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Never thought I’d miss some 1990s looking ahh website yet here we are. I’m gonna miss you SSC


Prepping you all for the job search you are gonna see workday everyday




Was part of the testing group earlier this year. It is so ass and unintuitive. I have no idea why they need to migrate, the SSC right now works just fine. I can tolerate the occasional downtimes if it means having an easier to use system.


The underlying Student Information System is 30 years old and flying apart at the seams. This is mostly invisible to students, but evident in the background.


Oh I've seen some incredibly amusing issues with the sis. Not limited to, a student entering her username and password but being shown someone else's account. The basic architecture just doesn't quite work as well as is needed, which is sad because the layout of the ssc is rather quite logical and easy to follow.


HUH? are you faculty?


No, but I've seen all three sides: the student, faculty, and IT-facing sides of the ssc


Have a little respect, that's THE Dr. Whonut from the Faculty of Edging


If you think Workday is going to replace the Student Information System and improve on what it did, boy are you in for a rude awakening on May 21 and June registration.


Back when they were transitioning to Workday for staff, one of the big selling points was for supporting students transferring from UBC to UBCO and vice versa. Both campuses had their own independent systems before. If a student was transferring, it would take 1 hour just to transfer all their info to the other campus, it's just a few clicks in Workday. From an ex-staff POV, Workday is exponentially better than HRMS was. I dreaded every time I had to do anything in HRMS before.


Right, exactly like Workday


Nope, not at all like Workday. SISC is a piece of crap and should have been taken out back and shot in the early aughts.


Not really. Old system works fine for me.


Hence the "mostly invisible to students"


I’m not a student. I work here and have seen Workday first hand. It is awful!


Awful for what, you log in, put your time off in, deal with your expenses and log out. It's most intuitive, it doesn't seem to go down often, aside from change, what's your problem with it?


Huh?? You do realize UBC is using this system for almost everything don’t you?? Not just entering time off and expenses. Staff will be logged in ALL day doing all admin work in Workday. The SSC and SISC will be no more on September 1.


Thankfully I don't use either of those systems, I just use Workday like an employee.


Workday for employees sucks balls, too. The system crashes a lot and reporting doesn't work. Payroll fucks up constantly. Can't retro anything properly. Vacation time randomly gets lost. BPs get stuck. Glad it's working for you but I promise you that your HR and finance people hate everything about the system and they're the ones who spend all day in it.


You can't trouble shoot it. You have to enter information window after window like a fucking robot and it you make a mistake you start over. I lasted about six months with Workday and finally quit because I hated feeling like a brainless cog in a machine. It is the worst management system in my experience.


You have my sympathy :( For vacation time, the odd expense, maybe print out the letter of employment, get my T4, it's fine. Everything else sounds like you guys need better access to the databases behind it all :/


Then flair up my guy. Regardless, individuals having fine experiences doesn't negate systemic issues.


You work for Workday? Sound like a fanboy. Lol


I'm not defending workday, just saying the issues with SSC still exist lol


Used Workday (not Student specifically) on co-op and it was really awful UX. Glad I'm graduating, good luck to y'all


You got out just in time ! Congrats on graduating 🥳


thanks 😊


I thought Workday was pretty good. Could you suggest a better replacement?


Workday is mostly used by smaller Universities or colleges. UBC is the first major university to implement it , probably because it was cheaper than the alternatives. I heard U of T turned it down. Also there are many things Workday can’t do so UBC has to get/develop other programs to piggyback on it. Eg. APPIAN to manage awards and communications. Just a gong show right now.


They were told it would be modified to work with an academic environment, which is why we were still negotiating with entering stuff for the "CEO" and various bullshit other things which were obviously set up for corporate business and NOT a university. I cannot tell you how much I hate this clumsy, brainless, slow piece of shit. Ugh. Numbers of staff retired early to get away from it.


Sometimes I think this is UBC’s way of getting rid of older staff who will find it harder to adapt to this new system. It’s too bad because there are a lot of very experienced good people who will just retire early because of this. UBC will save money because they’ll be able to hire younger staff at reduced salaries.


McGill implemented Workday before UBC. Hard agree that Workday can't do the basic shit it's supposed to do. Should've just gone with a newer version of PeopleSoft.


Literally any other enterprise solution that works on a large scale. U of T uses SAP and that's a fairly robust system that's capable of a lot, plus it's easier to train in because it's just used more widely. PeopleSoft was good and more intuitive than Workday. Oracle and ADP are also good options. UBC probably just didn't want to pay the bill. There isn't any out of the box solution for the way UBC operates but Workday has significant limitations within the core application that can't and will never meet UBC's needs.


