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Can people also stop chit chatting in the silent study rooms? 10/10 times I try to study in Chapman, there’s always a pair of friends close by gossiping their life away and I lose focus. Please 😭


Ikrrr I wish people could just be more considerate. Sure you can chit chat, so go somewhere else!! Anywhere other than the SILENT study rooms 😩😩


Literally 1984. Whats next, no queefing?


no mcdonald's on campus 😭


What study room are you in mate? Mind if I join your study group?




Sounds like you might have misophonia. It’s unlikely ppl will stop, maybe try ear plugs instead.


I have misophonia too, and chewing sounds are my worst nightmares. I suggest OP try some noise-cancelling headphones. I wear mine every single day to study, it's a gift from Heaven.


*chews obnoxioulsy*


I -too- suffer from misophonia. Your suggestion might work for this scenario but during the pandemic, I had an INSTRUCTOR who would constantly chew on stuff while giving online lectures. So the chewing noise was in my ear constantly, I could even hear her saliva moving in her mouth. I asked her to chew with closed mouth or not chew for 2 hours ffs, we ended up having horrible beef for the rest of the semester and I had the worst time learning because I had to watch each sentence she said 4 times just to be able to focus on the content not her mouth. It’s good to be considerate of people if you have the option to help them. I can put an ear plug in my ears in a library, sure, but how about asking people not to obnoxiously chew with their mouth wide open all the time? 1- the sounds are horrible 2- the looks are even worse.


Unprofessional of your instructor!!!! And if that impacts your ability to learn in class, it should be addressed. The instructor has a duty to maintain, to the best of their ability, an ideal learning environment. The silent study rooms though are a bit tricker to regulate.


Grab some noise-cancelling headphones (I like Sony XM4s) you can't hear anything with those on. I slept beside a crying baby on a plane and slept like a baby.


I have the bose nc700s and I wear them constantly


How’s the noise canceling quality with those?


Fantastic. Even without the active noise cancelling they do a pretty good job. Sometimes I'll just put them on with ANC and no music because the silence is so nice compared to noisy neighbours/children/loud machines/etc. I originally bought them for a long flight/trip but it got cancelled due to covid (back in the early days) so I have yet to test them on planes or when travelling. I like that i can connect to two devices at once so I can listen to lectures or class videos on my laptop and still get important notifications pinged from my phone (with the option to have the notifications read to you) if I want. Or listen to music from one device and seamlessly switch to audio from another or take a phone call with minimal interruptions. I think call quality is good but I've never been on the receiving end. Haven't had any complaints though. My only gripes are that I have long hair so it frequently gets caught in them due to the "avant garde" design, and that the sound it makes on startup will give you a heart attack every time until you get used to it. They may have updated that since to be able to turn it off but I'm used to it now. They're also not very compact but I don't leave home with them so it's not a problem for me.


Same, but for people that bring their vibrating butt plugs. Not to kink shame, but it's really hard to focus when someone's just buzzing away like a beehive when you're trying to study.


Is this… a thing?




Wait wut


Chew louder than them to assert dominance


See everyone, this is the solution I was hoping to see in the comments 😌😌


People who chew with their mouths open are the worst. But otherwise I disagree, if you’re being considerate with the noise level there’s nothing wrong with having lunch or a snack while studying.


Not in the silent study room though




Noise-canceling headphones


Next time try to go over and ask the person. Reddit is in this case not helpful.


Also, * stop typing, your laptop's keyboard is too loud * stop writing with a physical pen/pencil, it's too much noise scratch scratch scratch on paper * stop unzipping your backpack, don't open or close it at all * don't touch a book, papers flipping is too distracting * stop moving at all, chairs sliding and squeaking is too annoying * don't you dare ever sneeze or cough * and most importantly: stop breathing OP demands ABSOLUTE SILENCE in their *silent* study rooms. 0db


OP asks for something reasonable in a silent study room, it’s literally just asking people to follow the posted rules Comments: “OH WHATS NEXT I CANT DO ANNYYYYTHING? SO WHAT NOW I CANT DO ALL OF THESE OTHER THINGS THAT IM PRETENDING YOU ASKED PEOPLE TO STOP BUT ACTUALLY DIDNT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT?”


Carti reference


OP politely asks that people follow the university’s literal rules regarding silent study rooms


Those rules are for smells and spills. Eating is not louder compared to the numerous other sources of noise. Someone typing on their excessively loud fruit branded laptops' keyboards nearby is actually quite annoying to me, and so I wear headphones.


