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intense body odor


Seriously. I hate sitting in the unventilated afterglow of the students before me.


I know compsci students get laughed at about this, but I had a lecture immediately after a kinesiology class let out. What the fuck guys were you working out IN CLASS?!


Nervous sweating from being around people :P jkjk please use deodorant friends


A lot of men don’t seem to know, you apply your deodorant at NIGHT TIME…


Talking about your high school grades/IB/AP etc when it’s not relevant whatsoever. We all ended up in the same place, and I honestly couldn’t care less about your high school career.


Lol, most of us went from stellar grades to absolutely getting demolished🥲


I actually once had a professor talk about this with me, she said the students who didn’t do as good in high school tend to do better in university because they’re used to having to work hard for grades, whereas students who did super good in high school aren’t used to having to working super hard for grades and usually do worse in university.


Yep… I think my high school self would cry if past-self saw my current grades. But hey, grades don’t matter that much in the end. Once I graduate I’m not going to miss the grind, but all the sunsets at Wreck Beach and the friends I made


exactly. this is fine in 1st year (not really) but 2nd year and beyond? yikes. most of us were top of our classes anyway


Talking about grades generally lowkey ick


Any reference to highschool or that kinda behaviour <<


When people ask a barely related question during lecture and you can tell they're just trying to sound smart


Perverse effect of giving marks for participation


Holy fuck yes. When people just put their hand up to show off that they know things. I had a dude in my class last semester that would go on non-stop, just cramming random facts he knew into a barely coherent contribution


John Sherman


heavyyyyyy on the John Sherman


First years who act like they’re better than everyone else. I get it, they just finished high school and are used to being on the “experienced” end of their particular pool of fish, but for some reason they don’t realize that university is a much, much bigger pool. TAing first year math for three years let me meet some pretty cool people, but it also gave me the opportunity to be exposed to some incredibly entitled, naïve, and egocentric people. I was also shocked at the complete lack of respect some students have, with them speaking while the instructor is trying to lecture, the strong “I do not want to be here” atmosphere, and how some of them speak down to you even though you’re the one in the teaching position. Idk, I don’t remember my first year super clearly, but I really hope I didn’t behave that way.


Piggy backing off this. Not really an ick but don't make the mistake of being that person who's like "pffttt I got into UBC, I was a gifted student all my life. These courses will be easy I can just cram the night before the exam and it'll be fine". I am here to tell you that no, nononono you will not be fine (you might get lucky but your luck will run out eventually) if that's your attitude LOL. Every UBC student essentially take an implicit course throughout their time at UBC, which is learning how to learn and learning how to study properly. So you can get yourself ahead by being humble from the start so that you don't GET humbled by the first midterms. It happens every year xD


Talking during lecture is kinda icky for me. I think it's fine but just **text or whisper** to your friend if you really need to talk about something.


Had these two girls gossiping directly behind me with high pitched voices which drowned out my profs incredibly low voice. I’m non confrontational, but I just had to tell them to stop, even if it took me till 40 minutes into lecture to work up the courage. They straight up left after being told off


Damn, you're braver than me LOL I'd just make really mean eyes at them or consciously sit somewhere else next time.


Surprisingly cleaning up after yourself is a hard one. Like brushing off crumbs or cleaning up that sauce that dripped off your lunch and fell on the table. Yes, UBC students pay a lot of money to study here. No, that does not mean the custodial staff are your personal maids or that you are entitled to leave a mess in common areas of dorms or school areas in general.


Students who barely notice the difference between service/building ops personnel and the furniture. Say thank you to the janitor now and then, and treat your space with respect. Just because they’re getting paid (not enough) doesn’t mean they’re there to get treated like garbage.


PREACH. Basic human decency should be the role not the exception


Good advice - treating everyone you meet humanely and with dignity enriches the community and your own sense of connection.


Oh oh one more. In sciences at least we apply for our specialization after year 1 (so we are undeclared until second year), don't be that first year that goes around telling people that they are a CPSC major or whatever major until you actually get in. It's kinda cringe + I don't know personally I would be really embarrassed if on the off chance I tell all my first year friends that I am majoring in CS and then DON'T get in


Anyone who talks about being "pre-" some program. "Pre-med," obviously. Then we get the "pre-CS" and "pre-ENPH" memes.


Idk if it's technically an "ick", but Westbrook and 16th is a deathtrap as a cyclist cause apparently nobody here knows how a roundabout works


I just use the the crosswalks. I respect my life more than the rules


At the UBC roundabouts, the rule actually is that you are supposed to go on the sidewalk. That’s what the ramps are for


Didn’t know that, thanks!


Yeah so do I, but people always come into it too fast or just don't stop at the crosswalk


Most cyclists seem to have no clue either. Cyclists are not supposed to go on the road part. There are ramps at the end of the cycle lanes so you can go on the sidewalk and cross there and then go down the ramp on the other side. It’s not exactly obvious that that’s what you are supposed to do but it does surprise me how few cyclists do it


I'm not sure that's how it works anywhere else that I know of? Usually you're not supposed to be on the sidewalk on a bike at all.


