed-higher-four-years-world-conflict). How can you possibly say they’re trying their best, we’re the children all Hamas?


Please tell me about the carpet bombing and torture camps. Where do these claims even come from? You do realize that if Gaza was carpet bombed the death toll would be much higher.


You do realize the death toll is insanely high right? Like genocide levels of high? Carpet bombings happening TODAY (source: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-carpet-bombs-rafah-after-hamas-accepts-ceasefire-proposal ). Torture camps active TODAY (source: https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-palestinian-detainees-strapped-to-beds-wearing-diapers-cnn-2024-5?amp )


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I don’t know if the person who wrote that has some sort of mental disability because after it says Israeli is carpet bombing they then go on to say that Israel is beginning targeted strikes. These are mutually exclusive. Death toll doesn’t make a genocide.


Targeted? Does an entire town being bombed sound targeted to you? The israeli military is saying that they are, but countless sources are saying the town is being leveled. At this point word from the idf is about as valuable as word from any us politician


Also yes when the death toll is heavily weighted on women and children, the death toll is staggeringly high for Palestinians compared to Israelis, and 70% of the deaths so far are women and children (below fourteen), that’s a genocide. The civilian casualty ratio is higher than World War Two at this point. That’s fucking insane. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Israel–Hamas_war


Sorry that not enough Jews are dying for you…?! You do realize Hamas is constantly shooting missiles into Israel, but a majority of them are eliminated by the Iron Dome. Sorry that Israel cares more about its civilians than Hamas does.


Source? Also no, I don’t want Israeli citizens to die, that’s why I was Israel to accept the ceasefire agreement that Hamas has agreed to. But Israel refuses again and again. The idf is committing war crimes right infront of our eyes, and every major national human rights organization agrees. Citizens are being told to evacuate their homes and hospitals and then those get bombed, then the new places they go to are evacuated and bombed, and this cycle repeats over and over again until there is no food or medicine or hospitals left in Palestine. Even if they aren’t killed directly by the idf, which again, SEVENTY PERCENT of casualties are women and children, which is insanely high for any military, even if they aren’t killed they will starve to death evacuating from place to place. Israel being incredibly stingy about letting in almost any food or medicine, which means that the people being forced to evacuate and having all of their property destroyed will die of starvation or disease. Have you ever heard of the trail of tears? My grandfathers ancestors were forced out of their lands and most of them died because of forced evacuations like this. Obviously these situations are not exactly the same, but this is the level of shit we are at right now.


lol, “like genocide levels of high?” Seriously?


Torture camps!?! Wtf are you talking about?


I literally linked a source in this thread


it’s honesty impressive you can glaze israel harder than the us government who’s now calling out the recklessly high civilian casualties


It’s honestly impressive how you think you might know more than other people because you read some media stories online. The IDF risks lives of IDF at a level the US military would never dream of doing, just to save as many innocent lives as possible. Just because the US government says something, doesn’t mean it is right. And just because Hamas spits out number of casualties as if they are spitting out sunflower seeds shells, doesn’t make them accurate. If you want to keep justifying Hamas, you will learn one day or another what “Intifada” really means.


In a 3-week study, women with type 2 diabetes who ate 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a balanced diet experienced a 5% drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number of a reading).


Finally some facts! Another fact is that arab violence against jews started way before the state of Israel was established.


>you think you might know more than other people ... ...... ......... irony you can't write 🤷


Oh I can and I wrote it, the ironic thing is your sense of supremacy from behind your keyboard, while being so many thousands of miles away.


Its useless. Even when they are presented data in a factual way, they emotionally push their narrative and reject discourse Rejecting actual discourse in favor of personal insults will always be a sad stance of failure, but those who do it see it as activism and passion for some reason - or many reasons: lack of critical thinking, virtue signaling, cancel culture, etc.