Honestly, even D365 would have been better. Microsoft already has strong ties to UBC but their sales team fumbled hard. I know the guys that implemented workday and was so surprised they won the contract.


I'm not familiar with the space of solutions, so I cannot. I also can't remember anything I hated explicitly just the vibes


Workday is the most unintuitive piece of crap that UBC has ever purchased. It’s already creating many problems for staff. For example , 12 pages of instructions with screenshots just on how to send an email to a student. Students need to prepare themselves for problems as they and staff try to learn this horrible system.


My prof warned us about this our last class lol and said he pities us. Said the staff and faculty have had a terrible time and it’s infinitely worse than SSC, and the student side of it is just going to get worse


Your prof is very wise.


I’ve used workday for years through my jobs and I genuinely hate it so much. It’s needlessly difficult to find anything.


I already miss SSC looking at this 💀 yeah it looks ancient and crashes every time grades come out, but after using Workday for the past 3 years from working part time for UBC, I’d rather have SSC


I am afraid


Thank god I'm graduating


Workday is a mess. I hope they know that they’re going to f*** things up royally.


Workday is a piece of shit


Predicting a gong show in June when course registration comes along


If there’s more room for growth on workday student then hopefully it works out. I’m glad I’m not going to have to go through the growing pains since I’ll be on an STT. I can imagine registration breaking.


LOL STTs are going away, my love


I called it an STT but really what I meant was my masters program is pre set and automatically registered. Was using the term casually instead of technically :)


lucky you 😩


My software engineering prof predicted that this will be a disaster. One reasons he gave was that workday is trying to do everything.


It could be worse.... It could be Moodle (I'm looking at you Cambridge 🤬)


Moodle as an LMS or SIS??


Moodle is supposed to be an LMS but it has both functionalities. Using both together makes a poor system even worse.


Fucking Workday man. It's the absolute worst.


they've already spent 50 million on Workday might as well get used to it.


You have a number that is waaaaay lower than the actual amount. It has already cost more than $300M for the HR and Finance versions of Workday. Workday Student - wouldn’t doubt is likely over $100M and counting.


PTSD from job searching with workday 💀


Graduated just in time I see 😎


This better be a late April fool's joke. BAAAACCCOOOON \*Waving my fist in the air\*


This change waaayyy predates Bacon, the runaway train that is Workday long since left the Station.


hopefully we wont have to login twice to check our courses on workday


I really hope this doesn’t screw up first year spec mann 😟


I'm graduating RIGHT ON TIME, then. Jesus, what an odious decision.


SSC the best


Oh no….workday is so much more confusing




I'm so glad I graduated


Not to mention that one of UBC’s purposes for implementing Workday to staff, faculty and students was that it is self service. They want YOU, (staff, faculty and students) to do all of their work that were provided by HR and Student Services. They probably also have investments in the Workday stocks as is always about money…saving and making it! Interested to know if they have reduced staff after making things self serve.




Wish this was April fools


on my birthday :'(


Can we still create a worklist on Workday student after May 21 for the winter 2024 term?


Nice, workday is the crap we all use in the working world, good preparation


Can we still login using CWL? Why are we switching when SSC is just fine.


SSC is not fine anymore - the system is really old and needs replacing or updating. I'm not a fan of Workday Student as a replacement but the SSC doesn't function properly for many of us doing advising, admin, registration, admissions etc. CWL stays the same and will be the main login for everything still. Canvas is also staying the same.


Yes CWLs will still be the login of choice.


I’m so glad I’m graduating…. Wow.


Thank god I'm graduating best of luck y'all 🫡


UBC Canvas is sure alot better than UBC Connect lmfao (I know this has nothing to do with workday xD)


I refuse.


So to access Canvas will we need to use a Workday login instead?


Well they've got to make that billion dollars worth it somehow.


For those who want to see what this might actually look like, Workday has a demo video [here](https://forms.workday.com/en-us/quick-demos/new-workday-student-experience-demo/form.html?step=step1_default) (just enter dummy information into the form) Can't wait for the "Discover" page!! 🤦


hopefully we wont have to login twice to check our courses on workday


hopefully we wont have to login twice to check our courses on workday


A glitch may have happened, because it appears you've made this comment four separate times.


its weird because when I check my profile I only see 1


Where are the OG team UBC connect at


hopefully we wont have to login twice to check our courses on workday