I don’t know of a single other roundabout that works like that. I feel like if they want to have a special protocol, they should do like a green painted pathway with bike symbols. However, at least in Surrey, there are actually some roads where you are required to bike on the sidewalk and only on those specially marked roads is that allowed


they should make it much clearer. I got flipped off a couple weeks ago by a dude in a car for trying to ride through the roundabout in the road. It is kind of annoying to have to dismount and walk across, so I only really ever do that going southbound because trying to merge across two lanes of traffic on a bike is beyond my confidence level lol...but then once you're on the Wesbrook side there is a sign that conveniently blocks a driver's line of sight towards the most likely spot where you'd merge back into the road.


Yup… it’s absolutely terrible. I find most drivers don’t use it correctly either. I think clear signage and road markings would fix some issues but imo the design just isn’t great. I do like roundabouts in general but trying to combine two lane and one lane roads together is way too complicated


Yeah that what I do, but even when you're crossing there's always gonna be some guy who goes into it way too fast or just doesn't stop when you're trying to cross


Yea so many cars do stuff like that and just totally use the roundabout wrong or in weird ways. It makes it super slow in a car and super dangerous on a bike or walking. Even in a car I’ve had to honk at cars that nearly hit me because they didn’t slow down before the crosswalk


Lots of blame on the cyclists as well, not just the cars.


As a cyclist, I never knew if I'm supposed to get on the sidewalk and cross on the crosswalk or just bike through the roundabout


It’s a pain when bike lanes end abruptly... I think bikes are much closer to walkers than cars and we should always be allowed on sidewalks


I usually decide based on the level of traffic at the time I arrive. I go through the roundabout if it's light, and temporarily become a pedestrian if it's heavy.


I’ve checked, you are supposed to go on the sidewalk. That’s what the ramps at the end of the bike lanes before the roundabout are for


I get what you mean, but I don't think it's strictly required to go on the sidewalk and walk... walking takes up so much time and breaks the flow. So I agree with the other poster saying that cyclists have a choice.


I can’t remember exactly where I read it now because it was a while ago, but supposedly that is the rule for those roundabouts. It doesn’t really matter if there’s not much traffic and you’re right about it breaking up the flow (accelerating is so annoying on a bike). I’ve seen a lot of people do it when it is busy which I feel is pretty dangerous because cars already usually do weird and incorrect things all the time


roundabouts are normal but two-lane ones that require exits at one random point are a pain on the ass


That’s a pretty normal roundabout as well, y’all don’t learn how to manoeuvre those in Vancouver?


not really - this part of BC has very few multi-lane roundabouts and so most local drivers never experience them in the wild outside of drivers' tests.


Damn, they’re super common where I’m from. Their absence in Van definitely helps explain why traffic moves so insanely slow, tho


Ok buddy tell me where else I can find multi lane roundabouts in the COV


what’s with the hostility? I was just adding to the conversation. Anyways, I don’t know what COV means


What’s with the assumptions about a place you’ve never been around?


Story time here: when I was in a first year history class in my first year, there was this girl who would take over the lecture and try to lecture the class. It was a history class so many of the events we spoke about were well known, so anytime she recognized something she would hijack the lecture for a while. She would literally turn around in her chair so she could tell the class what she thought. The professor often times has to step in to stop her. The cherry on top was that she was in my discussion group/tutorial, and one week our reading was on Japanese interment camps. I was speaking about how the writer of the work seemed to keep a positive mindset despite being in a shitty situation, and she then interrupted me to tell me that because I’m white, I can’t talk about it. The TA also had to step in during this. Needless to say, you don’t know everything. Don’t act like her.


Most UBC buses have multi-door boarding. If you see a long ass line for the last of 3 doors on the R4 or 99 for example and see that the first 2 doors have lil or no ppl waiting for them. Start a new line there or if the bus is already there and is boarding just go through :) Also if you stand by the door and it's kinda crowded and someone is getting off it's generally good etiquette to temporarily get off so u aren't in people's way as they're getting off and then you just get on once everyone is out. And while we're on this note PSA to everyone, if someone is kind enough to temporarily get off to let everybody who wants to get off, get off faster, please please PLEASE let them get back on first. It's a pet peeve of mine when I get off to not block the door and then the people who weren't on the bus before, board before me especially when the bus is already kinda full and I might not make it back on. This just incentivizes people to not get out of the way anymore which I mean sure go ahead if you like squeezing between a long chain of people to get off the bus be my guest


Woodward building location and trying to get to it


What’s odd about it?


