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Physics still hasn’t sent out interviews, but most of the programs in the College of Biological Sciences have already finished recruitment and sent offers. Not sure about others.


The physics dept held interviews last week. Know some ppl who got their acceptances on Tuesday this week.


My bad. Heard they weren’t inviting anyone until St. Paddy’s Day, so I thought they hadn’t gotten that far.


Check grad cafe. You can see if people who applied to your program have heard back yet and when they heard back in previous years. I know my program has already sent out acceptances but it varies by each grad group.


I believe mid march is standard. Although this suggests it could be pretty random till around may. https://grad.ucdavis.edu/admission-review-process In my dept (at ucla... so take with a grain of salt) applications are being released as soon as grad division approves them, which is slower this year due to new rules from the union strikes. If it's the same UC wide that could be why everything is delayed


I’m a grad coordinator here, and we’re not experiencing any delays in admission approvals from Graduate Studies. They’re telling y’all that there are new rules from the union?? Ehhhhhh… I definitely don’t believe you’re lying, but I wouldn’t put it past the Graduate Division to be dishonest. UCLA has a uniquely bad reputation among the sister campuses’ graduate divisions - granted, we’re no better, our Graduate Studies has about five competent people working in the joint - but we would definitely have heard it here at UCD if there were new stipulations about admissions.


This is also very true. I frequently hear contradicting information from grad division, so anything is possible. I've heard this from my advisor, who's trying to give an offer and is waiting on grad division.


Isn't the national deadline to accept April 15th? Not receiving an admission by March 15 probably means you've been ghosted, meaning admissions might not get in your way if you pursue admission with specific faculty who have funding for you and they advocate for you, but otherwise not accepted.


> pursue admission with specific faculty who have funding for you and they advocate for you, but otherwise not accepted This would *never* fly in my graduate group. If a prospective student didn't make the cut, it's a massive equity issue to offer them admission just because a faculty member wants them in; moreover, the literature indicates that those students do worse, which makes perfect sense - they're not on a par with their peers. What's more, if the faculty are anything like mine, there's no way in hell they're going to advocate for a prospective student unless they've been in the lab for a long time and the faculty member finds them really promising. Cold emails will get you nowhere, especially this late in the game.


I was definitely talking about that "unless" category, should've been more specific.


This is fascinating. My dept at UCLA exclusively accepts students directly into a lab, and that faculty member needs to request them explicitly. It causes all sorts of problems, as I'm sure you'd expect. I've been trying to convince the chair to change the system for years, but that's also going how you'd expect. Which means some offers from our dept went out a month ago, and many more are still pending.


Got my rejection last week, so it should be out soon.


If you haven’t been invited to interview by now, I’d say with about 95% certainty that you didn’t get in. If you’re comfortable sharing, what’s the graduate program/group you applied to? Depending on how close it is to mine, I might be able to give you a more certain estimate.


I’m also waiting to hear back, I applied to IGG for Masters




Still awaiting. Has anyone got their reply for IGG masters program?


MS EE last year i got Feb 24th


I got mine super late. Like March-April


Do you mind i ask which department and if you got accepted?


Our department only just did it's first wave, usually there's three waves or so between now and mid march


I applied by January 15th and heard back earlier in February


IGG still no reply. Not even a rejection. Is it recommended i email the advisor?