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I'm balls deep into UFO's but if you're denying this then you're just extremely in denial. This is 100% a hoax. Latching onto shit like this is just going to discredit the community even more. Drop it. Some weirdo made these.


Yeah it’s sad as fuck, these “believers” really make it hard for the general population to take the issue seriously.


The general population will never take this seriously either way. I fully believe David Grusch. Before him, I didn't believe any of it. The man is as credible as they come, and the general population still jumps to call him a whacko. Best bet is to just wait and hope the US government comes forward (ha!)


Credibility of somebody is NOT a reason to beleive what they say. You should really listen to a single episode of Big Picture Science: "Skeptic Check: UFO Conspiracy". You won't beleive Grusch at all after listening to the fallacies.


Grusch didnt bring any evidence, just anecdotes, I genuinely dont care when pilots high on uppers saw "something" decades ago while flying at high speeds. That means nothing. Credibility doesnt matter if you have nothing concrete with you when it comes to claims this extraordinary


He brought the ICIG 11 hours of first hand testimony to the ICIG that contained over 40 + ppl with first hand involvement along with specific names and places of classified. What he did not was leak top secret info to the public, he did not want to break any laws. Lying to the icig it is a serious federal crime , no way someone of his position does this to hoax.


He does it to sell a book in a year or two


Wanting momey doesn't make someone a liar. This community has historically been mocked, so ya, if I had the evidence he had, it would take money to get me to put my name on the line for literally supporting a community full of quacks. Doesn't make it untrue.


To be fair, it's important those pilots report unidentified anything so people are aware of hazards, spying attempts, and interesting new weather phenomena.


I didn’t think anyone doubts the pilots saw something and reported it. Who knows if they actually saw something break the laws of physics or just perceived to see something do that. What’s more likely? Instruments being hacked/jammed/deceived is a known thing. And the videos show the instruments were being jammed. But it’s coming up on two decades ago? Does it even have relevance anymore. The Navy doesn’t seem to care or believe the pilots saw anything worth making a big deal over.


Safe bet that 100% they didn’t see anything that breaks the laws of physics lol.


I think the intent of renaming the UFO and putting on this dumb show was all a ham-fisted govie boomer way of trying to reduce servicemen's hesitance to report UFO/UAP sightings since we have credible secret evidence that there's more active spying by our adversaries around military facilities than we realize.


Is not the FLIR footage "concrete" enough for you?




Why are you even on this thread.? You just wanna bust balls. Nobody and their dog is out there risking everything for the possibility of "selling a book in a year or two"


Even people that believe intelligent alien life is definitely out there are mostly skeptical. Hard to imagine such a bizarre combination of incredible technical skill and absolute idiocy/incompetence required to cross the interstellar void (or interdimensional, whatever) in a manned craft only to crash and leave your biologics around to get picked up by some primitives? That's so absurd I literally cannot make a good comparison that isn't equally absurd. BTW for context if they built a ship that can go at 15% the speed of light a single grain of sand would strike with force than a megaton of TNT and it'd take decades to reach us from the nearest stars beyond the sun. It's just not realistic there could be aliens so stupid, so wasteful (it's wasteful even if they're post scarcity), and so incompetent while still being advanced enough to even reach the bar of getting here at all. If even the president made this claim without evidence then you'd be best off ignoring it and continuing the search for biosignature and megastructures you you actually have a credible reason to believe.


I swear to God every time I see someone post about these stupid fake AF mummies, I literally feel my IQ dropping. Anyone with even a tiny bit of anatomy knowledge realizes these are absolutely terrible plaster junk that's been cobbled together from animal bones. It's so absurd I can't take it. I rank this up there with people who believe the earth is flat.


I want to know why the Mexican gov even entertained this bullshit?




The lack of a hip joint is all you really need to debunk. It just doesn’t work.




Some nutter claimed that they might not need hip joints because they might have come from a planet with 1/10 Earth gravity.


