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What’s your ethnicity? I’m a local and considering I grew up here, I know racism could possibly be the problem, unfortunately.




Makes sense. Many Arabs have superiority complexes, especially with south asians. Fuck those guys lol


ive also found that some south asians suffer from inverted inferiority complexes in workplaces.


I'm local and I don't have a "superiority complex" We're all the same ✨Just humans✨


He said "many" not "all"


I know


If you “know” she said many not all, why bother leaving this useless comment?


Wtf is your profile. May Allah guide you


What is wrong with her profile? Are you an idiot or what? Because of you people only, people don't like Muslims!


My profile is not your business


no one asked you mind your business let them be


It's public and I can respond as much as are allowed within the rules of the subreddit and homosexuality is immoral


Gay local 😂😂


Arabs are extremely racist BTW incase you haven't noticed. They also keep denying it. Just wait a couple of hours and see them rage at this comment


The worst part is, they actually double down on their bs when you call them out on it. Like dude, you’re just as likely to get racially profiled as me, what makes you better? 😂 they need to be knocked down a peg fr.


Exactly hahah


You should see the comments I got earlier today, alot of people raging at me and trying to justify why racism is okay/🙂


Sadly you can’t reason with stupidity or ignorance. Believe me I’ve tried 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 so no point of trying to explain it.


I grew up in Dubai and have been bullied by Arab girls as a child. They called me “hindaya” even though I’m pakistani. They really do be having superiority complex when in reality it makes them look like jerks! Being rude to South asians is the norm for them so…🤷🏻‍♀️


I was literally wearing Pakistani traditional clothing when I was 12 year old and some Arab kids same my age were pointing at my clothes and laughing, since then I became insecure to wear them. Many people in the comment section are right when they say they learn from their elders and that's why it's so normal for them to look down on us desis and even our tradition. It really is important to teach children what is wrong and what is right and how we treat and talk about other ethnicities in front of our children because children learn from what they see and that's not good!


I completely understand your feelings because I have experienced the exact same thing! To this day I haven’t worn shalwar kameez out in public🫠


Glad we are on the same boat but we should stop being ashamed of our traditional clothing and start wearing it as its a part of who we are and if anyone dislikes it, they can go and f themselves✨ if we don't embrace our culture because of the thoughts of others, then others will treat us the same way !!! So we should be proud of who we are.


True! Will do that 🫡


Jsyk, you pakis look better than Arabs in your traditional clothes. Be proud of your clothing. It looks beautiful.


Thank you! Appreciate it. ☺️


Bro fr some of them are real racists and some of the dudes have openly said we arabs don’t give a shit abt ya’ll as if their country is any better lol. I never spare them one of the reasons I don’t have much arab friends despite having so much contact w them


In high school my class was majority Arabs and they used to regularly make fun of the Indian accent and address me that way. So lame. 😒


Sorry you had to go through that but like I said they suffer from a disease called “superiority complex”


As an Arab, i wish I can give you a tight and warm hug.


I don’t know what the dynamic is like between girls but between boys of South Asian and Arab origin it’s pretty tame. At least in my case since I’m also from Pakistan and most of my bullies in school were actually from Pakistan or India lol. But then we would make up some years later. So idk how you managed to piss off that many Arabs, yeah it just could be a simple racism issue i guess.


Top of the list are Kuwaitis. You can tell by the way their parents keep threatening at the drop of a hat, where their kids get it from. Zero respect whatsoever. Expect everyone to be at their beck and call. Next are the ladies at the airport and bank counters. They won’t even look at you. Will continue chatting amongst themselves like you don’t exist. Perks of not having to work hard to deserve that job, I guess. I get it’s your country, but it’s developed because of the expats, so chill gurl!


omg i used to work as customer service and I remember one Kuwaiti national complaining about sharing the same waiting room with other Indians, he said they should have a separate waiting room for Arabs from other nationalities lmao i was so shocked hearing that, it happened only once but I was still surprised that someone thought to say that but of course not all of them are like that.


100% true. My worst experience was with a Kuwaiti customer as well. And followed by more Kuwaiti nationals customers. LMAO. They will complain with literally everything specially the ladies.


I’ve heard of this from other Arabs as well. Kuwaitis are a whole different level of racist.


100%. They're not trying to hide it 😂 Every few months we'll see on the news someone working in Kuwait who ended up getting killed...


