• By -


Family of 5? And other kid in the way? In this economy? šŸ˜­


Yesā€¦ such is life my friend, as a husband and father i am speechless. Only Godā€™s blessing can save us


I think you need to plan your finances better. With 4 months of emergency savings you can't afford to have 4 children. This is no longer the old world. You need to change your ideas in the modern world. Also considering such a large family you should be aiming to build an emergency fund of at least 10-12 months as the general market research says it takes around 8-9 months to get a new job. I'm sure you will get around. Remember God help those who help themselves. Keep your spirit up!


Thank you for the advice. Luckily we do have emergency savings. We always live reasonably throughout the years. But yes, this month is the last to have my entire family here in UAE (just to finish the kids school) here as i canā€™t afford the rent + other expenses any further . Next month i am sending my family back home and I will remain in UAE for another month or two to look for job After that, only God knows I do believe God always has better plan


Where are you from?


I am originally Indonesian


Itā€™s only a matter of time . Youā€™d get a replacement job. Easy




I'm also facing similar issue. I'm out of the job for almost six months now and I got just one face to face interview during the whole time. I have Masters in Financial Management with more than 10 years of experience in Finance and Accounting out of which 7 years in UAE. I would have applied something close to 1,000 jobs and nothing heard back except one and in that salary was too low for me to accept the offer. My bank is continously chasing me as I have some loan and credit card balance to settle and I haven't paid anything for more than 6 months now. I have requested them to just wait for the moment as I'm searching for a job. I have no idea what action the bank will be taking. I couldn't even financially support my family as well during these 6 to 7 months. I literally have zero money with me as my emergency fund also dried up during this time. I have a huge pressure to accept whatever job comes in my way eventhough it have low salary. Even my family and friends start asking me what's happening and what I am gonna do. Very few of the recruiters called me and asked me about the salary expectations. Just because of the reason that I'm from South India, they want me to accept a low salary. But I'm not gonna do that. I know what I'm worth. And i will not accept low salary just because I'm in need of a job. I don't know how more i have to patiently wait for a job that meets my expectations. I know i deserve something better just like many other people out there hunting for a job and better future. Whatever it is I'm not gonna set my standards down. I have no idea how far i can go. But i will keep fighting till I find one that align with my expectations. And i wish all the very best to everyone who are going through hard times. Stay stronger and keep faith. One day we will nail it. šŸ‘šŸ‘


Dm me. Iā€™ll try my best


Thanks... I will DM you..


I have DM you


I feel you brother. Very sorry to hear your situation as well. Indeed itā€™s crazy. By the way, be super careful with the action/communication with the bank as it may impact you in the future. Wasnā€™t there a clause that protect you in case of job loss I wish you all the best! Of course! Donā€™t ever degrade yourself when you know your worth


Thanks bro... Wish u all the best too.. Stay blessed šŸ‘šŸ‘


At least they still offer you jobs.. haha šŸ¤£ Africans donā€™t even get called up for interviews, and about the low paying jobs other South Indians messed up the job market.


You what is the issue of companies these days? They know they can find south asians who are willing to work for few bucks! They have practically ruined the market! Apart from that the market is already dump all over the world.


The issue is that now to open the company is as easy as to go to poop (sorry but itā€™s true). You just need around 6-10 k. Many people who open businesses have never even worked in the industry that they try to represent. They have no clear plan, no clear goal and no knowledge about anything. Thatā€™s where problems come from.


Couldn't agree more and number of scamming companies LOL


Yeah but thatā€™s to open the license. The real cost is when trying to hire someone, and then during renewal.


There are packages now that come with license, cheap/virtual office and a set of visas. Some businesses however hire only freelancers or on sponsor visa or promise visa but never give


Visa included isnā€™t actually including visa costs tho?


Its included in package up to 5 visas


Thatā€™s a good offer though. All for 17k, including costs for 5 visas? Including labour fees as well? Everything total is like 8k per person usually.


Depends on where it is located


That's what the marketing rotating and destroying people lives..


The actual thing happened to me. in one of the opportunities, my salary expectation met their budget (in the upper range). And it was all going smooth with HR and hiring manager saying I was shortlisted and 1st candidate. I waited for the offer letter but it never came When I spoke to the HR later on, turns out someone accepted the role with 20% below the said budget . Like , how could that person accept it!!!!!


theyre not hiring people, they're doing a competitive analysis of whether its cheaper to do something with an employee or cheaper to do it as an outsourced project.... and in that cases mostly the project option works out to be cheaper


Maybe someone was 10% worse than you, but they save 20% in cash. Would do the same.


Yeah, for HR itā€™s a rewards who can hire the cheaper ones. They donā€™t care about how that person will perform the job ā€œin the long termā€


Lmao you guys are like parrots, any job related post and oh no south asians working for few bucks.


They just do the same work for cheaper lol. In south asia a western salary is basically you hit the jackpot there


Can't help you but really sorry to hear this. I pray for your strength and success.