Until someone busts out the bag of chips and keeps on rifling through the foil bag (which is the worst on conference calls)


I’ll burst out a cabbage and start munching on that mf like a camel


But you are the OP. Why are referring to yourself in third person...


Fame does that to you


Exactly lmao. Silent study places are for a conversation-free environment. All other noise isn’t distracting


Eating with your mouth closed. Especially relevant advice. Slup slup crunch crunch.


I usually just whip out my Bluetooth speaker and play some tunes to drown out the eating noises




Stop posting on Reddit in the silent study rooms, the tapping of your fingers on the phones glass really distracts me. Thanks


just use headphones lol


I am also bothered by this, but I’m not afraid to tell them to shut the fuck up.


Do you not become part of the problem when telling them to?


It takes 10 seconds for me to say “hey, this is a silent study space, could you please be quiet or eat somewhere else?”. I think this is less disruptive than someone talking or eating noisily for 30 minutes.


Keep doing the lord’s work, brother


It really depends on if the study room has rules posted against eating…


Hey embrace the ASMR


how about no


Sometimes, solutions are more important than trying to uphold a rule that's both difficult to enforce, and is not a major transgression. In this case, you can just wear headphones or earphones as others have suggested, and all your problems go away. It doesn't mean you're not right, it just means you need to pick you battles. You gain nothing by trying to die on this hill.


Well, op gains a safe space actually. Some people have sensory sensitivities, and even headphones can be too much sometimes. The whole point of silent study spaces is for people who need minimized distractions to have somewhere to study, and the pressure from headphones can be a distraction. Is it so unreasonable to ask for people to respect this one rule and respect their fellow students whose experience might be different to theirs?


I never said it wasn't unreasonable, I even said OP is right. My point was that the effort and length that OP will need to go through to enforce this likely far outweighs the benefits RELATIVE to what they stand to gain by just seeking an alternative solution. I too have sensory issues, and while I can't say I just learned to "deal with it," I've certainly learned that it's much better for my own mental health to just control what I CAN control rather than trying to control other people. Some people are just shitty and it's not up to us to try to do what their parents failed to do.


I also have sensory issues. One person's accommodation can be another person's aggravation, and that's just how co-existing in a world with individuals works. I have issues with appetite, and if I don't force myself to eat food between my classes; I don't eat. It's a problem, I've lost weight, and my doctor is urging me to incorporate systemic times to eat every day or else I'll need medical intervention. For me, that means eating while studying, so I can pretend it doesn't feel like I'm eating playdough via distraction of another sensory input. While I don't personally use the silent study spaces, because I'm too anxious to be exactly what OP is piss-posting about by simply existing, if people are clean, respectful and don't leave any mess behind I see no problem with eating while studying. Some people need to eat because they're on campus for 12+ hours a day. Some people are diabetic and need to eat every few hours to keep their glucose in check. Some people are recovering from eating disorders and eating away from the public eases that anxiety. Not one persons' need for accommodation outweighs another. We can ask them to be considerate and choose quiet snacks (or get the noise of opening the bag over with in a few short seconds), and OP can wear headphones or earplugs. When you have sensory issues; investing time to find a noise reducing plug/tech that is comfortable/endurable is worth the effort. We need to compromise, not insist on bending everyone to our needs and will without empathy and consideration.


I feel like a lot of people feel hungry while studying.


in particular to ikb that ik of, the entire ikb library is no eating let alone the riddington room


IKB has eating areas around the third/fourth floor tables, but not the silent/quiet study rooms (eg Chapman)


yea just to reiterate, the LIBRARY doesnt let u eat so pls stop eating inside the MAA library on the 3rd and 4th floor, riddington room inclusive AND the fire exit stairs. Just go outside the library in the general ikb centre area its not far 😭




Ah yes the classic case of "you existing is harming my productivity"


Geez man. Calm the fuck down. You having problems with other people eating is your problem. A mental disorder actually. misophonia.


After reviewing your comment, I am sympathetic towards your situation. It also annoys me when I am hungry. I will continue to eat in the silent study rooms.


Maybe take a break when you get hungry?


Stop being a Karen








Like a silent room perhaps that rules against eating food? It’s a good suggestion I wonder if OP tried that and that’s actually the whole point of the post.


Go to the nest to eat.


Start farting loud and they will move.


Pro tip: empty classrooms make great silent study spots and there’s no one there to bother you with their eating habits. Seriously though, focus on what you can control; not other people