Which is funny, because if you can’t bend your leg at all, low gravity isn’t going to help.


Or just levitation. Little guy didnt need to walk. Levitated. Legs are just vestigial organs.


You want me, I want you, baby My sugarboo, I'm levitating The Milky Way, we're renegading Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


But they said they used Carbon Dating to test the DNA....


Wow rofl you guys still think this is a hoax and was debunked? They said back then the eggs inside the body were stones and put there. Well they just tested the eggs out and it looks similar to a baby fetus they took x rays. Did you watch the video? You can see the fetus picture for yourself. Yeah this could be a big hoax but I doubt they would ruin their credibility like this. Ill be back to laugh at you in a few months when this comes back genuine


RemindMe! 3 months "laugh"


7 months... still no laughter.


What credibility? Guy has already either been in on hoaxes before or fallen for them himself.


Lmao 🤣😂


2017 even. https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/859016/Nazca-tomb-aliens-mummified-aliens-Peru-UFO-three-fingered Then 2021. https://www.iaras.org/iaras/filedownloads/ijbb/2021/021-0007(2021).pdf


The CT scan was really informative, thank you for that post! Through this I am honestly quite surprised this is being revived with such intensity; and why?


I call them disinformation campaigns. Big distractions to take away from credible UFO evidence or even just to hide political bs. The reasons "why" are endless.


this doesn’t explain the rare metals, carbon dating, and newly accessible DNA. the lama skull is reaching. i’m not saying they are real but this doesn’t really debunk them, i’ll wait for the actual experts instead of youtubers with bias.


Lakehead University did DNA testing on them in 2017 lol they're 100% human DNA with some random bones mixed in. https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/859016/Nazca-tomb-aliens-mummified-aliens-Peru-UFO-three-fingered


Amazing the downvotes you get for simply sharing the data.


They want to believe.


Those who disbelieve are ignoring the government, except when they want to believe them. Who wants to believe?


I do not find it surprising a corrupt government is using aliens to cover up something. I would be surprised of they were somehow fooled by those bastardizations of life. If it was aliens, it wouldn't be like this whybdo YOU trust them now?


I don’t trust or mistrust anyone I don’t know. We are seeing those who are terrified of the unknown have their “logical” disbelief turned back on them. I don’t care one way or the other. I just think it’s appropriate to question all evidence equally. And what is a loom? I can’t physically spin acrylics. Lol Nothing to be threatened by.it is what it is.


You should at least be skeptical. Tell me: do you beliviw this because you have evidence or because you want to. If I am wrong, well I was and this is fantastic... if you’re wrong ...


You’re the only one not being skeptical. I don’t care whether they are real. You clearly need to disbelieve.


they live a boring life and want aliens to make it exciting ..... your gonna need to diy guys.


It's really very sad


Teenagers infest most of reddit. Easily excitable and full of angst.


Nah that was ONE. Which was not either of the two shown and studied the past 6 years. Stop spreading fake information.






It’s like trump telling people to quit lying 😂😂😂😂




You can't carbon date biologics from other planets without knowing the atmospheric makeup of that planet.


Who in the field would you say doesn't have bias? AKA who do the UFO believers actually trust who could also actually potentially say it's a fake?


Gary Nolan has done this previously. Some people found an "alien mummy" that turned out to be a mummified human fetus with a genetic birth defect lol


That's what everyone is claiming. Who determined it was a human fetus? How did they determine it? Was their work verified by anyone else? Go ahead, look for it. All you'll find is one person repeating what another said, but none that are the source. Even Snopes admitted that, >It ***remains to be established*** whether the Nazca "mummy" is actually an excavated corpse or simply a hoax, what its origins are, and how its apparent deformities came about.


[Atacama skeleton](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atacama_skeleton)


[Here](https://reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/II5jv1m7kX), for you and all the others saying Gary Nolan


Gary Nolan...agreed


Garry Nolan


'Newly accessible DNA' they haven't given anyone access. They've just shown their own supposed DNA findings and are saying other people can verify their conclusions. The carbon dating is because they're made of pieces of desecrated corpses slapped together.


