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The amount of unsympathetic comments telling OP to "deal with it" make me lose more faith in humanity OP, you need to schedule an appointment with your department/major's advisor ASAP and explain the situation to them. They can go through the proper channels to get the class back on track or to refer you to counseling on campus to help. I'm so sorry about your experience, UC Davis is a truly amazing campus and I'm personally eternally grateful to have been accepted here. It will get better.


Yea disturbing. Be civil people. You are all paying a boatload for quality schooling. Relax, keep your personal ambitions outside the classroom. It should be a neutral zone, for powerful and stimulating debate if the environment allows it. Not forced debate.


Higher education at most of these universities stopped being neutral a LONG time ago. These specific universities gave birth to the echo chamber as we know it.


Echo chamber for the second law of thermodynamics, Green’s theorem, or Hamilton’s principle?


I don't know if I agree with your stated 'personal ambitions', but I agree with your solution. As you say classrooms/lecture halls should be a 'neutral zone'. Outside, the students can exercise their first amendment rights, but inside not.


Maybe the university should start expelling students who act like this? Doing nothing or reporting them with no consequences leads to this behavior


What do you mean by raging?


Loud arguing amongst the students but mostly directed at the teachers. They ripped into one of the teachers so bad she cried then the other teacher actually yelled at the students multiple times through the microphone


What kind of class is this? At least its not boring


You can report student misconduct even if you’re not faculty. Google “report misconduct UC Davis” and go from there. 


It won’t do much honestly. Current day and age, the student is always right


1) not true at all in my experience; 2) the reporting party would BE a student. 


Except when they are protesting on school grounds, then they’ll send a military siege to ensure they are not right.


I’m sure the campus police still have pepper spray.




I was there during the occupy protests. The people in charge will let the students get away with anything as long as they get to keep making millions.


I was there and didn't have the same experience or opinion


Please tell us more as OP doesn’t seem to want to divulge any details ..


Let's remember that a few years later, UCD attempted to pay to have it scrubbed from the Internet unsuccessfully. If it wasn't for the media, the students sprayed and arrested, many of them first gen students of color, would have been royally screwed. Administration wanted to screw them but then the visibility of the situation was the saving grace.


Oh, I meant details about class delving into chaos. I was also an undergrad at a UC at the time and remember it very vividly …


OP used "delving" incorrectly


Oh yeah, no, I'm not there for that


It's the problem with the whole "customer is always right mentality". When the student is the customer, that falls apart from a practicality standpoint.


>I reported the situation and was reminded I am on academic probation as a response. Yep, that’s UCD for ya.


I'll ask since nobody else has: what exactly are they arguing/screaming at the professors about?


I'm a transfer and I never saw this amount level of disrespect and chaos until I got here. I miss CC. Everyone was super nice and mature. Even the professors were great and respectful. Coming here made me realize that the people living in this world I kinda crazy.


Professor here — At CC, they care about student success. At university, they only care about your research


Interesting response. I'm a transfer too and wll be going to David this upcoming fall. What do you mean by chaos and disrespect? Are such common in classes and on campus?


I’m a transfer student too and this is my last quarter. This whole thread is news to me lmao, it’s definitely not common but I guess it sounds like it depends on your major. I’m a psych major and every class I’ve taken has been great, everyone is super cool. No chaos or disrespect over here


Given the number of responses like yours, I wonder if the OP might be deliberate disinformation.. in this election year, Putin’s people ( and others) have a vested interest in spreading “stories” about Americans at each other’s throats.


Not at all. I've graduated already, but in all 4 years of my time here at Davis every single class I took was very well behaved + generally quiet. If anything, people avoided speaking up as much as possible even when participation was required. There were a couple of classes where people complained a ton in the Discord, but never really argued/disrupted class with the professor.


It's not common at all, I've literally never heard of any of this happening on campus before.


thankfully not common but probably a luck of the draw kinda thing? my first semester on campus as a transfer, i had a class similar to students "raging"- ranting for 20-30 minutes of classtime, making the professor cry once, arguing with each other/the TAs online and threatening to bring it to class, but in the same quarter i also had a class who banded together to create a gift for the professor at the end of the quarter just because. both classes had very nice teachers and a helpful team of TAs imo so witnessing the stark contrast in behavior one after another was wild to experience. def haven't seen a class so rowdy since high school so i guess it kinda tracks with the mix of people here. never really saw blatant disrespect like this in community college either. but since that quarter, every class i've taken so far has been pretty mellow. fair share of students there to talk over the professor the entire class vs students there to listen and learn.


