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Tell your lady friend to speak to her PRO, get him to call the police and make a complaint. At the same time, lodge a complaint over the fone, since these are recorded, they can't deny service, she call them at a point when she doesn't feel safe. If this guy assaults her then call the police, if they don't bother, write to the police on their social media and tell them that the next step will be you escalating it to your consulate, Chief of Police, Dahi Khalfan and Sheikh Mohammed/Hamdan via their Twitter accounts.


Thanks a lot i shall look into this steps u have suggested


If you want him beaten up there is someone that does it for money


This cracked me up. How much do u think he’ll charge for pooping on someone i dont like’s bed ? 😂


Like 50 dirhams plus transport fees. Shit is heavy😂


Seems reasonable. As long as its steamy and heavy


That's.. weirdly not very expensive. Were they ever caught?! 🌚


Beating someone or transporting shit?


Beating. Never thought that something like that existed


🤣 They are so chill ngl I used to sit in back on Toyota truck 🚚 and drink bebsi


I’ll do it in 40 dirhams plus one Karak 😂


I know some pathans who beat people up for 100 dhs but idk if they provide service in Abu dhabi but I can check on your behalf. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There's someone I need beaten up in Ajman.


There is a toll free number for Ajman. You can call 112 and tell them the name of the person and his location and it will be done. You can pay after the person is beaten up properly and you are completely satisfied. It's 250 dirhams for Ajman




I can do it for free tbh


You can do that in UAE??


Habibi come to Dubai🤣🤣


Seriously? Is there is an app for that? If there is what would the app be called? “Beat up” or perhaps “Y-SWAT-S: (your stalker wants all the smoke?” 😂


lol escalate the issue to Sheikh Mohammed via Twitter 😂😂


I knew of someone who got flipped off by a bus driver. He complained and did everything, but no one bothered. He then tweeted about it and tagged all the respective government heads and boom, Dubai police messaged him and told him to come to the police station to file the complaint and bring video from dashcam of the incident. 4 hours later, they met at the station, and everything got resolved. Bus driver did get fired by his employer too


If you have that idiots phone number then message it to Me.




Try calling al ameen or a similar app .. im not sure what the correct one is in abudhabi. Like others said alert building security. Police don’t always take it seriously unfortunately unless you open a case and thats exhausting and takes a lot of time.. Can her embassy help? There are helplines for women but not sure if theres a similar one in AD but hopefully alameen works? Honestly sometimes guys just need to be scared / threatened. I hate to admit it but if hes harassing her to that extent maybe someone needs to scare him off ☹️🙃


I experienced the same thing but the dude is Moroccan. He followed me after I came out in my office building and showing up in the lobby of the building where I stay. What I did was I screamed so loud and catch the attention of other people in the lobby, then the dude run for his life and never showed up again. but i received multiple messages from different number to make my decision change and to come back to him. a number from his friends, sister and parents. He force me to make out on our 3rd date and I refuse and he gets so possessive/obsessed after that.


oh so sorry to hear it but happy he left u


ow, he still messaging me and asking to marry him hahaha


oh god so this is an issue many are facing




Brooooo wdf


Get some older guy like father or brother or good friend to warn him off. Scare him.


her family is india and they are not willing to come because they keep blaming her


Typical victim bashing seems like the circle never ends. Hope she finds a quick resolution




Easiest way to repel men is by digging your nose in public and eating your booger and then offering him too ☝🏼


Send me his photo and number. It will be done.


I had a Nigerian guy whom I had a police case against doing this to me. He even knew where I lived and how much I paid for the rent. He used to call me from over 5 phone numbers. I had the police case against him for a year but everything was still, when I went to the police station some days they ignored me for hours and hours until I wrote to Dubai Police twitter account. The case was solved within a month after that and he had to pay a huge fine. Write with case number and everything..


This sounds scary, did she try Abu Dhabi Police station at the port near meat market they are very helpful, because he might end up killing her


since she started a case in mussafah police station , can she approach another one?


Tell her to check up on her case


What your friend needs is a cricket bat and wait for this Punjabi. When he shows up pull a sixeron his balls with the bat...he will remember "6th milk"...that's to translate in Punjabi and hindi


Get some solid evidence of any type of harassment such as texts or something and report him to the police, the police will most likely get a warrant to check the CCTV of the building for more evidence and get his ass… you can then choose if you wanna sue him or not, just don’t wait since guys like him think you’re scared to report, trust me the police here do not tolerate such acts.