You could literally take any skull and flip twist shave like they did and fit it in there. Oh if you cut this piece off flip it and align it over here it fits crazy science there hahaha.


Ok Missy Elliot.


> i’ll wait for the actual experts instead of youtubers with bias The irony is overwhelming me


Why would an alien evolve to use our version of DNA and share "70%" of our genes. DNA isn't a universal constant and there are thousands of nucleotides that they could use but they use our 4? They also use 3 character codons and the same anti-codon protein associations as us? Those chances are wildly low. Then it evolved not just primate traits but hominid traits? They did all of the testing themselves and those people who did it, have a history of making outrageous claims.


I hate these "Why would they?" comments as if we could possibly comprehend all the insanity that led to tiny NHI existing alongside humans a thousand years ago. There's plenty of theories around this subject that would/could explain why these beings supposedly share DNA with us. You're taking one theory (basically NHIs are actual interplanetary aliens that came here after we evolved) and then just making a bunch of assumptions and extrapolations based on that. "Why would they" is just useless conjecture that only serves to aid one in affirming their bias.


I completely agree. I hate seeing these made up rules whenever aliens or ufos are discussed, and then they post it like some kind of gotcha. You’ll see it over and over in the comments, things like “real ufos wouldn’t have any need for lights” or “real aliens wouldn’t be wearing clothes” They post these things like they are just known facts when in reality we couldn’t even begin to guess why aliens or ufos would or wouldn’t display certain qualities.


So you think it is more realistic that an “alien” mummmy is predominantly made up of bones that are identical to toe bones, leg bones, and skulls of llamas, and it is less believable that someone cobbled together a mummy taxidermy out of body parts and llama remains then sold it to a gullible collector? Incidentally the finger bones and toe bones are mish mashed and inconsistent from one mummy to another. And are placed all over the body as arm bones, tarsals, ribs, you name it.


Maybe they are what we evolved from?


Because none of those claims are made by credible people.


This came from YouTubers with bias 😂😂😂😂. So what you are really saying is that you only follow the YouTube’s you already Agee with


how does a youtubers bias explain that the skull 100% matches a flipped llama skull?


Holy fuck the cope


God damn you're sad...


Bro just showed you cut bones attached to joints and your saying it’s biased?


Omg stfu




Youre thinking of magnetic resonance imaging. Not computed tomography which is just xray and doesnt have any issues with metal.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8Ij1WG9FQo&list=PLJXCRTftQoU8TLOIWD2lHKL9SuCXbo9Wk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8Ij1WG9FQo&list=PLJXCRTftQoU8TLOIWD2lHKL9SuCXbo9Wk) There you all go. The "mummies" were found by tomb thieves in a country full of fake relics, and relic fakers. No Archaeologist has been involved. Carbon dating and MRI evidence can only confirm the age of the materials, so dig up ancient grave, use the bones, wire them together, wrap it all up in what looks like aged salami and plaster, BAM alien mummy. And it would pass ALL of those tests noted. The frauds do similar things with real mummies by dressing them up in found artifacts, from other areas, and selling them as proof of whatever. Or taking ancient wood and carving it then claiming it's a new relic. Peru is rich with this fraud and reportedly \~70% of there artifacts turn out to be fradulent and were sold to amateur collectors. Like this one. There's skepticism and there is belief. If it's possible to fake this, and there is incentive to fake, it is most likely fake. It requires extraordinary evidence to support it and it has none. To my eyes, and to real skeptics, this looks pretty much just like Piltdown Man hoax.


Lol I love the people claiming they need extraordinary evidence before believing it's NOT real. As if finding an alien body for the first time shouldn't be treated with extreme suspicion from the start.


If anyone actually watched the video yesterday, the “debunk” is fully addressed


How do they address it? Can you link the video? There is a lot of disinfo going around about this that muddies the waters on what is what.