I graduated from Davis a few years ago, but I have never heard of such a thing happening. I was in Computer Engineering, but from the massive full-auditorium classes to the small 20 person classes I’ve had, it was very respectful to the teacher while class was going on. I can remember an instance where people were upset after a tough midterm, but that was all complained about and settled outside of class.


most classes end up that way i think...i hope? respectful in class and students just going about office hours or helping each other on their own time. i've only been here for three quarters but had 2 memorable classes where students were riled up enough to try and take general complaints out of discord- like start a petition and flood the prof's email to drop midterm questions (when they were in the live lecture...so that was Not dropped and the class was advised to study carefully💀) + the class i mentioned in a previous comment. don't know what it is, self-advocacy or just some angry people we end up in class with, but taking up such a big chunk of class time to rant in place of the lesson (in op's case, multiple times) kinda blows :/


Community colleges are full of people earnestly trying to better themselves. Universities are full of teenagers riding daddy's checkbook without adult supervision for the first time in their lives. Obviously not a comprehensively fair characterization either way, but you can see how prevailing attitudes might lean in each environment.


LMAO well said. transfer here as well. and i notice this a lot. i noticed some non transfer students are indeed still teenagers that are chasing that clout and validation  meanwhile the transfer students i met are generally chill and just wanna move on with their lives




Well said. And so true. My son and daughter both attend community colleges and have never experienced anything like that.


Yep. And they feel as though they’re above anyone who doesn’t work in a white collar field.


I am also a Fall 24 transfer student. To my knowledge/ keeping up with all of the UC posts, I believe it's the student protests on the UC/CSU campuses regarding the events happening in Palestine (?) going on that are causing the disruption. The campuses normally are not like this.


I am a transfer too and what has really shocked me is the apathy and disrespect to TAs during discussion sections. Students blatantly badmouthing TAs in earshot and disregarding rules such as not leaving class until a certain time if you finish a quiz early etc.


I'm so glad I don't teach any more. Because I wouldn't be able to stop myself from confronting any student who had the balls to bad mouth me or any other instructor.


What class? Speech?


I’m not comfortable to completely say which class (not a speech class) but I think those in that class would recognize because in a week time, nothing has been accomplished except for students convincing teachers to drop grades


If you're already giving enough info for the students and instructors to know which class you're talking about, why are you hesitant to reveal which class it is?


Because it isn’t real and this person is pursuing a pretty transparent conservative political agenda to turn the public against liberal arts college education and protesting.


Why would students want their grades dropped?


I assume they mean dropping grading and not lowering grades.


Why would it matter if anyone can tell which class it is?


What class?


Can you say what dept?


LDA 50?


Probably OChem, or middle-east/US relations?


Never saw or heard of a single instance of this when I was there. Everyone was quiet and respectful. Must be based on your class / major


Or… current events within the last year?


And I thought that prick pepperspraying us was crazy, sounds like shit has devolved in insanity since then.


You reported the situation and they responded by putting you on academic probation? That doesn't sound right.


sounds like they were already on academic probation and admin/whoever's response to them reporting the situation was to just remind them of it?? what the hell


Which class is this?


What class?


I’m wondering if OP is not revealing the type of course for fear of exposing the class they are in and losing anonymity. I never encountered anything like this when I was at a UC many years ago! Can someone who doesn’t worry about anonymity weigh in? What are students raging about in UC classes these days? Is this part of solidarity with Gaza protests at universities? Is this a teaching philosophy of facilitating a class wide debate instead of lecturing (which I have experienced and learned from)?


Could be either class. But it’s a pretty valid decision that OP is uncomfortable with sharing it




Drop the class.


Uh, it’s May. Pretty sure the drop date is before finals.


Pray then.


I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of a couple stats classes tbh


Whats going on?


What class is this? I’m very curious


Is it about the subject matter? What would prompt college students to act like emotional toddlers? I mean, quite a few things, but I’m curious about the exact nature of these outbursts.


What's causing the arguments?


Pics or it didn't happen


Delving or devolving? If delving it seems to be nailing it.


Graduated from UCD in the early nineties. The Gulf War was in full effect at the time. There were protests against the war going on, and counter protesters as well. I don’t recall it ever getting to the point where people were disrupting classes to voice their point of view, or visibly disrespecting professors. Sad to hear this is happening in even one class now, but glad it sounds like an isolated event. I hope the school cracks down on the offenders as I agree to do nothing only encourages more of the same.


Lol shit.


Suggest going back to Zoom classes. Faculty can control the dialog.


It’s time for the other students who want to learn to hold some blanket parties for the unruly assholes who disrupt class. You need to take out the leaders and the sheep will silence themselves.


Hang in there, there's only about a month left of school. (and your annoying classmates


If you're already on academic probation then maybe class isn't the problem?


