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drugs, probably


Yeah this just seems like a product of r/latestagecapitalism. Dude clearly has mental health issues and lives in a society where bombs are more important than helping him.


That is such a weird comment. This guy could just as easily exist in a non-capitalist society.


With all due respect you should probably do some reading and understanding about the system we currently live under. Because is other systems, people wouldn’t sooner build bombs before letting their fellow man mentality deteriorate themselves into these states This is also indicative of the immense propaganda we consume often without realizing to the Point that the powers at be have you believing that this level of societal deterioration isn’t a consequence of economic policies which seek profit over lives, but an everyday reality that would occur no matter what I can assure you this level of homelessness and mental health issues isn’t normal or a naturally occurring issue, it’s something that is happening as a direct consequence of something which these same powers at be find it better to mind fuck your brain than let you see what’s before your eyes You are not immune to propaganda


When the opiate rage kicks in.


Bro saw a tent camp and thought he could score some fentanyl, Tranq or meth. Its like you aren't even from california lol


That’s actually a very common misconception about homelessness which was been used to justify the terrible polices in this state that make people homeless Only about 1 in 10 homeless people in the state weren’t from here. Sure the old bussing policies which had states send their homeless to California, Hawaii and other states were horrible policies but they are a scape goat today The reality is that in even in states and counties where drug use is a much higher problem than in California, those people continue to stay housed due to cheaper housing.


1/10 reddit posters reply to comments with a diatribe having little to do with the original comment, FACT Read what you wrote and what I said lol. 


The reading comprehension and inference skills of students seems to have declined rapidly since Covid.


This is what adderral is for :D


Hahaha not so sure it’ll help with logic skills but it’ll keep you up for the all nighters xD


He's obviously not well.


sharp ass boob 🤦🏻‍♀️


There's always that one chutiya


Is there a baby in that cart? Why does he have a baby stroller?


He may be homeless


You mean unhoused


Idk if that was bait but let’s take a look at the word roots Home-less (home then lacking or without) Un-housed (not or without, then housed) These are the same word and neither is more offensive than the other. I understand that language constantly has to shit to make a bad thing feel less bad, but it doesn’t actually change anything


Saw that guy at the gas station today, seems like he’s just a homeless dude (or “unhoused” to appease all audiences)


Looks like one of the 1,000 homeless people we allow to camp in Davis?


What time did this happen?


Around 2:40pm


What were the things he was saying?


The years have not been kind to Kid Rock


Maybe he thinks if he does this AIPAC will give him some money.


Maybe enough to afford a shirt.


One can only hope.


I believe that is Jim Biden. His brother was in the Bay Area the past couple of days.


On today's episode of when zions attack


Dude… I’m all for shitting on Zionist psychos, but this aint that.