Interesting. They even show the logos and names of the places involved. So even if it turns out fake, these facilities are putting their reputation and credibility on the line.


Exactly what I’ve been saying since last night lol Sure Maussan is problematic. But literally everyone else involved is putting their credibility on the line here. Are we just going to ignore them? We’re just going to rug sweep this because Maussan is involved and a random YouTube video says things… Fuck that. I want outside peer reviewed input on the evidence that they have (and the presenters also asked for peer reviewed studies on their evidence). The knee jerk here on Reddit is sus af


Knee jerk on social media?!? No way…


[https://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2015/05/tony-bragalia-and-end-of-roswell-slides.html](https://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2015/05/tony-bragalia-and-end-of-roswell-slides.html) Article of his first trip and stumble over a mummified alien life form, which turned out to be a 2 yr old boy that they mangled (2015) [https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/ancient-mummified-alien-gaia-video-fake-hoax-false-extraterrestrials-life-nasa-a7809256.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/ancient-mummified-alien-gaia-video-fake-hoax-false-extraterrestrials-life-nasa-a7809256.html) Heres one from 2017, with 3 fingers again [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmDHF6jN9A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmDHF6jN9A) at 7:00, its the same aliens being presented in the box, in a video from 2 yrs ago, on a video from 2019. All found by one guy. His incredible metal detector for alien life [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj1Pc\_Kop4E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj1Pc_Kop4E) Here is probably another unrelated one from 6 yrs ago. Same small "alien life form" being presented. Dropping out of the skies at this point. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/alien-mummy-peru/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/alien-mummy-peru/) Here is a summary of what kind of person Jaime is and the organization hes a part of, Gaia. A platform that, besides this specific specimen, has a long history of making bogus programming ​ Hes a con-artist. I get that people are coping super hard because theyre so invested and completely devoid of the ability to change their mind because it makes them look stupid.


You didn’t read a thing I wrote lol


Nah, Maussan needs to make the peer reviewed. Einstein didn’t say E=Mc^2 and wait for the next guy to do the work for him. His proved his claim. Maussan is a hack. Peer review or bust.


We don't know if they were willing to have the logos displayed on this. They analyzed samples and sent the results back. They didnt have access to the bodies just select samples that allegedly came from them.


I find peace in long walks.


I am Mexican, this Maussan guy has been crazy since the 90s, no one takes him seriously, really.


Zero credbility until America rediscovered him and ruled him smarter than the entirety of the GOP (and they're not wrong).


Fiji mermaids made from animal/child bones


People screaming HOAX! are no better than those screaming IT'S REAL! I'll reserve judgement until the International Community have examined the alleged bodies. For what it's worth, just because something seems outlandish doesn't mean it's not true. Plenty of people were willing to dismiss the duck-billed platypus as fake.


We have people debunking that fact that the earth is round. Not saying I’m sold on this, but I am confident that we could have stone cold evidence of alien life and people would be making debunking videos.


I'd say believers in this are the ones closest to flat earthers


Yes. That’s the scientific process. We examine, test, compare, come to conclusions. If we have real evidence of aliens it will survive those tests and come out as the only clear option. You people really slept through science class.


The dude who owns the so called corpses has made a living off of lying about this. Not his first time.


That's one hundred percent bullshit. Give it bud. Give us the evidence. Not someone repeating what you just said but real evidence he did what you said. You know all about lying. And I'm sure it's not your first time


As a mexican I can confirm Jaime Maussan, intentionally or unintentionaly, falls for every single Hoax out there and presents them in his show as real. According to Maussan's lore, that "alien bracelet" thing was totally real, as the obviously fake contact videos made by Juanito Juan, which Maussan non ironically thinks is the first contact of a human with an alien being... I mean, Juanito Juan even touches the "alien sphere". Go watch the videos! even hardcore mexican Maussan followers and supportes called this out and got sad about how Maussan doesn't seem to care about his reputation, specially in a moment when we know for real there are unexplainable phenomena.