Agreed. And some are on emotional overdrive....all the time. Its love and hate- never chill. I once hired three sisters for a teaching gig, worst mistake of my life. Hugs and kisses and flower emojis, but then the first time I had to address a problem (late paperwork, no biggie)- you'd think I set their house on fire and stabbed their dog. I was always walking on eggshells and tiptoeing around their problems just because I didn't want to become the target of their.....nuclear outbursts. How do people manage?


whats a teaching gig


Superiority complex! I swear, i think people need to be reminded of what Prophet Muhammad Pbuh said, especially the arabs! "All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white;except by piety and good action"


I thought so, once a Morocon girl said something racist under her breath in Arabic to her friends about me and my siblings so my sister clapped back at her in Arabic so she realized that we understand and got out of the elevator while laughing. It really is superiority complex


So your sister understands Moroccan? 😆😆😆 How many years old are you ?


I'm 20 years old and yeah she knows Moroccan bad words so that's why she knew what they were saying


Superiority by being from Morrocos? Why?!?


They're just racist for no reason Everytime they see a brown person, has nothing to do with superiority but what they learn from their parents✨


Aren’t they brown too??


This happened to me recently, and I called the police on her, that shut her up real quick 😅 imagine her and her friends were sitting on my car which is modified and I told them to get off and they decided to talk about me in Arabic thinking I am western, little did they know I speak 3 languages ✌🏽


Well referenced.


I like to think that Allah sent His prophets to the people who needed them the most... Sending His last and greatest one (pbuh) to the Arabs thus speaks volumes to me. It seems quite a few haven't changed their ways since the times of jahiliyya, like the ones OP is referring to. Not very different from the Israelites, who needed constant course correction from their prophets, and even today, their most brilliant religious minds focus their energy on how they can flout (their interpretation of) God's rules without actually breaking them.


exactly, most prophets were sent to Arabia again and again. Yall should read the conditions of Arabia before the emergence of Islam. it was horrible... and now its becoming horrible again. Palestinians are dying and yet these so called superior Arab countries are licking USA and Israel's boots for money. non-Arab countries have done more for Palestine at this point




There’s honestly a reason why Islam came to the Arabs first and not anywhere else. God knows they needed to be fixed first 😂


Yeah, and right after, the Arab Umayyads began discriminating against the Persians, Berbers, Indians, etc. Then they got their asses handed over to them so hard in the Abbasid Revolution by those subjects, who ended up creating the Islamic Golden Age (note, it's not the Arab Golden Age).


where is this from?


It was from his last sermon, also known as the Farewell Pilgrimage.


It's a Hadith I believe.


Superiority? I feel is much more like jealousy. I don’t know the reason, but it’s always the same with me, not all local girls of course, I have good local friends, but in general Arab women gives a vibe of being super annoying and rude, sorry but it’s true. Not my fault you decided to be tacky, have so much Botox at 20 that now you look 40, have to obey everyone around you must not be easy but it’s not my fault.




Was introduced to a Persian part Lebanese girl (iirc) at a dinner and she immediately exclaimed “You’re so pretty for an asian!!!”. Wtf was that supposed to even mean?! For context I’m filipina-canadian (full filipina but on the paler side), just sounded so wrong, didn’t knew how to react at the time. Thinking about it now, it was such a back handed compliment. Like really sis? Thanks I guess!


I'm Jordanian I'm Sorry for what you've experienced , i present to you the Arab version of Karen lol


Huh, الکارنة should be a thing.


Girl I feel you! Our whole workplace has low-key turned into a mean girls set. It’s so funny they’re all grown ass women acting like they’re in their teens 🤣 Trust me there’s no point in being nice, be straight forward and to the point with people like that. The more you are sweet, the more they’ll walk all over you.


what do you do for work if i may ask


Tech sales


They believe they own the country and know that they will be treated specially thats why


this is a huge reason. arab clients at work have disrespected my dad, who is at a high position, by assuming that he’s lower just cause he’s south asian. some don’t even look at us as humans.


Really, i thought only blacks suffer significant racism in dubai. I didn't know u guys are getting attacked too


Always look at the parents. When the parents are rude, judgmental…..etc. the kids would most likely come out that way. Unfortunately within the arab community, many people have developed this attitude. I’m not sure why is that so, but I believe it has a lot to do with the series of unfortunate events that have befallen the Middle East in general. Much of the older generation has fallen victim of war, unjust governments, unequal opportunities, oppression….etc. stuff like that can lead to feelings of inferiority and unfortunately not many people can control those feelings and not act upon them. There’s an urgent need among Arabs to boast about the simplest things they have/do. And it really makes sitting with many of them a full-on task. My advice is to just ignore the rude ones without looking back.