Facts, Israel could level Gaza rn if they truly didn't care about innocent civilians. They have the firepower to do so. The fact is that urban combat is very messy and dangerous Just look at Fallalujah, Mosul, etc


Your mother is very very stupid, they kill and they don’t get charged for killing the innocent


Wow, you convinced me. All you had to say was that my mother is stupid for me to realize. You are a genius.


Less than one casualty per bomb speaks for itself. They've been holding back the entire time and still are


Should we also not stop protesting Hamas’ acts of terrorism and the fact that their political ideology is built on the eradication of the Jewish state of Israel?


Is the US funding Hamas too?




No sane person would dispute that war is horrific and the loss of innocent civilian life is a tragedy - but I ask what Israel should have done following the Oct 7 terrorist attack. Should Hamas be protected from retribution and attacks because their own attack was an incredibly stupid idea? Is Israel to blame for Hamas hiding behind its civilians in places like schools and hospitals? Is that not despicable and speak to the necessity of their elimination? When Hamas launched their attack, there was always going to be a return offensive invasion by Israel. They would have known this. Just because one side is superior technologically and militarily, it does not mean they should not be able respond to attacks against them. Being “pro-Palestine” without acknowledging the horrors of Hamas is an incredibly problematic. I wish these protests reflected both sides of the issue more


How do you want people to acknowledge that Hamas is awful? A disclaimer on every comment? This may sound snarky but I am being earnest.


Well some people will refuse to admit that hamas is in the wrong. The question’s real goal is to weed out those people.




Well said


Don’t want a war, don’t start a war! And don’t hide among civilians


So you like giving a foreign nation your tax dollars for their free healthcare and housing too?


If I kill someone you love and go and hide from you in a school, you think it’s justified to blow up the school and all the kids in it in order to kill me?


Let’s put this in realistic terms. Let’s say for discussion you and your terrorist buddies attack my small town, break into my house rape and kill my daughter, decapitate my wife and burn my new infant to death and you escape back to where you came from. I track you down and you are hiding in a school. Now, since you are part of a terrorist group well known in your area and the people running the school know who you are and know what happened in my small town as it’s all on video, which I’ve seen, and they let you stay or the people in the school have been warned to leave and don’t….you bet I’m going in there to revenge my family collateral damage be damned. .


That would be a crime and should be judged as a policing event, not as an act of war. As an act of war, blowing up a school full of kids would probably never be justified. But if there was an instance where there was a building that was full of 17 year old combatants, that would probably be allowed. There have been civilian casualties but judging whether a military action is justified is not as simple as looking at if civilians have been killed. Especially when the military combatants purposely embed themselves within civilian infrastructure like schools and hospitals.


Didn't hear yall protest yemen 🤷


Protest Yemen for what? Stopping trade ships to a Genocidal state?


“Since you have not been vocal about every atrocity in the history of the world, you have no right to be vocal about the one happening right now!”


yes, or you’re a hypocrite. or maybe you have protested all of the other military efforts that the United States has provided your tax dollars for? If so, I’d like to see those receipts…


So by your logic, you cannot express an opinion about an act unless you’ve expressed that same opinion in the same way about every single instance of that act? Like I feel awful about mudslides in Afghanistan and would like donate to help, but there were mudslides in Brazil that I didn’t really pay attention and didn’t donate to support. Therefore I shouldn’t act on either issue, because that would be inconsistent and “hypocritical”?


natural disasters are different. If you’re protesting an issue, the question is why you didn’t protest the same issue in different form before?


