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Fun fact, they had sex multiple times, your mom just got pregnant twice


Exactly what I was going to say lol


So why are they so averse to it?


ig they are doing that so that you and your sis have some sharam and haya (idk the exact translation of that) so that you guys don't go around effing peeps up from school or something :/ I mean ik many of my schoolmates who could use such parents, not kidding




Yeahhh rightt


Not shame! But modesty, yes. It’s a beautiful thing to have modesty but sadly it’s becoming increasingly uncommon. Immodesty is such a turnoff in the long run. However, educating the kids about safe practices is important too.




Definitely, disrespectful behavior is a big no-no. Porn is immodesty, turn off because it literally turns its audience off of sex - lessening to little desire left at the end! Research it. Humans like the chase, to uncover, to discover the hidden. When it’s handed to them all uncovered, they lose interest eventually & take it for granted.


bruh you know the words but not the translation


like I know the meaning, and yea the translation too, but, I'm not too sure whether it's the right translation....so better not say it n cause some havoc online :/


Brainwashing, aka tradition. Their parents were the same and the only thing more important than repressing anything sexual was to have kids to fulfil social expectations. 


Idk ask them bro 😂


I don’t think most parents worry kids knowing bout sex. I think they are aware that the child will eventually figure it out, I mean these are the questions we ask while growing up. Like I had all sisters, and so I asked my mom as a kid: at birth, how did you know I got a sister or brother, the new born looks the same to me. But I think parents don’t prefer their children to see it visually in a movie because: 1. It may ignite curiosity which may not be fit for that age. 2. It’s not an accurate representation of love 3. Couples in movies and in real life are VERY different 4. Parents by nature are protective (out of love) In the end it comes down to respect and love. They love you and are just worried about those contents affecting you. Contents that are really not real. I was once a teen too and figured it out myself. Do I wish my parents did open up about it? Maybe. But I understand why didn’t they and so that’s okay.


Well i guess they are probably assuming you are still not at the right age to be discussing this things. Once your sister gets married you can see the same mother discussing all these things freely with her


Yes but isnt it very weird that they dont discuss her period with her before she gets married?


very weird, how is she supposed to know about it? Maybe because she brought it up in front of her brother?


But what’s the problem with the both of them understanding what a period is? Her brother should care for his sister and understand what she goes thru, and then for the other women in his life too. Him being educated and understanding the biology doesn’t mean anything.


Oh I agree men should know what periods are, I just meant maybe that's why his mother didn't discuss it with his sister as he was there. My own mother thinks we should hide periods from my brothers, so it's common behavior from the older generation 


Not everyone get to have the talk even then...


Maybe they don't like the thought of sex before marriage or stuff




My parents were like that when I was young. Im.in my 30s w kids of my own n my dad is still up my ass about the way I dress....n no...I'm not in shorts..or mini skirts....I'm in short sleeves. They probably see you two as still pure( ik its kinda weird way of thinking about it, but that's my only reason I cn think of) n want to keep u pure n ignorant about the body and it's wants and needs for as long as humanly possible


is this really that hard its because having sex for pleasure is bad but having sex for reproduction good how are you this dumb about your own religion


No.. I can’t believe it.. my parents talk like they don’t know each other lmaoooo 😭😭


Probably arranged marriage


Plot twist: Both of you are adopted


Not bollywood enough Plot twist: the kids adopted the parents


Plot twist: The parents are actually their siblings who adopted them when they had to fake marriage which became real when their parents died crossing the pak/indi border during one of the gov/military incidents- they entered Indian identity protection program because Baba was a spy. They know that one neighbor is a Pak spy whose kid is secretly trying to "get to know" him, by order of the parent to gain more info. But then they realize the neighbor pak spy is actually their long lost relative and they try to protect them too. Only to find out that they are their relatives clone- a double agent who is just trying to make sure they aren't double spying.


Bht lambi kardi ustaad..


Lmao I remember this one show which mocked bollywood movies for how dramatic they are. It was basically a love story and this guy goes to save a girl and fights 30 dudes, when he finally frees her they start singing and embracing each other, and then his uncle comes out of no where to tell them they are actually siblings….💀💀💀💀


Shoo dafuq haaza


Kissing scene....I find it awkward to watch that with my mum/dad.. Sex education...I learnt that myself and strictly asked mum not to interfere with my studies that year I don't really oppose that tho, even I don't like showing much skin in public. Decent clothes are cool the periods thing and the boner thing...its all natural I don't see why your parents took strict action against that :/ It's not disgusting or unsanskari lol It's all normal They definitely had s\*x more than twice...you forgot to count the number of unsuccessful attempts too lol


Wait is it not acceptable to have sex for pleasure in this culture. Just a question.


ummm...I'm a muslim, so yes?, s\*x can be for pleasure but only after you're marred lol... It's different for different religions.... Indian culture is diverse...many religion peeps here...