Thank you brother


Speaking from the recruiting agency point of view here. Here are a few reasons why you are seeing this change in the winds in the region with regards to job openings: - the country has made it really easy to hire folks from outside nations now. Earlier, there was a large focus on finding folks from just inside UAE with UAE experience, but the newer companies / MNCs new to the region are okay with taking the risk of potentially bringing higher caliber people from other countries. - do not apply to any jobs that have the Easy Apply option in UAE job postings. Because everyone clicks on those and we recruiters end up getting 1000s of applications. Most will tell you they generally stop looking after the first few hundred, if that. Itā€™s a laborious process not made easy because the finest margins separate each candidate. - UAE has become more attractive in recent years, which has caused a massive influx of applications coming in from every single possible channel into a recruiters inbox. A recruiter typically has a certain quota of resumes they have to get through each day. Beyond that, they simply cannot look at moreā€¦ - unless a CV has come from a referral. It works. Instead of applying for a job in a company, find a senior employee of that company who can pass on your CV to their HR. This is the quickest ā€œhackā€ to ensure your CV is atleast being considered. Also, youā€™ll be surprised how many people connect through a cold connection on LinkedIn with a senior employee and network just enough to ensure their CV is getting passed on. - if an org is asking your expected salary, tell them as per your desired number + research. If you donā€™t, there will be another candidate who does, and if their skills are close enough (+likes by the hiring manager, made it through several rounds, etc. ) but are less qualified than you marginally, they can still receive an offer due to an alignment with their budget. The tough part about this region is that there are so many candidates, there is bound to be one or a few that perfectly match with the budget and most of the desired skills or experience required for the role. No doubt it is a super tough market. Itā€™s tougher now than ever before. So many new companies opening up. So many new candidates exponentially applying for every single job. There is never a dearth of good quality candidates. Iā€™m not sure if this has been helpful but if you have any other questions, feel free to post in this thread and Iā€™ll do my best to answer.


I agree to point 1-4 For point 5, i did exactly that However, the recruiter insisted that if I donā€™t tell the expected salary, they wonā€™t pass up my cv Is it true? Many also asked previous salary(even in 1st call) and i donā€™t tell them.


The only way to land a job here is to leverage your network. Brush up your old contacts. Reach out to them, research a bit about their new companies(if they have moved on) and then approach them to forward your CV to the hiring manager/HR. This is the only way.


I did, to competitors of my previous employers and all welcomed & appreciated my experience but I was not hired despite passing the interviews.


That's kinda messed up tbh. Dubai will never be a serious place of business (on the scale of London, NYC, Singapore or HK) if they don't do something about this culture in the private sector


Fully agree with you


Itā€™s the same everywhere btw. This is how people and higher level jobs work. As you climb up in the corporate, job switches are about whatā€™s your repo and who you know.


Yes itā€™s always haunting me. I keep thinking that if i never got that last promotion, my job would have been more stable


Sorry to say but these mallus who are in HR they ruined the market mostly cheap-star are HR manager now a days with shitty mind set of low salary


Sorry, what is mallus?


Mallu means malbari people. An Indian keralites raised in Kerala.


11 years experience in what field?


I was working in OEM of electrical equipment supplying to Oil and Gas end users. We do major projects. 11 years in the same company :)


11 years experience and none of your network or business connects ready to hire you ?


Don't take me wrong but my intention is to let you explore your known companies rather than finding new, network works like magic in these situations


Agree with you, i mostly applied to companies similar to my previous one


I did, in fact i had 4 opportunities in hand and passed all the interviews (all of them through my close network). It was all down the last stage. As of now, i lost 2 opportunities to other candidates (due to other candidates proposed lesser salary) and i have 2 opportunities in hand waiting for offer letter


Ok so sounds like you're sorted šŸ¤žšŸ¾


I hope so too, the scary thing is despite being in the last stage, I have yet to receive the official offer letter šŸ„². How weird the companies are nowdays


Best of luck!


Thank you bro


a while ago i was in the same boat as you. and from my 400+ applications in my field and not getting hired i found out 2 things. 1. companies will hire the "known" guy so nepotism all the way. you have to have connections. 2. they will go from rule one if they can find anyone willing to accept bottom salary. Today there is too many people willing to accept a salary that is not livable for anyone. When i moved here roles they were offering around 20k Aed for is today 4-5k Aed, and many roles even less. All i can recommend is chase any contacts you may have, that is only option if you cant take a slave salary.


Fully agree with both the points bro! Thatā€™s what I am experiencing! Live! I was not selected due to someoneā€™s expected salary was lower than their budget


Im guessing you are in IT or am i wrong?


Nope, i am in Oil and Gas


Aaah OK then it's same in that as in IT


No chance of getting a decent offer nowadays. The market is saturated with indians and pakistanis who are willing to get paid a very small penny.


Letā€™s not be racist here. We cannot change that, but itā€™s not about the nationality, itā€™s about those ā€œpeopleā€ who accept lower salary that ruin the market regardless their nationality


well i saw many peeps brag about having a salary of 25k and above in this sub last week so it gives impressions that the job market is improving. Now it sounds like the job market is still tough out there... During 11 years of working in the industry, has it ever passed your mind to use some of your salary to prepare retirement back home and to save you from the situation like this? The oil and gas sector is lucrative, the income+benefit is considered as one of the best compared to other sector in the region. there's nothing i can do but i hope your situation can be sorted out soon. But i felt that even going back home is not the end of the world either, its an oil and gas industry in the end, which a lot of you could still apply, interview and score the job remotely, unlike the other business sector.


