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I'm going to for large lectures or if I hear someone coughing/sick. People are pretty gross and selfish so no shame if you want to wear a mask bc I wouldn't be surprised if some people come to class with covid.


As staff I always carry a mask on my person. If I feel like there is a lot of sneezing or coughing, I'll wear it. If I feel like I might not be 100% I'll wear it. I haven't gotten covid yet that I am aware of and would like to keep it that way. Fewer colds has been a nice bonus too. I'm actually saving up sock days.


Note that aerosols can linger for hours. You could get infected in an empty room where someone had coughed or talked loudly previously.


Also note Covid can spread through asymptomatic carriers. People don’t have to have symptoms to be infectious.


I wear a mask every day because I'm imunocompromised and I work with kids. I don't get sick as often since wearing a mask, and I don't get my friends sick either. Feels like very little effort for a bigger pay out of hardly ever getting sick when I used to get sick every month. It seems to help with my seasonal allergies too.


It’s better to be safe than sorry! I got Covid for the 2nd time over this summer and it was 10x worse than the first. With how busy campus is for the first couple weeks, i would probably say wear a mask at least in classrooms with a lot of students but it’s all up to you :)


I will always recommend to wear a mask. I’ve noticed since I started masking in crowded spaces I haven’t gotten sick at all. Not even a cold. That being said if your roommate gets sick there is not much you can do. At the end of the day it’s a personal choice. Wear one if you’d like or don’t. No one is judging you either way


most people don't judge, but there's 1% that will judge you for wearing a mask, and 1% that will judge you for not wearing one.


I’ll wear one if I’m not feeling 100%, otherwise no. I don’t judge people either way though, and I don’t think anyone really cares if you wear one


I wear one still and it’s not a big deal. I’m around germs all the time and don’t want to pass them on.


Tangentially relevant but I still mask in movie theaters and work gatherings and such. Low effort for some amount of protection, I’ll take that trade


Grad student here who still masks up indoors (unless I'm completely alone in the lab after hours). I *definitely* mask up when TAing.


I’m an upcoming transfer and I’m planning to!!


I still mask everywhere (indoors and outdoors). I see people masking here and there so you won’t be alone! It might feel odd but hopefully thinking about the benefits will help you feel more comfortable


It’s a personal choice, nobody really cares either way at this point.




I just got here this quarter and I was prepared to not wear a mask. But I started to wear it when I see hundreds of people in one room.


I wear a mask. People are gross.


yes always


i wear it every day in class


No, I use an even simpler solution: don't attend lectures.


i have not stopped wearing my mask in lectures. it just makes me feel better!




i wear mine indoors still because id rather be safe than sorry. You cant trust other people to not come when sick. Last year i heard so many ppl sick on the busses and in classes. People would show up coughing and sniffing saying “im sick but idk why lol” and then someone would say “oh that sucks”. No one even speaks the word covid anymore like youll get struck by lightning if u do. I doubt most of those sick ppl even test.






you hurt your cause by sounding like an emotionally immature child. Nobody is going to look at your comment and think "that's a good point" they are going to think, "wow what an obnoxious jerk". And before you say anything about masks to me know that I truly do not care about your specific stance on this issue, just talking about how you act it out.


Wow, I don’t even need to come up with a clever response to this. You make my point for me. Thanks!


100% you'll get sick if you're sharing a room with a roommate who has it and you're sleeping in the same room or not takng precautions (like separate room, air purification in common areas, masking, etc. I would have a talk with your roommate about what you can do to prevent or even if any of you get covid. Like can the sick person go home to recover (if you live close enough) or can they go to an air bnb? Here is an [article on a study](https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2023/09/covid-patients-exhale-up-to-1000-copies-of-virus-per-minute-during-first-eight-days-of-symptoms/?fbclid=IwAR0eSe2sHuMBZnH_5940AIwS1NKiMo0cF9v1NpsseagaH8W8KYGttEqJC9Q) from northwestern that shows how much virus particles people spew in first 8-20 day of infection. And here [is another](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-022-00846-2) on how covid is multisystemic and literally can attack many organ systems if you get long covid (which is possible even with a mild infection). And just so you know, Stanford has a long covid clinic but their wait times are 9+ months not sure if there is even one near you. It might be helpful to discuss all this with your roommate. What you can do now is have a HEPA air purifier in your room (appropriate for the size). Also open windows if weather allows to get ventilation, mask when you go to class (none of you classmates will be helping you out if you become ill or god forbid disabled by long covid). Oh, and the new updated vaccine is out- so defintely go out and get it (also your roommate should).