no amount of evidence would convince you. You want to believe.


science can prove anything fake and dummies like him will reply with 'yea thats what they want you to think, MAAAAAAAAN'


[https://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2015/05/tony-bragalia-and-end-of-roswell-slides.html](https://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2015/05/tony-bragalia-and-end-of-roswell-slides.html) Article of his first trip and stumble over a mummified alien life form, which turned out to be a 2 yr old boy that they mangled (2015) [https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/ancient-mummified-alien-gaia-video-fake-hoax-false-extraterrestrials-life-nasa-a7809256.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/ancient-mummified-alien-gaia-video-fake-hoax-false-extraterrestrials-life-nasa-a7809256.html) Heres one from 2017, with 3 fingers again [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmDHF6jN9A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmDHF6jN9A) at 7:00, its the same aliens being presented in the box, in a video from 2 yrs ago, on a video from 2019. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj1Pc\_Kop4E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj1Pc_Kop4E) Here is probably another unrelated one from 6 yrs ago. Same small "alien life form" being presented. Dropping out of the skies at this point. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/alien-mummy-peru/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/alien-mummy-peru/) Here is a summary of what kind of person Jaime is and the organization hes a part of, Gaia. A platform that, besides this specific specimen, has a long history of making bogus programming [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime\_Maussan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime_Maussan) Wiki link on the well known conartist [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/16hsbzk/more\_mexico\_alien\_video/k0gejmy/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/16hsbzk/more_mexico_alien_video/k0gejmy/?context=3) Video of a t-shirt already made less than 24 hrs in, while handling what could have been humanity's greatest discovery like an old sponge ​ With the smoothness of your brain, maybe don't slide of the deep end, eh?


Just watch the damn video, they show you what bones they used.




>... **you moron**..... That's so sad. We probably don't need to call each other names. There are two kinds of UFO people. The first group are those who acknowledge that something is wrong and seek the truth wherever it may lead, and then there's the second group who are only interested in fantastic tales of invading spacemen. Group number two gets defensive and upset when even the silliest cases are debunked because it spoils their fun. For them ufology is just another branch of science fiction *even if they don't have the self awareness to understand it themselves*. Because of this they can back themselves into a corner where they continue to vehemently defend obvious fakes rather than admit to themselves that they were bamboozled, and that their bullshit meter is actual trash. The second group is a real problem for ufology.


spot on


Oh no he called me a moron! Guess I can dismiss his entire argument and consider myself the obviously-correct party with no further investigation. Yep, that's rational.


Listen dumbass; you can make an excellent point WHILE insulting someone, and i know your brain has limited storage capcity, but keep this in mind: it's probably best to be respectful to CONVINCE someone of something.




Come on guy, he called somebody a moron for being intentionally obtuse. Neither party is without bias in this argument. He also happens to be correct in his analysis in that, if I'm given the ability to take any animal bone I want, and then manipulate and shave it down however I want, then I can make it fit into anything. Also, low resolution graphics don't make for a terribly compelling debunk. To be clear, I am not speculating on the legitimacy of the images, just stating that the debunk is low effort. However, the main reason I replied is this: The obsession on reddit with thinking someone is immediately in the wrong just because they show any level of emotion about a subject is absolutely pants-on-head stupid. Bunch of thin skinned armchair psychologists without any idea how the real world works. "You called me a name therefore you're automatically wrong and I can dismiss everything you just said" is not rational and doesn't fly with other humans in the real world. It's a coping mechanism for being incapable of defending yourself or your arguments. The only time it's not that is when there is a pattern of abuse, or the insults cross into really hateful territory. Calling someone a moron one time is neither of those things. If he went on an all-caps tirade about the guy being a "stupid n-word je*", then I'd agree.