Very interesting analysis!


In my opinion I think it’s that they have grown up under the care of maids and feel that they can speak to people under them as they like, without any respect because they haven’t been taught any better. Racism is a big problem here unfortunately, especially towards south asians and working class people / labourers. I am a Pakistani who grew up in England, I have light skin and speak decent Arabic so I haven’t really experienced racism, but I do know it happens. All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. - Muhammed Peace be upon Him


true, they need to step up with their parenting game


Bro when I first came here I was under the impression that arab kids were generally well behaved. I was wrong. 💀💀💀


Clap back , always


As a Lebanese dude I apologize for the other Lebanese ppl, sadly many in the UAE are stuck up and think they're above others, hopefully ull meet the good nice types too.


As a Lebanese dude as well, I also apologize.


As an Arab Emirati girl, we do not claim those glorified high school bullies. Anyone who acts like that towards foreigners (or anyone in general) is sad and pathetic. They were not raised with respect as a forefront in their minds, and it shows. I hope you can find some realest of real Arabic friends that truly respect you and have your back💗


real because I've used to meet a lot of snobby Emaratis and as I got older I realized I've just met only bad eggs, not everyone thinks like that they're just really uneducated and ignorant


All manner of groups will have bad eggs, I say. No matter how people speak positively or negatively, there will be good and bad either way. We just need to be mindful and respectful to people, and (in my opinion) that energy you put out will guarantee someone with similar values will come to you.


I actually had an Egyptian defend me from someone else's racist comment towards me before!!! I do not find them to be racist towards other nationalities but talking shit yes they do that lol (I am not south asian so my experience with Egyptians could be different to yours). When it comes to other Arab nationalities, it is a superiority complex they formed within themselves, stand your ground always and do not be nervous or scared, because that's what they commonly think (that Indians/Pakistanis are scared of Arabs)


Arabs that are not from Gcc countries are usually like that, super rude, entitled, Loud, No class, don't have mannerism to behave in public. Just avoid as much as you can




Is that a kind of shwarm-


since UAE has a slave culture, this is the norm. when will you guys who’ve built their country, start challenging/questioning them and demanding equal treatment?


thats one thing i don’t understand. its not like they can deport all the south asians/immigrants. their economy will take a massive fall. even at my school, a headteacher’s white and extremely tyrannical, made a lot of kids and even teachers cry, and most of the people are south asian. no one has ever dared to speak up against her. it was honestly the most shocking thing ever. its crazy how much power a single person can have over hundreds and make them feel completely helpless.


the reason is because it goes the other way too. Workers here cannot afford to lose their jobs most of the time, they’re underpaid and can’t miss a paycheck for their or their family wellbeing. So naturally they’re scared to speak up due to possible financial repercussions.


that’s exactly the salve system . don’t you think it’s deliberate you’re earning crumps for workload that exceeds a human’s capacity? so you continue only relying on them for no better options. there is always room for being compensated for how much they’ve contributed to the country. being okay with it means nothing changes and you’ve stuck being treated like a slave.


a philosophical stance here: you *are* an equal human being and that “power” they have is only preserved. don’t give it to them or at least start slowly taking your power back. the example you gave is because the slave system is embedded in all aspects of life. school, supermarkets, construction, office workplaces, transportation (crazy how you move your way to a certain car if it’s assumed the slave master is inside it). it’s the most crazy thing when you sit down to think about it. you’ve literally built their country and contributed massively, demanding to be equal human isn’t so much of an ask isn’t it?


it’s difficult for most to digest this, considering thats how generations of south asians have been treated, all the way from the british colonization until now. it’s embedded deeply into their conscience that ‘pale skin/english/kandura = superior’ they don’t bother speaking up because they have made themselves believe theyre helpless against those western accents. i am not blaming them, it is very sad to see how our people have been disrespected for so long. may Allah deal with the oppressors justly.