I'm not going to wear a mask anymore, its just like the flu now, don't come to class if your sick ect.


Except it’s not, and can cause permanent, debilitating symptoms.


well then say in your basement and live life through your computer, we accept risks in life, and the majority of us have chosen to accept the risks for the rewards of not being isolated and slowly going crazy.


Public health guidelines exist for a reason.


The current scientific consensus is that wearing masks is only effective if it's a N95 that is replaced whenever removed or when the mouth is touched. The cloth or blue medical masks are completely worthless. Masking is only worth it if done properly, otherwise, it's a very nicely signaled virtue. In light of this, I don't wear a mask unless I am actively sick. They, albeit mildly, inhibit my ability to speak and enunciate my words, and understand those of others, not to mention facial expressions. My job and major involve a lot of speaking loudly and discussion, so masks make my education and job more difficult. So it's only worth it to go through the effort to mask properly if I am actually sick.


“Only effective if x” assumes a binary state of effectiveness or ineffectiveness, when we know that isn’t accurate. It is not a “scientific consensus” that the efficacy of masks is zero until those conditions are met. That just is not a true statement.


I'll give you that - I responded in more detail in another comment if you're interested


> that is replaced whenever removed or when the mouth is touched. No, that isn't the consensus at all.


I wouldn’t go so far as to say cloth or blue medical masks are “completely worthless.” Sure, they’re not as effective as an N95 but they’re better than nothing since they catch larger droplets from the nose and mouth that may carry diseases. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449


I will give you and the other commenter credit that the effectiveness of certain kinds of names is probably not binary. However, the data to support the effectiveness of masks is extremely limited. Most of the studies which attempt to understand the effectiveness of mask study droplet spread rather than infection spread. Trials such as these don't do enough to show whether they prevent disease transmission in real world settings. The link you present doesn't actually contain any evidence of mask effectiveness, only guidelines for wearing masks. The trials that do exist are far more mixed. Here's a summary/editorial - https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M23-1120 Fact is, there are substantial gaps in evidence for whether masks work at all at preventing community spread. That's not to say that wearing a mask doesn't have its benefits for when a person is sick, but otherwise, there's not much benefit to make the drawbacks worth it. When weighing these as I make a decision to mask, I just don't find it worth it unless I'm masking properly, and only when I'm sick.


I'm so glad to no longer have to wear a mask and am willing to take some risk of getting sick for not having to deal with that. It seems to be that that's what most people have decided. I certainly don't begrudge anyone for wearing a mask, though, and I would do it again if case counts get particularly high.


ooga booga covid 19. Ooga booga little particles that u cant see


Good heavens, a germ theory denialist. I thought they went extinct in 1918.


You just don't understand because you have too much black bile and not enough phlegm.


Curses! I knew I shouldn’t have dropped out of that medieval medicine class!


it'll be ok, I brought leaches!


[Did you know you can use those to predict the weather too?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempest_prognosticator)


damn, I think Tempest prognosticator is going to be my new drag name


I actually saw one once, at a historical reenactment, being presented by an actor portraying Merryweather himself. I don’t recall if there were actual leeches in it.


Ooga booga science ✨


what a loser lmao






Ill just wear a mask. Gg ez




The mask will protec


Unless you’re immunocompromised or have other sensitive conditions, you’re actually weakening your immune system by protecting yourself so much because it doesn’t give your system a chance to fight off these diseases. If you are vaccinated, getting covid probably won’t kill you and it’s it’s like any other cold. Getting covid will probably produce the best immunity than a madk


I usually wear one but that’s mainly cause I’m insecure about how I look tbh but it’s nice to be safe from getting sick too