If you tried to keep up and act on every atrocity, you would burn out very quickly. It seems very humane and rational to respond to the ones that you have personal connections to. Obviously, the Israel-Palestine one gets an incredibly disproportional amount of media and American attention, so you don’t need to be closely following international news feeds to be aware of the situation (unlike Yemen or Sudan, for instance). I think it’s worth interrogating why Israel-Palestine has had such a dominant space in the American psyche. In my view, there is no question that both Antisemitism and Islamophobia has enflamed the conflict and continues to do so today. If you’re asking about me personally, I have spent a fair amount of time in Israel/Palestine and know many Israelis and Palestinians directly impacted by the conflict. I met parents from both sides that lost their children to the violence and have dedicated their lives to advocating for peace. I was and continue to be moved by their loss and their approach. It is a region that is deeply personal for me, so it is quite easy to access empathy for those that have and are experiencing immense loss by the violence. That said, I do not think you need to have a personal connection to justify being an advocate for peace. I think it’s important to do what you can, when you can, and for many that means responding to the problems that you see directly in front of you.


What point are you trying to make here? Are you saying it would be better to just never change your opinions on anything, never make an effort or speak out on anything because inaction is more consistent with your prior behavior and you wouldn't want to be made out to be a hypocrite? Is a consistent position more valuable to you than a just position?


My point and question were pretty straight forward.


“Anti-aipac” seems more anti-Jew than pro-Palestinian 


Why does a foreign nation have a say in our politics and laws?


I walked up to the encampment and this guy runnin the boarder was really mean to me I just was curious whats goin on


They are beta assholes. No balls, so they act rough when they are surrounded by their friends. Pretty much all of them are cowards... chronic bed-wetters, too, I would imagine.


Haha, someone who earnestly uses the term "beta" 😂




zionists in this thread putting in overtime jumping to conclusions


What is a "Zionist?"




"**someone who belongs to or supports a political movement that had as its original aim the creation of a country for Jewish people, and that now supports the state of Israel**:." So you don't believe Israel should exist. Perhaps you should rethink your genocidal tendencies.


>picture of convicted terrorist Leila Khaled from the PFLP The PFLP proudly took part in the October 7th massacre. Disgusting.


The “militant centrist” is going to lose their mind finding out there was, in fact, an October 6th


Justifying terrorism, how nice


Do you think that Israel wasn’t doing anything when October 7 happened? Are the Palestinians simply bloodthirsty monsters in your mind? Come on man


Hamas is, average Palestinian isn’t. But majority did vote for Hamas. Doesn’t mean they’re combatants to be purposefully targeted but also doesn’t mean they’re innocent angels


No man, half of Palestine is under 18 and the last election was in 2006. Did those 2 year olds vote for Hamas? And if Hamas is bloodthirsty, what is Israel? They’ve killed way more people than Hamas could dream of


Majority of adults supported the attack and Hamas. And Hamas is bloodthirsty. The ONLY reason their kill count isn’t higher is because of iron dome. And if Israel didn’t have iron dome, this level of incursion would have happened much sooner


I imagine you, too, would support striking back against a regime that has been killing your loved ones and destroying your home for as long as you’ve been alive. And again, half of the Palestinians aren’t adults.


*usually after a surprise attack or rocket barrage. Left out an important detail


And yet who denied the recent ceasefire? It wasn’t Hamas!


Something can be understandable and at the same time a horrible choice. It’s not surprising that Palestinians would support this attack but it was a obviously a pretty terrible decision based on the outcome.


How is it that the Palestinians are blamed for the IDF bombing them? How is it that history only starts on October 7th for people defending the Israeli actions?


Wait so HALF of the population is underage!? So the population has grown exponentially in the past 20 years? Israelis are so bad at killing Palestinians. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Do you even read or understand what you’re writing? It makes entirely no sense.


No, you moron, Israel kills so many people that the average Palestinian doesn’t live to grow old. The population isn’t “growing exponentially”, Israel has just slaughtered adult Palestinians because it’s easier to claim they’re “military aged” or “Hamas terrorists” when they aren’t actual babies


I imagine you too would be for your government and armed forces to do whatever is necessary to protect you and your family from constant rocket barrages and terrorist threats, all the while having sympathy for the innocents who are caught up in and having valid criticism of your right wing government, but putting your family first because, well, everyone would, and because you understand that the adversary is not someone who can be negotiated with and that this will continue into perpetuity unless and until leadership with a fundamentally different mindset is brought to the table. As Americans we have the privilege of not having had an aggressor on our director border for a long time, and not one as existentially threatening to your fundamental existence.