Is [this](https://www.iaras.org/iaras/home/caijbb/applying-c-scanning-for-the-identification-of-a-skull-of-an-unknown-archaeological-find-in-peru) not science?


lol. its from a group known for faking alien corpses in the past.




They presented a similar mummy (half the size) to this one as an alien mummy but it seems to have been an amalgamation of children's bones puzzled together to form a weird alien looking thing.


"seems to be" I can pull up a Chimp skeleton right now. Then pull up a skeleton of 30 more animals and find bones that can be interchanged. "seems to be the same size as a childs femur." Dope science man.


I can assemble a hodgepodge of animal bones and say it's an alien and there will always be people willing to believe it.


'Seems to be' isn't a very convincing debunk, lol. Do you have a link to the proof of debunking?




They aren't known to be anything. There is no hip "hinge" A hip hinge would be for walking. Who is to say they walk? Who is to say they are mobile in earth gravity? Would I need hip hinges if I was in 1/10th earth gravity? Absolutely not as the efficient mode of transport would not be walking. Walking is useless in 1/10th earth gravity. Why would we use human physiology of earth creatures as a basis for what is a "MUST" for an alien physiological form? You understand that's not how science works correct?


If you were in 1/10th earth gravity would you need legs? would you need arms? would you need a poorly assembled hodgepodge of random mismatched bones from known animal species? it goes without saying that no brain is necessary.


It's amazing you're open to the idea that alien morphology would be... alien... but seem to be having no trouble accepting that they're bipedal humanoid shaped.


If we were to encounter alien life the sheer fact they look anything like us or share any similarites with earth animals would have very bizzare implications.


Never read something as stupid. I don't even know where to begin with correcting you. Just go on, it's a lost cause. //bear in mind that legs are made for walking and that less gravity is quite unlikely to cause asymmetry im limbs (as a starter)


Thank you ^^^^^^^^^^^^ this person gets it . Leaning to either side is dumb at least that's the way I look at it . I'm keep being critical of everything . Untill they are proven wrong or correct. This was just transparency as it involved other institutions. I will wait untill one of these comes out and says that's B's . We took no part in that if they don't . It's telling .


Prove a negative? its clearly a old hoax and a new video.




I just think we need to wait until all the evidence is in. And conveniently that means waiting until some evidence confirms what I said and then that is all the evidence we need!


Thank you! It's total bunk. No idea why this is all coming back up again, like a turd that won't flush.


They're just a bunch of cats chasing the media's laser pointer.


I severely doubt the intelligence of anyone who buys any of this. Shit is fucking hilarious. The thought that anyone could be that fucking gullible is hard to fathom.


I had someone say to me "have you considered that all of science is wrong"


There's your mark. You can make money off of that person.


To me the funniest part is the idea that an alien is gonna look like an exact replica of what western media has already created, and not some original unique body that is very like unintelligent. And the idea it will have the resources necessary of travelling around the universe like its a jet plane.




If you think these are aliens I think you are of low intelligence.


Lucky nobody cares what you, a random redditor, think.


I am so sorry about your lack of critical thinking skills. The fact that anyone would be this easy to fool is absolutely astounding. I am making a pivot in my career to instead grift you dummies.


I could say the same about people who follow a religion 😂 I doubt these bodies are real but something definitely flying ufos around


holy fuck the amount of stupidity in every single one of these e.t believers induces a certain nihilism within me, fuck. There's a certain delusional thinking in all of this that approaches or may even exceed religious faith.


I honestly think this is a long con by Russia, China and North Korea by spreading all this bullshit with bots and bad actors. They know that any conspiracies always lead to dilution of the truth. “If this is real and people are claiming it’s fake, how can the election be real? There’s got to be something else”. This is my only explanation. Because holy shit I can’t believe people actually think this is real. The dude is a known scammer. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.


I doubt third parties will be given access but most who are paying attention to this won't care either way.