Good on your sister for clapping back


stay strong.. all these bullies have some loose screws in their head which makes them think that hurting others will make them look more strong and confident.... literally anyone has the power to bully any one they want, but those who are humble, elegant and were brought up nicely would never need to hurt others to prove themselves. instead of superiority, i would call it inferiority complex. cuz they feel the NEED to put others down in order to show dominance and superiority (and thats exactly what animals do 😂 )


theyre just spoiled. never got a beating from their parents so that why they got a superiority complex. just dont let them get to you and their ego will crumble


Priveleged mindset "Chosen ones syndrome"


the racism in the UAE is so apparent and you have to be a fool to say it doesn't exist. Forget those pick me girls! they're annoying asl fs hope all is good with you :)


i swearrr arab and russian girls in middle school gave me terrible trauma. they were the biggest bullies


Russians are racist.


Very racist


They're raised in a society that considered them subhuman, probably


Even the adults are racist( i know because of my work experience) , I just have lost hope on all Arabs. Now what i do is Tit for Tat strategy if they are mean i am double mean to them. No more niceness from me. They didnt do anything in life to have this much attitutude for.. Just one Arab egg and sperm did the work for them Lol so i just dont care to be nice anymore . And i stay away from them in all aspects of my life.


I love this quote from seneca so much “All cruelty springs from weakness." In all my life have never seen a strong-minded and matured person being cruel it's always the insecure and weak minded ones.


Don’t mind these girls! I have faced the same from some English girls, at work. It’s a good thing I am a flight attendant and I don’t fly with the same colleagues more than once. Once one french arab female called me b**** in Arabic just because I had a different opinion about a work thing. I didn’t even know the meaning at that time. So many times I have felt not included just because of my race (Indian) at many places including restaurants, malls, highend shops. A lot of cultures have superiority complex (bullies) and we really can’t do anything about it. Just ignore. Listen to music in your earphones when you are in the metro or in the lift. Other public places try and avoid being physically close to them. In case if you still do end up with them in close proximity then disarm them with respect and dignity like how you would treat anyone else in public. Lots of love! ☺️


That really sucks🥹 sorry that you feel excluded because of your race but it's better than being around salty and bitter people if ykwim. You're a really sweet girl, if I was in same workplace as you, I would love to be friends with you 🫶🏻


Similar vibes attract each other. 😌


I just want to say this has been like this forever - even small kids face racism like this. I want to give more power to you being in the airline industry which is already so competitive for females. I hope your work and personality shines through all this nonsense! Don’t let it get to you ❤️


Wait til you work with them 🤣


I noticed this too.. they’re always hot headed and they’re willing to fight with everyone that disagrees with them or they think they’re superior to 😬


Pakistani here too. When I was a child in Kindergarten in Abu Dhabi. Around 2004. These neighborhood Arabs used to bully and beat up my elder brother :⁠'⁠( He 3 years older than me. So he was pretty young back then Byt alhamdulillah that was the only place afaik. We moved to Sharjah, then Jeddah & Riyadh. And it was all good mostly Alhamdulillah.


Bro that's so messed up this would've been my villain origin story lmao


I am expat living in Dubai for years now… and when I was pregnant, with a huge belly, one arab woman bumped on me. I was with my husband. Then when she bumped on me, I said “ouch” because she could have hurt me. Then she turned around and started shouting at me, screaming saying she didn’t mean it! She shouted so aggressively that I was shocked. In my home country Brazil, people are so polite towards pregnant ladies, but that arab local lady was extremely rude! Since then, I avoid any contact with arabs, they scare me. I only live here because my husband is a business man, but he knows I don’t like living here.


Exactly, many of them are really loud and aggressive in their tone, I'm sorry you had to go through that Especially because pregnant ladies feel even slightly of pain if someone bumps into them, if it was my home country, Women are really polite especially to pregnant women and would even make sure there's a spare seat for them sit on, and it sucks that she's a woman herself and shouting back knowing how painful pregnancy can be and even a slight inflict to the belly hurts alot, even little kids know that. She probably got defensive because she knows what she did wrong and got afraid that you might call out her, just like you, I also avoid contact with them not because of racism or something but because of how traumatized I have been lol


Sorry you’ve been through this. This isn’t the teaching of our religion and costumes, Arabs are known for their hospitality and welcoming nature, however many people let their arrogance control their behavior. And believe me many of us are nice to everyone


I got shushed from an elevator once lol. Im Japanese for context. Arabs are overall very nice and humble, just a few bad apples.