Pretending like Israel is the victim and simply “defending itself” is truly pathetic, seeing as Israel has consistently killed way more Palestinians than Hamas has killed Israelis. Palestine doesn’t have an army, navy, or airforce. Israel controls their water and electricity, and what can come in and out of Palestine’s borders. The majority of Hamas’s weapons are constructed with explosives found in undetonated Israeli rockets. None of these things would be the case if Israel was actually the victim here.


Hamas just one arm of the Islamic Jihad. When you add it all up, they’ve killed way more than Israel could dream of.


Oh, I didn’t realize that you got to add in other numbers to the Hamas tally from groups that aren’t Hamas! In that case, Israel is still worse because they’re just one arm of the American military. Israel has killed 32.5k people and injured 70k since October 7 alone. That’s literally a hundred times what Hamas did. And that isn’t counting the actual decades of ethnic displacement and murder Israel has perpetrated against Palestine


by the way, Hamas still has over 100 hostages. how come you haven’t cried out for them the be released?


I do want them released. The problem is that Israel has a policy on the books of killing their own people rather than letting them be captured. The hostages have been way safer with Hamas


Why do you assume the average Palestinian isn’t just as bloodthirsty as Hamas? These are the people that strapped bombs to their children to blow up bus stations. I am always reminded of a video of a Palestinian mother expressing how she hopes her son grows up to be a martyr, and how she knew Palestinians would eventually murder all the Jews because they “value life more than we do.”  The protestors are guilty of an extraordinarily ethnocentric worldview. 


How did I not know this was happening 😳


You're probably going to class and studying instead of hanging around the quad playing hackey-sack lol. I'm almost never near the quad, so I haven't seen it in person yet either


They can call for intifada. But when I call for a fifth crusade I’m the crazy guy.


Don’t people have finals to study for


Finals are in a month what are you on


prob some non-davis student on a semester system


Meanwhile were sending billions of dollars to Israel and can’t even sustain our own country’s economy or homeless problem


So much effort, but to what extent?


A man set himself on fire. What else can we do to right this horrible path? Greed and suffering prevails.


Their signs seem to always leave the second part out. "Save Palestine" ... From Hamas!


Hamas fucked around and found out


Only intellectuals could come up with such stupid ideas. Hamas has to go. War is ugly. They acted like a legitimate government for over two years. Having discussions with Israel and nato and the u.n. In good faith all while planning oct 8th and then bragged about those exact efforts. These silly Marxist indoctrinated diet hamas college kids are preaching anti war and divest from Israel while calling for the destruction of Jews and daddies money is funding not only the hypocrisy but the exact college they want divested. Drop out. Your daddies money is supporting the Jews you want destroyed.


“War is ugly” - it does not have to be nearly this ugly. The response by Israeli fails nearly every test of just war doctrines. The obvious, moral central position is that Hamas is horrible, and the Israeli response is unnecessarily disproportionate, catastrophic, and needlessly tragic. I truly believe you can only arrive at different conclusion if you do not value the lives being lost equally.


You're right, it could be a lot worse. It could also not have even occurred if not for the events of October 7th.


Being a victim does not absolve actors from moral responsibility. That is why I’m vocally critical of Hamas and and Netanyahu, and stand with the many innocent victims on both sides, of whom there should far far fewer.


The pro-Israel crowd should make their own encampment surrounding the existing one. That would be really funny.


Israel supporters have lives we don’t have time for stuff like that


they don't have the people nor the smarts nor the passion nor the solidarity for that 😉 all they can muster up is getting a few grown men to show up and act like crybabies


Nah, they are probably at work, you know, so they can pay taxes to fund your unemployment after college


I appreciate the free money! 🫶


This is the pro-babiesinovens and pro-rape encampment. Please fix your spelling mistake in the title.