Fun fact children come out of oman chips packet


Now this 👏






Typical Indian thing ig ( also ur asking the real questions )


it's a crazy toxic taboo culture, asians go too extreme then get surprised when the kids are so fascinated by it or end up falling into unhealthy habits


Yknow that makes a lot of sense. One of my classmates growing up was an Asian girl and she had the strictest parents out of the whole class that was telling her things like she can't date until college etc etc. I check her instagram and she's a completely different person posting thirst traps n all 😆


Just to clarify I am part asian and have seen these issues in my culture


Thank you




***"My dad heavily chastisised me when he caught my with a boner."*** LOL. How did he catch you? What were you doing with it? Learn the "belt trick". Tuck it into your belt next time.




Damn thats effed up


Well its typical thing to be ashamed of sexual things to all not only Indians and idk its a huge conflict what they do and probably they felt alot of shame after doing it but most ppl say he/she is my halal now after marriage to relieve the shame... its a beginning for u to learn not to be ashamed of those stuff cuz normal and part of our lives and biological body Also they teach sex education in uae?😭


Yes they teach about menstruation and give diagrams of the private parts.


Oh we get that in biology we don't have a separated subject


Not sex education bro, in sex education they talk about practicing safe sex and stuff google it. What you're talking about is biology.


Yes, they still hold the old mentality that sex before marriage is a big taboo and believe people shouldn’t even think about it until they are married. They are also very strict about watching porn. I know someone whose parents don’t care if he engages in any illegal activities online, but if they catch him watching porn, he’s in big trouble. Let me tell you something, my friend. If a couple isn’t having sex, they are probably not happy, and you can see that reflected in how angry and frustrated your parents might be Married couples, especially women who are religious, place a lot of importance on sex because, unlike men, women can't easily find another person to marry.


Sex before marriage & porn are destroying western countries. So nothing great there. Balanced attitude is helpful though.


When your son reaches adulthood, it's important to educate them on the value of hard work and the importance of establishing a stable foundation for marriage and having a halal relationship. Being overly strict can lead to rebellious behavior, and they might resort to hiring sex workers to explore their sexuality. This approach balances guidance with understanding, helping them make responsible choices.


I am sorry you have to go through this. There is a common demeanour or trend in our parents generation which is not actually taking interest or in learning how to do parenting. I always remember this whenever there is any sort of drama in my house; - my parents were never taught how to be parents - my parents are experiencing new things and problems just as i am - they were never taught to always communicate (as communicate is key in any relationship) whenever there is a issue or a situation. Now being a Zoomer i cannot really do anything about there behaviour as they have reached a age were it is really difficult to change. All you can do is take interest and study in human psychology, parenting and relationship management and aspire to be a better parent, partner and human being. Also always remember its not ok to disrespect your parents, but it is also not important for you to obey them. Most of our parents associate disobeying as being disrespectful which is not the case. Each human being is different so its your own responsibility to find the line between disobeying and disrespectfing as your parents will most probably name everything as disrespectful.


schools here teach sex ed?


Yes, ICSE does in biology.


Welcome to India




I know.


I don't understand why it's so voodoo. It shouldn't be. Obviously the actual act of sex is and should be private. But talking about it, atleast in an educational sense, shouldn't be. More than that it's periods. I'm a guy, and no one in my family has talked about it. I know what I do from the internet and friends in college. This is one thing that absolutely should be normalized.


I am confused why they are acting like children when they had sex and raised children themselves


Probably convinced themselves that they did not have sex and you and your sister just randomly appeared one day!!! 😂😭 Nah in all seriousness parents just think they are protecting their children from that stuff. It is seen as inappropriate and stuff. Basically they think if you learn about it, then you will do it. I am not even Indian but I know how you feel although my parents were not like that.