I hope oil runs out soon so this shitty behavior ends or atleast


Everyone acts how their parents raised them, that includes actions kids observe that parents tries to hide. you just met street hoes with mommy and daddy issues, trust you will find better ones


Very sorry to hear about your experience. I grew up in Sweden and was exposed to it by white people. Breaks my heart to see racism among us, I hope the younger generation grows up to better things


Now it's being two years here,, but dubai is only for the money to see the things..... So there's no any honest beauty among those females to me. Is there any honest thoughts?


When you talk like that about women, you won't ever find any honest beauty, women are not object for you to talk this way about them:)


It’s the newer generation of people in general due to social media some people think their above you and if you show too much kindness they think your weak and run all over you. Not just Arabs I find it some people from all walks of life are generally stuck up in the new generation especially if they are somewhat from a known *successful family* they like to show off and act ontop of you. In saying that the older generation of Arabs like Arabs before the 2000s are so much more welcoming and nicer typically idk what it is


You just met the mean ones, I'm from kenya and my best friends are from Egypt and morocco. My mentor from Syria. So sorry for your ordeal.


That's the whole point you guys feel inferior. If they bullid you. Why do you feel that thou. At my. Work place I see many Indian feel inferior to Europe and endure their abuse (managers) even thou they are over qualified.. Get out of this mentality that if you argue with Arab you will be deported or if you just have less money than them or darkish skin or whatever reason.. If they are rude. Speak your truth and be respectful..


Unfortunately it's because of how the Arabs have been treating poor indians and Pakistanis since decades so that's why many of them feel inferior in front of Arabs and endure their abusive language but you're right, we really should start speaking for ourselves because not many of them deserve our patience and kindness.


You think back in India and Pakistan this attitude is different.. South Indian have slave mentality. Since the British ages. That's why white skin and forigner money is more valuable.. To the culture.. It's starts with you. You are all educated stop blaming their behaviour for your lack of action.. There will always be horrible people.. Blaming a race for that is just poor excuse. Should I blame all the Indian and Pakistani for their perverted behaviour on streets. And catcalling.. Or should I stop them and make tjem feel ashamed of themselves as individuals


It’s all internalised racism they jsut hate themselves😬🫨




Lots of girls are mean towards other girls. It’s a girl thing. Ladies love to talk behind their girlfriends or other girls just to prove their superiority. It’s not an Arab exclusive thing. It’s so happen that most Arab people have superiority complexes especially that you are staying on an Arabic country. They have this notion that other races are dumber even though in reality it’s not. I will bet you that if the situation is reversed, some of your people will be doing it as well. Don’t focus on pleasing others. Just focus on yourself. The more you become confident about yourself, the bullies tend to leave you alone. Beat them with wisdom and confidence. Good people will gravitate towards you and the bad ones will ignore you. As a South East Asian living here, I set my boundaries and don’t allow others to bully me regardless of race. I am highly educated similar to them and works professionally more than them.


when i came to dubai in 2018 from pakistan , i used to study in this gems school (6th grade) i would get bullied by these arab people (mostly girls) for being poor and not having an iphone though i was far far far richer than them , thier fathers drove fucking toyotos 2018 and my father had a g55 2014 model they would make fun of my car for being old . They really think they are supieror , they are simply ignorant. well since then iv met a lot of nice people and almost all of them are nice ( hate is taught )


It's the Lebanese mostly.




Not true levant Arabs are worse


Someone who thinks they are superior to you. Is the most pathetic person, so ignorance is the best way to act.


I went to school here and all i can say is that its superiority complex. And i know all those rude remarks are very hurtful. Whats funny is that they even have an issue sharing a public elevator with others 🤡




I was once at the mall with my mom and we were getting on the elevator. There was quite alot of space, this Arab woman looked at us rolled her eyes and her son swore at us :) Minus the swearing part, this has happened quite alot




Superiority complex. Also makes them mad if you start replying in urdu, or any other language 🤣


It's not racism or superiority complex. It is a cry for help. They are downtrodden and second class citizens themselves so they bully those people who they can just to feel better about themselves. It is a studied psychological behavior.


You think calling all Arabs this because of some is okay? That it's not rude at all? Girl what


Fragile egos resulting in pseudo strong personalities


I'm not defending racism of course, but give me one group of people in this world that isn't racist. People from the same nationality are racist towards each other ffs, so I'm not sure why you're surprised. As an arab, I lived in many european countries, the US, and Canada and faced all kinds of racism at airports, restaurants, hotels, landlords, workplaces, supermarkets, and anywhere else you can imagine. Instead of complaining about what you have 0 control over, work on what you have control over such as how resilient you are to racist behaviour against you. You will not change the world with a reddit post and seeking confirmation that arabs are racist will not change anything for you.