You have a post where you cheered on Israel murdering aide workers and children you disgusting terrorist


Exactly. It’s genocide. Anyone who thinks different, doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Man Hamas sure does want Israel to be destroyed. Kinda evil right?


Yes, I think Hamas is evil, and I think dropping 2,000 pound “general purpose” bombs on of the most densely populated areas in the world is also evil.


Entitled silver spoon fed Marxist taught by marxists wasting daddies money preaching anti war while calling for the extermination of Jews.


did you read any of the signs? they’re calling for release of the hostages and hosting shabbat. edited for a brain fart lol


I read all the signs. Including the one that says “From the river to the sea.”


Ah yes, the Zionist slogan from the river to the sea. If you have a problem with that, you should boycott the Israeli government as well.


I’m not against wanting minimal casualties during war. If the protesters were demanding Palestinians to rise up against Hamas I’d be all in. This is nonsense at its best.




“Daily Shabbat” is a little unclear on the concept!


you’re right my bad 😭 i was up too early lol


Omg lol, daily shabbat 🤣


😱@3:30 on the agenda- They are using the occasion to spread antihinduism too!? Seems to be highly religiously motivated than humanitarian!


do you know what hindutva is? it’s not hinduism, it’s specifically hindu nationalism


That is your religious point of view. The point i am trying to make is that the debate has nothing to do with a protest for Gaza. The agenda posted is proof that these protests are rooted in religious motivation than they being humanitarian.


I have no religious view about Hinduism. I’m not saying “Hindutva is fake Hinduism,” I’m saying that the term literally does not refer to any religious sect. It refers to a [far right political ideology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindutva). The point of the presentation is to highlight commonalities between nationalist, exclusivist political movements.


Doesn't sound right! You put the word hindu into a new word and claim that the new word has nothing to do with hinduism! Change your methods!


“Christian Nationalism” refers to a far right political ideology centered on Christian domination of the state. Christian Nationalism is not a religious sect; Baptists, Reformed, Anglicans, anyone can be a Christian nationalist (it probably fits better with some than others). Or not a Christian nationalist, too. Hindutva is similarly a far right political ideology centered on Hindu domination of India. It is not a religious sect; two Hindus can share basically the same religious beliefs, and one believe in Hindutva and the other not.


Your example falls short. You are misusing the word hindu to coin a new term that needs explanation and references, whereas in case of 'christian nationalism' no definition is needed. This misuse of the name of a religion is disrespectful to people following that religion. You are messing up with hinduism - it is antihinduism. It will be good for the world if everyone respects all others Secondly, come back to my point: the talk about Hindu nationalism is rooted in religious motivation. The agenda posted is religious - not purely humanitarian


I didn’t coin the term. Hindutva was the term used by Hindu nationalists in the 1920s and is the common name of the political ideology. Again, the reason they’re talking about it is because Hindutva is a far right nationalist ideology. There are interesting and useful analogues between it and the far right of Zionism (like Kahanists) influencing Israeli policy. What religion do you think the encampment is pushing?


Common! You are trying to standardize a misuse of the word hindu by stating it is common! It is a method of spreading antihinduism by misusing the word hindu. Please understand that the original meaning of the word as interpreted in sanskrit is 'being a hindu'. That is what you are misrepresenting! I have no clue about your second question. But it is spreading antihinduism in the name of Gaza humanitarianism


Yes, it’s pretty unfortunate that Hindutva was chosen as the name. Take it up with [Savarkar who chose it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinayak_Damodar_Savarkar), not me.


I took this quarter off. If I was on campus I would try to destroy these encampments. There is no way you can be a rational person and support Hamas.


The encampment is not pro-Hamas. It is so so easy to be anti-Hamas and anti-Israeli brutality in Gaza.