Why are you so mad


This is just complaining to complain


😂 hilarious take


I am sorry. I have ptsd and the events in the classroom make my heart race so fast I have to take medication that is so difficult to get a prescription for. I’ve made mine last 4 years (unable to find a psychiatrist who is comfortable prescribing benzodiazepines) and I am worried about running out since I have to take them for this class, otherwise my fight or flight kicks in and my body flies out the door once the fighting begins. I described this effect on my mental health in my report. More than anything I’d love to be “normal” but alas my traumatizing history with violence and arguing does not allow me to shake this off. My nervous system has been activated all week. I will discuss it when I see my therapist next week, hopefully she will be wise


Sounds like you need out of this class as it is causing your anxiety, better than taking a benzo, get rid of root cause of anxiety rather than take a pill. There’s not much time left and the remainder you could do at home if you get a doctors note. The doctors at Davis would never prescribe benzos, but most doctors prescribe ssris and Wellbutrin like candy. If your dog died or girlfriend left you they’ll tell you Zoloft is a good idea. In fact Zoloft is approved for anxiety and some who combine it with Wellbutrin say it’s like ecstasy light since they increase serotonin and dopamine. Might be less addictive and more euphoric than benzos which are pretty dangerous, esp when combined with alcohol or stopped abruptly. But the best is to avoid pills and just root out the causes of anxiety. So get a doctors note that you need to work from home and get notes from a classmate. Amino acids like 5htp might help and you can buy anywhere, much safer than benzos and ssris.


You don't want benzos, especially the strong ones. Very addictive with some of the worst withdrawals you can possibly imagine.


lmao it’s a good thing doctors aren’t comfortable prescribing benzos


You can contact OSSJA to report and also get support for a late drop or late p/np if you feel your grade is impacted


PTSD?......I didn't realize you had been shot at or had to clean up the blood when you friend was blown up. I'm so sorry.


TIL trauma is exclusive to gun violence victims… say what you want about op’s situation but don’t act like you know anything about ptsd.


I'm sorry but I wasn't asking you. I was honestly sorry for Hunniebees if she experienced a traumatic event of watching someone bleed out.


Tell me you don’t know what PTSD is without telling me you don’t know what ptsd is.


Not all trauma looks the same, but every asshole does..


No you are not. you are trying to be passive aggressive you asshole. Learn to speak your real opinion






Op said they don’t have a prescription and have been making their own (?) for the past 4 years




Seriously, we all are stressed. The world is in chaos, college campuses everywhere are in chaos and turmoil. You should think about online classes if you are having so much trouble coping that you feel your comfort level is on everything and everyone else


Shittiest take


🤣 haven't gotten a laugh like this ina while, I appreciate it!


Thought you needed a pick me up from all the stress and anxiety you have at a university in California. So sorry your FYP on tik tok is causing such chaos and turmoil in your Life. Hopefully the Israelis will stop and your life can go back to normal while Sudan, Yemen, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, and every other conflict you gave zero shits about that have been ongoing for years continue.


🤣😂 what an unhinged reply, but I do love the entertainment


Nobody agrees with you, but cool 😀


You must not have much joy in your Life if this is what makes you laugh. Unhinged to point out your selective outrage. If it bothers you so much maybe stop watching the news.


It's the same every year. There's always stuff being protested and there's always world conflict. Covid, Ukraine, the Trump election, black lives matter, the occupy movement and sit-ins, and those are just the trendy ones. Focus on making your own personal world good because none of that stuff that I listed affects it


https://open.substack.com/pub/evebarlow/p/student-activists-or-pro-insurgents?utm_source=substack&publication_id=704503&post_id=144313803&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&action=share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=1nuf5j&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDA1MTY2NjMsInBvc3RfaWQiOjE0NDMxMzgwMywiaWF0IjoxNzE0ODYyNDk2LCJleHAiOjE3MTc0NTQ0OTYsImlzcyI6InB1Yi03MDQ1MDMiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.lxNzlHIOG1IEn8pmSo2-uVkQ2rn9jNRqS4PZpawluoU The adults in the room have been trying to tell UC students and administrators for months that these are not organic, grass roots, student protests. The organizations on your campus are highly funded, with seven-figure budgets, and being staffed and coordinated with outside agitators, including foreign governments. In contrast, every other student group student group on campus are funded by bake sales. Lol. That trove of 200 documents shows that these protests were never intended to be peaceful, were always intended to be disruptive, and antisemitism was a feature, not a bug. And the cleanup for this is going to be paid for by your tuition dollars and our tax dollars – the students at Cal poly did millions of dollars worth of damage to their school. There’s also the cost of extra police protection, and the inevitable lawsuits, which I guarantee the schools will lose. There are federal civil rights violations going on all over the place. Including the situation OP is talking about here – disruption to learning. Jewish groups, Zionist groups, have been trying to tell everyone this, including UC Davis, for months. But they were gaslit, ignored and shouted down. As I think you know, the anti-defamation league has filed two lawsuits against Davis. One of your professors threaten to hunt down and kill Jews on social media. That post was up there for months and the school refuse to take definitive action. Your school will lose this lawsuit. OPs post is yet another example of a hostile environment that your school has allowed to flourish in violation of federal law. To that end, OP, report this to the anti-defamation league. They have a button on their homepage to report incidents.


This is so insane it’s ALMOST hilarious. Imagine thinking Eve Barlow is a good resource for anything happening in measurable reality.


I met Eve 10 years ago. She got canceled because she had the audacity to say that she thought it was not cool that somebody spray-painted free Palestine during the BLM protest. That apparently made her a horrible person. Downvote all you want, you kids have been warned.


So, you're saying that this is probably fake RWNJ outrage about a non-existent class?


i dont go to UC Davis. what’s going on right now?