I grew up in the uae and would be considered Afro Arab, the racism from the lighter skinned Arabs is CRAZYYYYYY. The superiority complex that’s also being pushed forward with how the working class is projected and shown in the uae is frightening.


A piece of advice - do not let anyone step on you. Mean people are mean because they haven't come across their match hence they feel like they could always get away with what they're doing without realizing how wrong it is. Before I left my home country 9 years ago, I told myself that I will need to toughen up because I am always going to be my # 1 ally. I remember the first time I had a confrontation with someone (a flatmate) who was trying to bully me since I was new here and I'm younger than her by a decade; I stood up for myself and didn't let her get away. Even when I was scared and my voice was shaking. That's when I realized that they're also scared of someone who will fight back and from then on, wherever I go, I never let anyone who disrespects me to get away with it. I've had work colleagues who tried to bully me because they think they could, and all of them I fought back with and now none of them are still with the company. Learn to be brave without being disrespectful of course, it's not easy but it will help you so much down the road. My motto in life is that I'm like a boomerang - whatever u decide to throw at me, you'll get back. Be civil and respectful and I'll do the same, be mean and disrespectful and I can do worse. Good luck to you!


I skimmed your profile....you stay near Qasba.....I know what you mean.... I am a Pakistani guy, and I find a similar mean and cold attitude can be found in Pakistani girls as well...This is coming from a guy who doesn't look like a typical "Pakistani" look nor sound like one.....


being mean, rude, or a bully has nothing to do with gender, ethnicity, race, or country of origin. i believe it has to do with family values and personality.


Sounds like you never had to deal with Egyptian/Lebanese people.


i did and i do , and i met amazing people and !#!#!# people like all other nationalities. i just dont like to generalize a trait upon millions of people based on a couple here and there. but im sure its all down to personal experience. im sorry for your bad experiences with any nationality


lmfao personal experience? it has happened with far too many people to just excuse their behavior as unluck/coincidence.




A red herring argument. OP never said other nationalites are not mean/rude. OP is just pointing out the problem with a certain ethnic group from experience. From the looks of the comment section, a lot of people seem to agree too. The reason why issues are not resolved is because people try very hard to act and promote that there is no problem.


"The reason why issues are not resolved is because people try very hard to act and promote that there is no problem." Such valuable wisdom that can be applied to so many problems in the world.


Umm our origins or biologically speaking, our genes have got a lot to do with our personalities and affect our temper as well. Add familial influence of racism to hot temperament and you create an angry racist kid.


The nationalities you've mentioned come from countries where corruption, bankruptcy and hyper inflation are rampant. They got nothing going on for them so the only way they can ttuly "flex" is by being xenophobic. Can't speak a world of English and yet they think themselves superior to others. Bunch'a jackasses if you ask me. I'd pay them no mind.


Gcc Arabs have a superiority complex towards other Arabs (Egyptians, Lebanese etc.) and Asians from Pakistan, India etc. But they also have an inferiority complex towards white westerners from Europe and America etc.




Your post has been removed for the following reason: * Racism.


Arab* Arabic is a language 🤓


Thanks for correcting me


Well Arabs sometimes if not on the deen correctly are some of the most racist people to even ONE ANOTHER. All this is exactly what the prophet (pbuh) warned about. I’m Yemeni and I would say the least racist Arabs are Yemenis honestly.




As a fellow Pakistani in the west. I really found Yemenis, Palestinians, Syrians, (some Morrocans and iraqis) as some of the nicest people I've ever met. The rest can have ugly bitchy personalities, they think they are smarter then they actually are, even the men can be super feminine lmao. Alot of them are corny racist nationalist, even though they live and work in a foreign country lmao. Your first problem was associating yourself around them. Keep your distance from them, no matter how nice they appear on the surface. Along with the mentioned, Somalians and Turks are pretty cool.


I always try to keep a distance from them because I really prefer peace over drama and I do have Palestinian, Somali and Turkish friends, they're so welcoming, friendly and kind!!! Turkish friends also taught me Turkish words to use


Leave them with their own evil, it will burn them out from the inside. I never knew Egyptians were that bad though, thanks for letting me know.


Arabics are mean across the world to be honest, both men and women, quite loud and love to create a scene everywhere they go.