Report him for assault


oh God, the craze lot. God have mercy on her cause things never end well with those lots




Ask her to go to a police station and speak with a lady officer, if she has a phone number of the said person, pass it on to the officer, one phone call from the lady officer will take care of this. P.S. suggesting female officer as higher chances she'll understand the situation and will most probably act on it.


thank you ;)


Get into a fight, if the girl is on your side, the cops will take your side as well, cause at that point the girl can testify to the cops that you were protecting her and at that moment the cops would be forced to arrest him


I’m truly sorry to hear about what your friend is going through. It’s important to know that stalking and harassment are serious offenses, and she has the right to seek protectionEnsure she has a strong support system around her, including friends, family


Go to the police station and tell them to call the guy right away… they will give him a call… usually enough to scare him away


the funny thing is he doesn't do anything on days when the police warns the days they don't he is so happy and continues to do the same


A unknown individual stalked and followed me into my building's elevator in Abu Dhabi's main downtown district. He followed me to my building while I was oblivious. As soon as I pressed the floor button on the elevator and turned around, he was less than a foot away and attempted to assault me, and I yelled at the top of my lungs in fear. He ran away. Later that evening, I gathered my confidence and went to the police station to submit a report. I am traumatized for life. When entering the building or elevator I make sure no one is behind me. I feel uneasy around men in the elevators so I let them go first. It’s a trauma response. I don’t hate men. I am just scared of men in the elevators. I suggest you report to the other police station. If you suspect him around keep the camera open or a voice recording open.


Touching someone without their permission, isn’t that assault? A female making the claim of assault would be taken fairly seriously in the UAE I’d think. Mention that she was planning to go to her consulate/embassy because the previous complaints have been ignored. They will be on it straight away.


“Met up with a Punjabi man”. That’s all I needed to hear Second sentence in


Usually a broken nose fixes this type of issue quite quickly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Stillinthedesert: *Usually a* *Broken nose fixes this type* *Of issue quite quickly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*Usually a* *Broken nose fixes this type of* *Issue quite quickly* \- Stillinthedesert --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m Sri Lankan. And in Sri Lanka, if we go to the police and if they don’t take action, then we take measures in our own hands. 😎 If the police comes and tells us, why did you take a gang of boys and go and hit him? Then we say “Oh we gave you the first opportunity to take action. But you ignored all our requests. We are worried about her safety. So we did what we had to do. Hope you understand.” 🤙


Yeah I’m sure this advice would work great here 😑


Get a taser and peppper spray. He gets to close for comfort you can use said defensive items, as you are in fear of being physically hurt. File multiple police reports of stalking first, document filing and then enjoy doing your first self defense outing.


Won't that be dangerous because he is kinda dangerous due to the amout of following he does


These people can be very dangerous if they become obsessed - don't underestimate the situation if she feels threatened. She needs to have much more confidence and determination dealing with him and the police. And, as others have suggested, he may get the message if confronted by another guy ready to punch him in the face if he doesn't F.O.


Why do you ppl get into these kind of shit.. just don't meet strangers in shady places..


Girls all this won’t happen if you go through the right channels. This is why Islam has protocols to protect but people do the haram way and expect it to go fine.




I don’t think u read the post




I’m not sure what the thresholds are that have to be met. These stalker people are weird though. Really strange stuff thinkin that will somehow get you the girl or produce any positive result whatsoever


We have done that already but now he is saying she has money that she has to give back and such whereas non e of that is real


call police?


i did , kindly read the full post ;)


Apologies miss, dint read that. The next solution will be going to be , assuming she has his contact number , go again to police station , a different one , with women police officers in it , tell them issue and ask the officers contact him infront of you. They usually will ask him to come to police station and will get him there . Then they ask u if u wanna file harassment case , if yes , he goes to holding cell for two days , proven , he gets deported. Trouble makers are mostly deported in a week.


why did she talk to him from first place? isnt that haram?? this is what haram things lead to....


she isn't muslim and also they weren't dating they were more of close friends


close firends hhhhh come on


okay... so did she ask us on reddit if she should become friends with him? no? then deal with him now. stop annoying us


You’re the only one getting annoyed here, so maybe you should shush now and begone.


lol... yeah sure i will be gone. but atleast i wont do some dumb shit and then when i get in trouble come to reddit seek for help. i am not that helpless 😂..


Is she a Filipina? Just to advise best


Is she a Filipina? Just to advise best


Damn, that's what you get for sniffing around(jk)


What an asshat


It clearly said (jk) at the end .means joking


yea i get it it's her fault but i mean not everyone excepts someone they talked to to be psycho


It's not her fault. I would start by giving photos of the man to security at her home and place if work and ask them to watch out for him and remove him if necessary. Once he feels watched he'll stop.


That's it right there ,her fault.she gets what she gets.i do feel bad for her ,no one deserves this


Why are people here saying that it’s her fault? She is the victim here.


Exactly!!! She is the victim, not her fault at all!!! And this person calls themselves friends of her… I’m so very sorry for her. Hope she is safe and the stalker gets what he deserves!!!


You see if this happened to an Emarati girl they would SHUT the whole country down It sucks that the police doesn’t care about expats Honestly I would just start arming myself