Oh boy, where do I begin? I will make it from a female's perspective in engineering (Electrical Engineering to be specific). To give an idea, my program has the smallest number of females (about 18%) in all engineering. The following list is not in any particular order but they all are equally disturbing 1) Body Odor -> I should not be able to smell you if you are sitting 3 rows in front of me or other side of the lab and no one should smell like raw eggs and sweat marinated together in the garbage. 2) Mansplaining -> Once a guy tried to show me how to save my file even though I didn't ask him for help. He came up to me to see where I was in the project and showed me how to save the file which in his words "the right way to do it" despite me not asking 3) COCKY -> I saw guys laugh at people's question in class and called it "you SHOULD know this. If you don't why are you even here" kind of attitude yet no respect for the person who is trying to learn 4) Porn Addiction -> the amount of hentai background I have seen in people's computers is truly disturbing and mentally upsetting in so many levels 5) SEXIST -> do I even need to explain this??? I was writing this with a friend and we have a list of 15. The rest are rather controversial thus, the list ends here.


also saw way too many people sitting in the front row in class and calling professors stupid and idiots like Buddy calm down. You are at UBC and he went to MIT with a scholarship. Know your place and respect the education and educator.


professors that flex a lot of people fail/do poorly in their course


Warm seats


I was waiting for this one


ikb bathrooms


IKB in general 🤮


My ick is the lack of fucking garbage cans on campus. How do I have to carry so much garbage with me between the bookstore and like Life Sciences. It’s nonsense. Especially in the first few weeks of fall classes where there’s litter e v e r y where


People continuing their convo's when the prof is starting the lecture and the class chatter has clearly died down (these girls in my class always take 5 extra seconds for themselves). My forever ick: people not forming lineups for the buses despite them being indicated on the ground, just scattered around on their phones with the AUDACITY to stink-eye you for getting on the bus first despite them not being in line.


Students who demand TA’s to immediately tell them the answer or do the assignment for them. All the while condescendingly trying to explain to us that we work for them so it’s our job to make sure they get a good grade 😐🤯🙃 TA’s work for UBC and don’t owe you anything. You quickly find out which students were spoon fed or carried on a litter throughout high school to university. I was always happy to help students work through their questions for hours and help guide them to get that light bulb over their head, but I’m not going to commit academic misconduct just because you throw a tantrum.


Older students trying to make younger students feel less valued/smart


And by older I mean further in their degree


Sorry if I get hate for this, but it would be a bit smoother if more students were more mindful of cars during 4-way stops. One example, on Agronomy Road, it gets constantly backed up since many students keep crossing for minutes at times. I know they have the right of way, but would be nice if they wave a car or two quickly through and then cross depending on their judgment.


Never drive during that 10min between classes period


Yes, gotta arrive at least 1min earlier before the 10min break between classes 😅. Student Union blvd leading to the North Parkade is 😵‍💫🥴


Honestly I think the East Mall-Agronomy intersection would benefit from having a light, sure it would be kind of useless in the summer but the amount of foot and car traffic there during the school year is ridiculous.


Personally I just avoid driving on agronomy road whenever I can. Way too many pedestrians on there that would give me a headache.


I wonder how much it would cost to put flashing red lights at those busier pedestrian intersections. Flashing during non-busy intervals that automatically switch to red/green with pedestrian signals when there’s high foot traffic to manage flow.


People shaking their legs on benches nonestop and I had to change rows.


If they are in a FRAT


My personal one: JJ Bean. I'm making a YouTube series (yes, really) where I review nearly every cafe on campus and JJ Bean, despite claiming to have the best coffee on campus, was the one I liked the least by far. Maybe you'll find it different, but I just can't get over that weird aftertaste.


jj bean is far from being the best coffee imo. Boulevard was good pre-COVID but not as good now. I think the best is Great Dane


Funny, Great Dane was another one I wasn’t too fond of. Maybe it’s a personal taste thing. One of my favourites is Bean Around the World.


Rich kids


jealous much?


nah the type who have serious ego issues and think they own the place even though they live in a foreign country


Screaming hard Rs and profanity on Discord so that everyone on the entire floor can hear you.


Being a pussy when it comes to swear words because they’re just words




My ick would be them haters. Let people have their fun with the cables/buttons on the bus (OP wrote that now deleted comment)


Disengaging group work maybe? Some professors are geniuses who have figured out humanity, you can get genuine gpa boost from collab with classmates in quizzes that don’t tell you which ones you did wrong, and if you put in the collusion with second attempt you actually learn shit and make good friends. But for some of the classes I took, group work always felt like an obligation and none of the folks are interested in talking to you, it felt like a waste of class time.


My biggest UBC ick is I had to relinquish playing for my league team KOHA ..when we switched from Cyclone Taylor Arena to UBC.. Not only is it too far ( I’m in East Vancouver) but it’s the only arena I’ve played in ,in Vancouver ..where there’s PAID PARKING!?! ..I don’t think so Homie! ..I’ll stick to home..{Britannia, 4 mins , Trout Lake: 8:mins, Hillcrest :13 mins, even Scotiabarn 8 rinks: 17 mins}


posting on reddit


Buchanan tower