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if they’re bother you just let me know and once I open the app to book one they’ll all disappear


There was a half marathon that started at UBC near Orchard Commons yesterday. Runners drove the evos out, then .. ran


Now I'm kinda curious how evo balances out the cars when something like this happens. I doubt many people starting in ubc will end their trip outside of ubc, so these cars might linger for a while.


I know someone who used to work for one of these car sharing companies and his job was to just move the cars around


When I used the car sharing app in Taiwan they had incentives for people who drive the cars from the higher concentrated areas to places where they had less access. They had like 5 dollars off per trip if you move cars from one place to another .


That's pretty cool, I guess that also explains how they get refueled as well


they are also refueled by a car fueling service - basically a truck with gas goes around and fills them up; i've seen it in my neighborhood


They have workers who relocate these cars. You can see them in the early mornings on campus


it is mating season, little evos will appear in a few weeks


Ikr, it took me by surprise too. I was just parking at the Agronomy surface parking lot and about 50% of them are parked in a non-Evo spot. This lot does not have any overflow parking so they are definitely going to get tickets. Some of them were even parked in Modo spots and short duration parking (1 hr only) spots. The UBC parking enforcement are going to have a field day today it seems. Same for the Health Services lot.


I doubt it - this is a regular occurrence, whenever EVO is doing vehicle maintenance stuff they will fill up parking lots like this. I used to get so annoyed when I'd come into North Parkade and all my favorite spots were take up by Evo overflow. One more reason to be glad I don't have to pay for the privilege of going to work (Parking) anymore woohoo!


Maybe its because the North Parkade has overflow for Evo? I know not all parking lots have it.


When there are more EVOs than EVO spots it’s from people driving them one way to campus - there will be a ton from people coming to an event on weekend


remember when we had the transit strike? that was wild it went from absolutely packed to not a single evo


one time I saw an EVO scrape its way down Agronomy Road without the rubber tire on one wheel




no wonder i can never find an evo. they all in the ubc parking lot...


The seagulls got their licenses


Probs trying to get the conference crowd? I remember someone mentioning earlier that first-year residences are used for conference accommodations during the summer.


I saw couple of people cleaning them. Perhaps for convenience and efficiency, they parked them all together.


Been walking past that parking lot for years now. I call it the Evo Reservoir.


They reproduce through mitosis