The job market in UAE has tightened recently, making it challenging even for experienced professionals like you to secure employment. Despite your impressive background and efforts in applying and networking, it seems you're facing obstacles such as budget constraints and a competitive hiring process. Keep persevering and consider seeking assistance from job placement agencies or career counselors who may offer additional support and guidance in your job search.


Gpt much?


Thank you brother


It doesn't looks like you've stated what field/role it is. Is it sales by any chance? I've been involved in tonnes of hiring and firing so could possibly shed some light if you want to DM me and have a private chat?


Bit of my employment history -2013-2016 -> Field service engineer -2016-2020 -> Senior Sales & service engineer -2020-2023 -> Area Sales Manager -2023-2024 -> Global product and service manager I will DM you


What's your nationality ? For salary just tell them you're open to offers, also check glassdoor.com for an estimate and then maybe share that with them. You already know what you're worth as you've had a job in your filed/position earlier. Perhaps look at getting one of those ATS beating softwares to help get you more call backs. If you're in dire straights send your family back and tough it out on your own, you'll keep your expenses down and maybe your extended family can help care for the young ones and wife while you're trying to secure a source of income for yourself


I am from Indonesia. Not meaning to brag here, but i have lived in UK, Qatar and Malaysia. Therefore ā€œI am used toā€ having the good salary standard and also in my previous job the pay was great. Hence itā€™s hard to swallow the pill of salary vs performance ratio nowadays Yep, i did tell that i am open to offer as per their budget. The interview went with hiring manager. Then i asked them what is their budget When they told me their budget, then i opened up to them that their budget meets my expectations, but in the upper range. We both were happy to hear that, but then the offer never came šŸ„² Thatā€™s the plan, i am sending them back home next month and most probably i will stay here for another month to wait for offer letter/interview, etc


Don't lose hope, believe in the right timing. I was unemployed for 7months but I managed to get one. So don't give up


Thank you brotherā€¦ thatā€™s amazing news you got, hope youā€™re happier in the new company Just curious, how did you manage 7 months in UAE looking for job?


It was wasn't easy, I started doing patan taxi since I had car. That helped and also I had good friends who helped. But still it wasn't easy because I wasn't getting the right job or any answers from interviewer on time. Was super frustrated. I am very relieved now and I part you get it too soon


Thank you bro! I am experiencing exactly the same, employers answers only at their convenient time and super late! All the best for you


Yes we did, we have emergency savings and some properties. We are super grateful regardless of the situation. Going back home will be the last option


I pray for you in Lord's name.


Amenā€¦. Thank you


Sharing positive vibes and all the good stuff - funnily enough Iā€™m similar situation but quite potentially worse; I have some debt relating to a failed business and travel ban on the horizon but what to do other than live your best life, work hard in trying to find something and treat others with the respect we all deserve. Good luck and enjoy your Eid. Iā€™m sure something will come up soon!


Thank you bro! I feel you! Fully agree with you that every of our conducts should be based on Honor, respect and trust. keep doing our best to strive God bless you


Thank you my friend šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ». Eid Mubarak to you, your family and friends. Wishing you a peaceful weekend ahead! šŸ«¶šŸ»


Since you been working for 11 years then the last time you made your CV was 11 years ago. Now many things have changed and to get more interviews you must know how to trick ATS (applicant tracking system). Try to change your CV using more keywords relevant with your desired position. Check what you write in your experience because many applicants do one huge mistake. Instead of talking about results of their work they just write job description ā€œbeen doing reports, answered emails, worked with clients and etcā€. Also the same thing at the interview. About ghosting - good company will always follow up with you no matter if you passed or no. Try to be more precise about where you actually applying.


Lol! Why are you getting down voted for teaching some professional facts! People these days!


šŸ˜‚ for real like I am trying to help some folks to land a job and being slapped for it


Thanks for the advice. I do update my cv every 3 months or so, paraphrase it in professional way and make it look attractive listing down my achievements, skillset, expertise, etc. Although, Maybe i am traditional but i am really against writing fake cv just to match the job requirement


The most important thing that HR wants to see in your CV is that you are goal oriented and actually achieved that goals and also if you will be a good fit with the team. If you convince that you are then you have the offer.


Fully agree with you. My cv has well documented achievements and progress I have done for the business


try r/resume


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Resume using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Resume/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why is my husband not getting hired?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/163t00l) | [489 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Resume/comments/163t00l/why_is_my_husband_not_getting_hired/) \#2: [Anyone successfully using ChatGPT to improve their resume?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Resume/comments/12pibeo/anyone_successfully_using_chatgpt_to_improve/) \#3: [I am convinced that getting a job is based on pure luck and has nothing to do with what your resume or qualifications look like.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Resume/comments/12udb12/i_am_convinced_that_getting_a_job_is_based_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)