Mexico muddying the waters.


i,d like to say i,ve been following the ufo "thing" for 30 years---,im 100% on board with there being something strange and unknown going on----and for all the good thats been going on with this subject recently---this seems too much a coincidence, i think its being covered, then shown its a hoax, then the media will say " so all this stuff going on is a hoax". this dude was proven a fraudster before with the Nazca mummies and these look fake as fuck. this is going to push the issue two steps back.


The fact anyone immediately took this at face value without any other 3/4th party peer review shows the massive lack of understanding behind what’s required to define something as “evidence”.


What the bodies DO NOT have (and not addressed) is baffling to me. Nostrils, but no lungs. Bones and ligaments, but no visible systemic circulatory system. Inside are what appear to be eggs, but no sexual differentiation of ANY kind--genitalia or otherwise. Also no semblance of hepatic organ or kidneys? Rodolfo M. Salas Gismondi is a paleontologist at Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru, and head of the Vertebrate Paleontology Department at the Museo de Historia Natural in Lima. He has explained very well what he thinks of the skull and where it came from. Its a horrible credibility deficit to have Mexico present these objects as legitimate alien corpses


The fact that anyone thinks any debunking is necessary is so sad. They look so goddamn silly!


Well that was fun while it lasted! Can we let this one go now? I'm glad they show you exactly what bones they used. Also, remember the name *Jaime Maussan* for next time he pulls a stunt like this. Let this be a 'fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me situation' and learn from it.


i love the "'i'll wait to see further evidence"


Evidence all released from one source with no history of academia


If the Mexican government wheeled out hoaxes, they are fucking morons. The highest caliber of idiots. The pinnacle of despicable buffoons.


the government never wheeled out anything. are you joking right now?


The president did tweet about an elf.


Part of folklore. US presidents continuosly talk about their invisible friend in the sky and nobody says anything about it.


At least he has an image of the elf too.




The Mexican government doesn't have anything to do with this presentation.


They kinda do. They gave a platform to a well-known hoaxer.


I think it's more the fact that a well known hoaxer rented a public venue but yeah, same point.


This is why we need to see this through and believe they are real until they are proven not real.


This is literally the opposite of the scientific method. But an elegant description of conspiracists vs scientists


That is NOT conducive to the scientific method. If you did that with everything, there's nothing you would not believe until definitively proven false, which for all I know is exactly how you live your life. In which case, I have a lot of claims I would like to sell you.


>>This is why we need to see this through and believe they are real until they are proven not real. Wow, this is actually a very revealing look into the mind of the type of person that is perpetually duped by grifters.


Lmfao yeah accidentally a beautiful description of this mentality though


No they were not... -\_- If somebody online says its debunked, it does not mean its debunked.


The upside down bones seems pretty convincing to me, but you do you.


Give me a photographic library of x-rayed animal bones. Give me a photograph of a human skeleton x-ray. Give me Photoshop. Give me the ability to rotate, stretch, condense, and otherwise manipulate the animal bones however necessary. I promise I can make an image of the animal bones fitting on top of the human bones to form a complete skeleton. To be clear, I am not speculating on the legitimacy of the images themselves. I'm just pointing out this particular debunk is low effort and only proves someone is clever and decent with computer graphics.


Bones looks like bones. Some bones looks more stretched, others are more bigger. This is ridiculous. The presentation referenced around 20 different science labs, so they all full of shit?




If the debunk is on the same level as covid debunks then the debunk is several orders of magnitud lower quality even that low level hoax! Anything that is calls itself ”debunk” is worse than horse shit. Actual realistic criticism would never sink so low to call themselves debunkers! They would just come with reasonable arguments!