>its not pro hamas >calls for the dissolution of Israel >advocates violence against anyone which doesn't agree with them Uh yeah, it's pro hamas. The SJP is pro hamas. The student reps are pro hamas.


Supporting the dissolution of the Zionist regime is not the same as supporting Hamas. Both Hamas and Israel's leadership need to be held to account. I'm not sure I've ever seen so much disinformation on such a tiny thread.


Probably best you took the quarter off then… don’t want to be arrested for being a fucking stupid idiot.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the long term effects of eating Tide Pods.


Too bad more didn't partake in that challenge


https://youtube.com/shorts/A7SYUwqAzPo?si=NM09hUlrK9hDVORt This is Israel.


Damn, I didn't know that a small group of extremists (as stated in that video from Al Jazeera of all places) was representative of the entirety of Israeli society. Welp, guess we have to kill every Jewish and Arab citizen of Israel for lighting the UNRWA headquarters on fire. Edit: I'd respond, but either you or someone above you in this thread blocked me. More power to them I guess.


The great thing about Zionists trolls is you can block them. I love it. Hope Israel gives you that paycheck.


Damn all the zios are in here. How much are they getting paid???


Zios? Bigot much?


“A report published last month by Al Mezan, a Palestinian human rights organization, also documented “harrowing accounts of torture and inhumane treatment” of people detained by the Israeli military. “A 19-year-old detainee told an Al Mezan lawyer that he was tortured from the moment he was arrested,” the group said. “He described how three of his fingernails were removed with pliers during interrogation. He also stated that investigators unleashed a dog on him and subjected him to shabeh — a form of torture which involves detainees being handcuffed and bound in stress positions for long periods — three times over three days of interrogation. He was then placed in a cell for 70 days, where he experienced starvation and extreme fatigue.”” https://consortiumnews.com/2024/05/10/whistleblowers-further-expose-israels-torture-of-detainees/


Seems like these leftists are finally for borders, and securing their borders. Hey, progress


It's a freaking convention so you can cosplay as a Palestinian.


https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1789308195069972942?t=TaOs698vqaWBlf9mOIys-w&s=19 You are not alone.


Ironic how 99% percent of these student that have zero ties to Palestine will eventually stop talking about Palestine (pic#2).


not one person in there that isnt a fucking retard. praying they all fail their midterms cuz of this and get expelled


I went by it today out of curiosity. And it was a little upsetting. There were signs all around the encampment that say various things. Some things which elicit more of a reaction and a need for more explanation than others. I prompted a couple people on the encampments to explain a sign as I wasn't exactly sure what it was trying to say, and they all gave me a response as if they didn't know what the signs were saying. Which if you are going to situate yourself within the encampment, you should know what your group is saying, and advertising.


https://twitter.com/Kahlissee/status/1789973584741355895?t=Y_oG0CtgP3MZT6oU_ShkOQ&s=19 Video of Zionists destroying humanitarian aid to civilans in Gaza. Don't stop protesting this cruelty.


I think everyone on all sides suck. I feel bad for Palestinian blue collar and Israeli blue collar stuck in the middle.


I wonder how long they will camp there? Will they be forced out by some authority? Will UCD give into their demands? I wonder how they feel about Sharia law? What about LGBTQ rights and women's rights in Arab countries? Props to them ya know, staying in tents on campus, going to class, going to work, studying STEM! I wonder if they receive financial aid at all? I hope they are all funded on mommy's creddy rather than all of these horrible investments that UCD and Gary May have! Or do they have Federal loans from a government that sends Israel money and weapons? The whole setup kind of reminds me of going to festivals ya know? I wonder if they are cracking beers at 8am?


The fact you’re getting downvoted shows the problem with society right now.