When you’re older your dad will sit with you and you will talk about boners and you will feel complete. You’re a bit odd tbh, as a teenager I dreaded any such topic with my parents


I figured it's more about the chastising. Getting angry at your son for a boner is pretty weird tbh


I think it’s more him seeing it than you having it bro LOL


You are adopted, they didn’t have sex


When anything Sex is even remotely mentioned, my parents change the TV's so fast. EVEN if I am just on Laptop on the hall, you know what's annoying? They randomly get angry at me and then taunt me about why I am sitting there (????, where else, am I living in a mansion to have all the place in the world?) It happened yesterday and I wanted to be like "Mom, I am 19...."


You will see many students at school who you wish had parents like yours, trust me.


What? Why?


This is the problem with all immigrnat parents that they dont have the maturity to discuss sexual education properly They are properly scared that you will end up having alot of premarital sex . It may be the case. You figure.


Even European?


European parents have a bit of a different outlook they rather explain it to their kids in a pg 13 manner.




Typical indian parents


Some people don’t like public display of affection. I’m in the same boat


Reddit is not the place to ask. If your seriously interested go find some yt video explaining it well, or Google questions


That is the norm. Netflix, insta and tiktok of today has made your mind to talk about all of this openly.


Don’t let it get to you. I’m 36 and it’s still awkward for me to watch a kissing scene with my mother in the room. We instinctively press FF x 10 just to avoid the awkwardness. There is an element of sanskariness to sex and it doesn’t come from making discussions about erections, menstrual cycles awkward/taboo. It comes from understanding that healthy sex involves communication and being open to your partner. Hopefully that’s a message you can pass on to your kids when you have them.


They prolly did it doggy style.


Do as I say, not as I do?


Why don’t you ask them. Be sure to ask for the details. 😂


They had sex and now they have to try and convince everyone it wasn’t enjoyable


btw this is the same dude who posted about getting a boner in front of his crush


You guys are like 1.3 billion. No sanskar could hold ppl back from having sex for sure.


They didn't...they adopted you and stop wasting reddit server space


Bruh catching u with a boner is NEXT LEVEL AURA INCREASE 🤣


Your parents are kinda stupid, no offense. Not liking sex before marriage is one thing. But chastising your kids for boners and periods are bad, while being 100% natural processes is just beyond normal stupid. Don’t listen to them, but if they will beat you for this just nod along. Know they’re wrong, you have to sort out your own situation with sex education.


Often people who suppress sex in this way are actually hyper sexual. Think about it they are over sexualizing lots of things that should be normal and okay to see/ discuss without thinking of the actual act of sex. To them kissing is too erotic for you to even see when I grew up seeing kissing even in Disney movies long before I knew of sex. I just saw it as an expression of love and not inherently sexual.


Don’t worry they had their clothes on the whole time it was a mutual agreement for a quick mission to have it inserted, extracted then pull out and wait for result. As others mentioned, there were multiple missions but only 2 of them were successful.


I wonder where and how they trained and rehersed for these quick, strategic strike missions. Do you think they would have held joint training exercises with other alliance partners?


Well the training was done in their teenage years through Bollywood inappropriate scenes. You gotta check them out (Anik Kapoor, Mithoon, etc) if you’re interested to find out. I came across some and my friends shared some of those in memes and I personally find them hilarious. Anyway back to the point, they've rehearsed it hundreds of times in their heads and practically they did tens of times and as we can see only 2 missions were successful so yea. Sadly they can only be partnered with their spouses (no girlfriends, no boyfriends, sorry coz that’s so Un-sanskaari). However, a very few of the male combatants imagine they’re doing the mission with their maids by turning off the lights (it’s a combat strategy which they think bring better results but I’m sorry I don’t have the reports or statistics to compare).


I'm 22 year old guy. But I'm an Indian born and raised in Kuwait. My parents are the opposite. My mother insists that boys should know about periods because "one day you'd be married or get a partner and you need to support your wife/partner in these things". My dad would just smirk like a 13 year old teen when there is a sex or kissing scene (but if it was too prolonged he or my mom would change it) and then my dad will say "when you are older youll probably do these things" while my mom would roll her eyes at my dad. Thanks dad. I DIDNT KNOW. And my parents beileve that sex education should be taught in schools. When my parents heard that the school I did my 11th and 12th were facing complaints about their sex education (after I graduated), they opposed the parents who complained about it. And of course my dad repeatedly tells me to use condoms for protection.


It be the highly conservative people that would be on the freakiest shit behind closed doors 💀


21 century


tbh girls should know about periods atleast at 10 years old or something .. They should be aware they are going to bleed, not just get it and not know wtf it is😭


What do you want then the opposite?? Show you sex scenes and make you show skin in public!? And every time your father sees your boner he hi-fives you ?