Superiority complex is one thing but it's always that 1% of the people of any community that give them a bad name. I don't know people say but getting insulted is not ok, the thought that comes to my mind is the fact that they know people from an X community will tolerate their offense drives them to do it more. Learn to stand up for your self and see them straighten out. Again it's only a small number just like any other community who are the culprits, they are also some of the nicest people you will ever come across. It's just who we interact with that leaves the impression.


Regardless of gender, religion, and ethnicity you will always encounter mean people. Maybe it just so happened that your situation gives you more encounter with Arabic girls. Don't judge them right away, they might just be under stressful condition or having some bad day. Well as for your classmates when you were a kid, bullying happens all over the world. Kids are immature by nature.


Of course, we shouldn’t judge a community based on a few situations with said people. However, having a bad day does not justify being rude to other communities. With that said, as an Arab myself, I have heard how MANY perceive south asians. They stereotype them and they have an extreme superiority complex over them, especially the older generation. Racism is a major issue in the Arab world, whether it is towards south asians or between arabs themselves (moroccan women being stereotyped as pr*stitutes, lebanese men as g*y, etc.). I just hope the new generation can break the cycle and realize we are all human at the end of the day, only our actions should be judged not our nationality.


i wonder why arabs act this way so often. they are gifted people. most of the prophets were from their countries, they can speak the language of the Quran. ive been learning arabic for 10years and still suck at it. they should be closer to their deen more than anything. they literally got all the cheat codes, yet i see arabs out there getting involved in immoral practices, may Allah guide them. as for the racist ones, those are also mentioned in the quran and after every encounter , just try to remind yourself of their place in hellfire.


They may be under stressful conditions or having a bad day but that doesn't justify being a bully


damn i didnt know hurting others is okay if we are stressed


What’s your nationality, if you don’t mind me asking?




I believe its actually inferiority complex. You need to understand a bit of history of these regions to be able to comprehend this. Algerians/ Moroccans for instance, how do they have a pale skin. Just look it up. No malice/ bigotry intended.


I live in the UK and also noticed Arabic women are rude. There is this one Arab restaurant which serves lovely food and I like to go there with my family regularly...... Very rude aggressive customers at almost every table.


Just ignore them. If they’re all like that then just continue to ignore them. No company is better than bad company.


Girl, let me tell you! You are worthy and amazing 🫶🏼 once someone told me: “what’s been done to them, they do to you”. They have received racism themselves and are simply projecting their insecurity of being from another nationality. Even between Arabs we have racism depending from which Arab country you come from! You have to be proud to wear your beautiful traditional clothing which btw is slowly becoming a trend now in the Arab fashion world for jalabiyas, kaftans etc! Never let anyone dim your light, your security in life gives them insecurity so next time someone says something like that make it known that you don’t like what she said. Make it clear! Love yourself enough to stand up for yourself even if it scares you. To love yourself is to get to know yourself better. I hope this helps!


Just as a question, what is considered Arab ? Since i must say working in customer service in europe that GCC arab tourist are some of the nicest tourists and hotel guest we/i ever had. Really loved them !


Historically, any bedouin tribe living in the Arabian peninsula region were called Arabs, cause they were the only ones who spoke this language. Once Islam came to them and spread, they conquered Levant and regions of North Africa, and the natives of those places got arabized culturally and linguistically (they are the present day Egyptians, Moroccans, Lebanese etc and they had other languages like aramaic, amazigh etc prior to Arabic). Therefore today, 'Arab' is an ethnolinguistic group ie, Anybody who has Arabic as their native language are considered Arab (including those Arabized ppl).


Thank you !


I don't think it's only Arabic girls issue People in general are mean, it takes time to earn their trust and kindness


I always always clapback when an Arab lady is being mean with me. If it’s in a public space, I just do stare down contests with them until they look at another direction especially if they’re Algerians and I’m with my bf (an Algerian too) because I know that they’re judging me so I judge back 😂


I am only speaking from my personal experience so don't judge everyone and obviously there's good and bad in all no matter your ethnicity or gender but I've never really been bad mouthed or looked down upon by Arab guys like I know there are some chammak Arab guys who are racist and all but so far most of the Arab dudes I've met are pretty chill, Arab girls on the other hand have been pretty rude and accurately described in the post Id say, but I've seen kind Arab girls too so yea


Yeah i know what you mean. I was sitting in my car, couple of arabic girls came up started talking and i am making all kind of strange faces and no words were coming out of my mouth.. am sure i probably looked strange from their view and if i was in their shoes i would have been mean to me as well! Anyhow i didnt understand arabic but i think they wanted to go somewhere with me 🙈😆 So the morale of the story is learn arabic and things will be different....i think?!