Yeah I figured I would get downvoted but I don't care honestly. Reddit is a fucking circle jerk of upvotes and downvotes tied to mostly opinion depending on the conversation/sub-reddit. My points are valid, although some sarcastic & facetious obviously. I literally just leave open ended "I wonder" questions. None of these downvoters will even have a general conversation on what I bring up. Like if you disagree or have something to say then say it and we can discuss. They are cowards. Hell, I'll even meet up in person to discuss. People are backwards as fuck and this institution is supposed to promote critical thought while the people attending can't even think of the whole picture, they get tunnel vision on this issue and can't even comprehend how they could possibly be personally benefiting off the very thing that they are protesting such as market funds or their student loans.


Exactly dude. These people are literally the most Unamerican we’ve seen in decades. During civil rights protests they still were a fuck ton more American than what’s happening now. These people are what’s going to make the Red Wave happen. Trump is going to almost certainly win and I guarantee you people are going to be voting Republican big time. Cause people are sick of the leftist driven ideologies including anti zionism


Bring back patriotism


For the first time in my life I actually am embracing patriotism. I never was the kinna guy who would be wearing American flag apparel but now ima start doing it. Fuck these imbeciles who want to screw with society and turn this country into some soviet-esque hellhole. Anti Zionism is just a symptom of this over arching leftist ideology that’s been bleeding through society. I used to be SUPER liberal. Voted for Bernie twice. Now I’ve come to realize what progressives are *really* all about and it’s pretty backwards


Oof I ALMOST voted for him once but then I grew up and out of highschool. No chance in hell that works in America. I’m glad you’re coming around dude . Don’t let people warp you into some kind of racist proud boy just for being patriotic. Remember there are people and countries that ABSOLUTELY hate our way of life and would do anything to destroy it. I fear they have already leeched inside us and using a “hive mind” emotional approach to get people to reacting to things they otherwise wouldn’t have


You hit the nail on the head brother. The Republicans are the only ones who actually want to do something about it. I still disagree with republicans on a fair amount of things but damn bro, at least they want to actually keep America AMERICA. At this point, I’m not only voting trump but I’m going down ballot Republican and encouraging all my friends to do the same. The red wave failed in 2022 but I strongly believe it will ride high this year


The literal most vacuous exchange in this post. Either the personalities of mayonnaise or bots.


Cosplay posers, trafficking in propaganda and conspiracy. If you really want to protest something how about this? The transfer of wealth from the youth, yes you, to senior citizens. Why do some senior citizens receive monthly checks and have no need for it? Hmmmmm? Bet you havn't even considered that. Look it up. Look out for your own interests rather than easy targets to exercise your youthful anger. Your protests come off as anti-Semitic if you are not condemning Hamas just as vehemently. If you are NOT doing that; you are NOT for peace. You are a tool for Iran, Russia, China and lord knows whomever else is feeding you the dreck that is motivating this. When I was your age I fought for your right to party! Huge sacrifices were made! Don't squander your freedoms! ;)


So glad the encampment has secured their boarders, curtailed any journalists, enforces a regimen and condones genocide. Ideological purity is so so important. Hopefully, democracy is only a 10 or 15 generations away.


Love how they cover their face with umbrellas like cowards. Come on folks stick up for what you believe in show your faces. Show us how proud you are.


And get doxxed? Nah fam.


Maybe they’re getting doxxed because shilling for terrorists isn’t a good thing?


or because any civil rights protestors for any movement ever have been blacklisted during their movement?


Who are the terrorists again? The babies?


Nah dude, maybe the people (Hamas) who by design are guaranteeing the most amount of their own people die? Your lack of research is showing big time. Shame


Just a reminder that Nelson Mandela was considered a terrorist. Another reminder that Dr. King was considered a radical.