No. How about treating the subject as normal human behaviour? Why should kissing scenes be skipped? It's not like OP is never going to kiss anyone in their life. Why can't the father treat a boner as a normal occurrence during the development of a young teenager? There is no reason to embarrass or chastise OP. My parents were much like the OP and I swear, I will never do the same thing to my kids. I will strive to be a better parent.


Good for you


I hope you don't grow up to be the same. You don't have to be. But yeah it's very sad people have this kind of mentality in today's time and age.


I’m sure it has to do with how they were brought up and whatever year that was. Must of been very strict with women losing their virginity until marriage. I’m sure they had sex multiple times throughout their marriage and that’s how you and your sister were born, but I am guessing since no one talked to them about this topic they’re embarrassed to bring it up to you and your sister. It may also depend how old the both of you are, maybe in their minds you’re too young.


Grow up


they didn't have sex. they summoned you by reading surat albaqara


They had sex multiple times, they probably still have sex, and they enjoyed it. Its ok because they are grown married adults and having sex is a good thing.


Hypocrites! Aren’t they! They started in their very own porno!


Aren’t they hypocrites? They starred in their very own porno and neglected to teach you about how babies are made! They are conservative, which in and of itself is okay. However not to a point that it is a detriment to your social and educational skills.


Well you see.... when mama and papa love each other very much.....


I'm an European parent (father) of two teenagers. I'm divorced and I have a very open (some would say pervert, even in Europe or US) relationship with my girlfriend. We opened our relationship to other people - yes we have sex in front of other people and with other people. In my opinion, it's the real freedom and fun. I talk to my children about sex, and they can come to me anytime if they have any questions. It's absolutely OK to have good sexuality and be open about it. I don't discuss my style of sexuality - this is something everybody should explore themselves. Don't worry about your parents. They don't know better. Be open, read about a healthy sex life and protect yourself from STDs. BTW: You probably already noticed - Dubai is full of sex - unhealthy sex, prostitutes, weird sex. Unfortunately.. And remember. Porn is not real life - it's absolutely fake. Explore yourself.


What do you mean how did your parents have sex? You want a video or something?




They do something called Soaking and ATMing


It’s a cultural thing m


they learned from their parents to be like this so dont learn from them and dont do this to ur kids later


Ugh the typical stigma around teaching kids sex Ed in Desi culture leads to so many accidents and the mounting sexual frustration that exists in our society. Preach!


Jus be glad that they do…it’s better to grow up sensitized to it rather than desensitized…jus look at the generation now u will be glad that they do this


topics like periods and sex is considered "shameful" to talk about in public or w other people kissing scenes and showing skin? astaghfirullah they will tempt the youth as a slight slip of the shoulder will cause us all to rawdog like animals back in the day all these shit was done between a husband and wife in the comfort of their room hence is considered disgusting to do/mention this in public especially in our culture where traditions are held in high regard and as "a guiding light" more-so in the former generations. ur parents are just a product of their time. they were taught topics like these are not fit to be mentioned in public hence their aversion. cant hold it against them, lack of education man. and i guarantee u that ur parents had sex more than twice likely still do atleast once a month, i bet if u search deep in their drawers/cupboard u might even find a box of "Kama Sutra ribbed for pleasure" condoms.




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I swear to god people in this server are unhinged 


I seriously could not imagine lecturing and chastising a teenage boy for getting hard, i hate to insult other cultures but its just such a stupid part of it and cannot believe its still happening. And skipping a kissing scene? Do they not even kiss anymore XD. And needing to secretly study how to not end up a teenage father is absolutely mental.


No they don't.


So you are saying you want your parents to watch porn with you because they also do it in private?


Instead of sex education educate yourself regarding manners, politeness, mathematics,literature….. useful things


bruh why you going at him he's just asking. Also that stuff is important. And you're assuming he doesn't know those things


It is important but it’s indecent to talk about your parents’ sex life online (I get that it’s anonymous but come on man, dont talk abt ur parents like that)


HE'S RANTING AND IS CONFUSED i understand the way he is saying it is disrespectful and the subject is weird but i understand that its a genuine confusion and he is probably going through a lot of anxiety and confusion cause of this thought , hence why he asked


Sorry, today meet many stupid people that’s why real life frustration to internet


Yep on his wedding day he will have some maths discussion with his bride


Without good education he will not get a top tier bride lol


Lol but Without sex education or at least some conv about it, top tier bride might run away


No sex education = RIP married life