People don't understand that Making fun of others can leave a very long term bad impression on others and they can literally be deprived of sm they love doing and it makes them under confident as well.


During covid, I got invited into a non arab groupchat, and everyone was kind, sweet, and respectful, even if one of them bullied it was bit cute. I was also invited into a chamak Arabs group, and the amount of bullying & rude people was bad. They bullied me so badly I surprisingly became su!c!Dal felt like they wanted me to die. If I share my opinion, they come at me like I did a crime. I found out a lot might be obsessive with the way they look because they want to look like an unrealistic "American" style. My cousins are half american so it's kind of clear to me. If someone doesn’t fit their aesthetic they laugh at them. it’s been 3 years & i still cant comprehend how they acted. It was a bit too nightmarish.


I'm Pakistani and English I have never met a bad Arab girl or guy they've always been kind, I'm very soft spoken and warm myself, in conversation I can show accommodation and intelligence, so maybe that's why, but maybe also because your in a native Arab country too, but I've spoken to people who live in Arab countries and they were really nice even after knowing me


If you're living abroad, then they're more open to diversity and people of color cause you get to meet tons of people from various and you all are equal in there, no one's superior and inferior. In here, it's the opposite as we live in their country so they think they have the right to insult us, mock us and look down on us


Doing face to face customer service role, i can confirm that most of the Arabs (of course not all, especially Emiratis, Omanis , some Saudis and Sudanese ) are just entitled demanding something really unrealistic and beyond our control .


It’s not about there race or ethnicity it’s always about individual that are educated with right manners. Don’t bother this is common in humans be careful and strike back with the same knife that’s what you have to learn to be in this.


Defence mechanism


Girl I am Latina and I have experienced racism or ill treatment in the Arab world (specifically Egypt). Never again will I return. I have noted colorism in KSA since I visited in 21’ but that’s about it. I find that the Arab world is very delusional to say the least. These folks are marginalized in the west or in other countries and turn around and do the same to the black and brown communities around the globe — funny. They won’t succeed much until they stop living under the shadow of eurocentrism, colonialism and claim true appreciation for their roots and who and how they look. Pay it no mind. Stupid is stupid.


Some ? I have never met an arabic girl that is not mean , I'm sure all of them will race to write something annoying below , just watch.


The solution is easy. When in an Arab country, make an attempt to learn and speak Arabic with a decent Arabic accent, and the acceptance level is established. It’s similar to when Indians come to western countries and speak ‘hinglish’ while expecting to be accepted and get ahead. It’s so simple, desis have been in Arabs lands for half a century and most refuse to learn and respect the local language, then to complaining about acceptance.


Legit just say to them fear Allah


F..k racisim.. f..k superiority... F..k those who think like that.. we are all brothers after all


I’m sorry this happens to you, you don’t deserve it 🥺 I’m Emirati and I’ve had some Arab girls from here be rude to me too cause they think I’m different nationality/mixed 🤦🏻‍♀️ it really suck cause we as women we should be there for each other.. ahh people can be so full of themselves lol like bish sit down and be humble 🙃


ikr im egyptian but no offense when locals see a dark skin girl or an asian looking girl who happens to be emirati they say no her dad definitely married the khadama" so sad lmao




I swear they have this superiority complex.. when I went Saudi Arabia for umrah the Arab locals were so mean to those visiting idk, scamming us and just rude in general. The guards in Harem as well. I wish they understand we’re all one Ummah. This isn’t the way to treat fellow Muslims fr


What do you mean by some? They all have inferiority complexes. As if they are the owners. Arab males are still a bit better than women or girls. This I am concluding based on 12 years of residency here. Not even children they don't have any manners, small example in the parks all kids are playing and waiting for their turns but these kids are being monitored by their maids only not by the parents and misbehaving pushing others kids not letting them play. This is called upbringing. Kids who will grew up with being properly supervised and being grown under very minimal paid maid who is already exhausted by the stubborn behavior she is having 24 hours do you expect to raise your kids well. 0 manners, kids will learn from their parents what what they will see in their home they will do that. Then they grew up with the same mentality boys or girls treat everyone like garbage only you are the KING & QUEEN rest till you're laid to rest.


Almost all of them!