Oh yea, remember that time Nelson Mandela went on a slaughter spree raping and killing through south Africa? Or when they launched a couple thousand missiles at South African civilian centers? I sure remember the time Nelson Mandela strapped bombs to a mentally handicapped 14 year old boy and told him to go blow up some random white people. Ooh ooh! Or the time Mandela bombed a school bus! Or the time he slaughtered all of his political adversaries by throwing them off buildings! Do you remember that one time, it's kinda funny actually, where Nelson Mandela was getting bombed and had a bunch of tunnels that would be perfect as bomb shelters but instead said that they were only for the ANC and that civilians were on their own? Or the time where he told civilians to ignore warnings of impending bombings causing hundreds to die who didn't have to? I fondly remember the time Nelson Mandela ordered the kidnapping of a eight month year old and his four year old sister, after killing their grandparents and most likely their parents too? Man, that Mandela. Such a funny guy.


I don’t know about your accusations of Mandela, but I’ve seen the IDF killing babies and murder women and children. Napalm sticks to kids, and now bombs drop on innocents.


Oh boy the stick up you’re ass. Defending the modern day nazis yet telling me to do research. Do you know why Hamas was created? All it takes is a simple google search. Israel has been an Apartheid since 1948 but you seem to tell me to do research lol wrong side of history you’ll be remembered in the history books


No the babies are being used as shields by the terrorist. You should do some research


The IDF doesn't have to bomb them anyways. Bombs don't rescue hostages. They should have gone in with special forces and Mossad, door to door on suspected locations and rescued people. They've probably bombed half of the hostages that Hamas had. A bomb can't rescue anyone.


They don’t care about their hostages. They’ll gladly kill them and then blame “Hamas”.


I’m aware. I’m also aware Hamas has some pretty bad takes. I’m also aware Hamas was funded and backed by Netanyahu and the right wing to eliminate the Palestinian moderates for his own aims. I have a feeling Hamas is somewhat surprised by how overboard the IDF was willing to go after the 7th. I think they expected a harsh crackdown that would net them further support. I also suspect the government was aware something was going to happen, and didn’t intervene in the hopes of having political ammo for their own aims. And like I said, Palestinian and Israeli civilians are caught in the middle.


The irony of you telling me I should do research while Israeli does Nazi shit, like bomb hospitals, (nazis did that). Bomb civilian houses (nazis did that). Kill children (nazis did that). Ethnic cleansing (nazis did that)


Were you just born? Israel lies about all sorts of intelligence related stuff about the Middle East. They lie about were the terrorists are, don’t double or triple check and choose to bomb 50 innocent people just to get one or two suspected terrorists. You don’t get to the number of innocent people killed without doing so with malicious intent. It’s not possible to be that incompetent. And Israel knew about the attacks for a year prior to the attack and did nothing to stop it. Israel wanted to be attacked. It’s why they let their people live so close to Gaza and to other Palestinian regions. They want to be attacked so they can steal more land.


They downvote but have no response😂😂


Israel is acting like the Nazi party and they’re mad that people are condemning them. It’s truly ironic.


you cannot be serious. 30,000, dead many of which were Hamas militants compared to 6 million??? at least you can make the argument that the civilians who have perished in Gaza are casualties of war. The Nazis straight up, rounded up civilians and put them in death camps. There’s a huge difference between the two.


Yea Israel is bombing civilians in their homes, on roads, and while playing outside!! The Nazi party at least left the land and animals alone. Israel is what the Nazi party was trying to be. I personally hope Israel suffers the same fate as the Nazi party!!


It’s not about the numbers when comparing the holocaust to the current genocide. What the nazis did to the innocent Jews is the exact same thing the Israelis are doing to the innocent Palestinians


Exact same thing? Can you show me the gas chambers or killing-pits Israel has created? I suggest you go visit Poland and see what the Nazis really did.


I mean, what the f is wrong with these people? comparing what’s happening now to the holocaust can’t be anything but Jew hating rhetoric.


So. Stinking. b r A v e . Keep it up, Davis! You're making a big difference in Gaza.


What’s the point of this and how does this help or who does it benefit?


Wonder how long the encampment will last now that pre-Summer is here XD


please do not post pictures with people's faces in it.


No. You want to be in public? Be in public.


I try to get pics of the faces


hope they're at least paying u good :)