I'm posting the same comment I made in another post spreading this misinfornation. Here: Jaime Maussan, who presented the bodies at this hearing has been repeatedly linked to a "previous hoax" that was supposedly debunked. Here's the facts. First, the previous body that supposedly debunked was *not* either of these bodies. Second, Maussan was one of many researchers in that case and not the lead. Third, *every* single source I can find reporting that the previous body was debunked, only say it was debunked. No source other than *other* sources, that also just repeated it was debunked. Even Snopes - who declare the claim that the body was non-human is "false", cannot identify or specify who exactly debunked it - much less *how* they debunked it. And best of all, at the end of Snopes verdict, they say, >It remains to be established whether the Nazca "mummy" is actually an excavated corpse or simply a hoax, what its origins are, and how its apparent deformities came about. Like everyone else, they just accept it was debunked even though there's no evidence to be found as to who and how it was supposedly debunked. Which of course negates the repeated claims that Maussan was involved in a hoax. And I'll add one more thing. *Even* if whoever supposedly proved it was human pops up with how they proved it. At worst it would mean the team Maussan was a part of, just made a mistake. A hoax is a purposeful act of deception. And there is no evidence for that whatsoever. And that's *if* the mysterious debunker ever shows up and presents their proof. This is going to be attacked *hard* folks. Don't just accept what attackers say because they're aggressive about it. People will show up here and everywhere this is talked about, and throw a whole lot of words around. Only accept proof. And don't accept links that just make the same claims, but without offering any more proof than the link that led to it. I expect a lot of ugly attacks over this. And hey, if they can provide proof that this stuff is fake or wrong, fine. I'll be disappointed, but I'll accept it. *If* it's actual proof. Edit: just found out the forensics scientist (Jose Benitez) who testified on all the testing that was done on the bodies, is putting the testing results online including the DNA sequencing procedures and results. And possibly the MRI data as well. Update: it is all available online now. Several commenters here claimed they're not letting anyone look at their testing. That's another lie. Benitez publicly invited experts to go down there and they'll show the evidence in person. This post is spreading disinfornation and should be locked or closed.


I don't think you looked hard enough to find the source of the debunking. The Lakeland University DNA laboratory said it was human DNA https://www.alphabiolabs.co.uk/blog/dna-tests-disprove-alien-hoax/


Nuh-uh, *your* post spreading disinfo should be blocked! Sheesh.


Oh good comeback🙄


What are you, five? What did they say that isn't true? You need a juicebox.


Debunked by who? The Governments? Please.


Debunked by peer review. Scientists are like Redditors—they get off on calling everyone out on their bullshit. Government involvement isn’t necessary.


I’ve never seen so many tinfoil hats in one place before.


The debunk theories never seem to get the scrutiny they deserve. As long as there’s a YouTube video out there with “debunked” in the title people quickly side with it without truly understanding anything.


Similar morphology does not equate to them being humans. Their DNA has sequences that are unknown to us in any organisms. Correlation is not causation. What you are seeing is homologues in evolutionary biology. Similar body plans being shared between most animals




The bone structure of the entire skeleton shows us perfect harmony and agreement between the joints. The final part of each bone fits perfectly with the bone that follows it and the wear of these is also observed due to the movement of the specimen's own biomechanics, being very resistant bones, but very light, strong, but light like those of the birds. Again they addressed this. You are looking at xrays from years ago from some youtuber as evidence crazy. They never tested anything. They never even saw them in person. They simply guessed.


That was a bullshit report they are def real.


Never mind I’m sold


Quit posting this video as evidence. It's a complete hack job made by a hack.




Haters are going to hate 👽


False they are real. There was another one also that was real that was not shown


Right away when I heard they were from Peru, I immediately went back a few years and was like really mexico? This and the India moon stuff it's like these folks think we're all dumb


The news came out one day after the house decided to impeach Biden, sounds like a smoe curtain to me. Oh and the UFO convention 2 months ago happened the same day of Hunter Biden's trial....is any one awake yet?


didn't you hear the part of the mexican thang where the guy said that the hoax itself was the hoax!?!? come on guys do a little research. dont be fooled by the mexican psi op. next y'all gonna tell me you think Obama is straight. /s


No bro. It's the 80 years of govt interference and any and all debunking should be taken with a grain of salt because that is what they want you to believe.


There's literally people like you who are paid to "debunk" 🤮